DEA Raid on a pharmacy NOW!

If its paper records, I guess there would be a gap. Like for example we have files from dates A and C, but date B is missing. Now if they destroyed all files on a particular client, that would be more difficult.

I agree it would be more difficult but not impossible. These people don't come across to me as intelligent enough, someone will make a mistake somewhere whether it be with the evidence or talking too much. We all saw how dumb Murrays 2 employees in Houston were, talking to the media and they couldn't even get their stories straight. I think there's more where the likes of them came from. They will be outsmarted in one way or another by the investigators. Evidence tampering or not, no one leaves a clean trail imo.

Justice will come with time and patience.
that's right, just as Michael once said, "Lies run sprints but the truth runs marathons."

lies may come around quick and fierce, and the truth may come around at a slower speed, but the truth endures, and in the end the truth will win
couldn't they have got rid of any computers with evidence on and replaced them with new computers?


Easy solve my friend

In computer networking, a Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification, and used in the Media Access Control protocol sublayer. If assigned by the manufacturer, a MAC address usually encodes the manufacturer's registered identification number. It may also be known as an Ethernet Hardware Address (EHA), hardware address, adapter address, or physical address.

See also: An Internet Protocol (IP) address

There are more....

When you log on the Internet, Your Internet service provider log information about your computer and all. Depending on the crime, the Crime solving unit can request and get any information from anywhere available. They will know something existed. Hackers would normally hide behind walls, accessing other people's computers to commit illegal action (Sometimes they can pretend they are in other countries). It gets complicated. But we're not dealing with that.

At this point we don't have to worry about hard drives in regard to the situation. If someone tries to hide something, he/she/they are doing more harm to themselves. Attempting or getting rid of evidence is deep $h!t :wild:
AP Source: Jackson doc bought anesthetic in Vegas
By KEN RITTER and THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press Writers Ken Ritter And Thomas Watkins, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 5 mins ago

LAS VEGAS – A law enforcement official says Michael Jackson's personal physician purchased a powerful anesthetic from a Las Vegas pharmacy.

Federal and local authorities searched Applied Pharmacy Services on Tuesday morning. The official said agents uncovered evidence that Dr. Conrad Murray legally purchased the anesthetic propofol there.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Jackson's death is being investigated as a manslaughter and propofol, which Jackson took as a sleep aid, is a main focus.

Murray's attorney Edward Chernoff had no immediate comment.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Police and federal drug agents searched a pharmacy Tuesday as part of the investigation into Michael Jackson's death.

Drug Enforcement Administration agents and Los Angeles and Las Vegas police served a sealed search warrant and a notice of inspection around 9:20 a.m. at Applied Pharmacy Services, several miles west of the Las Vegas Strip.

"They are looking at everything that was provided by that pharmacy," including records of controlled substances, DEA spokesman Jose Martinez said.

Dr. Conrad Murray of Las Vegas, Jackson's personal physician who was with the pop star when he died in Los Angeles on June 25, is the focus of what Los Angeles police have called a manslaughter investigation. He has not been charged and police have stopped short of calling him a suspect.

Authorities previously served search warrants at Murray's Las Vegas home and his businesses in Las Vegas and Houston. It was not immediately clear whether Murray had business dealings with Applied Pharmacy.

Investigators are also looking into Jackson's interactions with at least six other doctors, court documents show.

Authorities are trying to determine to what extent medications may have contributed to Jackson's death at age 50. Murray told investigators he administered the powerful anesthetic propofol and multiple sedatives to Jackson in the hours before he died, a law enforcement official has told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Michael Flanagan, assistant special agent in charge of the DEA in Las Vegas, said the search warrant was issued "without incident" and the pharmacy staff was cooperating. He said authorities were searching for any and all paper documents and electronic records, but he declined to provide any details.

Agents could be seen wheeling at least four cases from the pharmacy building.

The Los Angeles County coroner's office announced Monday that it has completed its autopsy of Jackson but said it would not release its findings while the police investigation is ongoing.
Aha! Thanks for this update! They are closing in on Dr Murray more and more. Good, good.
How its possible to buy that stuff legally when you are not even licenced to be a doctor? Wasnt he unlicenced?
AP Source: Jackson doc bought anesthetic in Vegas
By KEN RITTER and THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press Writers Ken Ritter And Thomas Watkins, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 5 mins ago

LAS VEGAS – A law enforcement official says Michael Jackson's personal physician purchased a powerful anesthetic from a Las Vegas pharmacy.

Federal and local authorities searched Applied Pharmacy Services on Tuesday morning. The official said agents uncovered evidence that Dr. Conrad Murray legally purchased the anesthetic propofol there.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Check mate!!!

THANK YOU, JESUS!!!! They have now tied the purchase of the propofol to Murray. YES! YES! YES!!! omg

I wonder if he ever told authorities he didn't know where it came if someone else had purchased it and stocked the cabinet with it? :fortuneteller: If he lied to authorities about buying it or supplying it, his goose is cooked! They just caught his butt in a lie. The fact that they had to get a warrant to look into this may suggest he didn't simply offer up the information. Had he simply offered it up, they would have had this warrant long ago. Seems like they had to hunt for it...which is why it took so long. Hmm..... just speculating.

Anyway, YES! Getting closer to justice. DEA is kicking arse.
How its possible to buy that stuff legally when you are not even licenced to be a doctor? Wasnt he unlicenced?

He was licensed in Nevada and possibly California. However, he didn't have the proper DEA registration to write prescriptions in California. I believe he let his license lapse or didn't renew it or something. If he transferred medications from Vegas to Cali that could also be considered trafficking, if I'm not mistaken. I wonder if using Fedex would be considered mail fraud or trafficking. hmm... STACK 'EM!!!

If Murray did not administer that propofol I hope authorities put enuf pressure on his neck to make him squeal as to who did. He has to know, if it wasn't himself. How could he not....bringing down oxygen tanks almost every morning?? pfft!
ropofol Link at Pharmacy in Jackson Case
Posted Aug 11th 2009 1:00PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray purchased Propofol -- the drug we're told killed Michael Jackson -- from the Las Vegas pharmacy that was searched today by the DEA, according to a new report.

An unnamed law enforcement official reportedly claims evidence was uncovered at Applied Pharmacy Services this morning, proving Dr. Murray legally bought the strong anesthetic there. We don't know if there is any link to Jackson.

We did some checking ... Applied Pharmacy Services is a home infusion pharmacy -- meaning they specialize in infusions in the home. Interesting.

As we first reported, the DEA searched the pharmacy for documents, computer hard drives, prescriptions and shipping information of controlled substances that may have been given to Jackson by Dr. Murray.
He was licensed in Nevada and possibly California. However, he didn't have the proper DEA registration to write prescriptions in California. I believe he let his license lapse or didn't renew it or something. If he transferred medications from Vegas to Cali that could also be considered trafficking, if I'm not mistaken. I wonder if using Fedex would be considered mail fraud or trafficking. hmm... STACK 'EM!!!

good point why get the stuff in vegas when i guess he could pick it up somewhere close to b.hills
Originally Posted by elusive moonwalker
AP Source: Jackson doc bought anesthetic in Vegas
By KEN RITTER and THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press Writers Ken Ritter And Thomas Watkins, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 5 mins ago

LAS VEGAS – A law enforcement official says Michael Jackson's personal physician purchased a powerful anesthetic from a Las Vegas pharmacy.

Federal and local authorities searched Applied Pharmacy Services on Tuesday morning. The official said agents uncovered evidence that Dr. Conrad Murray legally purchased the anesthetic propofol there.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
Check mate!!!

THANK YOU, JESUS!!!! They have now tied the purchase of the propofol to Murray. YES! YES! YES!!! omg

I wonder if he ever told authorities he didn't know where it came if someone else had purchased it and stocked the cabinet with it? :fortuneteller: If he lied to authorities about buying it or supplying it, his goose is cooked! They just caught his butt in a lie. The fact that they had to get a warrant to look into this may suggest he didn't simply offer up the information. Had he simply offered it up, they would have had this warrant long ago. Seems like they had to hunt for it...which is why it took so long. Hmm..... just speculating.

Anyway, YES! Getting closer to justice. DEA is kicking arse.

Hold up. :bugeyed

So they found where he got it. My question is, is there such a thing as a prescription for PROPOFOL? I don't think there is... why would you need a prescription for it if it's suppose to be used professionally in a hospital setting. I told my mom this and she was like "So the pharmacy help give out the Propofol to Murray?" :mellow: I mean, isn't this drug not seen OUTSIDE of a hospital and is only used in the hospital with anesthesiologists & all those people. Isn't it the hospital that receives that drug, not an individual person? Why would the pharmacy give that out? I have no clue if I'm making sense right now. I'm confused... because if that is the case, that's weird. Idk... do you know where I'm going here. Probably not, lol. :bugeyed Or maybe I'm slow.
We did some checking ... Applied Pharmacy Services is a home infusion pharmacy -- meaning they specialize in infusions in the home. Interesting.

o they found where he got it. My question is, is there such a thing as a prescription for PROPOFOL? I don't think there is... why would you need a prescription for it if it's suppose to be used professionally in a hospital setting. I told my mom this and she was like "So the pharmacy help give out the Propofol to Murray?" :mellow: I mean, isn't this drug not seen OUTSIDE of a hospital and is only used in the hospital with anesthesiologists & all those people. Isn't it the hospital that receives that drug, not an individual person? Why would the pharmacy give that out? I have no clue if I'm making sense right now. I'm confused... because if that is the case, that's weird. Idk... do you know where I'm going here. Probably not, lol. :bugeyed Or maybe I'm slow.

this is what i thought but i presume for doctors who have their own practices and do surgerys like klien does. where do they get the diprivan from? i presume they buy it from places like this. you dont have prescriptions the doctor just goes and buys it
If he lied to authorities about buying it or supplying it, his goose is cooked! They just caught his butt in a lie. The fact that they had to get a warrant to look into this may suggest he didn't simply offer up the information. Had he simply offered it up, they would have had this warrant long ago. Seems like they had to hunt for it...which is why it took so long. Hmm..... just speculating.

If that's what happened it's hard to imagine he thought he wouldn't be found out in time - I suppose he may have been hoping something else was identified as the cause of death.
@Sasha, I kind of get what you are trying to ask. Basically how was Murray able to order propofol if it is only to be used in a hospital setting? Am I right?

Thanks to everyone for the updates!

We did some checking ... Applied Pharmacy Services is a home infusion pharmacy -- meaning they specialize in infusions in the home. Interesting.

:( How was Dr. Murray able to legally purchase the anesthetic propofol there if the drug is only to be used in the hospital with anesthesiologists? Would have to sign some kind of form to swear that it would be used in the right way? Basically how do they give it to him w/out knowing how & in what setting is he going be using it? :(
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this is what i thought but i presume for doctors who have their own practices and do surgerys like klien does. where do they get the diprivan from? i presume they buy it from places like this. you dont have prescriptions the doctor just goes and buys it

Ahh, okay. :bugeyed So they just buy it... well there's the first prob that started all this.

@Sasha, I kind of get what you are trying to ask. Basically how was Murray able to order propofol if it is only to be used in a hospital setting? Am I right?

Thanks to everyone for the updates!

:( How was Dr. Murray able to legally purchase the anesthetic propofol there if the drug is only used in the hospital with anesthesiologists?

I know right? But like elusive said... if a doctor has a practice or something they can buy the drug and use it I guess... that is just. :mellow: And out of all the medicines that a doctor could get it had to be Diprivan. :mello: But I guess if the patient asks for it, gah... but again we go back and say that Murray should of knew better that it was risky every time that you use it- especially for something that is not meant to be used that way & in that setting at home, and he was not prepared with having anesthesiologists and other medical machines if a situation like this occurs... like I heard a doctor say in an interview sometime ago... it's like playing Russian Roulette. -_____- It's really sooner or later... y'know...
Applied Pharmacy Services LLC appears to have branches in Las Vegas, Pasadena and POSSIBLY Thailand. The owner set up something called the Amor Mundial Foundation in 2008. The website for the Foundation doesn't exist anymore but the cached version is still there, and says that a portion of pharmacy proceeds are donated to those less fortunate around the world.

I'm not sure if it's right to give out links although it can be easily found on the web, but wanted to share because if true then it makes me feel all the sadder, that buying from this pharmacy might have had some sort of ethical reasoning behind it.... :(
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There's always more to the story guys..just wait and see.
Applied Pharmacy Services LLC appears to have branches in Las Vegas, Pasadena and Thailand. The owner set up something called the Amor Mundial Foundation in 2008. The website for the Foundation doesn't exist anymore but the cached version is still there, and says that a portion of pharmacy proceeds are donated to those less fortunate around the world.

I'm not sure if it's right to give out links although it can be easily found on the web, but wanted to share because if true then it makes me feel all the sadder, that buying from this pharmacy might have had some sort of ethical reasoning behind it.... :(

Well since some people know the name of the place already I think I should share a review by someone about the pharmacy I stumbled upon while searching info about Applied.

"I own my own medical practice with dispensary on premises. The medical office is highly specialized and required imput from a knowledgeable pharmacy staff. The owners and their education enable Applied to provide the answers to my needs for medications that need to be compounded. After 3 years of working with --- and ---, I would recommend this Compounding Pharmacy to anyone, either a lay person or professional to meet their needs for medications. They will take a personal interest in making or obtaining the medication that you require in the form that you need. Quality assurance is very important to their staff of pharmacists and professional team. I thank myself daily that I have this team behind my Company. Michael

  • Pros: Medications compounded specifically for your requirements
  • Cons: none"

So anything they need or want I guess, it's easy for them, especially a doctor to get a hold of whatever. AND yes, the reviewers name was Michael ok, not but not MichaelMichael... just saying... lol.
ropofol Link at Pharmacy in Jackson Case
Posted Aug 11th 2009 1:00PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray purchased Propofol -- the drug we're told killed Michael Jackson -- from the Las Vegas pharmacy that was searched today by the DEA, according to a new report.

An unnamed law enforcement official reportedly claims evidence was uncovered at Applied Pharmacy Services this morning, proving Dr. Murray legally bought the strong anesthetic there. We don't know if there is any link to Jackson.

We did some checking ... Applied Pharmacy Services is a home infusion pharmacy -- meaning they specialize in infusions in the home. Interesting.

As we first reported, the DEA searched the pharmacy for documents, computer hard drives, prescriptions and shipping information of controlled substances that may have been given to Jackson by Dr. Murray.

Home Infusion pharmacy???? Does this mean that the propefol was legally administered in the home???
Applied Pharmacy Services LLC appears to have branches in Las Vegas, Pasadena and Thailand.

It would be interesting to know if some of the meds being sold at this pharmacy have connections with overseas distributors?? Discount costs, difficult for the FDA to regulate...There's always the risk of tainted drugs. :mello:
Lily, I just edited my post above with regards to Thailand. That info comes from the following webpage and on second reading I may have jumped to conclusions... the owner of the Pharmacy may just live there? There is definitely an Applied Pharmacy Services in Pasadena though. And the owners name is already out there on the web (being reported on the AP news site at the moment).
Just how did Murrey intend to smuggle it in to the Uk, they use it here but he would not have been able to prescribe it here, I don't think that sort of drug would be available at a chemist.

I think Murrey is going to be doing some serious jail time, looks like they are going to throw the book at him with multiple charges and then let him plea bargin to avoid a trial.
If the DEA can match the lot numbers of any propofol bottles recovered from the house with the lot numbers of the bottles purchased by Murray, he's toast.
well i guess that is what they have done according to reports
If the DEA can match the lot numbers of any propofol bottles recovered from the house with the lot numbers of the bottles purchased by Murray, he's toast.

Ah haaaaa, thank goodness for GMP :D If they found bottles, they can totally trace them!
Precious time and possibly info was lost from the beginning of this thing.....