Child prodigy Michael: when did YOU think he started? LOL

I didn't read through all the posts, but look at this picture:

It from the Roosevelt High talent show which they won in 1965, so I guesse Michael is 6 or 7 here, he's playing the bongos, he's so small!!!!

Wow, Michael was tiny, lol. He was really small up until like 1971, then he just started getting taller. But he's always been super skinny too, lol.

Some of these pictures are crazy old, lol. Look how young Michael is in some of them!

This is him in an Arizona bar dancing in 1966


This is him, Jackie and Marlon visiting their Grandparents in 66







Here's Michael as a baby

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Thanx for the link troubleman! As always, he got the verve in his little body. He was born to do it and at the same time you can see there was heavy practice as well. I can peep that through his control on stage even when it looks like he was simply gettin down and showing what he's got. That's what professionals do!

Back to the topic in hand, I can dig the threadstarter's obsession:). We all up in here fans, right? Some fans wanna get the exact information and it's a part of their fan identity. At the same time, I do think way before joining the group and his official debut, all the process that leads up to that is very important. And it ain't hard to tell if it was hard even though he's a prodigy with his love for music and performing. Doin it for fun around friends and family is one thing. Doin it to pursue professional career is a totally another thing. We know at the 1993 Grammies he said that he started at the age of 5. I feel he was referring to this whole process of stars in the making. He can't leave that off cuz it was valuable and memorable as much as anything he experienced after debut.
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Well Timmy, I do admit I was wrong, lol. But you can't blame me, Michael probably doesn't even know as much as you do about when he first took over as the lead singer, lol. But dude, he DID join when he was five and that still counts as work, lol.
Thanx for the link troubleman! As always, he got the verve in his little body. He was born to do it and at the same time you can see there was heavy practice as well. I can peep that through his control on stage even when it looks like he was simply gettin down and showing what he's got. That's what professionals do!

Back to the topic in hand, I can dig the threadstarter's obsession:). We all up in here fans, right? Some fans wanna get the exact information and it's a part of their fan identity. At the same time, I do think way before joining the group and his official debut, all the process that leads up to that is very important. And it ain't hard to tell if it was hard even though he's a prodigy with his love for music and performing. Doin it for fun around friends and family is one thing. Doin it to pursue professional career is a totally another thing. We know at the 1993 Grammies he said that he started at the age of 5. I feel he was referring to this whole process of stars in the making. He can't leave that off cuz it was valuable and memorable as much as anything he experienced after debut.

Yeah that's all I was saying. ;)

But some people think he actually recorded "I Want You Back"...AT FIVE! :rollin:

So that's really one reason I started this thread. :)
Yeah it's hard work banging them damn bongos every night. :lol:

And then when he started singing and dancing, even more harder. :lol:
I can't see MJ working hard cos he makes everything look so easy :wild:
^ :lol:

Like everyone said, "he's a natural born performer". :yes:

But seriously Joe did have some reservations putting his younger sons in the group because they were too young. My thing is yes he and Marlon were working at five and six but Joe didn't really put them into work until they became the Jackson 5 in 1966. :yes:
Well banging those bongos was probably stressful when Joe was standing there ready to beat your ass if you screwed up, lol.

PLEASE! :lol:

When Joe hit Michael with that shoe, that was the turning point and he was singing then. ;)

He probably threatened repercussions on Jackie, Tito and Jermaine more than the other two at the beginning. I mean would you punish guys who banged on a tambourine or a bongo? :)

What he got away with the older four later on, he couldn't do it to Mike.
I thought Michael hit Joe with the shoe? He didn't hit him during rehearsals cause Michael usually got it right and he was probably scared Michael meant it when he said he wouldn't sing ever again, lol.

Besides, Marlon got it plenty.
Of course Michael meant it. ;)

That's why he stopped hitting him during rehearsals, see?

If Joe had yelled at Michael or had pushed him around, Michael would've said "I'm done!" and he would've meant it.

OK, maybe Joe slapped him but either way that was the turning point.

Off stage was a different story (maybe until Michael was eleven) but during his music time, Michael dared Joe to do something to him and Joe backed down because he knew Michael was really the key to make him famous and rich.

If he messed that up, it'll been the end of the Jackson 5.
Well yeah, that's why he didn't hit Michael during rehearsal. Michael's even said that. He said he would get whipped for stuff outside of rehearsal more. I don't know when Joe stopped that. I've heard he kept it up even after they moved to California, but probably not as much or as sever.
I honestly think any hurt Joe conflicted after 1966 was mainly MENTAL rather than PHYSICAL. People forget that Joe used to verbally assault his children during rehearsals, it wasn't just the physical punishment. Michael said during Jackson 5 performances in the early years (maybe before Motown) that Michael's dad didn't really show any emotion. Michael probably knows that fathers back in the day used corporal punishment on their kids but it wasn't that that made him mad against his dad in the years following. Michael said his father never told him he loved him or the other kids, that they refer to him as either Joseph or Papa Joe. Michael thought talking about his painful relationship with his dad would solve things but he didn't know that it would only make things worse. I think Michael realizes now why his father was so hot-headed. When you are yourself raised with a father who don't treat you like you think a father should, you start to react that way but I think Michael saw something in Joe that the media and us as fans don't see and that's why Michael gives him children the love Joe may have neglected to give him. And the lack of Joe's emotions toward Michael in a loving sense may have a reason to do to why Michael was so determined and driven in his career because until "Off the Wall", everything Mike did was to PLEASE his father. That was a reason for Marvin Gaye in that sense too though his father didn't manage his son's secular career.
Yeah, I agree with that. I really don't know when the physical punishment stopped. I'm just going by what I've heard, about people at Motown knowing about it and all that kind of thing. But I agree with you that it was Joe not showing Michael he loved him or was proud of him that hurt the most. I always thought that. Even though as you know I really don't agree with physical diciplin at all because I don't think it does any good to make your kids scared of you. But emotional scars last a lot longer then physical scars. I think Michael just wanted to know that his father was proud of him and loved him, you know. I think that's defintley the reason Michael works so hard. He's even said that the reason he does is because he wants to be loved and I think that feeling largely comes from a lack of feeling that from his father. Michael pushes himself to extreme limits and I agree with you that that's the reason.
I think Joe IS proud of him. He just don't know how to say it. I think in many ways whenever he saw Michael, he was reminded of himself and I guess that's why their relationship was more difficult but regardless I do think they love each other. Michael said he didn't tell his father he loved him until 2000 so you know both of them had to deal with demons.

Oh I know Joe is proud of him. I always knew he loved him too. It's just the fact he never told him that that I think hurt Michael so much.
Yeah, lol. We agree. I think your comparison to Marvin Gaye wanting to please his father with Michael is spot on. Same kind of thing I think.
But you know, it seems like pleasing parents is nothing new. Janis Joplin, Little Richard and Diana Ross also wanted their parents' approval for their music.
Well that's one of the common themed problems with kids and their parent's. If you don't show your kids that you love them or that you love them just as they are, it can really mess them up for life. It's always nice to see when children learn from that and make a concious effort to do the opposite with their children. Like Michael saying he looks his kids in the eyes every day and tells them he loves them.
I guess we can be blessed that SOME kids who have ambitions put their focus on that though it still scars them but they learn to live with it like Mike has. You seen how Tina Turner's life turned out, her parents abandoned her as a kid in Tennessee and she had difficulty in her relationship with her mother but she turned out alright for lack of a better word. Parents' love, loss or problems can lead to a child either self-destructing or evolving.