Dermot O'Leary talks about meeting Michael Jackson

Not to mention silly to dismiss MJ's feelings on it when you already saw how he stated that he detests people calling him that and as I said before you're too late in trying to explain it they already use it to demean him so it's useless to explain it now or believing that michael will ever get used to it.

You missed the point, it's not about Michael, it's a British custom. Not everything in the world revolves around MJ. And Mike's an American, so he might've missed that being called by a shortened version of your surname in the UK was not something that was made exclusively for him LOL and like I said there's another famous Michael Jackson over here who also gets called J**** and he has no affiliation whatsoever with this MJ. Anyway, none of us can know how MJ feels about a nickname twelve years on and I think the W**** part is what was peeing him off the most. Plus, I'd hope that he he'd have better things to think about then to care as much as some of his fans do about a nickname :doh:
You missed the point, it's not about Michael, it's a British custom. Not everything in the world revolves around MJ. And Mike's an American, so he might've missed that being called by a shortened version of your surname is not something that was made exclusively for him LOL and like I said there's another famous Michael Jackson over here who also gets called J**** and he has no affiliation whatsoever with this MJ. Anyway, none of us can know how MJ feels about a nickname twelve years on and I think the W**** part is what was peeing him off the most. Plus, I'd hope that he he'd have better things to think about then to care about a nickname :doh:
When Billy Bush got to meet michael inperson for godsakes not even that was enough to keep him from calling him that when MJ announced the O2 concerts. When you say "over here" are you talking about in the uk or america? If it's the UK then that doesn't matter cus i'm talking about the american media.
When Billy Bush got to meet michael inperson for godsakes not even that was enough to keep him from calling him that when MJ announced the O2 concerts. When you say "over here" are you talking about in the uk or america? If it's the UK then that doesn't matter cus i'm talking about the american media.

Yeah, famous footballer in the UK, and since the interview that triggered this convo about the J**** nickname was held in the UK, I thought I'd explain that it's no biggie since the majority of celebs are referred to with a nickname in the UK, Madonna is Madge, Britney is Brits, Beckam is Becks etc. I think maybe you're reading in to it too much.
Yeah but the difference with those nicknames is that they weren't used in a way to demean those stars characters like they did with MJ.
Yeah but the difference with those nicknames is that they weren't used in a way to demean those stars characters like they did with MJ.

LOL, Britney's been shafted tonnes in the last few years, so not so sure about that and the other two have had their own scandals too. I think the content of what's said holds more weight than a nickname, adding the W**** part I would deem offensive, but when every other Jackson in the UK is referred to as J**** it's no big deal over here when MJ's also referred to with the same nickname...
the way i see it is 1) W**** ***** = always derogatory
2) ***** = depends on the context of use you hae to play it by ear because of the surname thing starrader has mentioned.

Hearing ***** puts me instantly on high alert for derogatory meaning but in this case its obvious dermot and the others are being positive to MJ. I understand where your coming from Victory2004 and I know non being british makes it seem bad and lil difficult to fathom why they wud do that if it wasnt in any way meant to be derogatory you just have to trust us on this. :cheers:
the way i see it is 1) W.acko J.acko = always derogatory
2) J.acko = depends on the context of use you have to play it by ear because of the surname thing startrader has mentioned.

Hearing J.acko puts me instantly on high alert for derogatory meaning but in this case its obvious dermot and the others are being positive to MJ. I understand where your coming from Victory2004 and I know not being british makes it seem bad and lil difficult to fathom why they would do that if it wasn't in any way meant to be derogatory you just have to trust us on this. :cheers:
It's not really a matter of where i'm coming from it is more about how MJ feels about it when he told barbara walters in 1997 "I'm not a j.acko i'm JACKSON. I have a heart and feelings I feel that when you do it to me it's not nice don't do it. I'm not a w.acko".
LOL, Britney's been shafted tonnes in the last few years, so not so sure about that and the other two have had their own scandals too. I think the content of what's said holds more weight than a nickname, adding the W**** part I would deem offensive, but when every other Jackson in the UK is referred to as J**** it's no big deal over here when MJ's also referred to with the same nickname...
It doesn't matter how much you try to explain he already made up his mind and that is he detests people who call him that. So if you ever get the chance to meet him inperson you'll be smart to avoid calling him that to his face.
of course I never would call him that because like you ive seen the barbara walters interview but i doubt dermot has. Its just because people say J.acko doesn't always mean they're being derogatory. Most probably if you sat in dermot in front of that interview he'd swear of the usage but until then you can't always assume the worst.
It doesn't matter how much you try to explain he already made up his mind and that is he detests people who call him that. So if you ever get the chance to meet him inperson you'll be smart to avoid calling him that to his face.

LOL, what are you on about? You're missing the point. I bet none of these folks have even seen the Baba Wawa interview or even know that it exists.
It doesn't matter how much you try to explain he already made up his mind and that is he detests people who call him that. So if you ever get the chance to meet him inperson you'll be smart to avoid calling him that to his face.

I personally hate it when ppl call him J**** , i think its is very disrespectful
I think if you get offended by an interview this positive, then you'll be lucky to last through the whole tour without having an Aneurism or something.

Some fans need to get out their heads out of their arses and look at the bigger picture.
I think if you get offended by an interview this positive, then you'll be lucky to last through the whole tour without having an Aneurism or something.

Some fans need to get out their heads out of their arses and look at the bigger picture. i thought this part of the discussion on this thread was over a long time ago....

if you can remember to say that everytime someone offends you, during a nice convo, then cool.(not that it will be a million media people convo-ing with you at once, and doing it, lol) not that i'll ever be a fly on the wall. lol. no one will have an aneurism, they're just thinkin outside themselves, that's all :). i think they all see the bigger picture in more ways than one, just like everyone else. and quite a few appreciated the rest of the interview.

now, guessing by your harsh language, i guess you were offended by the posts with which you disagree, tho nothing was aimed at you, personally....

and if the turn this thread seems to be taking, is annoying to you, then that brings up another important point. something constantly repeated, tends to be annoying. Maybe...that' feels.
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LOL, what are you on about? You're missing the point. I bet none of these folks have even seen the Barbara Walters interview or even know that it exists.
As I said before it doesn't matter it's already been explained. And these excuses are becoming lame. You're missing the point aswell then since you still seem to be ignoring how MJ feels about it.
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He was ripped ?
Well maby he had an bulletproof vest .. :mello:
Oh and you gotta love the part where Dermot says,
"You can't say what Michael says without imitating his voice."
Then he preceeds to TRY to imitate Michael. Lol!
Oh and you gotta love the part where Dermot says,
"You can't say what Michael says without imitating his voice."
Then he preceeds to TRY to imitate Michael. Lol!

:rofl: I know...and his impression was possibly the worst I've ever heard. It was cute 'cuz it was so bad...
LOL. You're giving yourself high blood pressure for no reason. There IS actually another famous Michael Jackson over here who also gets referred to as *****, so it's not something the media made exclusively for this MJ. And as much as there are negative articles written about MJ, where he's called *****, there are positive articles in which he's referred to with the same nickname. It's a bit silly really, to dismiss everything else that is said, over the use of a nickname being used in a country where it's common to be referred to by your surname or a shortened version of it. I think the context is more important.
IT DOES NOT MATTER. IF a person does NOT like it, they do NOT LIKE IT. End of story. I do not care what the intent is all about. There are people who does not like to be called LIZ, they like to be called Elizabeth. THat should be respect. As for the name J***o, they say that in order to imply that Michael is "crazy". NOthing else. As the person said, you do not see them calling Samuel L Jackson "J***o. Heck, you do NOT see them calling Janet Ms. J***o.
not this again lol

As for the name J***o, they say that in order to imply that Michael is "crazy". NOthing else.
not here they dont

As the person said, you do not see them calling Samuel L Jackson "J***o.
he will be in the uk cause his surname is jackson.

you do NOT see them calling Janet Ms. J***o.
thats cause its a male nickname
I think if you get offended by an interview this positive, then you'll be lucky to last through the whole tour without having an Aneurism or something.

Some fans need to get out their heads out of their arses and look at the bigger picture.
People can get pissed off at whatever they want to. YOU just need to respect it. End of story. This is why some people get into trouble with groups, and other people, and races, they want to offend and make excuses to justify their ignorance.
not this again lol

not here they dont

he will be in the uk cause his surname is jackson.

thats cause its a male nickname
Oh please, I did not see them calling Jermaine that when he was on Big brother. Say what you want, Michael does NOT like. I do not care if the British like it, AN AMERICAN celeb (Michael) does NOT like it. RESPECT IT.
You missed the point, it's not about Michael, it's a British custom. Not everything in the world revolves around MJ. And Mike's an American, so he might've missed that being called by a shortened version of your surname in the UK was not something that was made exclusively for him LOL and like I said there's another famous Michael Jackson over here who also gets called J**** and he has no affiliation whatsoever with this MJ. Anyway, none of us can know how MJ feels about a nickname twelve years on and I think the W**** part is what was peeing him off the most. Plus, I'd hope that he he'd have better things to think about then to care as much as some of his fans do about a nickname :doh:
Michael even his parents during the trial said that MIchael hates the name J***O. And again, that needs to be respected. WHo are you to tell him or anyone what "better things to think about". It may not be important to YOU but it is to Michael and others. And again, that should be respected. Tell me this, if you were to see Michael face to face, would you say TO HIS FACE, hello "J***o? I think NOT.
If I have a problem i'm gonna point it out no matter whether you think it's stupid or not I mean they've been calling him that for over 20 years. But hey maybe you should tell that to michael the next time you meet him inperson and see how far you get with that statement.
I agree. If these "fans" think some people are overrecting, stop using the dam name and you won't have any problems; however, if some feel the need to continue, then pissed off fans will continue to bitch about it. END OF STORY.
Oh please,
look its not our fault americans dont understand the meaning of the word

the rest of the male jacksons dont really get called it because the name is known more to mj and the fact they are hardly reported on here anyway. but the fact is their last names are jackson so if they were from the UK they would be called that.

its been said many a time but i dont know why its so hard for ppl to grasp. if u are called gibson, jackson any name that ends with son in the UK your name gets sortened to gibbo jko any name that begins with Mac u get called macca. this name was not invented for MJ it has been around forever. the name jko when said by a uk presenter etc is not a act of disrespect its what anyone with the name jackson gets called in the uk. why is that so hard to grasp. so when a uk presenter calles him j.ko theres no need for some fans to get all upset about it the word is only disrespectful because of when wako is attached to it. yes mj doesnt like it we know that hence why most fans dont use the word. but he probably only finds it offensive because of the link to wa.ko. i doubt he has a clue about the real meaning behind the nickname.

frankly theres far more inportant things to worry about than a nickname. i hop u all get as upset when someone calls him a u know what instead of going on about a foregin nickname
look its not our fault americans dont understand the meaning of the word

the rest of the male jacksons dont really get called it because the name is known more to mj and the fact they are hardly reported on here anyway. but the fact is their last names are jackson so if they were from the UK they would be called that.

its been said many a time but i dont know why its so hard for ppl to grasp. if u are called gibson, jackson any name that ends with son in the UK your name gets sortened to gibbo jko any name that begins with Mac u get called macca. this name was not invented for MJ it has been around forever. the name jko when said by a uk presenter etc is not a act of disrespect its what anyone with the name jackson gets called in the uk. why is that so hard to grasp. so when a uk presenter calles him j.ko theres no need for some fans to get all upset about it the word is only disrespectful because of when wako is attached to it. yes mj doesnt like it we know that hence why most fans dont use the word. but he probably only finds it offensive because of the link to wa.ko. i doubt he has a clue about the real meaning behind the nickname.

frankly theres far more inportant things to worry about than a nickname. i hop u all get as upset when someone calls him a u know what instead of going on about a foregin nickname

I'm with you on this.

Dermot didn't say it in a disrespectful way at all. It is simply a nickname. Dermot is a well respected presenter here in the UK.

The programme this interview is on is called Soccer AM. It is a show about football. And the target audience for this show I would say would be 16-30 year olds, working class males.

Therefore if we go with that target audience they would be familiar with the term 'Jko' because they read it in the paper that way and here it on the news like that, whether it be positive or negative.
Michael even his parents during the trial said that MIchael hates the name J***O. And again, that needs to be respected. WHo are you to tell him or anyone what "better things to think about". It may not be important to YOU but it is to Michael and others. And again, that should be respected. Tell me this, if you were to see Michael face to face, would you say TO HIS FACE, hello "J***o? I think NOT.

None of these people know that MJ and his family said yada yada a thousand years ago. They're not like fans who obsess over every word said by MJ or anyone associated with him. What is it with some fans treating MJ as if he's six. I'm sure he's got bigger balls than that, after all the other names he's been called in the press, I'm sure he can handle someone calling him ***** in a positive segment in a country where it's common to be called by a shortened version of your surname, and where other Jackson's would be referred to in the same way. What are you on about me calling him that? Like I said, before I found out he didn't like it, I used to refer to him in that way, because it's what we Brits do, since I realised he doesn't like it, why would I say that to his face? :scratch:
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