Decision on Criminal Charges in Michael Jackson Case 'Months' Away

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Honestly, I don't see anything worthwhile coming from MJ's death in regards to this investigation.

I really just see a negligence charge coming for Dr. Murray and thats it. From the mere fact that not even the medical board has even found it necessary to call a hearing on whether or not his license should be revoked is very telling to me. He gets to continue practicing medicine and no one seems to care if he kills someone else or not.

These are my thoughts exactly.....the fact that they have not even taken away Murray's license leads me to believe that they think that he has not committed a crime....Even through his own admission of administering propafol they STILL have not taken away his license......this is very fishy to me......a doctor administering this type of medicine OUTSIDE a hospital setting....killing a person at that.........and they tell him .."go ahead keep on using it on other people if you need to"........This just makes no sense...I am very confused about how this case is being investigated......My heart is just so broken..
I don't understand how someone's death is ruled a homicide and nothing is being done. Michael should be alive and it's this doctor's fault that he isn't. It feels like nobody cares. say the least :(
I thought Michael Jackson was so important.... and now it seems just a few care.
But whatever... It's just me being tired of all this five+ months of pain and unanswered questions.

They might take their time... as long as they something for real.

These are my thoughts exactly.....the fact that they have not even taken away Murray's license leads me to believe that they think that he has not committed a crime....Even through his own admission of administering propafol they STILL have not taken away his license......this is very fishy to me......a doctor administering this type of medicine OUTSIDE a hospital setting....killing a person at that.........and they tell him .."go ahead keep on using it on other people if you need to"........This just makes no sense...I am very confused about how this case is being investigated......My heart is just so broken..

Just remember that it isn't the police that have anything at all to do with his medical license. That is up to the Medical Board. This is two separate things. I would imagine he is under investigation but we would not know this as it is private.
I find it SICK that Murray is allowed to work as a doctor even if it is only during the

investigation. Also, I have said this before, but I want to say it again because I don't

want people to forget:

Why wasn't MJ taken to the hospital on June 21st?

I find it SICK that Murray is allowed to work as a doctor even if it is only during the

investigation. Also, I have said this before, but I want to say it again because I don't

want people to forget:

Why wasn't MJ taken to the hospital on June 21st?


What happened on June 21st?
What happened on June 21st?

They are taking about the phone call that Nurse Lee supposely had with Michael. It was when he was complaining of being hot on one side and cold on the other. Although, we have no idea what caused it, since I do not think any of the drugs found in his system would had caused it. However, you would know better than me about the subject.

Btw indranee, there is really no need for the attitude. I know you are upset, but you shouldn't base someone's fandom on how much information they have, especially when they ask a question. Everyone's questions should be respected and not fuel for people to attack them.
They are taking about the phone call that Nurse Lee supposely had with Michael. It was when he was complaining of being hot on one side and cold on the other. Although, we have no idea what caused it, since I do not think any of the drugs found in his system would had caused it. However, you would know better than me about the subject.

Btw indranee, there is really no need for the attitude. I know you are upset, but you shouldn't base someone's fandom on how much information they have, especially when they ask a question. Everyone's questions should be respected and not fuel for people to attack them.

Thanks Ramona. I had heard about that incident from Nurse Lee and did not come to the same conclusion as her and also was not sure of the exact date.
Having said that, I also am not sure I believe everything she said either and I had noticed that it took quite some time for her records to be turned over.
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They're not wasting this much time and resources on a negligence charge.

These things take time and effort. Investigations of a year or longer are not uncommon.
Sorry, what conclusion?

I felt that nurse Lee had concluded something was introduced to his nervous system.

Just as a side note here. When I heard her speak about this at first I thought it was possible he had some sort of 'neuro' thing going on but this can happen even with a cold tablet and I don't know Michael personally but some people freak when this happens.

The second thought that came to mind was "why is he calling Nurse Lee when he has a personal physician on duty?" Doesn't that strike anyone else as rather odd that he would call a nurse that he had not spoken to in months (according to her) about a medical issue when he had a physician on staff?
Doesn't that strike anyone else as rather odd that he would call a nurse that he had not spoken to in months (according to her) about a medical issue when he had a physician on staff?
I was just thinking about that. It is very odd.
I was just thinking about that. It is very odd.

She seems very sweet and believable but things are not always what they seem and there are more than a few things I question in this whole case because we don't really KNOW everything but what I do know does not FIT into place nicely in my head.
I don't like rudeness, that is all. I live by the golden rule: "treat others as you would be treated." If I asked a question and someone responded with a snob remark, I would take personally offense. So, I always try to encourage others to be respectful, even if you do not like a person's opinion.

Beside, Beachlover defended my when someone said something rude and unfair to me and although I do not agree with her on many subjects, I do feel I owe her for standing for me.

Thank you Ramona. True, we may not always agree, but it is still only fair to be respectful. There are many things I don't know but I am not a stupid person and I have a medical background and have some knowledge to bring to the table.

I am also a huge MJ fan my whole life. (well.....his whole life too)
The phone call made to nurse Lee wasn't even made by Michael. She said someone else called her for him, but he could be heard in the background complaining about hot and cold symptoms. So the question is who made the call for him and why did they not take him to the hospital on that day? Like you said why call her in Florida miles and miles away if he had Murray to attend to him...things don't add up at all. It's like everything is in limbo until some action is taken by authorities in conclusion of the case.
I dont getting the feeling the police dont really care bout it.....IMO
I've got the feeling already. It seems to me they are waiting that the interest of the public worldwide may fade away and the attention to pursue the matter. So they wait as long as it will happen. And sometime it will happen.
I never did understand why the family has trust in the LAPD, the same police that was so busy to arrest and convict Michael, for that they did EVERYTHING.
I've got the feeling already. It seems to me they are waiting that the interest of the public worldwide may fade away and the attention to pursue the matter. So they wait as long as it will happen. And sometime it will happen.
I never did understand why the family has trust in the LAPD, the same police that was so busy to arrest and convict Michael, for that they did EVERYTHING.

i agree. they're evil. if they don't do the right thing, what goes around comes justice, the universe, and the afterlife.
They're not wasting this much time and resources on a negligence charge.

These things take time and effort. Investigations of a year or longer are not uncommon.
This is the only thing that keeps me from going crazy with frustration...I hope the extra time they're taking is due to building up a case for as serious a charge as possible.
I seriously don't believe that they are taking all this time just for a negligence charge. All that time, money and resources for that? California's broke-no way would all that money be spent on something a minor charge such as that.
I felt that nurse Lee had concluded something was introduced to his nervous system.

Just as a side note here. When I heard her speak about this at first I thought it was possible he had some sort of 'neuro' thing going on but this can happen even with a cold tablet and I don't know Michael personally but some people freak when this happens.

The second thought that came to mind was "why is he calling Nurse Lee when he has a personal physician on duty?" Doesn't that strike anyone else as rather odd that he would call a nurse that he had not spoken to in months (according to her) about a medical issue when he had a physician on staff?

he did not only call her but he also asked her to come immediately and see him , but she said she was in Florida, he called her because she was the one with no motive to lie, she was the one who told him NO and she was the one who warned him , something murray obviously failed to do , murray had every reason and motive to lie . it was an indication that mike finally realised propofol was not the safe drug he was led to believe ."as long as there is a doctor monitoring me I'll be ok "
he did not only call her but he also asked her to come immediately and see him , but she said she was in Florida, he called her because she was the one with no motive to lie, she was the one who told him NO and she was the one who warned him , something murray obviously failed to do , murray had every reason and motive to lie . it was an indication that mike finally realised propofol was not the safe drug he was led to believe ."as long as there is a doctor monitoring me I'll be ok "

The problem is once again is that none of the drugs in the tox seems to cause this kind of side-effect. I remember reading about these drugs and seeing experts say that none of the, especially propofol, could had caused the hot/cold feeling. Unless there are drugs that was not listed in the tox, which I really don't see at this moment, we have no clue what was going on.

It could be possible that what Michael was feeling was more mentally base. People who suffer from extreme insomnia and haven't slept in a long time are known to have increase sensitivity of hot/cold, other stimulates and can hallucinate.

But, I am not medicate, so I really have no clue.
i'm not saying it was caused by propofol , i'm saying mj felt it had to do with propofol and that's why he called the person who had no motive to lie to him and who warned him not to use it .
i'm not saying it was caused by propofol , i'm saying mj felt it had to do with propofol and that's why he called the person who had no motive to lie to him and who warned him not to use it .

I know and I understand that point. I do agree to an extent with it.

However, I am more concern about the 'cause' more than who was called. None of the drugs in Michael's system, as far as my limited understanding of the subject, should had cause this side-effect. So, it makes you wonder if a drug really caused it or was it more mental.

Truthfully, we may never know, but if Nurse Lee is telling the truth it does make you wonder what was going on. It could be possible that Michael's sleeping problems got so bad that he stated to hallucinate at times and felt thing more acutely. That is maybe why no help was called outside of Nurse Lee. Or she could had misinterpreted the entire situation since we only have her word that the event even happen until someone backs her story like with the propofol.

This is just a thought I have been having on the subject.
Thread cleaned, please carry on but there's no need to bring personal issues into it. :)
he did not only call her but he also asked her to come immediately and see him , but she said she was in Florida, he called her because she was the one with no motive to lie, she was the one who told him NO and she was the one who warned him , something murray obviously failed to do , murray had every reason and motive to lie . it was an indication that mike finally realised propofol was not the safe drug he was led to believe ."as long as there is a doctor monitoring me I'll be ok "

This is pure speculation. We don't know that for a fact. This is your opinion only, certainly not mine.
ofcourse you don't agree beachlover , because this explanation nails murray even more , your explanation is Lee used to give mj propofol , that's what murray is claiming . lee records were delievered when she was asked to deliever them by the way.
ofcourse you don't agree beachlover , because this explanation nails murray even more , your explanation is Lee used to give mj propofol , that's what murray is claiming . lee records were delievered when she was asked to deliever them by the way.

I don't see how Lee could give Michael propofol. She is a nurse and I do not thing she could had gotten the drug. Especially, going on natural tv would only bring light to herself if it was true. I don't think Murray even mentioned Lee until she told the news about propofol.

Also, Michael never asked her for propofol. He asked her to find someone to give him propofol and watch him. So, he didn't ask for the drug itself, but he asked for someone who would inject it for him and take care of him while he slept. Which makes me wonder if he really hired Murray for propofol to begin with if this is true.

Maybe as a reviver since he is a heart doctor or even a second set of eyes, but I cannot wrap my mind why Michael didn't hire someone train to handle propofol, especially if it is true that during the History Tour Michael was given propofol by a train doctor. This tell me he must of had an idea that only certain people could give it safely, which makes Murray's role more confusing.
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