I think i have made my decision on how i am gonna play this one out, and it's definitely gonna surprise you, i am even surprised ...IF i really am gonna keep on with that...but i REALLY am planning on. Ok here goes...
This evening i've been talking to a guy on MSN, a dude i don't know personally but always on MSN we chat about things. About life, it's meaning, alotta deep conversations really, and also some very funny ones that didn't mean anything. Well..nothing really deep for now here, just something nice i guess.
I think i should change my 'attitude' to something more like 'why do i worry so much, lighten up...don't care so much about how you are gonna do this.
Just go there, and ask the question, without any monkey business around it. No note, no questions to another cashier about what her name is...cause who the hell am i kidding now? I know her name already. Someone said it before on this forum i think...what have i got to lose?
The worst that can happen is that she says no and that i'll be thinking to myself 'shit' and maybe have the feeling that i look stupid at that moment.
BUT...i do walk out of that store, knowing i had the guts to straight out ask it. It's bound to up my self confidence and make me more 'tougher' too for next times i see a nice lady. Like someone told me...who knows that a first meeting/date (if that happens, that is) might greatly dissapoint, maybe she dislikes certain things, who knows..maybe she has nothing with dogs...well that's a huge no no for me right away. Who knows..maybe she's a psycho
(hey let's throw some humour into this as well eh)
Why make it all so unnessarily difficult? So like i said ...what do i got to lose? Nothing...gain? Alot...EVEN if she says no..,i gain things. More self confidence and more.
Of course there's always a chance that this is just me now talking all brave and tough, and not doing it at all next week or saturday...but really i should keep on with this one. And even if i am still nervous as hell when i ask her out...or that it all might come out weird out of my mouth...i still will have done it, and i will gain more guts with that i'm sure.
What i'm planning on saying is basically
'Normally i don't do this, but would you like to go for a drink with me sometime?' And maybe...just maybe add more...like
' Cause i've seen you a couple of times now and would like to get to know you better' . Something along those lines...maybe alittle shorter. I shouldn't care ANY bit about any customers there..i don't even know them...why should i worry? Let them see me asking a nice looking lady out, right? There are of course several ways..i could wait for when the clock almost hits 8 o clock so that's when they close down..and the counter won't have any customers...or wait outside and then ask it . But i think i'll go for the one where there's just customers...cause again..why should i worry about other customers?
So i've been doing alotta thinking and the conclusion is that all that other 'childish' and high school stuff is just not the way to do it. If i keep on with this...i am pretty sure that i will have gained alot more 'experience' and self confidence than by doing it in such a shy and almost kiddy way :yes: