Damn me and my shyness

Well, i just went there but nope..no luck. There was this other blonde haired girl behind the counter though.....and the stupid thing is...i ain't even sure anymore if it's her or not. Keep in mind that i saw her for just a few seconds tops....my first impression is what stayed in my head, but how she exactly looked like...i don't know exactly. damn this sucks, haha.
I am pretty sure i would still have recognized her by other things. I remember the lady from yesterday being alittle like me...not incredibly talkative, just normal and relaxed. This one was different....so i'm pretty sure it's not her ;)
Well, i just went there but nope..no luck. There was this other blonde haired girl behind the counter though.....and the stupid thing is...i ain't even sure anymore if it's her or not. Keep in mind that i saw her for just a few seconds tops....my first impression is what stayed in my head, but how she exactly looked like...i don't know exactly. damn this sucks, haha.
take your time and find out about your chances! ;D
Well, i feel very stupid now, lol. However...correct me if i'm wrong...if this WAS the girl from saturday, wouldn't she have looked at me in that same way, or stare? Also...i would have recognized a few things.

Even though we didn't talk at all last saturday, she did say a few short things like...do you want the receat (the little ticket thing, i think you call that receat, right?) and from that i can remember this wasn't her. It was just too short....but still that very brief moment meant alot for me...and still does, i wanna find out about her, haha.

It definitely was not her, my bro just told me he also went there for some things to buy and didn't see her.Kinda funny that he actually knows it...but not so strange, since he goes there alot and after a few times you just know what the workers there look like, haha. I have that too, the supermarket i always do my shopping...i know a few ladies that are always behind the counter (only from looking, you just remember them, cause you see them almost every day)
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Daaaamn, nothing yet. Been there twice today...at the end of the morning i went there, and also in the evening. Nothing...why can't she just be working there on everyday of the week? Haha...

Why do these things always have to go so weird when it comes to me? LOL!
It's either me meeting a nice girl at the vet's place or similar, or a supermarket...why is it never a nice girl on the streets or at least someone that i can encounter every day? Haha.

Ah well, i'll just continue on with this, tomorrow, friday...and then on saturday as well. There's a chance i'll see her then, if so..that would mean she only works during the weekends. If i don't see her at all....then it might mean she has a week off from work this week...could very well be. The thing is..these days i'm visiting a supermarket (and buying things) so much more than usual...it's funny as hell if you think about it.
Nice to hear that you're keeping on at it :) Good luck for when you do see her!

I'd laugh if she was on this forum...even more so if she was posting advice on this thread! :lol: Anyway back to the topic, try not to buy too much more than usual! Don't wana run out of money before the summer :p
Hahah exactly, i'm actually checking out their folder to see what items are cheap this week. But i always need little things like sugar and coffee...or....LOL..even just a salt bucket, you know ;)

It would be incredible if she was on this forum, cause it would mean she's a MJ fan...and how incredibly awesome would it be if my next love is a MJ fan...that would RULE!!! Haha.

I got a few tips from people though, on what kind of things i could say...

One very nice one was ' Such nice weather, a shame you have to work' ...or 'such a nice smile fits perfectly with this kind of weather' or when the weather is actually bad' the weather is bad outside, but your smile makes things better' ...and also when i get the receat...i should look at the receat and say 'ok, well till next time (insert first name here) ' nice stuff i'd say :)
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Oh for crying out loud Staffordshire!! Just go there during her work hours....call them up ahead of time to scope it out...lol Does she bag groceries? If so, ask her to help you get your stuff into your car....buy some cat food..even if you don't have a cat...or buy some dog food...then ask her what she feeds her pets....you know, anything to start conversation! :lol:
I am doing what i can, but i have my own work as well. I only had to work in the morning today, so after that i went to the store right away, but nothing. So i definitely was during her working hours there...well...unless she her working hours start 2 hours before the shop's closing...nah.

I can't do much more than this :p
I am doing what i can, but i have my own work as well. I only had to work in the morning today, so after that i went to the store right away, but nothing. So i definitely was during her working hours there...well...unless she her working hours start 2 hours before the shop's closing...nah.

I can't do much more than this :p

How about hiring a private investigator?? You know, you say to him/her "Look out for a cute blonde with a great smile..."?? I'm just kidding, just to let you know. I wish you absolutely the best of luck!
How about hiring a private investigator?? You know, you say to him/her "Look out for a cute blonde with a great smile..."?? I'm just kidding, just to let you know. I wish you absolutely the best of luck!

Thanks, and i would have loved to be able to tell you some nice stories how things went...but sadly, i can't . Cause i've still haven't had any luck yet.
I wasn't gonna go there a second time today, but when the evening started..i just decided to go anyway...but at a much later time than last tuesday. But nothing....so i'm guessing that she's just having a week off from work or sick. But since i've been there several times every day this week, and at different times too...i think it's safe to say she wasn't working this week.

Lol, she of course have already forgotten about me...and look at me trying to 'find' her all week. Ah well...we'll just gonna have to wait and see how this one plays out, now won't we ? ;)
Just keep on at it! We're all behind you on this :D

Oooh but i definitely will :). I just have to make sure that i don't go twice everyday..cause right now i'm gonna say ...poor wallet, haha. Even though i'm really buying little things that don't cost much, i'm still doing so much more shopping than usually, hilarious.

However, looking at the positive side...i can now practice or just come up with some nice starting lines, or compliments for when i do see her. But my plan was actually to just greet her a few times in the week, give a nice little compliment or just a nice gesture and then....well..see what happens next.

I've been talking to my ex girlfriend on MSN now for like an hour now...and i also told her about this. She was very positive and happy about it, thought it was pretty cool and said i should keep on trying...cause she would :)
Definitely, but it's not a surprise to me, i expected that from her. Cause she's always wished the best things for me, that's exactly why she broke up. Cause her feelings for me were going away, and she didn't find it fair at all for me to continue on with it. If you think about it...that's only something to apreciate about someone.
Definitely, but it's not a surprise to me, i expected that from her. Cause she's always wished the best things for me, that's exactly why she broke up. Cause her feelings for me were going away, and she didn't find it fair at all for me to continue on with it. If you think about it...that's only something to apreciate about someone.

very cool thing :)
Oh boy am i feeling gooooooooooood....surprises me how a smile from a lady can have such an effect on you.

What i'm gonna say right now might not seem like big deal for alotta guys, but for me it is. Cause i've just never had much of that happening to me. I'm talking about when you simply get alittle 'attention' from a very nice looking and friendly lady.

Today after work i went to that supermarket again, no luck once again...but i did encounter another very nice friendly lady, who i saw at a distance in the store, i noticed her staring at me for awhile,while she was just placing some products, so i passed by her and she greeted me and smiled, so i did the same. Then i walked over to the counter to buy my stuff..and i saw that she was gonna be using a counter as well, cause it was busy there., so they needed more people there.

When everything was done, i went to the exit and looked behind me once and saw her looking back at me, smiling and saying goodbye again, while she walked away from the counter, and we had a very brief moment of...eye contact? Anyway....it was just sweet. I love it, haha.

For a quite awhile i haven't been caring at all about things like this...all of the sudden the 'new' me starts to live and i'm loving it. I feel so different and so good...all cause of these little things :)
Oh boy am i feeling gooooooooooood....surprises me how a smile from a lady can have such an effect on you.

What i'm gonna say right now might not seem like big deal for alotta guys, but for me it is. Cause i've just never had much of that happening to me. I'm talking about when you simply get alittle 'attention' from a very nice looking and friendly lady.

Today after work i went to that supermarket again, no luck once again...but i did encounter another very nice friendly lady, who i saw at a distance in the store, i noticed her staring at me for awhile,while she was just placing some products, so i passed by her and she greeted me and smiled, so i did the same. Then i walked over to the counter to buy my stuff..and i saw that she was gonna be using a counter as well, cause it was busy there.

When everything was done, i went to the exit and looked behind me once and saw her looking back at me, smiling and saying goodbye again and we had a very brief moment of...eye contact? Anyway....it was just sweet. I love it, haha.

For a quite awhile i haven't been caring at all about things like this...all of the sudden the 'new' me starts to live and i'm loving it. I feel so different and so good...all cause of these little things :)

SO, next time some cute lady smiles at you, smile back!! And wave!! Or just go up to her and tell her how fantastic her smile was - how it brightened up your otherwise blah day...
When everything was done, i went to the exit and looked behind me once and saw her looking back at me, smiling and saying goodbye again, while she walked away from the counter, and we had a very brief moment of...eye contact? Anyway....it was just sweet. I love it, haha.

Wow! That sounds rather encouraging. :)

For a quite awhile i haven't been caring at all about things like this...all of the sudden the 'new' me starts to live and i'm loving it. I feel so different and so good...all cause of these little things :)

Good for you! "Little things" can make all the difference in our lives. Enjoy the season you're in...and good things just might be coming your way.
SO, next time some cute lady smiles at you, smile back!! And wave!! Or just go up to her and tell her how fantastic her smile was - how it brightened up your otherwise blah day...

Exactly, that's something i learned today. Who knows...there might have been much more times that a nice lady stared at me and wanted to greet me...but probably thought to herself ' Heh, nevermind this guy then' when i just only stared at the ground or just didn't pay ANY attention.

Yesterday when i was in my car, and this lady tried to get to the other side of the road...didn't really pay much attention and almost got hit by a few bikers...after that she looked into my direction and i just gave her a nice friendly smile...and i got one returned to me, just niiiiice stuff :)

I smile SO much more. Not only to ladies, just in general. When i go walk Yoshi, i just smile all around....i used to just walk around and look almost mad, and when someone looked in my direction i would just look away or look back...but looking mad..for whatever reason, lol. Well...not whatever reason...i was simply feeling down, unhappy. All that? GONE!!!! Haha
Exactly, that's something i learned today. Who knows...there might have been much more times that a nice lady stared at me and wanted to greet me...but probably thought to herself ' Heh, nevermind this guy then' when i just only stared at the ground or just didn't pay ANY attention.

Yesterday when i was in my car, and this lady tried to get to the other side of the road...didn't really pay much attention and almost got hit by a few bikers...after that she looked into my direction and i just gave her a nice friendly smile...and i got one returned to me, just niiiiice stuff :)

I smile SO much more. Not only to ladies, just in general. When i go walk Yoshi, i just smile all around....i used to just walk around and look almost mad, and when someone looked in my direction i would just look away or look back...but looking mad..for whatever reason, lol.

You need to smile as often as possible Staffordshire. People are naturally attracted to happy, confident people. Just go in there, keep your head on straight, and give the ladies that killer smile!! I bet you got a nice one smile too....although I don't know what you look like....oh wait a minute - I checked you out on the MJJC Member Pics!! You are cute...bet you got a nice smile too...cute dog by the way...
SO, next time some cute lady smiles at you, smile back!! And wave!! Or just go up to her and tell her how fantastic her smile was - how it brightened up your otherwise blah day...

Next time i see the brunette or the girl from last saturday whether it's in the store or she behind the counter, i'll say something nice too...something like ' such nice weather, shame you have to work' . I see myself as a friendly and down to earth dude...so this shouldn't be any problem for me .

You need to smile as often as possible Staffordshire. People are naturally attracted to happy, confident people. Just go in there, keep your head on straight, and give the ladies that killer smile!! I bet you got a nice one smile too....although I don't know what you look like....oh wait a minute - I checked you out on the MJJC Member Pics!! You are cute...bet you got a nice smile too...cute dog by the way...

Hahaha, i was just about to quote you, and i saw now that you did see me and my great dog Yoshi :)

You know...for some reason i thought for a long time that ladies would also be interested if i tried to have a 'tough and mad' face...well when i think about that now..i just don't understand it myself...of course nobody is gonna like that. I bet alotta people were like 'Daaaamn, what's up with that guy' , hah.

I used to go to hiphop shows alot ...mostly with my brother. And several times i noticed girls staring at me and i always acted like i didn't notice or care...next time i will walk up to that person and just say something friendly ...why the hell not , right ? :)
Yeah Gooooo for it. say hi. It has been a lot of time that I liked a guy but he would look but wouldn't say something. I hate that. lol. Then the guys I don't like always up in my face.

btw that black puppy is so cute. Yoshi too but I really like the black one.
Yeah Gooooo for it. say hi. It has been a lot of time that I liked a guy but he would look but wouldn't say something. I hate that. lol. Then the guys I don't like always up in my face.

btw that black puppy is so cute. Yoshi too but I really like the black one.

Yoshi actually is the black one. Yoshi (my dog) is the one with the cat/bat ears :p. The French Bulldog...but faaaaar from a pup...she's like 4 or even 5 now :)
Well i have a nice little update for ya'll, and it's sure to make you laugh, even i do .

So in the evening i went to the shop again, cause last saturday is when i saw her in the evening. I went into the shop and i thought she wasn't working, i didn't see her straight away. I decided to buy some juice, LOL...it's never a bad thing to have enough to drink you know.

Then i went to the counters and pretty soon i saw it was her, but i just wasn't sure what the hell to say.....i actually was so goddamn nervous inside..not funny anymore, lol. So i just stared a few times at her, and smiled , greeted and that was that. I went home..and i was like...goddamn you man, you absolutely haven't got yourself anywhere now....no name, no nothing.

As crazy as it is...i went back..and i bought two things, where i was sure of that i could ask a receat for or that she would offer one.(so that i at least would have her name...it's a start) a magazine and some cookies....
So i went to that same counter again..and i smiled and said 'Haha, did i almost forgot the cookies' which is of course a flat out...lie? LOL! i said
have a nice weekend to her , she did too..and that was it.

I know for sure now that she only works on saturdays, since i didn't see her at all last week...i also didn't see a nametag on her jacket...neither do i have that at my work. Simply because i have a temporary contract, so that makes sense. But it sucks though...it would have been good if she had worked there a few days in the week..so i could see her more and say more things each day.....at least i said something to her instead of nothing, like basically every customer does.

I am afraid i am in love with her...even though i don't know ANYTHING about her. But i feel exactly like i did when i saw my first girlfriend for the first time...that exact same feeling.And neither did know her at that time yet, It's pretty obvious that she's more than a 'nice girl i was just impressed with' otherwise i wouldn't have gone to the place every day...hahahaa.

But damn...what's next.