Cirque du Soleil 'Michael Jackson ONE' permanent Las Vegas show

Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I remember when MJ himself used an MJ impersonator ( a fake MJ) To dance on stage as him in his Thriller illusion. I don't see this illusion as much different and it only lasts a few seconds.

This tho!
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

What's the fuss? the image is Michael, am i right? so the hologram is Michael. The technology may require the dancer to mimic Michael's move, like special effect in movies where people wear the green suit to do the move.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I remember when MJ himself used an MJ impersonator ( a fake MJ) To dance on stage as him in his Thriller illusion. I don't see this illusion as much different and it only lasts a few seconds.

That's a good one, and you are right it is an illusion.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I have to say one thing. There's a picture of the One theater wall where it has song names on it. It says Too Bad when it should say 2 Bad. Do the people in charge of that know it says that? Do you think they will correct it? It's not a big thing but I'm just wondering.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I have to say one thing. There's a picture of the One theater wall where it has song names on it. It says Too Bad when it should say 2 Bad. Do the people in charge of that know it says that? Do you think they will correct it? It's not a big thing but I'm just wondering.

How about send a tweet to @MJonline team? or send a message to
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I have to say one thing. There's a picture of the One theater wall where it has song names on it. It says Too Bad when it should say 2 Bad. Do the people in charge of that know it says that? Do you think they will correct it? It's not a big thing but I'm just wondering.

I noticed that right away as well.. But then I just decided to think that maybe they didn't want people to get confused and think that 2 Bad is some kind of "sequel" track to Bad.. Maybe they want people to understand the context of the word "too" and the fact that "Too Bad" is a song on its own..

Did that make any sense?? Lol
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Guys, I also think it is a CGI (computer generated image). They don't need an impersonator for doing it either (they just take MJ's image and model a "character" based on that and then try to re-create his way of moving and dancing). It's like in a video game, only in 3D.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Whatever is is its very cool and the audience loves it. I see no reason to bring so much drama. This is suppose to be a positive thread .. This show is getting Rave reviews and is GREAT for Michael's legacy. In the midst of all the madness - Michael still reigns supreme and is being honored. Lets be happy :) and proud of this production.

Such wonderful positive publicity right now with the trial and the WR rubbish going on... I'm so looking forward to seeing it when I get to the US this summer. I have tickets for three shows (bought the tickets for the shows before I booked my flight from Australia - I've got my priorities!) I loved IMMORTAL (seven times - 3 in Vegas and 4 in London, Hong Kong and Melbourne still to come!) and I love Cirque, so of course, MJ ONE is a BIG drawcard for me personally. I hope everyone has a chance to see and enjoy it!
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^ booboo and Ivy, did you see the youtube link I posted?

Yes Pentum, thanks.

It's pretty cool they created a CGI tupac and a new performance. They could choose to either project an existing MJ performance of man in the mirror - we know there are HD versions about - or maybe use a CGI MJ as in the case of Tupac.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

One of the great things about going to these shows is that you see such a range of people in terms of race, age, gender & nationality. There is a lot of togetherness where everyone is loving & applauding the same thing and person. It really is a good feeling to be caught up in something like that. There was this girl behind me with her male date who was screaming, shouting and going Yeah all the time, and I was wondering if her male friend was getting jealous. Then again, he is probably used to it.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Guys, I also think it is a CGI (computer generated image). They don't need an impersonator for doing it either (they just take MJ's image and model a "character" based on that and then try to re-create his way of moving and dancing). It's like in a video game, only in 3D.

That's really cool. I'm sure that's not an easy process either.

To me, it doesn't matter how it was created. I'm grateful they even did this in the first place. It's amazing what technology can do these days! Cannot wait to see this.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^^ Exactly, why not use the scans for Ghosts instead of using some cheap dude who think's he's MJ and judging by the clip moves nothing like him? It's still a great show, and no one's boycotting it but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

If the scans are avialable in the way we think they are (and can be imported into todays technology/computer animation programs), they theoretically should be able to animate a digital Michael, like a movie/videogame character. Maybe they could also use the motion capture data from Ghosts and Ready 2 rumble boxing game, and use concert footage as reference for the animation.

I didn't watch the "hologram" video. But I hope I can see the show one day!
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^^Some of you guys have very good technical knowledge.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Forget the hologram, people, the saddest thing is that the museum is canceled :( I was looking forward to seeing MJ library and things from Neverland so much! I wanted people to see his huge collection of books. And now who knows when and where they are going to be displayed.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Hopefully they'll do the museum some day but I have to agree that he has a point. Museum in a Casino / Hotel was not that appropriate.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Yes I agree. I always thought the Las Vegas casino is not a right place for a MJ-Museum and I think they have now a better place in their mind.

They gave a statement in time of Michael Bush book about this.

This is a statement from Estate from Novembre 2012


Michael Jackson was always giving items to friends, fans, sick children he visited and others he met throughout his life. As a result, the Estate does not own all Michael Jackson costumes and/or other pieces. Many people now possess different Michael Jackson items, and those items are the property of those individuals; the Estate cannot control what private citizens do with their own property. But all of Michael's fans can rest assured that while the Estate may not have every single item ever worn by Michael as a result of his own generosity, the Estate does have more than enough costumes and fashion accessories along with all Michael's other possessions to enable the Estate to create a museum/exhibition for fans to enjoy and to honor Michael appropriately. Any fans who attended the Michael Jackson Fan Fest exhibit in Las Vegas last year saw that. Everything that was part of that exhibition was and remains Estate property and there is more property that was not displayed. Although it is premature to do so now, the Estate looks forward to sharing its future plans with then fans at the appropriate time.
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Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

From Jesta on twitter

Kids, hologram technology (as I am aware) does not actually use authentic video. Most times it is a computer-generated image Or something specially shot for the illusion i.e. against a green-screen.

I don't want to keep going on about hologram technology, so I'll just say this: there are pre-requisites for ANYTHING like a hologram.

Most CGi (video game/film, mostly) models incorporate motion capture technology to create realistic movements. Holograms are no exception.

So for a flawlessly authentic hologram, one would need either an unedited full-body shot of one's entire performance, or MoCap files.

In the case of Michael Jackson, there was only ever one time where he performed with motion capture nodes, and that was in "Ghosts".

Tupac's hologram almost certainly used motion capture from someone else with CG skin. It's the norm for things like this.

So yes, the MJ hologram in "Michael Jackson ONE" was made purely as artistic license for the show and isn't sourced from footage.

No doubt if MJ was alive, he would've shot the necessary footage to create a hologram i.e. against a green-screen with MoCap nodes.

Otherwise, the technology just doesn't exist at this time to take someone out of Pre-HD footage flawlessly and create a hologram. Especially someone who moved the way that MJ moved.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

One of the great things about going to these shows is that you see such a range of people in terms of race, age, gender & nationality. There is a lot of togetherness where everyone is loving & applauding the same thing and person. It really is a good feeling to be caught up in something like that. There was this girl behind me with her male date who was screaming, shouting and going Yeah all the time, and I was wondering if her male friend was getting jealous. Then again, he is probably used to it.

Were people singing ? During the second half of the immortal show I went to, it was a bit like a concert : the audience was singing to most of the songs, it was fun !
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Who the hell films just 3 seconds of an "MJ" hologram, just lol...
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I think it's the same thing from the vine video that someone just cut that portion and posted on youtube
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Forget the hologram, people, the saddest thing is that the museum is canceled :( I was looking forward to seeing MJ library and things from Neverland so much! I wanted people to see his huge collection of books. And now who knows when and where they are going to be displayed.

But the world is not over yet. You have years ahead to plan for a museum. Cancelling it in a casino does not mean it will not be placed in another place, so keep the happy face & let's have some cheer!!!

Bouee when the cast made us stand up at the end while they were performing, we all clapped and sang along--I know I did. Some of us were dancing too.
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Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

ivy;3831126 said:
From Jesta on twitter

Kids, hologram technology (as I am aware) does not actually use authentic video. Most times it is a computer-generated image Or something specially shot for the illusion i.e. against a green-screen.

I don't want to keep going on about hologram technology, so I'll just say this: there are pre-requisites for ANYTHING like a hologram.

Most CGi (video game/film, mostly) models incorporate motion capture technology to create realistic movements. Holograms are no exception.

So for a flawlessly authentic hologram, one would need either an unedited full-body shot of one's entire performance, or MoCap files.

In the case of Michael Jackson, there was only ever one time where he performed with motion capture nodes, and that was in "Ghosts".

Tupac's hologram almost certainly used motion capture from someone else with CG skin. It's the norm for things like this.

So yes, the MJ hologram in "Michael Jackson ONE" was made purely as artistic license for the show and isn't sourced from footage.

No doubt if MJ was alive, he would've shot the necessary footage to create a hologram i.e. against a green-screen with MoCap nodes.

Otherwise, the technology just doesn't exist at this time to take someone out of Pre-HD footage flawlessly and create a hologram. Especially someone who moved the way that MJ moved.

Hmm, it is NOT a pre-requisite to have CGI to use the 'hologram' projection method used by these guys (or any other time 'holograms' have been used on stage). They COULD project actual video footage of a person to create a basic 'hologram' effect. The only reason they need CGI is where they don't have sufficient full body video footage of high enough quality, or to make the hologram do something that the person had never actually done while alive, for example if they wanted to create a brand new performance, with new choreography. Also, the CGI may also help to improve the realism of the projection by adding a '3D' feel to it, thus making it look more like a hologram than would be possible with a standard video projection. Ultimately though, the 'hologram' is still a 2D projection onto a substrate that is invisible to the audience.

There is a TV show on ITV soon in the UK called 'Les Dawson: An Audience With That Never Was' where they will use 'hologram' technology to put on a show that Les never got to perform on TV because he died.

Read this:

ITV has commissioned a unique one-off special celebrating the life of much-loved comedy genius Les Dawson.

Les Dawson: An Audience With That Never Was will mark the 20th anniversary of Les Dawson’s untimely death in June 1993. At that time, Les was just two weeks away from recording An Audience with Les Dawson, the latest in a distinguished line of legendary comedic talent to be honoured with an invitation to perform in front of an invited celebrity audience.

Now, twenty years later this special tribute will tell the story of the television event that never was, revisit the original content planned for that show, and uniquely present it for a celebrity studio audience specially invited to enjoy the very best of Les Dawson.

Rain Media and Fresh One have joined forces with Musion, the world’s leaders in 3-D holographic projection, to produce a staggeringly realistic image of Les Dawson performing in his distinctive style – just as he would have done on An Audience with Les Dawson. This is the first time a television special anywhere in the world has used this technology as its centrepiece.

I saw a very brief clip of the show during a TV advert yesterday - just a couple of seconds - and it didn't look as though they used CGI extensively to create the image as is suggested for Tupac and MJ. It looked very much like old video footage to me. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the advert on YouTube yet, but hopefully it will be uploaded.
I do seem to remember though that one of the close ups of the audience showed Lionel Blair with glasses on that could have been 3d glasses. I would need to see the whole advert again to be sure.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Look at this, guys [youtube]q534DkOe38s[/youtube] That's def. Elvis.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

From Jesta on twitter

In the case of Michael Jackson, there was only ever one time where he performed with motion capture nodes, and that was in "Ghosts".

As far as I remember, motion capture was also done for the game Rady 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2. Acoording to this article, Michael was "motion captured and digitally photographed for his character."

I think it's also possible he did motion capture for Space Channel 5: Part 2... or even the Moonwalker games (i'm not sure if it was alreday possible in the 80ies)
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

From Jesta on twitter

In the case of Michael Jackson, there was only ever one time where he performed with motion capture nodes, and that was in "Ghosts".

As far as I remember, motion capture was also done for the game Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2. According to this article, Michael was "motion captured and digitally photographed for his character."

I think it's also possible he did motion capture for Space Channel 5: Part 2... or even the Moonwalker games (i'm not sure if it was already possible in the 80ies)

And another thing: I think it's quite likely they did motion capture for the "thrillicious" campaign, since Michael was directly involved.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Look at this, guys [youtube]q534DkOe38s[/youtube] That's def. Elvis.

A comment from YT:

Actually, it was quite a complicated little stunt.
The show was filmed with an Elvis impersonator alongside Celine.
During editing, they took footage of Elvis during? his 1968 comeback special and rotoscoped it in certain scenes. Note that no moving shots actually show Elvis' face. Albeit it's still damn good editing and a good tribute.
^ more

  • SmokeyIvoryWay 2 years ago
    Thats the best Elvis's impersonator I've seen so far. Thumbs up for sharing up this video:)

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      SmokeyIvoryWay 2 years ago
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    virtualsnake1994 2 years ago
    just in case if you think that the parts where elvis appears in fornt shwing his face are real, then i tell they are only images of elvis singing the impersonator appears when they shoot thejm from behind. so people in TV see elvis and people&#65279; in the stage see the impresonator

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