Dermot O'Leary talks about meeting Michael Jackson

w all you have to do is tell that to MJ and see if he buys that.
he doesnt have to buy anything. what hill is saying is a fact regardless. he doesnt like the name fine but it doesnt take away from the what the meaning of the word is and how its used in countries.

anyway that interview was so funny and cute lol dermot is defo a fan.
Let's all get our pitchfork's out and chase Dermot to the hill's.

On a serious note he said nothing negative some of you need to get over it.
Michael has expressed that he found the name J.a.c.k.o offensive, so no one should use it. Period.
But not everyone knows Michael doesn't like being called JACK-O.

Exactly. Dermot most likely didn't know that MJ finds that term offensive and he certainly didn't mean it in that way, he showed nothing but positivity and praise for MJ.

I understand MJ doesn't like that name and he has a right to say so but I find it unfair to start taking a shot at someone for using that name when they clearly didn't know MJ doesn't like it especially when they are obviously being really positive.
unless u were a big fan who sits on message boards u wouldnt have much of a clue that he doesnt like it.ontop of the fact its a commonly used nickname. most ppl have lives they dont live 24/7 through every word and move mj makes unlike us on here lol so ppl complaining and having ago at dermot frankly need to get over themselves and be glad that someone is being supportive and postive about mj in the gen media instead of going on tv and saying how werid he was
Exactly. Dermot most likely didn't know that MJ finds that term offensive and he certainly didn't mean it in that way, he showed nothing but positivity and praise for MJ.

I understand MJ doesn't like that name and he has a right to say so but I find it unfair to start taking a shot at someone for using that name when they clearly didn't know MJ doesn't like it especially when they are obviously being really positive.

we're not certain what Dermot knows.

but i do find it interesting that you quickly see the unfairness when it's pointed your way, but not when it's pointed MJ's way.

again, it's a case of 'i see the darts coming at me in my own world, but not the darts going at someone else in their world.'
we're not certain what Dermot knows.
well dermot is a fan so u think hes gonna use that word if he knew mj didnt like it? use some logic here. hes actually a hater in disguse and the worse he could call mj on national tv was a standard nickname.

but i do find it interesting that you quickly see the unfairness when it's pointed your way, but not when it's pointed MJ's way.
the person stated they know and understand mj doesnt like it. perhaps some fans need to learn when someone is being malicious and when they arent. if someone wanted to be malicious they wouldnt be calling him j**** instead of talking about a postive peice of media some wanna jump on this like someone has just gone on nation tv and called mj a pedo. some perspective is really needed
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we're not certain what Dermot knows.

but i do find it interesting that you quickly see the unfairness when it's pointed your way, but not when it's pointed MJ's way.

I'm just saying that I don't think Dermot knows because people would not really know MJ doesn't like that word unless they had seen the Barbara Walters interview plus Dermot was really positive in the interview. IF Dermot did know then I agree with you, he shouldn't have used that name and should have respected MJ's wishes.

There are many times when I've defended MJ and I have always been really supportive of him vncwilliam so I am a little upset by your comment. Anyway I don't want an argument, we are all here as a community.
unless u were a big fan who sits on message boards u wouldnt have much of a clue that he doesnt like it.ontop of the fact its a commonly used nickname. most ppl have lives they dont live 24/7 through every word and move mj makes unlike us on here lol so ppl complaining and having ago at dermot frankly need to get over themselves and be glad that someone is being supportive and postive about mj in the gen media instead of going on tv and saying how werid he was

this thread should end with this sentence.
I'm just saying that I don't think Dermot knows because people would not really know MJ doesn't like that word unless they had seen the Barbara Walters interview plus Dermot was really positive in the interview. IF Dermot did know then I agree with you, he shouldn't have used that name and should have respected MJ's wishes.

There are many times when I've defended MJ and I have always been really supportive of him vncwilliam so I am a little upset by your comment. Anyway I don't want an argument, we are all here as a community.

thank you for agreeing with me on what should be done if Dermot knew.

yes. we are a community. but do you see my point? i have no idea how you operate, in general, but you are still offended by me, right now. that's what i want people to see where MJ is concerned on this subject. it's the principle more than just the name.

people are offended as they tell people to lighten up about someone else being offended. that is my point.
i don't want an argument either. i just hope for us to either be sensitive on all fronts, or have rhinocerous skin on all fronts.

and one more thing i want to say on this. people keep repeating that many do not know about MJ's interview with Barbara Walters. well, that's the purpose of this community. to inform people. different fans are coming on here, and reminding other and new fans of what MJ said in the interview.

finally i would like to add that i did notice the rest of the Dermot interview, and thought of it as very positive. that is something i said, before.
I'm sure if Dermott knew Michael hated the J word he wouldn't say it, we shouldn't assume that because we know that others who are not as involved as fans do.

Dermott cringed when he was called Dermi but he still laughs when people say it to him.
aww haha finally got to watch this :) haha! michael's adorable :wub: i loved this.
You know what's funny - even though I would never use the name myself because I know that it hurts Michael - sometimes the name "J_ _ _ _" actually sounds kind of cool to me. I think it's because it kind of reminds me of "Jackie O" which conjures up images of beauty, style, grace and elegance.
You know what's funny - even though I would never use the name myself because I know that it hurts Michael - sometimes the name "J_ _ _ _" actually sounds kind of cool to me. I think it's because it kind of reminds me of "Jackie O" which conjures up images of beauty, style, grace and elegance.

Yeah I thought J was a cool name years ago...until I started joining MJ forums and before I saw the Barbara Walters interview.
hahah that was heaps good. it's pretty much what mj does in every speech; gets overcome with emotion. it's so cute :p