DEA Raid on a pharmacy NOW!

It would be interesting to know if some of the meds being sold at this pharmacy have connections with overseas distributors?? Discount costs, difficult for the FDA to regulate...There's always the risk of tainted drugs. :mello:

compounded pharmaceuticals are not FDA regulated. the medications used are FDA regulated materials, but compounding pharmacists are not FDA regulated because they are not a one size fits all distributor, they tailor the medications individually to meet their patient's specific needs.
Interesting things coming out. Thanks everyone for shedding light on this.
If this is true, this is shame before God. For Michael to lose his life this way is beyond words and senseless. He should still be here. it is times like this I wish I was married to Michael and could have told him not to use this crap or trust thsi doctor who would get something that is suppose to be used in the hospital only. this is getting painful by the minute.
I am a Pharmacist here in the UK and have never come across a Home Infusion Pharmacy. Maybe they are just in the USA?

What I do know is that here in the UK a Pharmacist has a Duty of Care to the patient just like a Doctor does. If there are any clinical errors, for example, say a Dr has prescribed a patient a drug at too high a dosage or a drug that seriously interacts with another drug the patient is taking, and the Pharmacist dispenses it to the patient, then the liability lies with both the Pharmacist and the Doctor, not just the Doctor, if the patient suffers any harm.

In this case, I'm very interested to know if the order for Propofol was a prescription to MJ or a Doctor's 'Requisition' (ie a Doctor's specific order for a medicine for use in his/her practice). If it was by prescription then the Pharmacist could be in serious trouble too. I have never heard of any Pharmacy in the community dispensing Propofol or any IV anaesthetic before. This like, just never happens.

Even if Murray obtained it by 'Requistion' not prescription, then still I seriously doubt a Pharmacist would supply it and definitely not without questioning it. I mean ultimately the Pharmacist has got to know that it's for a patient, even though the name is not specified at the time of supply. With a drug like this, with such a narrow therapeutic index and all the monitoring that's needed, it'd got to be known at the time of supply it's highly risky.
Just because a Doctor asks for something from a Pharmacy does not mean they get it all the time. They could say no.

I wonder then, if Murray has told a few porkies to blag it off the Pharmacy, like saying it was for use in his clinic? Even so, what is his clinic for? I thought he was a Cardiologist? This drug is for hospital use only with an Anaesthesiologist and monitoring.

Anyone know what a Home Infusion Pharmacy is?
a home infusion pharmacy is a pharmacy that keeps a doctor's prescription on file for patients that need immediate relief. the prescription is written loosely "as needed" it is used for patients who live with chronic pain such as an MS patient who can be stricken at any hour of the night or day and cannot wait for a doctor's hours to be treated. in general they have nurses on staff who are on call 24 hours a day who go to the patient's home to administer IV medications that give immediate pain relief.
I've been reading around on the web and a home infusion pharmacy appears to be one that is capable of providing care of patients by administering drugs at home. But I think TMZ is wrong on this one, and I can only find reference to Applied Pharmacy Services as a 'compounding pharmacy' (i.e. capable of mixing drugs to the patient's specific requirements).

I'm coming across some interesting info about another person connected to the pharmacy in question (not the owner who's name is already out there in the press). This person has convictions. Don't want to go into details but it's uncomfortable reading.
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a home infusion pharmacy is a pharmacy that keeps a doctor's prescription on file for patients that need immediate relief. the prescription is written loosely "as needed" it is used for patients who live with chronic pain such as an MS patient who can be stricken at any hour of the night or day and cannot wait for a doctor's hours to be treated. in general they have nurses on staff who are on call 24 hours a day who go to the patient's home to administer IV medications that give immediate pain relief.

Thank you for clearing the term "home infusion pharmacy" , I was baffled as to its meaning as you can tell by my previous post..
How on earth Michael got involved something like this?! This is really shady... He must have known something about this drug, how legal it is and so on..? It would be weird just to trust some doctor blindly..? Michael must have been somehow desperate or something. I just wonder if he was suffering insomnia so much how it was possible for him to practice continuously and I think he did skip hardly any rehearsals... It quite an easy to see if someone hasnt been sleeping or just two hours...
Topflux, 'shady' is the right word. I think Michael's insomnia is the root cause of his involvement, but that's only a guess.

:( :( :(
So was he put in sleep all through the spring? Every night? Because he was dancing so well...

I hope Joe is not involved, it would be sad... You know, he lives in Vegas, doesnt he? I hope Joe didnt find this doctor for Michael...
a home infusion pharmacy is a pharmacy that keeps a doctor's prescription on file for patients that need immediate relief. the prescription is written loosely "as needed" it is used for patients who live with chronic pain such as an MS patient who can be stricken at any hour of the night or day and cannot wait for a doctor's hours to be treated. in general they have nurses on staff who are on call 24 hours a day who go to the patient's home to administer IV medications that give immediate pain relief.

Thanks for the info. Still I find it hard to imagine Propfol would be prescribed/supplied in this way....

I've been reading around on the web and a home infusion pharmacy appears to be one that is capable of providing care of patients by administering drugs at home. But I think TMZ is wrong on this one, and I can only find reference to Applied Pharmacy Services as a 'compounding pharmacy' (i.e. capable of mixing drugs to the patient's specific requirements).

I'm coming across some interesting info about another person connected to the pharmacy in question (not the owner who's name is already out there in the press). This person has convictions. Don't want to go into details but it's uncomfortable reading.

Interesting....I just hope so much that the DEA and the Police are investigating everything and anything to do with how Propofol was prescribed / supplied, including the Pharmacists' actions, procedures, protocols and reasons for supplying. Part of a Pharmacist's job is to act like a 'safety net' to what the Doctors prescribe.
Home Infusion Therapy is also used for for the IV administration of analgesics, antibiotics, chemotherapy, and parenteral nutrition.
How on earth Michael got involved something like this?! This is really shady... He must have known something about this drug, how legal it is and so on..? It would be weird just to trust some doctor blindly..? Michael must have been somehow desperate or something. I just wonder if he was suffering insomnia so much how it was possible for him to practice continuously and I think he did skip hardly any rehearsals... It quite an easy to see if someone hasnt been sleeping or just two hours...
This what I have been saying as well. Michael was a health nut and to die like this is a shame. He could have taken Tylenal PM or Benadrell in moderation to get his sleep or a herbal tea.
So was he put in sleep all through the spring? Every night? Because he was dancing so well...

I hope Joe is not involved, it would be sad... You know, he lives in Vegas, doesnt he? I hope Joe didnt find this doctor for Michael...
I doubt joe would be involved pre say. He was properly looking for a doctor to help mike
there are also instititions for sleep problems that Michael could have gotton doctors who specializes in it.
no matter how you turn it there's no was this drug was obtained legally
"I own my own medical practice with dispensary on premises. The medical office is highly specialized and required imput from a knowledgeable pharmacy staff. The owners and their education enable Applied to provide the answers to my needs for medications that need to be compounded. After 3 years of working with --- and ---, I would recommend this Compounding Pharmacy to anyone, either a lay person or professional to meet their needs for medications. They will take a personal interest in making or obtaining the medication that you require in the form that you need. Quality assurance is very important to their staff of pharmacists and professional team. I thank myself daily that I have this team behind my Company. Michael

AKA give us all your money and we'll provide you with whatever you want.

This sounds like one of those dodgy pharmacy companies that try to flog drugs via email spam. :p
Remember we all used to hate TMZ? Now its first to report everything.

Ill never forget refreshing the page over and over again on TMZ, only to see the words 'Michael Jackson Dies' in front of my eyes. I will never doubt them again.

I know, that's how i found out he'd died too, TMZ had it all there, when i saw R.I.P. MJ I bawled for hours, still have to fight back tears now :cry: :cry:
This what I have been saying as well. Michael was a health nut and to die like this is a shame. He could have taken Tylenal PM or Benadrell in moderation to get his sleep or a herbal tea.

I know. But probably this has also something to do with that he didnt have time for those anymore. Somehow I understand this. I still dont get why they moved those first concerts. Was it really because of the production or Michaels insomnia..? Whatever the reason that kind of a move is pretty amateur. The scedule cant be that tight...
This what I have been saying as well. Michael was a health nut and to die like this is a shame. He could have taken Tylenal PM or Benadrell in moderation to get his sleep or a herbal tea.

I suspect that from the surgeries he had when he was put under anaesthesia he realised this was for the first time the "best night's sleep" he ever had and came to the conclusion that if the herbal remedies his nutritionist were giving him weren't strong enough then anaesthesia was the only answer. Of course he could've asked his doctors for something else, but I'm guessing his mind was on a single road here out of desperation and the assurance of it's "safety" from one doctor made him more than determined to get what he wanted in order to get some sleep.
I know. But probably this has also something to do with that he didnt have time for those anymore. Somehow I understand this. I still dont get why they moved those first concerts. Was it really because of the production or Michaels insomnia..? Whatever the reason that kind of a move is pretty amateur. The scedule cant be that tight...
those shows were spreaded out and he did not perform not them. If this tour was going to cause all of this, I wish MJ would have just retired.
I suspect that from the surgeries he had when he was put under anaesthesia he realised this was for the first time the "best night's sleep" he ever had and came to the conclusion that if the herbal remedies his nutritionist were giving him weren't strong enough then anaesthesia was the only answer. Of course he could've asked his doctors for something else, but I'm guessing his mind was on a single road here out of desperation and the assurance of it's "safety" from one doctor made him more than determined to get what he wanted in order to get some sleep.
That was my thought. Many people say that is the best. I did not like it the first time but I slept great for my second surgery. but still MJ should have known this was dangerous. I knew it, that was why I was scared to go under because things can happen.
Agrees but I think he was being "forced" and that's why he is DEAD :cry: :cry:
Sorry but I donot think he was forced. I think he wanted to break records and I think he could have done it. This was not like this past tours traveling city to city and performing three shows back to back.
Sorry but I donot think he was forced. I think he wanted to break records and I think he could have done it. This was not like this past tours traveling city to city and performing three shows back to back.

We agree to disagree :flowers:
How on earth Michael got involved something like this?! This is really shady... He must have known something about this drug, how legal it is and so on..? It would be weird just to trust some doctor blindly..? Michael must have been somehow desperate or something. I just wonder if he was suffering insomnia so much how it was possible for him to practice continuously and I think he did skip hardly any rehearsals... It quite an easy to see if someone hasnt been sleeping or just two hours...

Word is that it started during History tour. However, in that case a real anesthesiologist was on the job and real medical monitoring equipment was around to keep things safe. HOWEVER, turns out the alleged anesthesiologist who was administering the propofol at that time had some drug addictions of his own (sigh) AND he was involved in unscrupulous insurance practices that caused him his license for 3 years. During a trial for some other doctor under investigation, apparently it was told that this same anesthesiologist once claimed he gave Michael so much propofol one time (during HIstory tour) that Michael collapsed afterwards (I'm guessing after he awoke Michael cuz he surely couldn't collapse if he was knocked out). Anyhoo, there's quite a history with some of these "doctors" Michael was involved with. I can imagine it's taking some time for the authorities to get thru it all...depending on how far back they dig. sigh

So was he put in sleep all through the spring? Every night? Because he was dancing so well...

I hope Joe is not involved, it would be sad... You know, he lives in Vegas, doesnt he? I hope Joe didnt find this doctor for Michael...

I don't think there's any way anyone could know just how often he may have been getting this unless whoever administered it spills. Maybe it wasn't every night. Murray came on the scene in early May so perhaps it started around that time. :dntknw:

This what I have been saying as well. Michael was a health nut and to die like this is a shame. He could have taken Tylenal PM or Benadrell in moderation to get his sleep or a herbal tea.

Apparently, it's been said by a few ppl that he said none of that stuff worked for him...or if it had, it eventually stopped working. This isn't uncommon for insomniacs. Their bodies get used to one thing so they have to switch to something else or something stronger. Nurse Lee, if anyone believes her, did say she gave Michael some kind of herbal tea or something to help him sleep the night she watched him and he did sleep for about 3 hours. And then he woke up. So herbal treatments, at least whatever she gave him, didn't seem to be working either at that point. I honestly believe he did try everything he could think of before resorting to propofol. I personally feel that whoever introduced Michael to this for the first time years ago and convinced him this was a good idea is the person who started this madness. They are the ones who made Michael feel this was his only option or the best option for him when it shouldn't have been an option at all.

there are also instititions for sleep problems that Michael could have gotton doctors who specializes in it.

I think it was reported after one of the raids on Murray's offices that they found pamphlets to some kind of sleep center or information on sleeping disorders. So...maybe he was about to go that route or Murray was looking for tips to try out on him. It's weird that out of all the doctors he's had over the years that he never sought one who specialized in sleep disorders...someone who could really possibly help him without putting himself into a temporary coma. Being an insomniac isn't something to be ashamed of so it's kinda sad to think he didn't try the obvious. Who knows? Maybe he did and that failed, too. :(
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I have been thinking the samething sense mj passed..."how in the hell did he get involved with all this and that he should be here right now, in the living" but I realized that is not going to bring him back...obviously we didn't walk in his shoes so we don't know what he was thinking or feeling....the fact is he is no longer among us (the living) I think we need to concentrate on who the hell administrated this drug to him in the first place so that they can't do this to someone else.
AKA give us all your money and we'll provide you with whatever you want.

This sounds like one of those dodgy pharmacy companies that try to flog drugs via email spam. :p
Haha, that's how it sounds like to me too. Or maybe I'm just new to this whole idea of home infusion pharmacies. :lol: But to me it does sound like just whatever you want or need, if you have a doctor they can get it for you... and that's how it was done. :\
I just wish I didn't give up on him and was actually there for him as a friend or maybe even something more. I would've helped him get his sleep without those quacks poisoning his system because he'd have a shoulder to cry out his worries on, a friend he could rely on, and if being too full of energy after rehearsals was what was keeping him awake also I'm sure I could think of ways to disperse that energy for him. :)

As for his other problems I dunno if I could've helped there. It seems he lived his life in intense physical pain since his back injury. Perhaps we could've worked together to find safer and less addictive alternatives and ways in which he could reduce the strain that was causing his back to hurt all the time and perhaps even some regular theraputic massages since I did practice massaging at one time and used to give my neighbour and my mother a regular back and foot massage and they said it worked wonders for them.
Word is that it started during History tour. However, in that case a real anesthesiologist was on the job and real medical monitoring equipment was around to keep things safe. HOWEVER, turns out the alleged anesthesiologist who was administering the propofol at that time had some drug addictions of his own (sigh) AND he was involved in unscrupulous insurance practices that caused him his license for 3 years. During a trial for some other doctor under investigation, apparently it was told that this same anesthesiologist once claimed he gave Michael so much propofol one time (during HIstory tour) that Michael collapsed afterwards (I'm guessing after he awoke Michael cuz he surely couldn't collapse if he was knocked out). Anyhoo, there's quite a history with some of these "doctors" Michael was involved with. I can imagine it's taking some time for the authorities to get thru it all...depending on how far back they dig. sigh

I don't there's any way anyone could know just how often he may have been getting this unless whoever administered it spills. Maybe it wasn't every night. Murray came on the scene in early May so perhaps it started around that time. :dntknw:

Apparently, it's been said by a few ppl that he said none of that stuff worked for him...or if it had, it eventually stopped working. This isn't uncommon for insomniacs. Their bodies get used to one thing so they have to switch to something else or something stronger. Nurse Lee, if anyone believes her, did say she gave Michael some kind of herbal tea or something to help him sleep the night she watched him and he did sleep for about 3 hours. And then he woke up. So herbal treatments, at least whatever she gave him, didn't seem to be working either at that point. I honestly believe he did try everything he could think of before resorting to propofol. I personally feel that whoever introduced Michael to this for the first time years ago and convinced him this was a good idea is the person who started this madness. They are the ones who made Michael feel this was his only option or the best option for him when it shouldn't have been an option at all.

I think it was reported after one of the raids on Murray's offices that they found pamphlets to some kind of sleep center or information on sleeping disorders. So...maybe he was about to go that route or Murray was looking for tips to try out on him. It's weird that out of all the doctors he's had over the years that he never sought one who specialized in sleep disorders...someone who could really possibly help him without putting himself into a temporary coma. Being an insomniac isn't something to be ashamed of so it's kinda sad to think he didn't try the obvious. Who knows? Maybe he did and that failed, too. :(
So true. I had this problem for one year but I got help for myself and I was back on track b. With the kind of money Mj had, he could have had a specialist. Dr Murray was desperate for money and would have done anything to get make money. he should have never given it to Michael regardless if Michael request it or not. Now look, Michael is dead; Dr Murray is in trouble and will lose his practice and license; and he still did NOt get paid. Was all of this worth it? NO.