Damn me and my shyness

Oh that's too bad Staffordshire. But at least she sent you a message....not like some women who don't even acknowledge things like that. I wish you the best of luck in the future...and really! Don't be so shy! Go for it....you never know where the next opportunity will present itself...it may be in a coffee shop even...

That's why i'm gonna change things, go to more places. Sign up to dating sites, meet up with people..get to know them....yeah, just get out more...how can you not with this kind of weather here :)

And coffee shop...you mean where you get weed or just a diner kind of thing? Cause coffee shop in Holland means a place where you can get weed especially ;)
My brother had such trouble meeting women...then he went into a local coffee shop in Oregon (that's where he lives) and he met the love of his life there....I am so glad for Jacinda too...she's an angel....so there is someone special out there for you!
Who knows i might meet her at the MJ event her in my country on may 23st. Finding a girlfriend who digs MJ and his music....that's like a dream actually..haha.
Yeah!! The number one criterion for any woman hookin up wid ya should be Love for MJ!! Remember that!! lol! :lol:
I have sort of the same problem, but im not shy Ijust dont know what to say to them, in other words im just not good at starting convosations. Its funny though all my friends think I never shut up lol
Wellllllllllllllllllll that she said she's seeing someone... doesn't mean she couldn't be interested in you... it just means she's faithfull.
She could have said, nice offer but no thanks I'm not interested... but she didn't! ;)
Well let's not overanalyze what she said lol... so many nice girls out there desperately waiting for someone! You'll find your new girl soon.
Remember the super market girl thought of your note and of you asking her as REAL SWEET!
You'll find your girl soon when you're really looking for it! Keep your eyes open for the girls and keep your heart open to find the right one!
I was out yesterday evening and so missed catching up on this thread Staffordshire. I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you, but as i said in one of my earlier posts you've come a long way in confidence through this, so it's just experience! :) Get out there and keep meeting new people and you'll find the person for you eventually. Much love xxx
Wellllllllllllllllllll that she said she's seeing someone... doesn't mean she couldn't be interested in you... it just means she's faithfull.
She could have said, nice offer but no thanks I'm not interested... but she didn't! ;)
Well let's not overanalyze what she said lol... so many nice girls out there desperately waiting for someone! You'll find your new girl soon.
Remember the super market girl thought of your note and of you asking her as REAL SWEET!
You'll find your girl soon when you're really looking for it! Keep your eyes open for the girls and keep your heart open to find the right one!

Yep, i would have hated it if i hadn't received a reply...or as you said, a rather unfriendly reply. But nah, it was actually very friendly...and also said
see you sometime soon at the supermarket again...which is just nice to hear. It's also a sign for me that i did the right thing :)

The fact that i already got at this point so quickly after my...how you say...period of feeling very down...is pretty surprising to me. I felt happy again and good...and pretty soon after that i ask a girl out. For my standards...yes that's very quick. So i'm gonna keep up with that...i'm out of my shell ;)
I have sort of the same problem, but im not shy Ijust dont know what to say to them, in other words im just not good at starting convosations. Its funny though all my friends think I never shut up lol
Well talking a lot is no sign of confidence... it can as much be a sign of keeping the conversation under controll for not being asked or for not having to respond to the unexpected... know what I mean... talking a lot can be the best way to hide fears inside... or even yourself.
Well talking a lot is no sign of confidence... it can as much be a sign of keeping the conversation under controll for not being asked or for not having to respond to the unexpected... know what I mean... talking a lot can be the best way to hide fears inside... or even yourself.

Really? I didnt know that...i actually thought it was the other way around...
Really? I didnt know that...i actually thought it was the other way around...
lol life is not that easy and then again it's simple... but in this case I'd say talking a lot can be both... a 'symptom' of hiding yourself... and also a symptom of showing yourself.

Lots of ppl are actually hiding behind pretending to be oh so extrovert.

I'd say it depends very much on about what they actually talk, how they talk and also if they have the confidence to be quiet and give controll over contents of conversation also to others.
Personally i like to talk with people i know , alot. I love to discuss things...when it's with friends or family members, i can talk about practically anything...it's not that i am the one that talks incredibly much but neither am i someone who doesn't say anything.

However...when i am at work where i don't know everybody too well (i only work there for two months now) i choose to be the silent one most of the time. Certainly never in the center of attention...when someone asks me something , i'll answer. But i just never tell much stories to the group of people. However...when i am with one other co-worker...i talk alot more. I don't know why that is...but that's just me ;)

It sucks that i can't send the lady from the supermarket a reply message...i simply wanted to thank her for the message and leave it at that. But i receive an error when i try to...i don't have her number. So she probably sent it from the internet and not her phone...ah well, i think i'll drop by next saturday and just thank her in person and laugh about it all .
Personally i like to talk with people i know , alot. I love to discuss things...when it's with friends or family members, i can talk about practically anything...it's not that i am the one that talks incredibly much but neither am i someone who doesn't say anything.

However...when i am at work where i don't know everybody too well (i only work there for two months now) i choose to be the silent one most of the time. Certainly never in the center of attention...when someone asks me something , i'll answer. But i just never tell much stories to the group of people. However...when i am with one other co-worker...i talk alot more. I don't know why that is...but that's just me ;)

It sucks that i can't send the lady from the supermarket a reply message...i simply wanted to thank her for the message and leave it at that. But i receive an error when i try to...i don't have her number. So she probably sent it from the internet and not her phone...ah well, i think i'll drop by next saturday and just thank her in person and laugh about it all .

Heh, I am like that too when it comes to conversations... I don't say much, but put my input when the conversations are on silent mode or someone asks me something specific, ... I like the idea of thanking her in person... but maybe u could say,.. well if things don't work out, u can give me a holler ;) j/k I dunno.......

Yeah, I really like this thread, because I am a shy person and even tho I'm not the one going through this particular experience, I'd like ideas on how to meet new people. The next concert I go to (which is hopefully American Idol tour) I'm going to try to meet new people.. I might be going by myself...

so anyways good luck on everything :) Thank you for the updates. I kinda hope this thread stays alive :)
Heh, I am like that too when it comes to conversations... I don't say much, but put my input when the conversations are on silent mode or someone asks me something specific, ... I like the idea of thanking her in person... but maybe u could say,.. well if things don't work out, u can give me a holler ;) j/k I dunno.......

Yeah, I really like this thread, because I am a shy person and even tho I'm not the one going through this particular experience, I'd like ideas on how to meet new people. The next concert I go to (which is hopefully American Idol tour) I'm going to try to meet new people.. I might be going by myself...

so anyways good luck on everything :) Thank you for the updates. I kinda hope this thread stays alive :)

I also hope this thread isn't just disregarded now. I feel that it's been a real confidence booster for you Staffordshire and I'd like to hear more people's stories of overcoming shyness (maybe i'm just nosy, i dunno) :lol:

On an unrelated note i saw a Staffordshire bull terrier out walking with his owner the other day and thought of you :p He was so funny, kept growling in this really cute way at a tree! Haha.
I also hope this thread isn't just disregarded now. I feel that it's been a real confidence booster for you Staffordshire and I'd like to hear more people's stories of overcoming shyness (maybe i'm just nosy, i dunno) :lol:

On an unrelated note i saw a Staffordshire bull terrier out walking with his owner the other day and thought of you :p He was so funny, kept growling in this really cute way at a tree! Haha.

Haha, Staffy's are awesome doggies. But i don't have one though....but from people that have it, i hear nothing but good stories. Any dog is great, as long as it's owner is too.

Yesterday i went to a festival with my bro and his girlfriend, all kinds of live music, because it was liberation day. but the weather destroyed everything....it was pouring rain like there was no tomorrow..so that one didn't last long for us. Next thing planned is the MJ event in Utrecht(holland) where i'm going with a friend..and definitely meet some MJ fans...gonna be awesome :), and yes of course an opportunity to make contacts ;)