Dermot O'Leary talks about meeting Michael Jackson

Aw. I think you can only view that if you are in England. It says not available in my area.

In the vid I posted he said MJ gave him the biggest hug he's had from another man in his life and "everyone asked was the hug a bit flimsy?" to which he'd said "No, no, no, we're talking proper OC bear hug". He says some more stuff, similar to what he said in the other interview, except they reenact the moment with someone dressed like MJ.
Michael's ripped meaning his muscles are firm and well-defined, than he makes a reference particularly to MJ's back muscles.

Thanks. I thought ripped like excited or enthusiastic.

What is O'Leary saying near the beginning of the part about Michael when he talks about Michael not needing a teleprompter because he just repeats this is it 30X. Right after that I hear the word 'uncomfortable' but can't make out the rest of what he says.
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In the vid I posted he said MJ gave him the biggest hug he's had from another man in his life and "everyone asked was the hug a bit flimsy?" to which he'd said "No, no, no, we're talking proper OC bear hug". He says some more stuff, similar to what he said in the other interview, except they reenact the moment with someone dressed like MJ.

Thanks for that too. I was wondering what the audience said. I wasn't able to make out the 'hug a bit flimsy' part. I loved what O'Leary said in reply. I am glad it is 'leaking' out that Michael is fit and strong.

And excuse me but I have to crow here: I have been saying since Michael went to London from Bahrain, and the wait staff in the hotel in London said Michael spent a lot of time each day in the exercise facilities of the hotel, that Michael was getting fit to tour. I don't always/often put much credence in what Jermaine says but I did believe what he said about MIchael running on the beach in Bahrain every day to strengthen his muscles as well. The garbage about Michael needing to get fit is just that. Garbage. Michael has been working towards this since he was in Bahrain. This didn't just happen over night. He made sure he was fit before he agreed to the tour.
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Thanks. I thought ripped like excited or enthusiastic.

What is O'Leary saying near the beginning of the part about Michael when he talks about Michael not needing a teleprompter because he just repeats this is it 30X. RTight after that I heasr the word 'uncomfortable' but can't make out the rest of what he says.

He's referring to the way he looks in one of the still photographs.
Is it really that hard for him to say JACKSON? The interview was alright. It kinda felt like they were being a little mean. It's like "What did he ever to do them?". This just gets annoying.
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this was pretty good, at first i was getting kindve annoyed t the little things they were saying but then again its british humor....i wuld love to get one of those bear hugs from michael!!!!...wowzers!
Is it really that hard for him to say JACKSON? The interview was alright. It kinda felt like they were being a little mean. It's like "What did he ever to do them?". This just gets annoying.

No, not at all! There's really nothing to be offended about and even MJ fans call MJ J**** and I doubt they mean it in a derogatory way, it's just we Brits like to shorten everyone's surnames. I used to be one of those until I saw the Baba Wawa interview and saw how riled up MJ gets about it, but even then, it's only really offensive when they add the W**** part. And about the rest, like prismsagainst5live said, it's British humour.
No, not at all! There's really nothing to be offended about and even MJ fans call MJ J**** and I doubt they mean it in a derogatory way, it's just we Brits like to shorten everyone's surnames. I used to be one of those until I saw the Baba Wawa interview and saw how riled up MJ gets about it, but even then, it's only really offensive when they add the W**** part.
And it made its way here to america hence why you see entertainment shows like Extra, E! News, Daily 10 etc. calling him that almost all the time.
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it's always offensive, if the target doesn't like it.
i don't see why some people don't see that, cus every time i hear a person say they want their name said right, they always get offended if someone doesn't. and it doesn't matter what the reason is, or who the offending party is. i guess you have to be in the shoes of the target or else you never see it. Michael said he doesn't like it... no ifs ands or buts. he was adamant during an interview with Barbara Walters. he was passionate and emotional, as some 'allow' him to be. and he made no exceptions. and he's been around the world enough to know peoples' habits concerning that 'name'. it just seems that some people can't get how offended someone can be, unless they are the ones being offended. it's like me going to another country, but first getting proper on how to act, before i go there. it doesn't matter what my intent is, if i offend someone, they usually let me know it. and they're even more offended if i knew about it ahead of time. he said he's offended by the five letter word that begins with J. and he said he wanted to be called Jackson. didn't matter whether the W word was added or not. and i know i'm not the only one seeing it as an offense, because most of the usa media saw it that way, and used it against him in that negative spirit, even without the W word. then there are the tabloids, around the world who obviously didn't feel the need to use anything but the five letter J word, when writing negative articles, cus they must've felt he needed no negative names needed to be added, cus the J word, in the spirit of the headlines and articles came across in a negative fashion. one would think that if the J word wasn't enough, that the bloids would add words like 'fool', or 'stupid', or something nasty, but the spirit of the headlines and articles didn't need it, and they didn't use it from what i've seen. and i shouldn't have to do a search on that, to see the exceptions. the exceptions should pop up in front of me as easily as the norm did. i'm sure some people feel brave concerning MJ, cus he seems so passive to so many.(which isn't to be confused with weak, of course). but then, they'd get mad at MJ if he was less passive about it. it's just nice to take someone else's feelings into account. anyway, i appreciate the rest of the interview.

still..i would think some usa media would be worldly enough to understand how people speak outside their own country. and, maybe, i wouldn't blanket everyone, in one country as speaking the same i wouldn't want to blanket a whole group on anything. there may be individuals who are the exception to the rule..
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And it made its way here to america hence why you see entertainment shows like Extra, E! News, Daily 10 etc. calling him that almost all the time.

It's nothing to do with MJ though, it doesn't matter if you're Michael Jackson or Joe Bloggs next door, in the UK everyone gets called by a shortened version of their surname, that's why I said there's no need to be offended by it. I could understand the outrage and offense if they were calling him W****, but in this instance, there's really nothing to be upset about. Plus, I think the context in which they call him that matters more than the actual nickname. It's pretty easy to tell though, when they're using it in a derogatory fashion or whether they're using J**** as a simple way of referring to MJ.
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That was great
very funny positive and light hearted
He was in awe over meeting MJ and
gave Michael his props _ luv it :)
It's nothing to do with MJ though, it doesn't matter if you're Michael Jackson or Joe Bloggs next door, in the UK everyone gets called by a shortened version of their surname, that's why I said there's no need to be offended by it. I could understand the outrage and offense if they were calling him W****, but in this instance, there's really nothing to be upset about. Plus, I think the context in which they call him that matters more than the actual nickname. It's pretty easy to tell though, when they're using it in a derogatory fashion or whether they're using J**** as a simple way of referring to MJ.
Well when it's said here in america it has everything to do with michael cus do you know any other star who has the same last name as him who the american media call "J.acko"? I don't think so. Do you ever see "Samuel L. J.acko"?. Not me. Well if the UK didn't decide to use it in a derogatory way maybe michael wouldn't get so pissed off but your so many years too late to explain it cus they chose to use it that way and so don't ever expect that he'll ever like it or ever want to hear you say that to his face.
Dermot is a sweet guy I was really glad to see him in March presenting the press confernce...I would love to see him involved in the concerts I think he is a really down to earth guy...
thanks Dermot!
Well when it's said here in america it has everything to do with michael cus do you know any other star who has the same last name as him who the american media call "J.acko"? I don't think so. Do you ever see "Samuel L. J.acko"?. Not me. Well if the UK didn't decide to use it in a derogatory way maybe michael wouldn't get so pissed off but your so many years too late to explain it cus they chose to use it that way and so don't ever expect that he'll ever like it or ever want to hear you say that to his face.

LOL. You're giving yourself high blood pressure for no reason. There IS actually another famous Michael Jackson over here who also gets referred to as *****, so it's not something the media made exclusively for this MJ. And as much as there are negative articles written about MJ, where he's called *****, there are positive articles in which he's referred to with the same nickname. It's a bit silly really, to dismiss everything else that is said, over the use of a nickname being used in a country where it's common to be referred to by your surname or a shortened version of it. I think the context is more important.
i never notice nicknames for anyone else, by the way..including Dermot, whose name i will always make a concerted effort to say right, even if i can't pronounce it.

yeah...MJ said he has rhinocerous skin. but he's also said 'i've been bleeding a long time now'. who knows what all hurts him. things have to happen to him emotionally, for him to say he has that kind of skin.

it's like..yeah...Michael has to behave a certain way for us to like him, but we can behave anyway we choose..
Well when it's said here in america it has everything to do with michael cus do you know any other star who has the same last name as him who the american media call "J.acko"? I don't think so. Do you ever see "Samuel L. J.acko"?. Not me. Well if the UK didn't decide to use it in a derogatory way maybe michael wouldn't get so pissed off but your so many years too late to explain it cus they chose to use it that way and so don't ever expect that he'll ever like it or ever want to hear you say that to his face.

that's a good point. when MJ gets out of his suv, or he's in an arena and people are calling his name, i hear the fans say 'MIHCAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL'..never that other word.

some even go as far as 'Mr. Jackson'...or...even as far as.... 'sir'. but never the other word;...not even some of his enemies sitting down to interview him went that far. what a complete turnaround. lol..they're probabaly afraid he'd get up and walk out of the room, signifying they know what's up and there's no excuse. (it's hard enough getting him for an interview)
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Great interview. Made me laugh too.

Boy, wouldnt it be great to get one of them J.acko hugs and feel all the ripped-ness? :girl_sigh:

Thanks for posting. :)
LOL. You're giving yourself high blood pressure for no reason. There IS actually another famous Michael Jackson over here who also gets referred to as *****, so it's not something the media made exclusively for this MJ. And as much as there are negative articles written about MJ, where he's called *****, there are positive articles in which he's referred to with the same nickname. It's a bit silly really, to dismiss everything else that is said, over the use of a nickname being used in a country where it's common to be referred to by your surname or a shortened version of it. I think the context is more important.
Not to mention silly to dismiss MJ's feelings on it when you already saw how he stated that he detests people calling him that and as I said before you're too late in trying to explain it they already use it to demean him so it's useless to explain it now or believing that michael will ever get used to it.
vic, lets just drop it please. i would like this thread to stay open ;) I dont know what to say on the matter except that its obvious they wernt using it offensively. this made me laugh, it was positive, its good enough.
Dermot is a really nice guy, interviewed janet a few years back. He is definetly a hit with the ladies in Britan probably one of the best presenters we have here.
If I have a problem i'm gonna point it out no matter whether you think it's stupid or not I mean they've been calling him that for over 20 years. But hey maybe you should tell that to michael the next time you meet him inperson and see how far you get with that statement.