DJ Benny-D and Akon Set to Perform with Michael at O2

Even if Akon isn't just a support act and in fact does one or two songs with Michael, it really wouldn't be much different than his past concerts where he performed with other artists for certain songs, like Siedah Garrett.

Exactly. People have special guests at their concerts all the time for a song or 2 or songs that are duets. Eddie Van Halen could be a special guest on Beat It, or Slash could be a special guest for Give in To Me. Nothing destructive or out of the ordinary, imho. Michael is still the focus of the show and I don't care how many special guest are on the stage at the same time, he's always going to be the focal point. :wink: No competition there. lol
Glad too see am not the only one not into Akon. There is something about his voice that annoys me. Please Michael drop the guy.
i don't see a strong reason for a DJ to guest-in on a MJ collab as well. they're usually more prominent in opening acts.
Damn, all the hate for Akon...i don't know why.

I like almost all of his songs from Konvicted, and that Ghetto song is very nice too.
Dear Michael,

AKON and DJ Benny SUCK. They are not in your league. Stay away, far, far, far away!

Please, please, please leave them out of this.
^^because everyone have differant tastes.
some love him,
some hate him.
the hate here is bigger though..
but this is not an Akon fan board anyway so..what can you expect
Damn, all the hate for Akon...i don't know why.

I like almost all of his songs from Konvicted, and that Ghetto song is very nice too.

If you like akons music, thats cool, and I can kinda understand the appeal. Each to his own and all that! And I myself have a varied taste in music (im clearly a huge mj fan, but my fave band is Nine Inch Nails!)


I do not think he has any talent, just a gimick of over sythesised and processed vocals that alot of artists are using now cos its the in thing (I hope to god Michael doesn't do this!). MJ deserves a support act who is talented as an artist, anything less is disrespectful IMO.
If you like akons music, thats cool, and I can kinda understand the appeal. Each to his own and all that! And I myself have a varied taste in music (im clearly a huge mj fan, but my fave band is Nine Inch Nails!)


I do not think he has any talent, just a gimick of over sythesised and processed vocals that alot of artists are using now cos its the in thing (I hope to god Michael doesn't do this!). MJ deserves a support act who is talented as an artist, anything less is disrespectful IMO.

If you are referring to his last album, then yes i have to agree. I hate most songs on there..cause it's all uptempo and all very cheap sounding, but he has several good songs on his previous album called Konvicted.

It's not like i'm a huge fan of his music though, nor do i listen much to it..or at all. BUT, i can stand it...i can enjoy it, which can't be said about many many other artists in that same genre these days....for me.

I could think of alotta worse 'artists' standing next to Michael performing one or more songs really.:yes:
PLEASE PLEASE no Britney or Justin...sure i can stand his singing on T.I.'s song, but that's about it. But they should be nowhere near Michael....well...Justin does have some talent..while in my book, Britney doesn't...good lord.
I'm thinking that he might be the opening act or that he might perform Hold My Hand with MJ. I'm not really into Akon myself and his voice annoys me a bit but I did really like Hold My Hand and I was actually pretty surprised by his version of Wanna Be Startin Something, he put his own twist on it and I thought it worked.

Who knows though what is really happening, I mean I think everything is meant to be hush hush and a surprise which is how it should be I think :). I really do hope though that there is not a repeat of how some of the fans behaved at the World Music Awards if it turns out that Akon is the opening act, I just think that booing people off stage isn't acceptable and is pretty rude.
Man, if y'all hate Akon that much why don't you just give me your tickets. I'll listen to Akon for a whole day just to see Michael perform for an hour and 45min's.
Awesome. I wanna hear WBSS08 live, and HMH. Put them together in a medley. Or WBSS08 in a medley with other T25 remixes. PYT08 is a must.
I love Akon. I seen him live in Toronto last summer. He is one of my favorite contemporary artists. I believe Akon has learned a lot from MJ's music style which can be seen in his latest album Freedom, I think its a great album! Konvicted was also amazing as well. I dont see why fans are so mad about Akon being part of the concerts, he is a huge hip hop star (one of the biggest) and he has the ability to stay fresh and come up with great catchy songs. Give him the credit he deserves. He was the one who founded Lady Gaga as well!
I agree Akon does not have the best voice, but to be honest I still like most of his songs. It's the quality of the song that shines through for me and they are generally good IMO. They are catchy and popular. Right now he's one of the biggest acts in the world so having him at the O2 will be a good move for Mike. Also, Akon might actually be able to help Mike through some issues that he will have, getting back into performing after such a long time away. I'm sure Mike will be very nervous about going back on stage and having a friendlly face there will help alot. Akon might even help bring something new to the showm, freshen it up and make it more contempory. I don't want to see the same old concert from BAD, Dangerous, and HIStory all over again. That's fine for people who haven't seen an MJ concert before but I think we (on this board) have all seen that show too many times and are ready for a new approach.
lso, Akon might actually be able to help Mike through some issues that he will have, getting back into performing after such a long time away.

Yea I can see the friendly advice now!

"So Mike when I've been having a rough day I really like to get in with the crowd and let off some steam! And yea..smack a couple of fans in the face! Good times!" :lol:
Yea I can see the friendly advice now!

"So Mike when I've been having a rough day I really like to get in with the crowd and let off some steam! And yea..smack a couple of fans in the face! Good times!" :lol:
I like Akon's music pretty much and I would actually like to see Akon live but not in a Michael Jackson concert. I paid to see MICHAEL JACKSON now, not Akon. Well, Hold My Hand would be okay but nothing more. So I hope that he will be only a support act. That would be nice. :yes: