Countdown to Christmas 2010

i love Christmas eve so much, i will more than likely be working but i come home, get ready for mass, then me, my mum, my dad, and two brothers head to mass, come home...with normally a chinese, we eat that, and get into my xmas pajamas, go to the living room with all the scrabble, and open our presents from all the family...then on Christmas morning
Well im still a big child at xmas!! lol
so at around 7 or 8 am i get up..go wake my brothers up (ones coming 21 and the other will be 18 soon) LOL go down stairs to the presents from our mum and dad. then my mum comes down maybe an hour later (my dad sleeps on lol) she starts sorting the dinner and all that can smell the big turkey all over the house!! :lol:
em..then around 12 in the afternoon we tuck in. :hungry:

....then we head to the graveyard to my sisters grave, say a few wee prayers, put down flowers. then we leave there, then head to my granny and granda's. the whole family go there like, my cousins, aunts, uncles, etc and just have a wee partyyy!! :p

aaaaaaa i love Christmas!! :) :)
Today it´s the first sunday in Advent.
Then it´s time to lit the first candle and put an electric candlestick or star in the windows.
We don´t visit church that much in Sweden but many of us do it this sunday.
I love to sing the old hymns and listen to the choir
Imagine to hear it in one of the biggest churches in the north of europe,it´s very powerful.
Not sure what my Christmas routine will be this year, every year something seems to change in my life that therefore changes my routine. This year the big change is that my boyfriend moved in a couple of months ago so guess the routine will change somewhat :D
Not long nowww!
God i just love the smell of turkey when i wake up on xmas morning!! :hungry:
Christmas can't come fast enough!! I'm excited!!! It's my 25th birthday :)
I just lit the first two candles on my first ever Christmas Advent wrath. The wreath was ready only this week. Meant to do it last year as well, but didn't manage to cause i was silly. I loveee it. :D

Not quite like this, but also very beautiful, my candles are golden though.


I have a thing for candles, all types of them and i just found these by chance online. How great are they?

Yeah, make it stop! :cheeky:

H.....nope, make it pass more quickly. I just want this year to be over. I've been sayin' it for months now, if i could just sleep (quite ironic comin' from me) for the x amount of months/days left of the year and wake up in 2011, i'd be moreee than satisfied. But then again, i would miss all of this excitement about songs and vids and stuff, so i guess i'll have to stay awake......or semi-awake

im in the middle of putting all my lights up:D:punk::punk:

Niiiice. Mom simply lit them up, we've had them on for three years now lol. We just turn them on in early December. It's far easier like this. :p

They're playin' this on tele all the time, looooove it - so, soooo very funny. Actually, what both Santa and the Ms are talkin' about are miracles.

They do exist *Shabby faints* :cheeky:
I like to decorate my bedroom. I have these multi coloured lights which go all around the edge of the rail at the top of my wall.

I have nothing to put them up with so I used tape.......Of course after half an hour of sticking them on with tape they all fell down -__-
I like to decorate my bedroom. I have these multi coloured lights which go all around the edge of the rail at the top of my wall.

I have nothing to put them up with so I used tape.......Of course after half an hour of sticking them on with tape they all fell down -__-

:lol: sorry, had to laugh because thats happened to me
ive put all the gifts under the tree:yes:...:wub::wub::wub:

Oh geez the anxiety.

I hyperventilate just thinking about all the Christmas cards I've yet to send out.

I tried to put up my mother's small tabletop tree today. I thought it would be nice to help her out (since she's a senior citizen and not in the best of health). But for some reason she stored the stand separately from the tree and I couldn't find it. Now how am I supposed to put up a tree without a stand?

So I moved on to the fake wreath. I figured, how hard could this be? But to my irritation she stored the metal wreath holder somewhere NOT with the wreath. FAILED. I packed it all up and put it back in the closet.

Humbug with all this. :cheeky:
:lol: sorry, had to laugh because thats happened to me

Haha worst thing was that it mostly fell down suddenly in the middle of the night, almost giving me a heart attack.

I seriously dont understand people who dont like Christmas. Dont know if you have all come across people who dont like Christmas or not, but i've come across a few.

Christmas time is just an absolutely lovely time.

For starters it brightens up the dull winter time!

Aside from that, everybody is in such an amazing mood at Christmas time, everyone is excited (especially the kids, I love seeing kids on Christmas eve and know how excited they are), families come much closer together. Of course there is also the gifts you recieve ;)

I absolutely love it, how people can say they dont like it is just beyond me. I just have to assume they are miserable b*****s and just dont like the fact that everyone is happy :S Or they dont like the fact that they have to spend so much money on gifts. But lets face it, what else would you spend your money on? Boring crap...thats all.

I STILL get up as early as possible on Christmas day (probably about 5am) and i'm 19 now, its become sort of a tradition. You look forward to it for an entire month, so why waste most of the day by getting up late?
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I'm trying my best to get things done on time this year, and so far, so good. Got the tree last night--after a lifetime of real trees, last year it became apparent that it just wasn't going to work out anymore and at the last minute I had to buy a fake from work. It was crap. This year we got a much better (more realistic-looking) artificial one. :)

I'm about halfway through shopping for gifts. On top of Christmas, there are a couple of birthdays in December as well.

Hopefully the lights and wreath will be on the house soon.
ive put all the gifts under the tree:yes:...:wub::wub::wub:

Woww, ain't u in a hurry? I don't even have the trees up yet.

Haha worst thing was that it mostly fell down suddenly in the middle of the night, almost giving me a heart attack.

I seriously dont understand people who dont like Christmas. Dont know if you have all come across people who dont like Christmas or not, but i've come across a few.

Christmas time is just an absolutely lovely time.

For starters it brightens up the dull winter time!

Aside from that, everybody is in such an amazing mood at Christmas time, everyone is excited (especially the kids, I love seeing kids on Christmas eve and know how excited they are), families come much closer together. Of course there is also the gifts you recieve ;)

I absolutely love it, how people can say they dont like it is just beyond me. I just have to assume they are miserable b*****s and just dont like the fact that everyone is happy :S Or they dont like the fact that they have to spend so much money on gifts. But lets face it, what else would you spend your money on? Boring crap...thats all.

I STILL get up as early as possible on Christmas day (probably about 5am) and i'm 19 now, its become sort of a tradition. You look forward to it for an entire month, so why waste most of the day by getting up late?

I've met some of them folks as well, but not that many really. I don't agree winter is a dull time though; Christmas does make it all more magical.

I really think those who do not like Christmas actually are hiding a lot of pain under the mask of cynicism and pessimism. As they say, a cynic is a defeat idealist. Unfortunately, lately i find myself in their camp more than i would like, but thank goodness not when it comes to Christmas.

Some do not care to acknowledge the holidays because they are apart from a loved one and wish they had them close or even worse they have lost a dear one and the memories of the past fun and laughter bring them down.

What is really mean though is to ruin someone's Christmas and New Year's on purpose with silly mind games, as it has happened to me last year. It is incredibly hurtful and downright hateful as some would say to take advantage of one's attachment to the holidays in the cruelest of ways, so much so that the only thing left for hopin' and prayin' is that if people cannot make the Christmas, for whatever reasons, more or less valid and objective, at least they refrain from ruining this season as well. I'm hoping this horrendous year will at least end on a different note than it began. As stupid and as cold as it sounds, emptiness would be a good start. Simply nothing (good) is a lotttt better than something bad. me crazy, and for once i'm not being my hyper hypocritical self, but i don't believe Christmas is about the material stuff, the presents under the tree. I love the atmosphere and i truly believe it is about celebrating Christ's birth by giving time and showin' love. If we can do that for those in greater need than us, even better.

I'm trying my best to get things done on time this year, and so far, so good. Got the tree last night--after a lifetime of real trees, last year it became apparent that it just wasn't going to work out anymore and at the last minute I had to buy a fake from work. It was crap. This year we got a much better (more realistic-looking) artificial one. :)

I'm about halfway through shopping for gifts. On top of Christmas, there are a couple of birthdays in December as well.

Hopefully the lights and wreath will be on the house soon.

We'll buy the natural one this coming week. This will be the third year when we're putting the artificial one back at my place and the natural one at my folks'. We're making a compromise - the artificial one with the glass, hand painted ornaments (which i loooove so much) and the natural one with plastic and other unbreakable materials cause of the cats lol. We don't wanna risk anything. The one back at my place i get it down around Easter the next year hahaha.

Good luck with the rest of your preparations.

Put my decs up today :D :D :D

Greatttt. I was looking out the window and seeing all the neighbours' houses beautifully decorated. It is such a lovely, familiar and comforting image :)

So tell me folks, have u mailed your letters yet, what do u want Santa to get ya?

Here's what i really want............:girl_crazy:

I watched a Christmas short-film today...I used to see it on TV periodically when I was a kid, and I've always loved it...Anyone else familiar with it? I love it because the story is told through picture, action and music...It was based on a picture book, basically....And, the film is wordless..


I really love this song...

11 days to go; I haven't finished my X'mas shopping yet. But I did order many copies of "Michael" to give to some friends. :)