Dermot O'Leary talks about meeting Michael Jackson

The name "J.acko" in Australia is just a nick-name as well. A football commentator in Australia is often referred to as J.acko and there is nothing weird about him.

Also, if someone's name is Wayne then they are often called Wayneo. Similarly for someone called Dean, they are often called Deano in Australia. It's just slang.

Having said that, I don't think the media should call Michael "J.acko" since it is associated with "W.acko J.acko."
IT DOES NOT MATTER. IF a person does NOT like it, they do NOT LIKE IT. End of story. I do not care what the intent is all about. There are people who does not like to be called LIZ, they like to be called Elizabeth. THat should be respect. As for the name J***o, they say that in order to imply that Michael is "crazy". NOthing else. As the person said, you do not see them calling Samuel L Jackson "J***o. Heck, you do NOT see them calling Janet Ms. J***o.

None of these people realise that MJ isn't to fond of it, but If MJ said to Dermot personally I don't like it when you refer to me as '*****' he's the type of person that would probably vow to never call him that again. And LOL @ the highlighted part, I suppose all the thousands of Jackson's in the UK who are frequently referred to as ***** are called that because they're also seen as crazy as MJ.
look its not our fault americans dont understand the meaning of the word

the rest of the male jacksons dont really get called it because the name is known more to mj and the fact they are hardly reported on here anyway. but the fact is their last names are jackson so if they were from the UK they would be called that.

its been said many a time but i dont know why its so hard for ppl to grasp. if u are called gibson, jackson any name that ends with son in the UK your name gets sortened to gibbo jko any name that begins with Mac u get called macca. this name was not invented for MJ it has been around forever. the name jko when said by a uk presenter etc is not a act of disrespect its what anyone with the name jackson gets called in the uk. why is that so hard to grasp. so when a uk presenter calles him j.ko theres no need for some fans to get all upset about it the word is only disrespectful because of when wako is attached to it. yes mj doesnt like it we know that hence why most fans dont use the word. but he probably only finds it offensive because of the link to wa.ko. i doubt he has a clue about the real meaning behind the nickname.

frankly theres far more inportant things to worry about than a nickname. i hop u all get as upset when someone calls him a u know what instead of going on about a foregin nickname

I cant believe some of you think this is disrespectful. He said nothing bad about MJ yet still you bitch and moan, get a life.
As long as it's not used in derogatory manner, then it's okay.
But i find that most people use Jack o as a way to belittle him.
But I've been wondering about this.. why the media never refer to him as Michael ever?
But i find that most people use Jack o as a way to belittle him.
how though? unless wko is put b4 it how can it be seen as belittling.
look its not our fault americans dont understand the meaning of the word

the rest of the male jacksons dont really get called it because the name is known more to mj and the fact they are hardly reported on here anyway. but the fact is their last names are jackson so if they were from the UK they would be called that.

its been said many a time but i dont know why its so hard for ppl to grasp. if u are called gibson, jackson any name that ends with son in the UK your name gets sortened to gibbo jko any name that begins with Mac u get called macca. this name was not invented for MJ it has been around forever. the name jko when said by a uk presenter etc is not a act of disrespect its what anyone with the name jackson gets called in the uk. why is that so hard to grasp. so when a uk presenter calles him j.ko theres no need for some fans to get all upset about it the word is only disrespectful because of when wako is attached to it. yes mj doesnt like it we know that hence why most fans dont use the word. but he probably only finds it offensive because of the link to wa.ko. i doubt he has a clue about the real meaning behind the nickname.

frankly theres far more inportant things to worry about than a nickname. i hop u all get as upset when someone calls him a u know what instead of going on about a foregin nickname
Wait a minute, you are double talking. You say the Jackson brothers does not get called J***o because the name is more associated with Michael YET you turn right around and try to defend this nonsense by saying you all call EVERYONE with the name Jackson "J***o? Which is it? There have been other Jacksons in the press and they were NOT called that name. ANd if that name is more associated with MIchael, why is that? WHat is the meaning for calling him that name?
As long as it's not used in derogatory manner, then it's okay.
But i find that most people use Jack o as a way to belittle him.
But I've been wondering about this.. why the media never refer to him as Michael ever?
Exactly. To me, Michael does not like it and that should be respected. It offends him and others. SOme blacks do not care about the "N" and uses it for positive (the same is for the "B" word that some women uses and they used the "b" word for positive); however, I do not think anyone is going to say these words even if they are using to to be positive to other folks.
Wait a minute, you are double talking. You say the Jackson brothers does not get called J***o because the name is more associated with Michael YET you turn right around and try to defend this nonsense by saying you all call EVERYONE with the name Jackson "J***o? Which is it? There have been other Jacksons in the press and they were NOT called that name. ANd if that name is more associated with MIchael, why is that? WHat is the meaning for calling him that name?

Unless you're living in the UK, how would you know there's no other Jackson's who are referred to as ***** in the press? I already gave you one example of a footballer with the same name who's frequently referred to as ***** in the press.
Unless you're living in the UK, how would you know there's no other Jackson's who are referred to as ***** in the press? I already gave you one example of a footballer with the same name who's frequently referred to as ***** in the press.
I was responsing to Exclusion statement and what SHE was saying. Even if there is a football who you all call J***o, SO WHAT. That football player is NOT Michael. If the ball player does not mind, that is him; however, Michael does NOT like it and that should be respect. Like I said, some women like to be called "b"; however, if you take it upon yourself to call me or others that name because you feel it is ok because somebody else you know did not mind being called a "b', you will find out very quick that it is a short trip to hospital.:cheers:
And let me give you an American verses of names to an actor named Lawerance Fishborne. He has played in movies like "the color purple", "Ike Turner in What love got to do with it", etc. He made it VERY CLEAR to the press that he does NOt want to be called LARRY (and this is dealing with a name); and you know what, YOU will NEVER see the media (black media as well) call him LARRY FISHBORNE. IT is RESPECTED because he does NOT like. So why cant these idoits do the same about the name "J***o? Because they want to degrade Michael and disrespect him.
I was responsing to Exclusion statement and what SHE was saying. Even if there is a football who you all call J***o, SO WHAT. That football player is NOT Michael. If the ball player does not mind, that is him; however, Michael does NOT like it and that should be respect. Like I said, some women like to be called "b"; however, if you take it upon yourself to call me or others that name because you feel it is ok because somebody else you know did not mind being called a "b', you will find out very quick that it is a short trip to hospital.:cheers:
You claimed ***** was something made up exclusively for MJ by the press as a way of belittling him, far from it, when everyone in the press are referred to by a nickname, we also gave u a few examples even of another J****, so it's not just about MJ. Also told you that in these positive segments, doubt these people involved know that MJ doesn't like it. So how can they respect that MJ doesn't want to be called Jac** when they're not aware he doesn't like it in the first place. Not sure how you're trying to make a connection with calling some a b**** and calling someone a shortened version of their surname either, they're two different ballgames all together.
Wow, this is all getting a bit heated. :unsure:

Personally, I would never use the name J.acko in reference to Michael because I know he doesn't like it. I don't think you should call someone something they don't like to be called. The connotations of it are obviously what Michael doesn't like. I don't think it's stupid fan culture to not take that into regard? I don't understand why certain members in this thread are trying to imply that? But anyway...

When I hear J.acko in the media, I think of Michael because he is the most famous J.acko there is. To be honest, I can't think of any other famous J.acko's in the UK but hey, I don't read the papers that would do that. As for the footballer Michael Jackson, I kind of feel that our Michael is in the back of their minds while they're writing that...I may be wrong because I have never read anything about him.

But anyways, what I really want to say is that most people who refer to him as J.acko don't actually mean anything by it, it's totally harmless and an innocent use of the name, as with Dermot. Why would he know Michael doesn't like it? Unless he's a huge fan like any of us, but clearly he isn't. I think it's wrong to bash him for that as he wouldn't have meant anything by it. When people read something often enough, it sticks. They simply see it as a nickname derived from W J.acko. It would be different if he sat there referring to him as W.acko but he didn't. Peeps need to chill!
how though? unless wko is put b4 it how can it be seen as belittling.
I'm saying it from my experience arguing with other youtubers lol and from the way how Jack o and Jackson are used in different context by the media over here. They all know Jack o has the wack o connotation. Same goes to the American media. UK and Australia are different I guess since yall said it's common over there.

Anyway, it used to bother me a lot that he's called jack o but not anymore. I think the content is more important cause I realize how legitimate media like reuters could call him by his surname, sounds respectful but underneath it, it is a bunch of crap 'subtlely' biased against him.
Are we still arguing over nicknames?

I can't believe you people...
ait a minute, you are double talking. You say the Jackson brothers does not get called J***o because the name is more associated with Michael YET you turn right around and try to defend this nonsense by saying you all call EVERYONE with the name Jackson "J***o? Which is it? There have been other Jacksons in the press and they were NOT called that name. ANd if that name is more associated with MIchael, why is that? WHat is the meaning for calling him that name?

the brothers dont even get talked about in the press over here hardly. maybe the name ***** is used with them but the name is more used with mj because hes the most famous jackson in the world out of anyone with that name so the name is obviously attached to him more and when someone says that name ppl think of michael jackson as hes the most famous jackson there is.

round and try to defend this nonsense by saying you all call EVERYONE with the name Jackson "J***o? Which is it? There have been other Jacksons in the press and they were NOT called that name.
theres nothing to defend because that name is not seen as offensive over here. its really not ppl in the uks fault that u dont get it and that the usa media have take n the name and used it to be disrespectful. thats not the case here so there is nothing to opologise for when it is used in the UK media. if u cant understand that words mean different things in different countries then thats your fault so u cant expect the media/ppl to stop using a word because you dont understand the real meaning behind it

There have been other Jacksons in the press and they were NOT called that name
false there are many well known uk ppl called jackson who get called jako jsut like any male who is called jackson in this country gets called jako by friends etc. off the top of my head a local football manager whos last name is jackson when there were articles in the press about him it always says jako becasue thats what ppl are called over here. dont blame the uk press for using that term when its as common as muck here. once again u go OTT because you dont understand the meaning of the word.
I was responsing to Exclusion statement and what SHE was saying. Even if there is a football who you all call J***o, SO WHAT. That football player is NOT Michael. If the ball player does not mind, that is him; however, Michael does NOT like it and that should be respect. Like I said, some women like to be called "b"; however, if you take it upon yourself to call me or others that name because you feel it is ok because somebody else you know did not mind being called a "b', you will find out very quick that it is a short trip to hospital.:cheers:
the bottom line is the media will never repsect mj . u think if he tells them he doesnt want to be called it they will stop? of course not. but that word is not used by ppl to belittle him anyway as we have already stated 20 million times about the history of the nickname in this and other countries. they wont stop doing it because its not a obviously disrespectful nickname. so they arent even trying to b disrespectful when they use it in the first place
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The bottom like is Michael Jackson does NOT like it. Give all the explanations you all want, it does NOT matter. It only matters to the person. Like I said, I think the name Larry is pretty but Lawrence Fishborne does NOt like it and you better not refer to him as such as HE said (and yes, the media respect him about it. I guess they know Lawrence will kich their @#$). I do not see what is so hard about calling someone the name they prefer and what they were born with UNLESS it is done out of spite especially when they have said they do NOT like it.
he bottom like is Michael Jackson does NOT like it.
of course we all know that and thats why most fans dont use the word. the issue is ppl not understanding the meaning of the word and how it is used in the uk hence ppl moaning about dermot using the word.when it wasnt used/ ment in a negative way.
I don't know who he is, but he was the bloke that introduced Michael for the This Is It announcement. Thanks for the link.
did i hear him say that michael said to him, do i look like im drunk?
don't worry for dome reason it sounded llike michael said to him do i look drunk, but it was to do with the mic.
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why is it all an issue about the name?

here's the skinny. it isn't just the idea of the's the principle. the main reason for all this is because i dare anyone to prove they have rhinocerous skin. each of us probably has a button that we don't want pushed, and we consider it important, and don't want to be patronized by being told to look at the big picture. i suppose, if everyone on the board acted as if they have rhinocerous skin, there'd be no need for any of these arguments, because we'd all prove we can look at the bigger picture. so we're trying to afford MJ the same respect. he said he has that skin, but something made him say what he said to Barbara Walters.

people are always gunna see their own thing as a big deal, and someone else's thing as a small deal.

and as for people not knowing before about what MJ said..well..they're being informed, now.
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The abreviated name is just a british thing, David Beckham is known as Becks. It is only meant disrespectfully when it is used with the W word.

Dermott is a nice guy, he is one of the highest paid presenters on TV yet you could have a pint with him in the pub and he is just like that, according to people who know him. He has praised Michael in the past.