Cirque du Soleil 'Michael Jackson ONE' permanent Las Vegas show

Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Whatever is is its very cool and the audience loves it. I see no reason to bring so much drama. This is suppose to be a positive thread .. This show is getting Rave reviews and is GREAT for Michael's legacy. In the midst of all the madness - Michael still reigns supreme and is being honored. Lets be happy :) and proud of this production.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Whatever is is its very cool and the audience loves it. I see no reason to bring so much drama. This is suppose to be a positive thread .. This show is getting Rave reviews and is GREAT for Michael's legacy. In the midst of all the madness - Michael still reigns supreme and is being honored. Lets be happy :) and proud of this production.

It doesn't take much time for some people to find something to complain, protest or boycott. MJOne is turning out to be a spectacular hit for the Cirque and the Estate so we should not jump to any ridiculous conclusions after only a couple of days amid early reports of the hologram.

I for one can't wait to go see the show! Everything I've read has been amazing, now we just need to wait a bit more for any tweaks and changes and possible improvements.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Who's boycotting the show? People are over reacting to a few people wondering why an impersonator is used, imo. It's still a good show.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Who's boycotting the show? People are over reacting to a few people wondering why an impersonator is used, imo. It's still a good show.

I've seen a comment or two that said if it was an "impersonator" then they would not go. I suppose that's not really a boycott, just silliness....

by the way, does anyone now why Karen Faye said she never will attend the MJOne show?
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

The MJ Museum is not planned for ONE, the Estate said, because a museum should not be in a casino.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Guys this show is great. There is an illusion which is a great piece of technology that will make people want to see this show. People have been to shows with special effects of lights, flashes, noise, ect. We are now in the technological age and the estate is the first to use this feature in a permanent show in Vegas. Think about the impact of this. Michael is doing another first after he is gone. You will love the experience, so start saving and planning your trip.

About Karen, if she does not go, there will be one more seat available for a true MJ/Cirque fan or those who like to be entertained with quality performances. I still did not hear about Michael's siblings or children attending this show either. Oh well, more seats for others.

By the way guys, I hope many of you are not running all over the internet complaining, because the people running the estate are humans like us, and they will say, my goodness we cannot make them happy with anything!! I hope some of you sent tweets to the estate stating how much you enjoyed the show. Sometimes people need to be told they are doing something right, even though they are being paid for the job they do.
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A little info on the guys behind the hologram sequence.

The duo formed by Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon masterfully integrates theatre, film, dance, poetry, visual arts, music and sound to create unique theatrical worlds. On the heels of his initial experiments with music and multimedia that have earned him international recognition, designer and performer Michel Lemieux teamed up with visual artist Victor Pilon during the early 1980s. Together, they formed Lemieux Pilon 4D Art, a creative company that designs unique shows in which the senses and emotions are heightened through the use of new technologies. La Belle et la Bête, NORMAN (a tribute to Canadian film-maker Norman McLaren), Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Anima (inspired by the words of anthropologist Desmond Morris), Orfeo (based on the myth of Orpheus), Pôle, Grand Hôtel des Étrangers, and Voix de passage are some of the works on which Lemieux and Pilon have built their stellar reputation. In collaboration with Montreal and Quebec opera companies, they created the opera Starmania. The duo also collaborates regularly on exhibitions, special events and permanent multimedia productions. They created Continuum, a production based on the music of Philip Glass, the first multimedia show presented at the Rio Tinto planetarium in Montreal. The creations of Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon have been acclaimed in Canada, the United States, Europe (France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, and Spain), Latin America (Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico), Australia, and Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea). Michael Jackson ONE marks their third collaboration on a Cirque du Soleil show, after DELIRIUM and Midnight Sun, which commemorated respectively the 20th and 25th anniversaries of Cirque du Soleil and the Montreal International Jazz Festival.

And here is their website. It has previous examples of their work on. What they do is spectacular.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Now correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I got

Tupac was not a hologram. It was a reflection. they just got his old performance and projected it on a invisible screen and it looked like he was there performing it. As far as I got if they wanted MJ "hologram" (if it's really one) to do a specific dance to fit with the dancers on stage, wouldn't they need a body double / dancer double to do it? and then make it look like it's Michael. Wasn't it what they did during MJ Experience game?

also perhaps this is better because the moment hologram news started to make the rounds, hoax believers started to say it was Michael back and performing. I don't know you but "Michael is alive" talk is annoying me.

by the way, does anyone now why Karen Faye said she never will attend the MJOne show?

well first of all who cares what Karen will or will not do. But to answer your question I guess you aren't aware that she's in constant negativity and boycotting fashion. According to her, she was there and experienced magic when Michael was alive so she has no desire to attend anything now. Also she's against everyone - Estate, AEG, Sony, Michael Bush, anyone writes a book- and always protests posthumous projects. So her "I'll not attend" is not specific to MJ One, she said the same thing for everything. Anyway, I did not think any fan operated on "what would Karen do" mindset.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

...As far as I got if they wanted MJ "hologram" (if it's really one) to do a specific dance to fit with the dancers on stage, wouldn't they need a body double / dancer double to do it? and then make it look like it's Michael. Wasn't it what they did during MJ Experience game?

You're correct BUT they could make the dancers interact with the MJ dance video that they already have, not make the MJ 'hologram' interact with the dancers. See what I mean? IF they do what I suggested they don't need an impersonator. Also, did anybody else read that they are using the footage of MJ dressed up as Charlie Chaplin?? I wonder if it's the footage from the 'Smile' music video. I remember the Smile single was cancelled and always wondered if there was a music video!!
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Now correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I got

Tupac was not a hologram. It was a reflection. they just got his old performance and projected it on a invisible screen and it looked like he was there performing it. As far as I got if they wanted MJ "hologram" (if it's really one) to do a specific dance to fit with the dancers on stage, wouldn't they need a body double / dancer double to do it? and then make it look like it's Michael. Wasn't it what they did during MJ Experience game?

That's what I understood too from the reviews. They wanted to include Michael in the show, and as I understand from posters who saw the show , it has specific meanings in the show, it's not only to have Michael on the show, it's more than that, so they needed to create a very specific moment.

I understood it as a very specific tribute to Michael, it's a great idea, and if they had to use a double for that, then that's Ok with me.

I think it's just a great idea, and I really do want to see it. I was lucky to see the Immortal show in Vienna, I just loved it, I just can't wait for more !
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Now correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I got

Tupac was not a hologram. It was a reflection. they just got his old performance and projected it on a invisible screen and it looked like he was there performing it. As far as I got if they wanted MJ "hologram" (if it's really one) to do a specific dance to fit with the dancers on stage, wouldn't they need a body double / dancer double to do it? and then make it look like it's Michael. Wasn't it what they did during MJ Experience game?

also perhaps this is better because the moment hologram news started to make the rounds, hoax believers started to say it was Michael back and performing. I don't know you but "Michael is alive" talk is annoying me.

well first of all who cares what Karen will or will not do. But to answer your question I guess you aren't aware that she's in constant negativity and boycotting fashion. According to her, she was there and experienced magic when Michael was alive so she has no desire to attend anything now. Also she's against everyone - Estate, AEG, Sony, Michael Bush, anyone writes a book- and always protests posthumous projects. So her "I'll not attend" is not specific to MJ One, she said the same thing for everything. Anyway, I did not think any fan operated on "what would Karen do" mindset.

Thansk for that. I stopped listening to her a LOOOOOOONG time ago but was wondering if it was anything specific to to with ONE is all. It's hard to follow whats going on on twitter when there are so many idiots tweeting about pro this and anti that..... Thanks ivy
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

It is not a hologram, regardless of what the media say. Tupac was not a hologram either.
Second, even if it were a hologram the subject does not need to be alive for a hologram to work - a video recording is absolutely fine.
Third, the ILLUSION (not hologram) used for Tupac relies on a very old method of projection, which I believe originated Victorian age theatre shows. An image of tupac was projected onto a 'substrate' or receiving material that reflects the image back to the audience to see. It's very simple really. I don't yet know how the MJ hologram works, but it will be based on a similar principle and as I said a VIDEO performance from MJ is suitable. It does not require a fake MJ

Do you remember?

Ghosts, 1996


Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^ booboo and Ivy, did you see the youtube link I posted?
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

So happy about the great reviews.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^^ Exactly, why not use the scans for Ghosts instead of using some cheap dude who think's he's MJ and judging by the clip moves nothing like him? It's still a great show, and no one's boycotting it but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^^ Exactly, why not use the scans for Ghosts instead of using some cheap dude who think's he's MJ and judging by the clip moves nothing like him? It's still a great show, and no one's boycotting it but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Sorry if it's a dumb question, but how would the scans help them make their "illusion" move in certain directions, do certain steps at a certain time , interact with the other persons on stage ? (I hope that my question is clear)
StellaJackson;3830207 said:
A little info on the guys behind the hologram sequence.

The duo formed by Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon masterfully integrates theatre, film, dance, poetry, visual arts, music and sound to create unique theatrical worlds. On the heels of his initial experiments with music and multimedia that have earned him international recognition, designer and performer Michel Lemieux teamed up with visual artist Victor Pilon during the early 1980s. Together, they formed Lemieux Pilon 4D Art, a creative company that designs unique shows in which the senses and emotions are heightened through the use of new technologies. La Belle et la Bête, NORMAN (a tribute to Canadian film-maker Norman McLaren), Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Anima (inspired by the words of anthropologist Desmond Morris), Orfeo (based on the myth of Orpheus), Pôle, Grand Hôtel des Étrangers, and Voix de passage are some of the works on which Lemieux and Pilon have built their stellar reputation. In collaboration with Montreal and Quebec opera companies, they created the opera Starmania. The duo also collaborates regularly on exhibitions, special events and permanent multimedia productions. They created Continuum, a production based on the music of Philip Glass, the first multimedia show presented at the Rio Tinto planetarium in Montreal. The creations of Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon have been acclaimed in Canada, the United States, Europe (France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, and Spain), Latin America (Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico), Australia, and Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea). Michael Jackson ONE marks their third collaboration on a Cirque du Soleil show, after DELIRIUM and Midnight Sun, which commemorated respectively the 20th and 25th anniversaries of Cirque du Soleil and the Montreal International Jazz Festival.

And here is their website. It has previous examples of their work on. What they do is spectacular.

Thanks for this! Checked out their website. So cool! :)
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

You're correct BUT they could make the dancers interact with the MJ dance video that they already have, not make the MJ 'hologram' interact with the dancers. See what I mean? IF they do what I suggested they don't need an impersonator. Also, did anybody else read that they are using the footage of MJ dressed up as Charlie Chaplin?? I wonder if it's the footage from the 'Smile' music video. I remember the Smile single was cancelled and always wondered if there was a music video!!

No there never was a video for Smile. The footage is almost certainly from the early 80's photoshoot that Michael did in London.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

Sorry if it's a dumb question, but how would the scans help them make their "illusion" move in certain directions, do certain steps at a certain time , interact with the other persons on stage ? (I hope that my question is clear)

Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

It may not move like him I suppose but it would look more like him, being more convincing overall.
Pentum;3830319 said:
^ booboo and Ivy, did you see the youtube link I posted?

yes but I'm not convinced that there was no body double for Tupac, it's not like they'll admit to it you know.

see below

"There's an overhead projector that sort of reflects down onto basically a tilted piece of glass that's sort of on the stage floor," Montgomery says. "That then reflects the, well, reflection onto a mylar sort of screen, and it projects in this sort of 3-D kind of thing where it allows the other performers to sort of walk in front of Tupac and basically interact [with] him."

Montgomery says the exact technique behind the technology is still a little bit in the dark, so to speak. "You don't know whether or not they hired an actor to portray him and then sort of put digital clothing over this actor in post-production, or they built it in a computer," he says.

and from an interview with the guys that done Tupac

mith said he wasn’t allowed to talk about the creative aspects of the production — including how the hologram was able to seemingly perform the set in synch with Snoop and whether all the vocals were ‘Pac’s — but he did say that his company has the ability to recreate long-dead figures and visually recreate them in the studio. "You can take their likenesses and voice and … take people that haven’t done concerts before or perform music they haven’t sung and digitally recreate it," he said.

so to me Tupac hologram could be an actor / body double that recorded the performance/movements in synch with Snoop and then they later put the digital clothing on the actor to make it look like Tupac.

I would imagine it would be a lot more cheaper and quicker to record a body double doing the movements you want than to create a frame by frame moving animation .
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

It's just a head. I don't see how they could have made an illusion out of it for MITM.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

thanks, it was nice watching.

but still they would have needed a double to dance and move, so ?
ivy;3830445 said:
yes but I'm not convinced that there was no body double for Tupac, it's not like they'll admit to it you know.

see below

"There's an overhead projector that sort of reflects down onto basically a tilted piece of glass that's sort of on the stage floor," Montgomery says. "That then reflects the, well, reflection onto a mylar sort of screen, and it projects in this sort of 3-D kind of thing where it allows the other performers to sort of walk in front of Tupac and basically interact [with] him."

Montgomery says the exact technique behind the technology is still a little bit in the dark, so to speak. "You don't know whether or not they hired an actor to portray him and then sort of put digital clothing over this actor in post-production, or they built it in a computer," he says.

and from an interview with the guys that done Tupac

mith said he wasn’t allowed to talk about the creative aspects of the production — including how the hologram was able to seemingly perform the set in synch with Snoop and whether all the vocals were ‘Pac’s — but he did say that his company has the ability to recreate long-dead figures and visually recreate them in the studio. "You can take their likenesses and voice and … take people that haven’t done concerts before or perform music they haven’t sung and digitally recreate it," he said.

I think 2Pac fans even said at the time how its moves are not quite like 2Pac.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I think 2Pac fans even said at the time how its moves are not quite like 2Pac.

Well, yeah, because it could've been a CGI. TBH Ivy, not sure what to say on it. I don't really care that much either. Of course it's cheaper than making frame by frame CGI, would cost a lot as MJ dances a lot but IMO worth it... It's Michael Jackson.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I'm not sure what to say about it either. IF I ever get to see MJ One, I'll see the hologram and I'll make up my mind to either love or hate it. Until then it's not something that I care much about either.
Ivy how about this part of what you quoted ^^: but he did say that his company has the ability to recreate long-dead figures and visually recreate them in the studio. "You can take their likenesses and voice and … take people that haven’t done concerts before or perform music they haven’t sung and digitally recreate it," he said.

Couldn't the Michael illusion be done like this one^^.

I guess someone will eventually explain how that illusion was created in One.

I was also thinking that at concerts there are a lot of instances when Michael dances solo, like in Billie Jean, or in videos like Blood on the Dance Floor. Could they have used a performance like that, change his clothes digitally, and have the dancers move in and out. Like when he moves forward, the dancers will then move towards him as though they are dancing with him?
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^ Yes, it could but it would cost a lot more.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

^ Yes, it could but it would cost a lot more.

OK so after they make some good profit for a year, they could change it. I expect they will tweak the show, so this is something I will tell myself they will do in the future. Maybe we could break our piggy banks and send them some money.
Re: Cirque du Soleil "Michael Jackson ONE" permanent Las Vega show

I remember when MJ himself used an MJ impersonator ( a fake MJ) To dance on stage as him in his Thriller illusion. I don't see this illusion as much different and it only lasts a few seconds.