Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

She will try to justify it any way she can. This is where the interviewer needs to challenge her but they are as hopeless as her and seem to be in awe of her. Which is probably why she went on his show, an easy ride.

For the life of me I never could understand why the US holds her in high esteem. I mean some idiots wanted her to run for President!
I wish he would have asked about James's mother. What is that excuse. what about all of Wade lies. What was her fear in hearing from the Jackson's side. Why didn't she study the trial and what these guys said in court? I still say NO ONE defends no one for two decades (even after death) and then want to make claims and SUE for $$$.
Some are picking up the story in America.

It's clear that's not vandalism, just the star get damaged with time. Crack on the inner angles confirm that - it's a typical damage.
You know, the star is watched by people, it would be hard to try to break the star. It would be a lot easier to throw paint and run away.

Here's the photos:
That looks like wear and tear and earth quake marks
She will try to justify it any way she can. This is where the interviewer needs to challenge her but they are as hopeless as her and seem to be in awe of her. Which is probably why she went on his show, an easy ride.

For the life of me I never could understand why the US holds her in high esteem. I mean some idiots wanted her to run for President!
And she had sexual claims at her school in Africa. Now, some can accuse her of running a "sex ring" and will can twist it to show the "process" of doing so. She is rich; others running it; she settle a case; good image, etc. So u see, how she live can do done in the same way. be careful Oprah.
Soundmind;4254442 said:
But Quentin Schaffer, HBO’s Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications, said that the report is untrue, and that the network will continue to show the documentary through April 17. It will also remain available to watch on HBO Now and HBO Go.

Their 'denial ' is a confirmation it will be on demand only until 17 April not until September as initially planned. They are manipulative liars.


Out of curiosity, I checked the HBO On Demand Documentaries, just to see what the standard length of time documentaries would be available On Demand, and man was I surprised!!

Some of those HBO Documentaries have been On Demand FOR YEARS!!!!!

Case in point: "15: A Quinceanera Story (2017); "3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets (2015);" "Baghdad ER (2006);" "Beware Of Slenderman (2017);" "Being Serena (2018)." That's just a few, there are a slew of HBO Documentaries have been On Demand for years and years.

So if LN is infact removed on April 17th, then HBO, ONCE AGAIN, played themselves and are full of malarkey. If there were no problems, coming from the HBO back offices, no way they would be taking LN down so soon, in my opinion. NO WAY!!
It can be possible that brett barnes Lawsuit against LN has also something to do that some platforms and amazoon have to take LN down.
Maybe Brett and his loyars made some progress to force them and Dan Reed to cut his likeness and mentioning out of LN.
It can be possible that brett barnes Lawsuit against LN has also something to do that some platforms and amazoon have to take LN down.
Maybe Brett and his loyars made some progress to force them and Dan Reed to cut his likeness and mentioning out of LN.

Clearly "something" is going on.

HBO purchased that "mockumentary," and now they are just going to remove it after such a short period of time. I don't buy it!

Just like everything else in life: If its successful and people are tuning in and there are NO problems, then they would have left it up there until the wheels fell off.
Clearly "something" is going on.

HBO purchased that "mockumentary," and now they are just going to remove it after such a short period of time. I don't buy it!

Just like everything else in life: If its successful and people are tuning in and there are NO problems, then they would have left it up there until the wheels fell off.

Maybe HBO have lost too many customers over the last months. ?
Can someone resarch the much the nummber of their customers has changed from janurary to now?
Is this public somewhere?
I knew that we had to check before we make any comments.
We cannot afford to take any steps back after making progress.
Now watch the media report on the movie still being on HBO while ignoring the train station story.

But the reports were correct - the movie was supposed to be on "On Demand" until September, now it's only gonna be there until Wednesday. HBO basically just confirmed this with their statement. They are just trying to spin.......
This video is also older but I think it is also a good idea to share it in these days.
It explains very well for me why MJ would not be the artist or the man he was when he would have not choosed to surround himself with children and could not stoped with it after the 1993 scandal.

They were his biggest inspiration for his art and his biggest joy in life.
Noone would cut out his bigget inspiration or his biggest joy in life as an innocent man!

Without the children Michael Jackson would not be this unique beloved special pure man who brought this whole world so many beautiful things and beautiful, special magical art (like the moonwalk for example he learned from children).

"Michael Jackson's Top 10 Rules For sucess" from Even Carmichael
208.807 views on April 11 2019

It can be possible that brett barnes Lawsuit against LN has also something to do that some platforms and amazoon have to take LN down.
Maybe Brett and his loyars made some progress to force them and Dan Reed to cut his likeness and mentioning out of LN.

Barnes have lawsuit against HBO/LN ?
First time I heard that, I thought his lawyers only sent a letter to HBO.
Barnes have lawsuit against HBO/LN ?
First time I heard that, I thought his lawyers only sent a letter to HBO.

Hm..... ok but why they should have not to went further and filed a lawsuit after the letter was not sucessful in the last weeks? Everyone would do this in Bretts place.
I would not want to be part of this childpornograhic fiction movie against one of my closest friends.
They don't have to make the lawsuit public.
It is now over a month later after the HBO airing, time enough to go the logical next step!
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Clearly "something" is going on.

HBO purchased that "mockumentary," and now they are just going to remove it after such a short period of time. I don't buy it!

Just like everything else in life: If its successful and people are tuning in and there are NO problems, then they would have left it up there until the wheels fell off.

I think it is the estate lawsuit and the real estate agency. If the real estate agency sues HBO, Dan Greed will be in big trouble because HBO will go after him also. The would explain why they removed it from Amazon also.
The cracks in the MJ star are not in this video from September 6 2018!

A beautiful video by the way. I love the channel from the uploader who is a big MJ lover and supporter.
I understand but that is LA where earthquakes,etc hits. problems vary. MY sidewalk was not too long put down and trucks ride hard by my home and it has lines like that in it. All I am saying I wont jump to conclusion. Hope they fix it.
I understand but that is LA where earthquakes,etc hits. problems vary. MY sidewalk was not too long put down and trucks ride hard by my home and it has lines like that in it. All I am saying I wont jump to conclusion. Hope they fix it.

I'm not saying it was vandalised but it was fine for decades wasn't it? It was fine last year at least. Now there are cracks.
You guys are talking about Geoffrey Rush and i believe he's Barbosa from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Yes, he is the one. He just won his lawsuit in this metoo movement era and against papers and some admit they were surprise because people think the accusers have to be believed. NOT. People are sick of it. I am glad he won. More needs to sue and I do not care if they do not win. Send a message.
I think it is the estate lawsuit and the real estate agency. If the real estate agency sues HBO, Dan Greed will be in big trouble because HBO will go after him also. The would explain why they removed it from Amazon also.

Yep. Yep. Yep.

AND the Train Story!!!!! The Train Story took on a life of it's own and it's STILL rolling! I know the brass over at HBO is pissed. Serves them right for thinking they had that "mockumentary" all wrapped up with a pretty little bow. Now look at them, scrambling to make it all vanish. TOO LATE HBO!!!!!!
It also is possible that the FBI got involved in the LN battle cause the movie was also an attack on them.


They have looked into the testimonys of the two familys we don't know and found something what totally contredicts the storys they are telling now


They have listened into recorded phonecalls with this familys and found something what totally contredict their today storys


They had the compleate Neverland security outdoor camera footage saved and find out that MJ never were in the pool with James, went never to the theater with James, the castle, the guest units, the tepes or the late trainstation.


Found out that MJ never was alone with Wade (when the family went to the Grand cannan or at any other time) to have the opportuity to abbuse him.

Or or or....
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What !
The real disrespectful is what Prince and Paris are doing now.
I will ask you a simple question: Can you keep silence when someone/media is talking badly about your father ?? Me NO.
It's true, I don't respect Paris and Prince since they are mute after LN.
I think they loved the popcorn.

This may come off in a way that feels 'triggering' but I don't think you grasp why they do not speak publicly. IDK why fellow fans and some of MJ family themselves have to explain why..

Prince & Paris speaking publicly only brings the documentary MORE attention, it's not just a matter of black and white. The gray area takes up a high majority of the landscape of this issue. THE reason why the Jacksons as a whole never were ones to speak on BS is because when they speak topic (good or bad) they are speaking life INTO the subject. The millions around the world that have not even heard about the doc, would hear about it.. That is all it takes for people to be like "WTF is this? let me check it out."

They should not speak about this right now, let them be the final nail in the coffin of this issue, not the voice that grabs peoples attention for it.

Plus you really have to consider the emotional position they are in, celeb life is not easy. Anything you say can and WILL be used against you in the court of public opinion. And with social media, the hate comes in.. Every single anti MJ person would have reason to send hate messages to them.

Do you really think that's smart? To speak on a subject that is crushing your heart to only give people a reason to crush it further? Not to go dark, but it's the reality. People kill themselves over things like that!
terrell;4254524 said:
Yes, he is the one. He just won his lawsuit in this metoo movement era and against papers and some admit they were surprise because people think the accusers have to be believed. NOT. People are sick of it. I am glad he won. More needs to sue and I do not care if they do not win. Send a message.
I’m starting to get tired of it also and I’m starting to see why people think liberal media are bullies.
The way they’ve treated us and talked down on us for just giving the other side has made me rethink so much in my life.
The fact that you have to believe all accusers and follow the crowd without even looking at evidence is very dangerous.
That reasoning is why you have so many men locked up in prison for being falsely accused or why someone like Emmitt Till was murdered.

The movement started out great and has turned into a witch-hunt.
Holy fuuuuuuck, people siding with Oprah need to wake the **** up. How doesn't this make people say "PAUSE"?????


Yeah.... "inawoldoflove" touched on this too.
You have the part of the interview where she is saying the first part of the quote

I also like this great parody on Oprah:

Oprahs Dogs VS Michael Jackson's Kids - Leaving Neverland Paeody" from "Factual Genius"
782 views on March 25 2019

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Did you guys see those tweets by this guy called Marty Weiss? From what I understand on Twitter is a convicted paedophile and he's trying to deflect from himself by saying Corey Feldman should come out and be honest about Mike. One woman asks him what the truth is. Seriously bitch, you're gonna ask a convicted paedophile the truth? Hey who cares about the mountains of facts and proof you can find pointing to MJ's innocence. Let's ask a paedophile.
He is a convicted pedophile who is also a NAMBLA member.
He is most likely on the sex offenders list and should not be on a public platform such as twitter where he can have contact with children under legal age.
I think people are making too many assumptions on why LN run has been reduced or that they no longer believe in it. As you can tell from Oprahs interview with Noah she still clearly believes them.

It's not doing us any good throwing around wild theories in that it could be due to the FBI or whatever. Just be glad it's removed and if we find out why then we can possibly comment.

There are still lots of people who believe those idiots.
We only speculate a little bit without spreading anything.

But it can really be a great idea for the estate and the Jackson family to try to get their hands on the saved Neverland security film matirial from the ages 1988 til 1996.
This could really absolutly vindicate MJ from the accusations of LN!!!
Yeah.... "inawoldoflove" touched on this too.
You have the part of the interview where she is saying the first part of the quote

I also like this great parody on Oprah:

Oprahs Dogs VS Michael Jackson's Kids - Leaving Neverland Paeody" from "Factual Genius"
782 views on March 25 2019

Jesus christ, I genuinely find it very disturbing.

A adult woman speaks for how a seven year old boy feels when his private parts are being stroked. She can't ever know, nor should she know how a seven year old boy would feel. Truly alarming. People siding with her need to wake up.

I'll watch that last video too, a shame they had to use the mug shot though.
Holy fuuuuuuck, people siding with Oprah need to wake the **** up. How doesn't this make people say "PAUSE"?????


She's right though. CSA can be like that. I've done a lot of reading on it and children sometimes enjoy the physical pleasure of what's happening to them. It's why it can go on for so long.