Child prodigy Michael: when did YOU think he started? LOL

Re: When Michael was FIVE??? LOL!

Absurd because I dare make a thread? :lol:

Don't tell me you'd done the same thing if you were bored... :tease:
Re: When Michael was FIVE??? LOL!

But if anyone has a problem with the way this was worded, I'll change it for y'all. :)

Y'all sounding like the Rock: "IT DOESN'T MATTER!" :lol:
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Re: When Michael was FIVE??? LOL!

Oh yea! I love it! I saved it on my hard-drive. I've been searching the internet for the entire thing. I saw it once. The only one I have was when he was doing James Brown, but I know they did a few songs, including theri closing "we thank you" . That was so awesome.:clapping:
OH MY GOSH me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna get the whole thing soooooooooooooooo bad! lol

what a CUTIE! lol
in this footage of Mike walking around with Paris in LV:

this random bloke goes on about "baby baby baby" and "after the show..." and Mike is all like "wasn't i seven years old!?"... what's that about? Supremes gig or something? that would have been 1965.
I have no idea since dude's comments seem out there... :lol:

In the EBONY article, he mentions meeting Sammy Davis at eight... lol I believe he could've been 10 when he met Sammy. :)

Other than that, I have no idea, thanx, ArX.
also been browsing through Cadman's book, 'For The Record', and found this:


Song the Jackson 5 performed regularly in the pre-Motown days, with
Jermaine on lead vocals.

Performances included a department store at Glen Park, Chicago, in
1964, where Katherine Jackson hand-made the costumes her sons wore.

A hit in the States in early 1965 for the Larks (titled simply The Jerk),
charting at no.7 on the Hot 100 and no.9 on the R&B singles chart.

can anyone shed some light on this, since i can't find much else on the net.
I think there's probably a lot of errors in Michael's own memory, since he was told so often to say one thing when it was really another, and he's been singing and practicing as long as he can remember, anyway. He's 50 years old; byt the time he became an adult, a lot of early childhood memories would have all been blurred together. Also adults took care of papers and contracts and deals and all that. Michael just had to go out and do what he was told to do. I imagine there might have even been times when he didn't know HOW old he really was, especially since he didn't ever celebrate his birthday, and always had to say a certain age for the public. My eldest daughter, who is even a teenager, goes through that, cause she was adopted from another country, and never celebrated her birthday, never even knew when it was even though she lived with her large family, never really knew just how old she was. Mike's fortunate enough to have a birth certificate that states when his birthdate was, just in case he ever forgot; my daughter isn't so lucky. For all we know, she could be anywhere up to two years older than what her made-up certificate says! But for being official and all, she is required to say her birthdate is what it says. It messes with her head all the time. "I'm supposed to say I'm 15, but really I think I'm 17, oh I don't know."

ANyway, I digress from the topic. My point is, P.R. no doubt messes with Michael's mind a LOT, especially when he was a child. Certain memories can be created, or manipulated, or whatever. As a kid, being told over and over again, and then having to repeat over and over again, "You're only 9, and Diana Ross discovered you," when the real truth was "I'm 11, and Gladys Knight discovered us" become what Michael says in Billie Jean: "the lie becomes the truth". No doubt Michael was working very hard practicing everyday when he was very young. For a little kid a performance is a performance, and practice is practice, whether you are paid or not. it is still WORK, and it is still their focus.

Another example: a professional athlete would probably tell you he/she has been working at this sport since they were little. But most athletes do not get paid until they go pro. But what got them there? Years and years and YEARS of hard work, practice, and dedication. They would say their sport "career" started very early on. I've got 3 kids in gymnastics. 2 are on a competition team, one will be soon. All three work their behinds off. Not only at the gym twice a week for several hours, but also here at home, because they want to stay in practice and in shape. One is 6 years old. She makes goals for herself to accomplish. Through those goals, she worked herself very hard, and very quickly moved herself up the ladder to the competition team. She is very excited to be at the point where she is. I also have an 8 year old. She has also worked very hard to move quickly. She will soon be on the team because of her motivation. She has left behind friends who she joined after, who are still to this day in the very first level, whereas she is now in level 3. Her goal is to be an Elite gymnast, and knowing her, it is likely she can make that goal. Gymnasts work their tails off all through their childhoods, moreso than with many other sports. They would tell you, their gymnastics "career" started when they were 3, 4, 5, or 6. Starting to get paid for your art /sport is NOT when your career began. Your career began when you decided to get up off your behind and do something with special talents God has given you, and work harder than most people to accomplish what you love to do. IMHO. :)
Huh? How can they perform that song in 1964 when the song came out in 1965?! :rollin:
haha that's what i initially thought, but a few google searches showed the song actually came out and became big in '64 but was released with the album in '65.

Chris Cadman's been very accurate in this book so far, that's why i wanted someone to verify that Glen Park performance, where Mike would have been aged 6.
haha that's what i initially thought, but a few google searches showed the song actually came out and became big in '64 but was released with the album in '65.

Chris Cadman's been very accurate in this book so far, that's why i wanted someone to verify that Glen Park performance, where Mike would have been aged 6.

Ah, I gotcha. :yes:

Yeah, MJ was in the group around '64. Since the book says Jermaine sang lead on it, Michael was the bongo player at the time. :yes: On "The Jacksons: An American Dream", they perform that song but instead it has Michael singing it circa 1966, lol.
yeah, i guess they performed it more than once.

i just got in touch with Chris the author and he told me the '64 Glen Park tidbit came directly from Katherine Jackson's biography.
in this footage of Mike walking around with Paris in LV:

this random bloke goes on about "baby baby baby" and "after the show..." and Mike is all like "wasn't i seven years old!?"... what's that about? Supremes gig or something? that would have been 1965.

Michael's really bad with dates and numbers, lol. He can't even remember what year his own albums came out or how old he was when they did.
An interesting article. There are a number of urban myths about the start of Michael Jackson/ Jackson 5's career, one being that he's been famous since he was 5. But some of those are exaggerated by the media not from Michael or his family.

Motown told Michael to lie about his age when the Jackson 5 became famous, he was 11yrs old but had to say he was 9 as can be seen on his first televised interview on American Bandstand in 1970. Some some people think he's been famous since he was 9 and since 1967.

I wouldn't be surprised if Michael started performing with his brother's at occasional and minor events such as in school's performances and house parties at the age of 5. I don't think he and his brothers as the Jackson 5 really started to make money get really serious about the group and make a name for themselves until Michael was 7-8yrs old until 1966. Which is still very young, not just for Michael but for all of the Jackson brothers.
I wish we could ask Jackie, Katherine, or joe because they would have remembered better. I think you guys should just read moonwalk. It gives an accurate account of the pre-motown days.
it was 1962 because that was when michael was 3 and also the time where I did teach him HOW to dance (not dance steps but to actually dance, yes it can be taught because i taught it and michael is living proof of that) and it went really well because he is one of the few students of mine who can actually compare to me because if he had practiced just alittle more he could of had been as good as I am :)
I have no idea since dude's comments seem out there... :lol:

In the EBONY article, he mentions meeting Sammy Davis at eight... lol I believe he could've been 10 when he met Sammy. :)

Other than that, I have no idea, thanx, ArX.

it's possible that he could've met sammy when he was 8. Jo took them to different showes back then to look for idea to put in their performances.:baby:
it's possible that he could've met sammy when he was 8. Jo took them to different showes back then to look for idea to put in their performances.:baby:

Yeah but wasn't Sammy like always hanging out in Las Vegas and New York and Los Angeles? He may have ventured to the East Coast several times since Sammy love to do tours but I don't know how we can know for sure MJ met him in the timeline he himself has provided. I agree to ask Jackie or Tito or even Joseph and Katherine the dates but knowing them they'll say "it's been so long I done forgot what year, but it could've been so and so and so..." LOL

I do know The Jacksons met James Brown around '67, Michael was nine so he may not be so off, I don't know.
it was 1962 because that was when michael was 3 and also the time where I did teach him HOW to dance (not dance steps but to actually dance, yes it can be taught because i taught it and michael is living proof of that) and it went really well because he is one of the few students of mine who can actually compare to me because if he had practiced just alittle more he could of had been as good as I am :)

Yo, Chaos, I know of another guy who started to do his thing at THREE:



A very young Sammy Davis, Jr. I think he was seven here. :)
its weird seeing sammy davis as a kid lol, somehow I kinda expect him to be an old man all his life
Unfortunately for us Michael fans, we only got pictures to see how young Michael was doing it. Sammy was doing it in films. The first camera footage we get of Michael comes around 1965 when he's doing his James Brown routine while he and his brothers rehearse. If anyone can provide pictures of that (it's the footage we see at the end of The Making of Thriller). ^_^
you trying to give me a hint :(

LOL! :)

That there were other legendary entertainers that started their careers as kids? Maybe. ^_^

Sammy's career lasted for 60 years!

I don't even think Judy Garland (who died very young), Liz Taylor and Shirley Temple Black had careers lasting that long.

But nah, Sammy was at it for a LONG time, Chaos. When we saw Michael with him most of the time he was older.
LOL! :)

That there were other legendary entertainers that started their careers as kids? Maybe. ^_^

Sammy's career lasted for 60 years!

I don't even think Judy Garland (who died very young), Liz Taylor and Shirley Temple Black had careers lasting that long.

But nah, Sammy was at it for a LONG time, Chaos. When we saw Michael with him most of the time he was older.
60 years is incredible though, I knew he was around for a long time but that picture with him as kid is just :bugeyed you can tell its himm too cos he has that jaw thing going :lol:

I love the Bad performance sammy davis done once, that ones worth watching :clapping: