Decision on Criminal Charges in Michael Jackson Case 'Months' Away

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You know that old saying is coming to mind " Justice delayed is justice denied"
We need some action now! Its quite disgraceful that nothing has been done, no one's been charged. Justice needs to be done now!
what exactly where u arrested for though vince. theres a difference between being stopped and searched and actually being arrested for something
what exactly where u arrested for though vince. theres a difference between being stopped and searched and actually being arrested for something

i was arrested supposedly for assault with a deadly weapon. i had no weapon. so they said i LOOKED like someone who assaulted someone with a deadly weapon. i asked for a photo of the guy they said i looked like. they refused to produce one. i asked for a lawyer. they didn't allow it. they rediculed me. my appearance. everything. they cuffed me. they assumed i was in a gang. and they held me all night. i did not look like anyone with a weapon. there was NO ONE with a weapon, in this case, at all. they just saw me, and decided to have some fun with me. i'm not going to fight them. they're intimidating. but they want to believe that the blacks in this neighborhood are gang members, and we're in housing, and not in gangs. there's no shootings going on in my neighborhood. no trouble.
Thank you Ramona. True, we may not always agree, but it is still only fair to be respectful. There are many things I don't know but I am not a stupid person and I have a medical background and have some knowledge to bring to the table.

I am also a huge MJ fan my whole life. (well.....his whole life too)

I understand that and I apologize for what I did last night. but you have to also understand that you questioned my integrity earlier this month when you asked me if I worked for the prosecution when I was defending Michael's hand in his own death.

that sort of stuff doesn't sit well with me. just as Ramona asserts that fans should not questions other fans' "fandom", in my view, fans don't question other fans' integrity.

and you did JUST that. so you owe ME an apology as well.

I know my posts were deleted because they were inflammatory and I am sorry about them, but it's not fair to point the finger only at me when you were doing it as well, with nary an apology in sight.

I'll leave it at that.
he LAPD got involve in 93, found no evidences of wrong doing, and left. So that is a none issue. Exactly. They didn't hound him or harass him. They dropped it. But when children are involved, they are going to err on the side of caution, and I don't care WHAT color someone is.
to be fair that is false they raided his condos they held press conferences they said they couldntget him because of the settlement. why didnt they arrest chandler for blackmail as their was more evidence pointing to that like they did when that woman accused dions husband of rape
i was arrested supposedly for assault with a deadly weapon. i had no weapon. so they said i LOOKED like someone who assaulted someone with a deadly weapon. i asked for a photo of the guy they said i looked like. they refused to produce one. i asked for a lawyer. they didn't allow it. they rediculed me. my appearance. everything. they cuffed me. they assumed i was in a gang. and they held me all night. i did not look like anyone with a weapon. there was NO ONE with a weapon, in this case, at all. they just saw me, and decided to have some fun with me. i'm not going to fight them. they're intimidating. but they want to believe that the blacks in this neighborhood are gang members, and we're in housing, and not in gangs. there's no shootings going on in my neighborhood. no trouble.

I understand that and I apologize for what I did last night. but you have to also understand that you questioned my integrity earlier this month when you asked me if I worked for the prosecution when I was defending Michael's hand in his own death.

that sort of stuff doesn't sit well with me. just as Ramona asserts that fans should not questions other fans' "fandom", in my view, fans don't question other fans' integrity.

and you did JUST that. so you owe ME an apology as well.

I know my posts were deleted because they were inflammatory and I am sorry about them, but it's not fair to point the finger only at me when you were doing it as well, with nary an apology in sight.

I'll leave it at that.

I apologize if in any way I questioned your "fandom" as I certainly did not mean to do that. I was just backtracking and saw this post and it was never my intention to cause another person grief.
Well apparently, that ISN'T all. You were in a housing project. They are commonly known for drugs and gang activity. I don't care WHAT color you are, you are going to be suspect if you are just standing around on a street corner with other people. The police see this as "suspect" and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with skin color!

Everything you've listed happens to white men, Hispanic men, and Asian men as well when they are in certain neighborhoods/environments.

True but some arrest are done more on Blacks then the others you've mentioned.
Falsely accused. I still remember they falsey accused a Black man on taking a woman drag her into an abandoned house and raped her and the woman said that it was a Black man who did it.Gave the description and everything.The Police searched for this man and gave up and taken to jail the first Black man they can find that they felt looked strange to them.After they arrested this man,he was sent to jail for 20 years.Suddenly Some new evidence came along years later and The Courts reopened they trial and found that the man arrested wasn't the one who did it.They found that the person who raped this woman was White,I forgot the ethinicity and That she knew this person but she was in fear of her getting killed by him because it really turned out to be a domestic abuse case.but the fact that The Black man arrested and stayed in jail for Falsely being accused for something he did not do was horrible for him and his family. This is happening every day, It still exist no matter how we think the world is a better place, there are still some kinks in it that's needed to be straightened out.. Hopefully oneday we all live in harmony,It just takes time.:timer:
This may be a stupid question but "months away' exactly how long? By the time Michael has been dead a year or longer? I am trying to be patient but it's hard because this doctor is walking around free as a bird like nothing happened. Michael is gone now and nothing will bring him back but there needs to be some kind of justice here. I think that's a big reason people are struggling still because nothing had been done yet. I hope the police know what they are doing and want to make sure there are no mistakes. They have to know people are watching this.
This may be a stupid question but "months away' exactly how long? By the time Michael has been dead a year or longer? I am trying to be patient but it's hard because this doctor is walking around free as a bird like nothing happened. Michael is gone now and nothing will bring him back but there needs to be some kind of justice here. I think that's a big reason people are struggling still because nothing had been done yet. I hope the police know what they are doing and want to make sure there are no mistakes. They have to know people are watching this.

It is not a stupid question and we are all waiting to see what happens next. This is not a clear case even though many think it is. This was a licensed physician administering a drug that he is licensed to give.

We know he died of Propofol intoxication but there are many things besides what we see on the surface and it takes time to prove where the drug came from, if there were other contributing people or factors we just don't know about yet.

There is an ongoing investigation so things are being done. We just don't get to know what they are each day.
Soundmind, thank you for posting all of that but it does not change my thoughts or position or facts I have given here. I did post the warrant and you can see that on line. That is an official document of her statement to the police. All you posted is what she 'said' and as I stated earlier, I still have my own thoughts and suspicions regarding why he called Nurse Lee. It doesn't add up.

Moddie777 - Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke (or CVA-Cerebral Vascular Accident) are usually associated with numbness. A stroke is usually a broken blood vessel in the brain that pushes on parts of your body that affect motor coordination. Sometimes numbness and tingling down an arm or leg. I have dealt with stoke victims and have never heard the hot/cold sensation. I have seen this with certain medications, pinched nerves in the neck or spine, and it can happen if someone is receiving medication directly injected into the spinal column (which I doubt was the case here).

Thank you for taking the time to post this for me. I couldn't wait to read your info!
This may be a stupid question but "months away' exactly how long?
a date of jan 18th was given by police who wanted to have warrants sealed until that date. ppl wondered why.what would happen around that date. from that the stories have been built. so at this stage we are waiting on that jan date and see if anything happs
an iv need a vein , mj had no blood pressure according to the paramedics and probably even dead long before they arrived , so they had to look for a vein for the iv , how did they do that ? injected him several times and no blood , many punctures on his arms left .

This is speculation too and not saying you are wrong but generally they go right in through the antecubital fossa (the bend in your arm) because the veins are bigger and they can also hit an artery more easily. (this is IF they even had to start one given the fact that the Propofol went through an IV which is another question I would have). I guess it depends on where these needle punctures were.
Seriously guys, last warning or the thread will be closed.
In the United States you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The police do not control his license to practice medicine. The Board of Medicine does that.

Murray told the police he gave Propofol and the dose he stated he gave was not enough to kill MJ. Murray has a license to practice in California, Nevada and Texas. Until the Office of Professional Medical Conduct investigates and finds wrongdoing, he will continue to have a license to practice medicine.

very strange laws considering how lawsuit happy the usa is. in other countries if u are being investigated for such a serious crime due to your negligence as a doctor then u are suspended while the investigation is complete.same as with teachers etc who maybe accused of hitting a pupil for example
Well it would appear that the ramblings (and pity party) only seem to be getting worse, but yes, I'm going to move on. Some people will never "get" what I'm saying about racist comments towards whites, because all that matters is what is done to THEM. :rolleyes2:

Wait, hold on....

And who are "Them?" Who's throwing a pity party? Black people?

Be very careful in how you answer that. We wouldn't want to accuse you of being racist because you have just generalized, now would we?
very strange laws considering how lawsuit happy the usa is. in other countries if u are being investigated for such a serious crime due to your negligence as a doctor then u are suspended while the investigation is complete.same as with teachers etc who maybe accused of hitting a pupil for example

Well, I am not going to disagree with this post. If a doctor is clean out caught doing certain things that would happen immediately.

I can only 'guess' at why that did not happen here. As I said, he did not claim to give the wrong amount.
This is speculation too and not saying you are wrong but generally they go right in through the antecubital fossa (the bend in your arm) because the veins are bigger and they can also hit an artery more easily. (this is IF they even had to start one given the fact that the Propofol went through an IV which is another question I would have). I guess it depends on where these needle punctures were.

you assume murray left the IV there , for God's sake he hid all the medications related to propofol , no one ever talked about finding an IV when the paramedics arrived .

again MJ had no pressure so no blood so no proper vein , not in the "antecubital fossa", not in the neck NO WHERE . the man was DEAD . they were injecting him DESPERATLEY trying to find any proper vein but he was already DEAD .
you assume murray left the IV there , for God's sake he hid all the medications related to propofol , no one ever talked about finding an IV when the paramedics arrived .

again MJ had no pressure so no blood so no proper vein , not in the "antecubital fossa", not in the neck NO WHERE . the man was DEAD . they were injecting him DESPERATLEY trying to find any proper vein but he was already DEAD .

I can't speak for the Emergency Medical Techs. I wasn't there so I don't know what they did or did not do. I haven't seen the report they filed either. Someone says it is on line but I can not find it.

I will assume they found him with no pulse, no breathing and no blood pressure. (I am going by your word here because I didn't see the report).

I don't know for a fact whether he had an IV. All I am saying here is what I know to be fact. I am not speculating on whether he pulled it out. I would think if he DID pull it out that is another nail in his coffin.
I just hope it'll be fair..MJ or not he killed a human being and should be punished for that murder case or not(which actually is one). but making it MJ is prob the hardest part.
Wait, hold on....

And who are "Them?" Who's throwing a pity party? Black people?

Be very careful in how you answer that. We wouldn't want to accuse you of being racist because you have just generalized, now would we?
I was talking about ONE person. I try to never generalize a whole group of people, be they black or the LAPD. I don't want to look at people that way.

I wish people would have a little more FAITH in the LAPD, rather than deriding them before they've even had a chance to finish the investigation.
the medics reports are gonna be very intresting. never thought about the IV being pulled out/if it were.maybe he will just say he pulled out in the craziness of it all
I just hope that if they take thier time on this maybe it could tie some things together. Although the negative thing could be is that the doctor would get just a manslaughter charge and that does not carry a lot of years. :(
I can't speak for the Emergency Medical Techs. I wasn't there so I don't know what they did or did not do. I haven't seen the report they filed either. Someone says it is on line but I can not find it.

I will assume they found him with no pulse, no breathing and no blood pressure. (I am going by your word here because I didn't see the report).

I don't know for a fact whether he had an IV. All I am saying here is what I know to be fact. I am not speculating on whether he pulled it out. I would think if he DID pull it out that is another nail in his coffin.

excuse me but you can't deny you read the CNN article william posted where they qouted the chief of LAFD and named him . he was the one who said mj was with no pulse when they arrived, breathless , he was the one who said murray refused to allow them to move jackson to UCLA and detemined it was best to treat him at the scene . :smilerolleyes:he was the one who said they did everything to revive him although they knew he was GONE .
but why is the police saying wait until christmas, then wait until jan. 2010 then wait a few more months? are they waiting for the interest to simply die away? I know the media has already made up its mind I guess they're waiting for these stupid fans to lose interest also...sometimes I feel like we're the only ones who care
excuse me but you can't deny you read the CNN article william posted where they qouted the chief of LAFD and named him . he was the one who said mj was with no pulse when they arrived, breathless , he was the one who said murray refused to allow them to move jackson to UCLA and detemined it was best to treat him at the scene . :smilerolleyes:he was the one who said they did everything to revive him although they knew he was GONE .

Yes, I can deny I saw it. Will search now.
She seems very sweet and believable but things are not always what they seem and there are more than a few things I question in this whole case because we don't really KNOW everything but what I do know does not FIT into place nicely in my head.

sweet and believable? how about the fact that investigators have found out she's not really a medical doctor.

all i know is i will contact the LAPD myself by phone and ask them what the hell is up, when are arrests? when holidays are over, i will.

last call to the lapd by a fan (or that we know of) was a month or two ago. it's about to be time for another one.
the medics reports are gonna be very intresting. never thought about the IV being pulled out/if it were.maybe he will just say he pulled out in the craziness of it all

elusive darling , an IV left would certainly had propofol traces on it , murray took extra measures to hide everything related to propofol , the man had no intention first to say he gave propofol to mj , it is very fair to assume he did not leave any IV behind for the detectives to detect propofol on it . propofol would have disappeared from mj's system but not from the IV .

and for those who would say he left bottles of propofol beside mj's bed , it was a mistake made by the police officer from Vegas who asked the judge to raid applied pharamcy , he said the detective from LA said they seized the bottles from murray's bag and beside jackson's bed , when in fact the LA detective never said that . he said the bottles of propofol were found in the bag and he listed all the drugs found beside mj's bed the day he died , no propofol whatever . the officer from vegas mixed them that was it . read the search warrants again it was a clear mistake .
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