Dieter Wiesner: 'I caught Bashir tampering with Jackson's luggage'

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I believe the death of Michael Jackson involved a "Conspiracy of Evil-doers", and Martin Bashir is one of them.
The one thing i'll never understand about MJ is, why in his later years did he allow all those obvious crooks and leeches into his inner circle. He knew people had it in for him, so why didn't he surround himself with the best? It's just so mind boggling because these clowns didn't hide the fact that they were vultures.
Anyone can make a transcirpt ? My soundcard is off today so I'm unable to watch the vid

Thanks in advance :D
If I saw Martin Bashir in the street I'd tell him exactly what I thought of him and it's not going to be pretty let me tell you that now. Disgusting excuse for a human being.
I dare say if it wasn't for this pathetic excuse of a man we wouldn't be in this situation we're in today.

Bashir is nothing but a low-life creep, he knows what he did and I hope it eats him up every day. This latest revelation doesn't surprise me at all, it's exactly the kind of guy he is.
The one thing i'll never understand about MJ is, why in his later years did he allow all those obvious crooks and leeches into his inner circle. He knew people had it in for him, so why didn't he surround himself with the best? It's just so mind boggling because these clowns didn't hide the fact that they were vultures.

yeah AngieJ I never understood it either... And even with Murray I don't understand. You feel your life is in danger and you feel someone is going to kill you yet you allow some doctor to inject you with dangerous drugs every night? It doesn't make sense. I know Michael was good friends with Dick Greogry and Dick even said years back that doctors make the best assassins. So why didn't MJ understand that? Why didn't anyone protect Michael?
I dare say if it wasn't for this pathetic excuse of a man we wouldn't be in this situation we're in today.

Bashir is nothing but a low-life creep, he knows what he did and I hope it eats him up every day. This latest revelation doesn't surprise me at all, it's exactly the kind of guy he is.


you are so right.. He knows what he did and so does Sneddon, Diamond and others but what has happened to them? They've just gone on as if they've done nothing. It hurts that they managed to kill Michael and none of them have suffered any consequences for it. Gavin knows he lied and yet he just moved to another state and changed his identity. The only one who has gotten his just desserts is Evan Chandler and I know he's rotting in hell. When will the others get theres? You just don't destroy a good and innocent man and get away with it
ya know... A lot of people say they aren't surprised at this. Lol I have to laugh because you dont know what to expect with anything in or about Michael's life.

The one wondering what Michael was thinking in his later years.... Put yourself in Michael's place. You have the world believing lies and you want to try and set them right. I know alot of you may think Michael couldnt see the leeches but maybe he was still trying to see the good in people like he always did. This family that tried to extort money from him will get theirs. Obviously Karma is creeping up on them. What these people did and are still doing to Michael is horrendous but in the end they will get whats coming to them...

on a side note... Why was he in his luggage in the first place? My sound is all wonky today and cant play the video.
The one thing i'll never understand about MJ is, why in his later years did he allow all those obvious crooks and leeches into his inner circle. He knew people had it in for him, so why didn't he surround himself with the best? It's just so mind boggling because these clowns didn't hide the fact that they were vultures.

I don't always agree with what Karen said, but I agree with her regarding this. she was asked the same question by someone on Twitter, she said because they showed Michael the different faces. I think that's why Michael thought Chandlers were his family, Gavin was his son, Martin Bashir was the ethical journalist, Murray was the great doctor( he even let Murray treat his children) ... Michael was too trusting.
IKR? I just don't believe it, I think what made them continue to try to destroy Michael Jackson, is that despite everything he wasn't done yet, they couldn't believe that despite of all their combined efforts he was still there, he didn't land in jail although the media worked their ass of night and day for two years to make this happen, and he didn't commit suicide, and there was still a large group that supported him, us. All this made them hate him even further they tried everything they could yet they couldn't break him the way they wanted to. Oprah, Bashir, Sawyer, Walters and all the others were disguised monsters, ungrateful, hypocritical and jealous as hell.
Now I know that Karma doesn't exist when it comes to Michael Jackson but I sincerely hope that they'll get what they deserve once they're dead, they should burn in those eternal flames of hell.

I agree. They were green of jelaousy. And yes....there was a conspiracy to bring him down. How else could you call all that ?! That is no coincidence.
Trough all these years there were times ( like some of you said ) when I thought " Michael....when will you stop beliving ppl ?! They are not worth it. "
I so wish he was different sometimes. I wish he just send those leeches to hell. He did not need this sh**.
That basr*** Bashir had some kind of reputation before because he interviewed Lady Diana..guess that is why Michael belived him in the beggining.
Wow, I wish Dieter mentioned something about this sooner. Wonder why he's finally talking about it now.
Why are people coming out and confesing stuff that would've helped Michael if he was still alive? Did they really needed Michael to die before setting the records straight for the narrow minded?
{Obviously Karma is creeping up on them}

is it Ginny? it just doesn't seem that way to me. Michael is dead. They are all a part of it. It needs to come a little faster that's for sure.
who was Michael's management during that time? was it Weisner? why did Weisner let it happen? why didn't Weisner see what was going on?
becasue if it did happen wesiner is as big as an arsehole as bashir with the things hes done to mj since he was sacked and what he was doing when he was working for mj. no surprise thompson is interviewing him birds of a feather
becasue if it did happen wesiner is as big as an arsehole as bashir with the things hes done to mj since he was sacked and what he was doing when he was working for mj. no surprise thompson is interviewing him birds of a feather

yeah Weisner was a snake.. I remember now.. That whole crew, Schaffel included, was destroying MJ and robbing him blind. May they all rot in hell. I guess since MJ is gone now none of them have jobs. No one in the business would hire those shady fools
{Obviously Karma is creeping up on them}

is it Ginny? it just doesn't seem that way to me. Michael is dead. They are all a part of it. It needs to come a little faster that's for sure.

yea... Karma can be slow but this kid like michaels has no father. he had no father before but in the end karma took care of of Mr.Chandler.
That hatchett job on Michael was Bashir's audition for ABC, and now Piers Morgan, ex editor of the Daily Mirror who printed lie after lie has followed him and good ridance to the pair of them, Morgan got an interview with Michael and then said Michael was completely fake, takes one to know one Piers!
Morgan got an interview with Michael and then said Michael was completely fake,
when did he say that? cause its not what he said at the time. i remember when morgan was talking about the allegations (93) part of the interview and mj got upset. he said that if Mj did it he was the best actor in the word. ie after seeing mj get upset he thought there was no way he could have done it

in the words of MJ "karmas a load of crap" look at whats happened to mj. if karma excists as some think then mj must have done something really bad
That hatchett job on Michael was Bashir's audition for ABC, and now Piers Morgan, ex editor of the Daily Mirror who printed lie after lie has followed him and good ridance to the pair of them, Morgan got an interview with Michael and then said Michael was completely fake, takes one to know one Piers!

Martin Bashir got his profile raised for his hatchet job on Michael. Not many people know that Piers Morgan did an interview with Michael ages ago and didn't say anything particularly bad. As much as I hate Piers Morgan he didn't do a hatchet job on Michael.
I hate Bashir. I won't watch him ever. He is to blame for starting the downfall for Michael. I don't know how he can live with himself or any of these disgusting people. Michael loved Neverland and couldn't live there anymore because of what happened and his life was the never the same. People lied and set him up and he suffered. I will never forget that.
Poor Michael, he was definitely too trusting and maybe "too naive" - but I don't like this word - to me its a bit disrespectful. Why did he give a chance to Bashir? It was obvious that this guy was not very intelligent - however, he was smart enough to smell the dollars. We can clearly observe that at a certain point of the program Michael got fed up with Bashir - at the hotel or at this charity award event. Michael started to get nervous, he didn't look at Bashir's face while talking to him... His intuition was warning him but he ignored it.... Bashir behaved like a dog running after his owner and licking his shoes...
As to the Gavin - I watched one of the interviews with the whole family of Arvizos - Gavin behaved exactly the same - he layed his head on his mother's shoulder. I guess these kids were trained to behave like this... "Oh, I'm so poor, I love you so much - give me all your money, or I'll accuse you of molesting me".
God, how I hate such people!
won't be at all surprised if Bashit asked Gavin to put his head on MJ's shoulder.

According to Aphrodite Jones he did! In one of the breaks he told Gavin to do this without MJ knowing about it!

Here is the video of the Aphrodite Jones' interview where she says that it was Bashir's idea to have Gavin put his head on Michael's shoulders.

This is the first of 12 parts. The other parts are all on youtube.
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