DEA Raid on a pharmacy NOW!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
DEA agents just arrived at Applied Pharmacy Services in Las Vegas, armed with a search warrant ... and our law enforcement sources say they're looking for computer hard drives, documents relating to prescriptions written by Dr. Conrad Murray to Michael Jackson or his aliases, and shipping information regarding drugs that may have been sent to Dr. Murray.
Re: Raid on a pharmacy

Vegas Pharmacy Search -- Dr. Murray Connection
Posted Aug 11th 2009 12:01PM by TMZ Staff
DEA agents just arrived at Applied Pharmacy Services in Las Vegas, armed with a search warrant ... and our law enforcement sources say they're looking for computer hard drives, documents relating to prescriptions written by Dr. Conrad Murray to Michael Jackson or his aliases, and shipping information regarding drugs that may have been sent to Dr. Murray.

The DEA raided Dr. Murray's Las Vegas home and medical practice late last month. REFRESH THE PAGE for any updates.
Wow. . . . . I hope someone has an eye on Murray and on passport applications, and on the airports. Sounds like he is soon to be toast. . . . . .
Remember we all used to hate TMZ? Now its first to report everything.

Ill never forget refreshing the page over and over again on TMZ, only to see the words 'Michael Jackson Dies' in front of my eyes. I will never doubt them again.
This is bigger than just Dr Murray at this point.
I wonder how many people are going to be involved when its all said and done.
This is bigger than just Dr Murray at this point.
I wonder how many people are going to be involved when its all said and done.

Yeah I agree. But I just hope that the LAPD and everyone can stay focused and Dr. Murray goes down for this. I don't was to see him get a plea deal or immunity for flipping on other people that he knew were involved. Someone MUST be held responsible.
Tony Harris of CNN reported this about 15 min ago as "Breaking News".
Remember we all used to hate TMZ? Now its first to report everything.

Ill never forget refreshing the page over and over again on TMZ, only to see the words 'Michael Jackson Dies' in front of my eyes. I will never doubt them again.

I still hate them.

They lie....alot.

And TMZ was not the first...x17online was.
BTW The DEA Assistant Agent on the stream said their search will end in 30 minutes.

I'm watching a live stream. Local news just got finished asking some questions to an Assistant DEA a few minutes ago. Nothing new we already know- they are looking for documents that are in connection with the investigation.

...Haha ok, he's back on again. XD
This is something that should have been done immediately after Michael's death. I hate to say it, but I don't see anything coming out of these "raids." They are putting on a performance just to appease us fans. I don't buy it. The LAPD and DEA don't care about Michael. I seriously doubt any evidence is still around. It was probably trashed around the time Dr. Murray had his evidence trashed. *smh*
Yeah I'm trying to catch this on the major news stations however President Obama is on every channel at the current moment.
Im also wondering why doing all this weeks after his death..
thats nonsense =(
I'm glad they are investigating, but they definitely should have done it sooner. It's been well over a month now, so there was plenty of time to destroy evidence or remove it or whatever.
Please just let them find something so that the guilty people can be charged. Please.