Countdown to Christmas 2010

I'm a terrible gift giver. I never know what to get for people. I always end up getting something at the last minute. That I hate shopping doesn't help either, hehe.

try saving money and month before christmas try to order a few things you can give to others
i like giving money to cheirtys
i feel like im happy for now im just giving cool advice to alot of persons
marry chirstmas
try saving money and month before christmas try to order a few things you can give to others
i like giving money to cheirtys
i feel like im happy for now im just giving cool advice to alot of persons
marry chirstmas

I'll try. This time of year I go into denial mode and try to forget Christmas is approaching all too quickly. It just seems overwhelming. Thank you for your advice.

One thing I like to do is bake Christmas cookies. Last year my niece (she's in her 30's now) came over to my place and we baked cookies together. We may do it again this year. I have a recipe for Mrs. Fields Chocolate chip cookies that is so good.:)
I have to yet start my xmas shopping.

:lmao: you are so slack buttercup, I have done all of my shopping its all stashed away in our man hole ready for me to wrap up when I'm in the mood to do it, might look @ tackling it when I get back from holidays.

There is only 1 more person I have to shop for and thats you and the only reason I haven't got urs yet in because the bloody store I want to hurry up and get their arse to riverlink doesn't come until December so I'm going to be so :censored: pissed off if you don't get your pressie before Christmas.
:lmao: you are so slack buttercup, I have done all of my shopping its all stashed away in our man hole ready for me to wrap up when I'm in the mood to do it, might look @ tackling it when I get back from holidays.

There is only 1 more person I have to shop for and thats you and the only reason I haven't got urs yet in because the bloody store I want to hurry up and get their arse to riverlink doesn't come until December so I'm going to be so :censored: pissed off if you don't get your pressie before Christmas.

Oh I know I need to get my act into gear LOL I have started my christmas pressie list. I just have to get yours too but I don't know wether to get it or not just incase you already have it.
Oh I know I need to get my act into gear LOL I have started my christmas pressie list. I just have to get yours too but I don't know wether to get it or not just incase you already have it.

that's where its going to make it hard because we aren't sure what eachother has... I know for a fact you don't have what I'm getting you unless you've already purchased it online which I doubt it.

I might have to look @ doing that myself if the shop doesn't hurry up and get to riverlink soon *nods*
that's where its going to make it hard because we aren't sure what eachother has... I know for a fact you don't have what I'm getting you unless you've already purchased it online which I doubt it.

I might have to look @ doing that myself if the shop doesn't hurry up and get to riverlink soon *nods*

Yeah, I don't want you to end up with the same thing. I don't have it you know I don't buy online. I'll keep on looking for what I want to get you.
Anyone getting anything MJ related? I'll probably get the Vision boxset. i'll 100% be getting the album on release day though :D
when will you all get started with decorating your home?

Mum is one of these believers in those stupid superstitions so we won't start decorating our place till about 10 days before, but when its all done and finished it will be totally worth it as I'm in charged of the decorations this year :D

Anyone getting anything MJ related? I'll probably get the Vision boxset. i'll 100% be getting the album on release day though :D

*puts hand up* :yes: I will be getting a few things that are related to Michael, starting with the Vision Boxset, His New Album, The DS Version Of His New Video Game (as I have to wait for the PS3 version) & If I can talk my parents into it I'll be getting an authentic signed framed poster of Michael :D
Mum is one of these believers in those stupid superstitions so we won't start decorating our place till about 10 days before, but when its all done and finished it will be totally worth it as I'm in charged of the decorations this year :D

*puts hand up* :yes: I will be getting a few things that are related to Michael, starting with the Vision Boxset, His New Album, The DS Version Of His New Video Game (as I have to wait for the PS3 version) & If I can talk my parents into it I'll be getting an authentic signed framed poster of Michael :D

Ooooh ive been considering the DS version of the game. (i too have to wait for ps3 version)
Well as I already told you we celebrate Sinterklaas in Holland that's december 5th and every year I start with the decorations right after that so december 6th.
wow you guys are quick with xmas shopping :D i have nothing so far and didnt even think about it :O

and decorating the house starts at 1st december of course :D:D
do you know the word "Advent"? or is this just in germany common? :D
Buttercup you know that shop that I was telling you about that is usually in Riverlink that would be selling what I was going to get you for Christmas isn't going to be here this year so I'm like so friggen pissed off.

Cause now I have no clue where to get it from cause I can't remember the link to the online shop that sold what I was going to get you for Christmas, and 9 times out of 10 you've got to order with them @ the beginning of the year to have even the slightest chance to get ur order.

So I'm like really

:blowup: :angry: :rant:
39 Days to Christmas
25 Days to Michael(at least in Germany)
The best present is the new album "Michael", even if im not sure at all, that Michael would be proud of this album...
My huge family gathers inside my mother's tiny Brooklyn apartment, arriving one family at a time until I can't breathe, we exchange gifts, I avoid the annoying people (like my sister's new boyfriend) eat until we're sick (ok, that's just me), then I go home in relief that it's all over.
4 Weeks & 4 days too go, our shopping centers are already starting to become a nightmare with everyone getting ready or already shopping for Christmas.

Thank god mine is already done and wrapped all I have to do is hand everyone their gifts when we have our family Christmas dinner :D
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We gather at my parents house the first day of christmas. We play board games eat lots of bad stuff :p and watch a christmas movie.
This year for the first time we will come together at my place on the 2nd day of christmas. I'll be making different kinds of snacks for diner and for desert we'll do some chocolate fondue. And we play lots of games of course. I LOVE games :D