DEA Raid on a pharmacy NOW!

I just wish I didn't give up on him and was actually there for him as a friend or maybe even something more. I would've helped him get his sleep without those quacks poisoning his system because he'd have a shoulder to cry out his worries on, a friend he could rely on, and if being too full of energy after rehearsals was what was keeping him awake also I'm sure I could think of ways to disperse that energy for him. :)

As for his other problems I dunno if I could've helped there. It seems he lived his life in intense physical pain since his back injury. Perhaps we could've worked together to find safer and less addictive alternatives and ways in which he could reduce the strain that was causing his back to hurt all the time and perhaps even some regular theraputic massages since I did practice massaging at one time and used to give my neighbour and my mother a regular back and foot massage and they said it worked wonders for them.
EXACTLY but I think these doctors wanted quick fix.
AKA give us all your money and we'll provide you with whatever you want.

This sounds like one of those dodgy pharmacy companies that try to flog drugs via email spam. :p

Actually, the pharmacy that was raided today was indicted by the government before for illegally distributing anabolic steroids. Doctors were indicted as a result just last year. And I was watching Headline News Earlier and they said this company was also involved in other illegal activity. TMZ is supposed to reveal what this activity was so I dunno. Could be the steroid issue or something else. Basically, this company sounds like it may be exactly as you described....a "give me all your money and we'll provide you with whatever you want" kinda gig.

Applied Pharmacy has seen its share of trouble
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Actually, the pharmacy that was raided today was indicted by the government before for illegally distributing anabolic steroids. Doctors were indicted as a result just last year. And I was watching Headline News Earlier and they said this company was also involved in other illegal activity. TMZ is supposed to reveal what this activity was so I dunno. Could be the steroid issue or something else. Basically, this company sounds like it may be exactly as you described....a "give me all your money and we'll provide you with whatever you want" kinda gig.

Applied Pharmacy has seen it's share of trouble

Dear lord! Why is it still there and still trading then?!! That place should've been closed down and demolished to the ground.
Actually, the pharmacy that was raided today was indicted by the government before for illegally distributing anabolic steroids. Doctors were indicted as a result just last year. And I was watching Headline News Earlier and they said this company was also involved in other illegal activity. TMZ is supposed to reveal what this activity was so I dunno. Could be the steroid issue or something else. Basically, this company sounds like it may be exactly as you described....a "give me all your money and we'll provide you with whatever you want" kinda gig.

Applied Pharmacy has seen it's share of trouble

... and this business is still functioning? Wow.
I have been thinking the samething sense mj passed..."how in the hell did he get involved with all this and that he should be here right now, in the living" but I realized that is not going to bring him back...obviously we didn't walk in his shoes so we don't know what he was thinking or feeling....the fact is he is no longer among us (the living) I think we need to concentrate on who the hell administrated this drug to him in the first place so that they can't do this to someone else.
I am sure Michael is looking down saying and saying the same thing, "@#$% how did I get into this mess".
Dear lord! Why is it still there and still trading then?!! That place should've been closed down and demolished to the ground.

Well, there's that whole innocent until proven guilty thing. lol

Indictments and actual convictions are two different things. There were 198 counts against the company in Mobile, Alabama. They were alleged to have been distributing steroids normally given to ANIMALS/LIVESTOCK to humans. :mello:
those shows were spreaded out and he did not perform not them. If this tour was going to cause all of this, I wish MJ would have just retired.

Me too..:( atleast he would still be here... poor poor Michael, how we miss you..:(
this is something that should have been done immediately after michael's death. I hate to say it, but i don't see anything coming out of these "raids." they are putting on a performance just to appease us fans. I don't buy it. The lapd and dea don't care about michael. I seriously doubt any evidence is still around. It was probably trashed around the time dr. Murray had his evidence trashed. *smh*

exacto mundo!
I am sure Michael is looking down saying and saying the same thing, "@#$% how did I get into this mess".

Bless him, I'm sure he said that as soon as he realized what happened. Just breaks your heart, ya know the man did not plan on dying so soon...esp from this. He just didn't realize....God I can't stop these damn tears.
On MSN i just got a link from a friend, from and stuff off apparently the aliases MJ had used to get hold of drugs. What is even true about all this? Also photos of what seems to be that secret room of the doctor the media has been talking about.....
This is something that should have been done immediately after Michael's death. I hate to say it, but I don't see anything coming out of these "raids." They are putting on a performance just to appease us fans. I don't buy it. The LAPD and DEA don't care about Michael. I seriously doubt any evidence is still around. It was probably trashed around the time Dr. Murray had his evidence trashed. *smh*

You've deffinetly got a point there!
Wtf is going on?!
I know a bit about computer forensics. I would be hard for them to get rid of digital evidence.

Even when you delete files from your computer they're never really "gone". Someone with the knowledge and technical skill can get your hard drive and see every last thing that was ever done on your PC.

I think with a pharmacy having to deal with many more thousands of people than Mike and his several aliases, it might be tricky for them to simply remove those thinking that would save them.

If they can get the original hard drives they can find out a lot.

Ok, I probably should've kept reading the thread lol.
Thanks for that, you've given me abit of reasurance.
Actually, the pharmacy that was raided today was indicted by the government before for illegally distributing anabolic steroids.

There are lots of links to this on the web but as far as I can tell it's a different company. The one above is called Applied Pharmacy Services INC ( & whereas the one in connection with MJ is called Applied Pharmacy Services LLC ( The INC and LLC are basically different ways of setting up a company.

I've searched for names that might be common between the two company's but can't find any, so I believe they are unconnected.
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Ahhh right, thank you. Oooh they can't get away with this!
There would be data on the hard drive saying when they started using this certain computer, the dates would raise eyebrows if it was after June 25th