DEA Raid on a pharmacy NOW!

I'm glad they are investigating, but they definitely should have done it sooner. It's been well over a month now, so there was plenty of time to destroy evidence or remove it or whatever.
Please just let them find something so that the guilty people can be charged. Please.

I'm glad they are investigating, but they definitely should have done it sooner. It's been well over a month now, so there was plenty of time to destroy evidence or remove it or whatever.
Please just let them find something so that the guilty people can be charged. Please.

I know a bit about computer forensics. I would be hard for them to get rid of digital evidence.

Even when you delete files from your computer they're never really "gone". Someone with the knowledge and technical skill can get your hard drive and see every last thing that was ever done on your PC.

I think with a pharmacy having to deal with many more thousands of people than Mike and his several aliases, it might be tricky for them to simply remove those thinking that would save them.

If they can get the original hard drives they can find out a lot.
The way hard drives work, information can still be retrieved even if you delete the information. You'll have to burn and destroy the hard drives. If authority find out new hard drives were replaced during the time frame, you know you'll have a lot of question to answer. In that case, this is the only time in the USA you are technically guilty until being found in innocent.

UPDATE: I didn't see
A_Powerful_Mind post. You know what you're talking about.
The way hard drives work, information can still be retrieved even if you delete the information. You'll have to burn and destroy the hard drives. If authority find out new hard drives were replaced during the time frame, you know you'll have a lot of question to answer. In that case, this is the only time in the USA you are technically guilty until being found in innocent.

Thank you. That's very reassuring :)
This is something that should have been done immediately after Michael's death. I hate to say it, but I don't see anything coming out of these "raids." They are putting on a performance just to appease us fans. I don't buy it. The LAPD and DEA don't care about Michael. I seriously doubt any evidence is still around. It was probably trashed around the time Dr. Murray had his evidence trashed. *smh*
Do you know how hard that would have been? First, all they knew was he died of cardiac arrest, and then AFTER going to his house they found whatever they found. You can't just go in and raid any place you want to, you have to go clue by clue, path by path to find out WHERE you need to go. And then you have to get a judge to sign off on a warrant and present WHY you need to search this place. With all of the different alias's that Michael had and all of the doctors that he had. Not only hard drives they have to go through, but all of these medical records from these different doctors. IMO, they are doing a good job considering the fact that they KNOW they aren't getting the whole truth because all of these doctors are shady, their trying to save their asses.
The way hard drives work, information can still be retrieved even if you delete the information. You'll have to burn and destroy the hard drives. If authority find out new hard drives were replaced during the time frame, you know you'll have a lot of question to answer. In that case, this is the only time in the USA you are technically guilty until being found in innocent.

UPDATE: I didn't see
A_Powerful_Mind post. You know what you're talking about.

^^...Yup! And thank you. :)
couldn't they have got rid of any computers with evidence on and replaced them with new computers?
couldn't they have got rid of any computers with evidence on and replaced them with new computers?
There would be data on the hard drive saying when they started using this certain computer, the dates would raise eyebrows if it was after June 25th
It takes time. Paper trails, prescription trails, prescriptions under false names. Who prescribed them, what pharmacy gave them, was it against rules and regulations. Interviews with people in other states, you have to contact other police departments, lawyers get involved, how many doctors involved, how long has it been going on, how wide is the investigation. They need reason for search warrants and then to charge anyone they have to back it up with a lot of information. So it has to be thorough. It takes time.
I believe there is a storm coming if this keeps up. If the investigation momentum continues where it appears to be going and more people get looked at, eventually they could get all in a sweat to tell what they know about who, what, where and how. It wouldn't be pretty.
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TMZ? always TMZ... Don't you have any GOOD source instead TMZ?
I have always been weary of TMZ but with Michael's story, they have been first to report everything and haven't been wrong yet. Hell, they were the first to report that he died (X17 reported it 2nd right after TMZ did, then took it off when it was on CNN that he was in a coma, then reposted it)
I'm one of the folks who thought the police dropped the ball on this one :bugeyed, but EB is right in saying that they probably assumed that this was not going to be treated as a criminal case.

I don't have experience in criminal investigation, but I'm sure somebody went :doh: especially now, since the coroner's report came out.

But I don't want their job at the moment, oh no! :no: What's hurtful is that, once a trial begins, I'm sure lawyers will be screaming evidence tampering left and right.

I hope they have good hard evidence and they find what they need soon. It's time they broke this case wide open!:punk:
It takes time. Paper trails, prescription trails, prescriptions under false names. Who prescribed them, what pharmacy gave them, was it against rules and regulations. Interviews with people in other states, you have to contact other police departments, lawyers get involved, how many doctors involved, how long has it been going on, how wide is the investigation. They need reason for search warrants and then to charge anyone they have to back it up with a lot of information. So it has to be thorough. It takes time.

I wonder, were the authorities this thorough when they decided to arrest Michael in 2003? Heck no. Arrested him first then tried to build a case.

Makes me angry.
This is bigger than just Dr Murray at this point.
I wonder how many people are going to be involved when its all said and done.

It was always bigger than that so called doctor. He had to get those drugs from somewhere... THIS is why the tox reports are being delayed. I want everyone responsible put DOWN for this. I'm waiting..
I have always been weary of TMZ but with Michael's story, they have been first to report everything and haven't been wrong yet. Hell, they were the first to report that he died (X17 reported it 2nd right after TMZ did, then took it off when it was on CNN that he was in a coma, then reposted it)

I've always been wary of gathering news from TMZ until just like you said, they were the first to report of Michael's passing.. I'm still not saying they are all that reputable, but it looks like in this case they seem to have an insider or insiders that other media outlets do not. THEY are even starting to report citing TMZ as their source.
If I remember correctly medical records have to be kept for 10 years, don't know if it varies by state and I'm not sure if that includes pharmaceutical records too but I think it may. It would be in everyone involves best interest that they destroy nothing, the authorities will find out and they will be in even deeper shit than they already are. It just takes time and patience to piece things together. One thing is leading to another it appears.
Yeah something's going on with TMZ...someone's got a deal somewhere.
I hope something comes off with this raid.

You are right, They dropped the ball, fumbled and then somehow LOST the ball itself on this case and we will never get the real truth and if we get some of the truth it won't be the whole truth. They know something isn't right about this situation and now there trying to cover there "BASES" so they don't look like idiots and they want to "TRY" and look into it.

If they honestly cared about the importance of the circumstances they should have made the house where Michael was at somewhat of a crime scene investigation.

Whatever there looking for it's too late to be looking because what they find wont be found and that's my opinion.
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Have they checked the clinic that TMZ taped of Michael going to and from every week or two?????

If I remember correctly medical records have to be kept for 10 years, don't know if it varies by state and I'm not sure if that includes pharmaceutical records too but I think it may. It would be in everyone involves best interest that they destroy nothing, the authorities will find out and they will be in even deeper shit than they already are. It just takes time and patience to piece things together. One thing is leading to another it appears.

if they really did destroy any records, how could someone tell??
Have they checked the clinic that TMZ taped of Michael going to and from every week or two?????

if they really did destroy any records, how could someone tell??

If its paper records, I guess there would be a gap. Like for example we have files from dates A and C, but date B is missing. Now if they destroyed all files on a particular client, that would be more difficult.
I always hated tmz before,but that site really gives the first informations
Yeah something's going on with TMZ...someone's got a deal somewhere.
I hope something comes off with this raid.
Yeah someone on the inside needs to stop leaking information to TMZ smh, people will do anything for money these days. I don't want to hear information or see police raiding a pharmacy because everyone is watching it, even the people involved in MJs death. I hope the Jacksons get this person(s) that's leaking this information because it can really hurt the investigation.

ETA: I still don't like TMZ, they're ruthless and just trying to boost their website hits.
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Yeah someone on the inside needs to stop leaking information to TMZ smh, people will do anything for money these days. I don't want to hear information or see police raiding oa pharmacy because everyone is watching it, even the people involved in MJs death. I hope the Jacksons get this person(s) that's leaking this information because it can really hurt the investigation.

ETA: I still don't like TMZ, they're ruthless and just trying to boost their website hits.

Yeah I agree. Kinda scary that it started as soon as he died. But anyway, that's a whole other thread.