Countdown to Christmas 2010

Once Halloween is over... Christmas is on the horizon :D
Its not just Christmas day i'm looking forward to though, its the whole month of december. Decorations, carols, coldness!!
Can't wait!!

Ah I see you live in Southampton which is about 20 minutes drive from me (I live in Winchester) so no wonder you're looking forward to decorations - Southampton usually does a good job unlike Winchester who make no effort. Even the Christmas tree on our high street got chainsawed down once, not that it was a bad thing - it needed putting out of it's misery it was so limp and pathetic lol
Ah I see you live in Southampton which is about 20 minutes drive from me (I live in Winchester) so no wonder you're looking forward to decorations - Southampton usually does a good job unlike Winchester who make no effort. Even the Christmas tree on our high street got chainsawed down once, not that it was a bad thing - it needed putting out of it's misery it was so limp and pathetic lol

Hi fellow southerner :D
Awww thats a shame. One of the best parts about Christmas is the atmosphere throughout the towns. Maybe you could decorate your house and convince your neighbours to? At least then you'll be surrounded by the Christmas cheer :)
You should visit the Southampton German Market during december, never fails to get me feeling festive.
In a month and 5 days, I can officially start looking forward to Christmas! :D

Cant wait to brighten up the winter!
Hi fellow southerner :D
Awww thats a shame. One of the best parts about Christmas is the atmosphere throughout the towns. Maybe you could decorate your house and convince your neighbours to? At least then you'll be surrounded by the Christmas cheer :)
You should visit the Southampton German Market during december, never fails to get me feeling festive.

Well I live in a flat and considered decorating the whole communal area in the block but the people below me don't like Christmas so thought I'd better not lol. Ah yeah I love the German market in southampton it always looks and smells really good :) We have a similar one in another part of winchester but they plonk an ice rink in the middle of it which sounds like it would be nice but looks really ugly and makes a horrible noise which is a bit of a put off haha.
9 days till hallowhean?
im not sure what i will do for christmas 2010?
im not in a mode for any kind of partys this year
i need to take it easy and just enjoy my life more
u guys are funny :D its october and u r already thinking bout christmas ^^
but i love christmas time
I'm a terrible gift giver. I never know what to get for people. I always end up getting something at the last minute. That I hate shopping doesn't help either, hehe.
I actually started picking up my Christmas shopping on Thursday and picked up the last thing yesterday, I have now stashed it until I get my fingers out of my backside and get wrapping paper to wrap it all up.

Usually I'm one of these "leave it till the last minute" type of people but after last year I decided to get in early that way when I get the job of wrapping up my two sister's kids presents I won't be sick of it by the time I've finished :lmao:
I actually started picking up my Christmas shopping on Thursday and picked up the last thing yesterday, I have now stashed it until I get my fingers out of my backside and get wrapping paper to wrap it all up.

Usually I'm one of these "leave it till the last minute" type of people but after last year I decided to get in early that way when I get the job of wrapping up my two sister's kids presents I won't be sick of it by the time I've finished :lmao:

I love getting all my Christmas shopping done as early as possible...(i'm almost completely done now)...this way, it's so much better to enjoy the whole holiday season, without the stress of shopping....:D
A few weeks ago i did my first Christmas shoppin' for the year - a very, very beautiful book with Biblical illustrations and some very interesting reflections; it's tied with a string of leather for the extra authenticity factor lol. Love it so much.

Last night i was listening to some songs. One of my favorites of all time has got to be:

it really does make you wanna click ur heels :D

Also the classic

It's just as lil' Mike sang (like the little mouse he was back then :p) - what we all want means more than fun - LOVE and PEACE for EVERYONE.
Anyone who has Sky tv in the UK, 'Bliss' the music channel is showing christmas songs all day, everyday up until christmas :D
Its getting me all festive already :lol:

p.s. bought my advent calendar today hehe :)
Once Bonfire night is over this weekend, think I'll definitely be in the mood to start thinking about christmas :D
It's definitely time for Christmas once Bonfire is out of the way! I can't wait - I love Christmas!

I can't believe that some do-gooders wanted to take the Christ out of Christmas and call it 'Happy Holidays' instead - utter rubbish!!

I've already started to shop for presents :) And I love the cold, Winter evenings near Christmas where you get to wrap up all nice and snuggly in scarves and gloves :)

Christmas is never quite the same when youre older though when you have to work through Christmas Eve as a 'normal working day'... :(

I can't wait to have kids - they'll be so excited for Christmas this time of year :)

I always like to go carol singing too to get in the spirit of things :)
:wild::wild::wild: there's a christmas thread!!!!! weee!! i've been counting down for Christmas since september. everyone tells me that i'm insane, but now that halloween is over i've made them see that it really is almost christmas :woohoo::bounce: aww I've started listening to christmas songs too :santa: Christmas has always been a really magical time for me, the whole feel of it is just so uplifting at times :)
Cant wait. Problem is, I have a lot of things going on before and during Christmas time which im REALLY dreading. I am starting my first job and i'm going to be constantly feeling nervous. I hope it doesnt ruin the build up :\
I love Christmas, it's my favourite part of the year :) I can't wait to decorate the Christmas tree, getting together with family and eating special meals that you only eat once a year :) We don't give presents during Christmas though. In the Netherlands there's a celebration called "Sinterklaas" on December 5th (which is actually where the word "Santa Claus" came from btw) and it's about an old man, similar looking to Santa, who comes from Spain by boat with his helpers (called "Black Petes" - not racist lol) to bring the children presents and candy. And considering I have two little nephews, that's where my money will be going lol. My sister already spent over 200 euros on Sinterklaas presents and it's still a month away :lol: So during Christmas we just get together with our close family and have dinner. I actually prefer this to the (imo) over-commercialized Christmas where it's all about expensive presents. That's not what Christmas is supposed to be about :)
ahhhh i just love Christmas!!!
its like my favourite time of the year!
i really hope it snows here... it hasnt in ages!! like even if it does...its always like the slightest drop! :lol:
i love the smell of our house at Christmas...the smell of the big Christmas dinner spreads all around the house...and the Christmas lights are so pretty!! :wub: