Better overall Career Janet Jackson or Madonna?

But remember that the record labels often bump up the sales of their artist to hype them up. Don't worry, they did the same with Mike, the Beatles, Madonna and Elvis. Check ukmix, most users there are very knowledgeable about the 'right' number of an artists' overall sales.

Record labels inflate sales to a small degree because it's not possible to accurately track worldwide sales. For instance, Sony says Mike sold 750 million+ records. That number is based on cumulative data they've collected from trackable sales. They know he's sold more than that so they say more than 750 million records.

And there's no need to check ukmix as they don't know the sales of albums as they don't live in every country in the world, and the record labels knows more than anyone of them will ever know about an artists sales. ALWAYS go with the record label says as they will always know the most.
I don't know how much Janet has sold, but record company numbers mean nothing, unless you really believe RCA's claim that Elvis Presley sold over a billion, lol. Prince has said he doesn't know how many records he has sold, only what Warner Brothers told him.

Record companies more than anyone knows. Can any one person prove Elvis has NOT sold over a billion records? Doubt it.
Okay... I think this has gone on far enough...

Back to the original topic... :D
Can you prove that those numbers aren't correct? And your reply should either be "yes" or "no". Anything else fonted is irrelevant to my question.
Yes SOUNDSCAN...fortunatley for Janet (but UNfortunate for her fans it seems) Soundscan can track (and has tracked) her sales a lot better then say someone like elvis or the beatles...or even MJ. And it is from Soundscan (which is where BILLBOARD gets it's numbers) that those questions I posted were asked to and answered from. So yes, those number's aren't correct and yes it can (and has) been proven.
Yes SOUNDSCAN...fortunatley for Janet (but UNfortunate for her fans it seems) Soundscan can track (and has tracked) her sales a lot better then say someone like elvis or the beatles...or even MJ. And it is from Soundscan (which is where BILLBOARD gets it's numbers) that those questions I posted were asked to and answered from. So yes, those number's aren't correct and yes it can (and has) been proven.

Okay. So since when does Soundscan track international sales?
Oh my old was he? Like 15? :smilerolleyes:

he's 23 he's on the skorpionshow on youtube and he was having a big debate with his friend who's a big janet fan so he was putting him in his place
he's 23 he's on the skorpionshow on youtube and he was having a big debate with his friend who's a big janet fan so he was putting him in his place

:lol: I know that dude... (shame) :blush:

Sometimes, I just want to slap him but they're both really funny so I can't hate them.
Record companies more than anyone knows. Can any one person prove Elvis has NOT sold over a billion records? Doubt it.
You can say that about anything. You can't prove there is not a tooth fairy, lol. When Berry Gordy ran Motown, he always told his acts they sold less than they really did so they didn't have to pay them as much. Motown also didn't report sales to the RIAA until stuff released after around 1984 or 85. When James Brown was signed to King, they did the same thing. Some other labels during that period bought thousands of their own records to spike the charts. Then there's that debate about the Eagles' Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975) album. Some sales aren't counted, like those from record clubs, cut outs, mom & pop stores, stolen albums, or ones that are broken in shipment. Soundscan isn't foolproof either, and it only came about in the 90s. So record companies have no idea how much something has sold, and just put out numbers for PR reasons.
he's 23 he's on the skorpionshow on youtube and he was having a big debate with his friend who's a big janet fan so he was putting him in his place

Skoporion is a flip-flopping Janet stan. One minute he likes her, one minute he doesn't. So whenever her name is brought up, I just say:

You can say that about anything. You can't prove there is not a tooth fairy, lol. When Berry Gordy ran Motown, he always told his acts they sold less than they really did so they didn't have to pay them as much. Motown also didn't report sales to the RIAA until stuff released after around 1984 or 85. When James Brown was signed to King, they did the same thing. Some other labels during that period bought thousands of their own records to spike the charts. Then there's that debate about the Eagles' Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975) album. Some sales aren't counted, like those from record clubs, cut outs, mom & pop stores, stolen albums, or ones that are broken in shipment. So record companies have no idea how much something has sold, and just put out numbers for PR reasons.

So basically your answer is no. Thank you.

There is no accurate method to track worldwide sales. Therefore you go on what the label says the artist has sold. Clearly they are estimations, as they often say "more than X amount of albums/records". The label knows more than anyone on any internet message board.
Skoporion is a flip-flopping Janet stan. One minute he likes her, one minute he doesn't. So whenever her name is brought up, I just say:


really i thought he said she was his favorite artist?, i thought it was just his friend
Hitsville: Janet Jackson gets overlooked sometimes in the Michael hoopla, but she is a top-tier star in her own right, isn’t she? What’s your best estimation of her worldwide sales and her ranking worldwide?

Janet sold 45 million singles and 65 million albums, which ranks her among the top 60 best selling acts ever, quite an achievement already, definitely a star on her own. She is in par with the likes Nirvana, Journey, and the Who in terms of album sales and sold many more singles than them.

lol and NO I only have one account lmao, THIS one!

Janet has sold 55 million singles and about 85 million albums. Knowing that this is a MJ fan site it doesn't surprise me that false information about Janet's sales would be posted.
lol so it's ok for people to claim that JJ "stopped Jody (or whatever her name is) career just by releasing "Control", lol but I can't point out the fact that it's that same kind of mentality that people use to claim Beyonce did the same to JJ??? lmao!


You're so uninformed about music it's sad.

Janet put a halt to many female artists careers with the release of Control. This mentaliy you speak of isn't used with Beyonce on Janet.

Janet's career went down this slippery slop because 1) She's older. People's tastes change 2) The Superbowl. It has nothing to do with Beyonce.


You're so uninformed about music it's sad.

Janet put a halt to many female artists careers with the release of Control. This mentaliy you speak of isn't used with Beyonce on Janet.

Janet's career went down this slippery slop because 1) She's older. People's tastes change 2) The Superbowl. It has nothing to do with Beyonce.

Ummm... She's not saying that Beyonce stopped Janet's career. She just said it was hypocritical to laugh at someone's career when the same could be said about Beyonce by delusional B fans. I like Jan better than Beyonce, kay?

I think babysilk05 has been pretty sensible with her comments. You on the other hand have been.... quite condecensing... and you often attack the person too. Stay with your music arguments and you'll be okay... You obviously know your music history. Try to educate than reprimand. Many of us weren't alive during Jan's heydays and we're bigger fans of Michael. Try to keep that in mind.
Yes SOUNDSCAN...fortunatley for Janet (but UNfortunate for her fans it seems) Soundscan can track (and has tracked) her sales a lot better then say someone like elvis or the beatles...or even MJ. And it is from Soundscan (which is where BILLBOARD gets it's numbers) that those questions I posted were asked to and answered from. So yes, those number's aren't correct and yes it can (and has) been proven.


Seriously, stop. :mello:

Soundscan = U.S. and Canada


Ummm... She's not saying that Beyonce stopped Janet's career. She just said it was hypocritical to laugh at someone's career when the same could be said about Beyonce by delusional B fans. I like Jan better than Beyonce, kay?

I think babysilk05 has been pretty sensible with her comments. You on the other hand have been.... quite condecensing... and you often attack the person too. Stay with your music arguments and you'll be okay... You obviously know your music history. Try to educate than reprimand. Many of us weren't alive during Jan's heydays and we're bigger fans of Michael. Try to keep that in mind.

Who are you? :mello:

How is this hypocritical? Anyone that knows anything about music, specifically the late 80's will tell you that Janet did put a halt to Jody's career. I don't recall Beyonce fans saying this about Janet. But I see that you're trying to shade me and OnOurWay as delusional just because I giggled at the FACT that Janet did put a halt to Jody's career.

babysilk05 isn't sensible. He or she is a baiter. I'm not condescending (FYI- Don't use big words if you don't how to spell them) But if you take my posts that way .... *shrugs*

Oh! :rolleyes: Lets not.
You were just co-signing with Miss babysilk05 a little while ago. When he or she was posting false information.

OnOurWay put a :lol: smiley after he said that Janet put a stop on that girl's career.
That's why I said it was hypocritical for him/her to laugh when the same could be said about Janet after Beyonce came out. Of course, Janet was already long established before she was taken over by Bey so it's a different scenario.

Also, I'm sorry my spelling was wrong. :lol: CON-DES-CEND-ING! There you go! That kinda made me laugh there... :lmao: condescensing... Excuse that....

Anyways, after all is said and done, Madonna's career still overshadows Janet. Sad, but what can you do?

OnOurWay put a :lol: smiley after he said that Janet put a stop on that girl's career.
That's why I said it was hypocritical for him/her to laugh when the same could be said about Janet after Beyonce came out. Of course, Janet was already long established before she was taken over by Bey so it's a different scenario.

Also, I'm sorry my spelling was wrong. :lol: CON-DES-CEND-ING! There you go! That kinda made me laugh there... :lmao: condescensing... Excuse that....

Anyways, after all is said and done, Madonna's career still overshadows Janet. Sad, but what can you do?

How's it hypocritical? The same can't be said about Janet after Beyonce came out. You should really consider slowing down and reading what is stated. Janet's career was already declining before Beyonce was even on the scene.

Madonna's career doesn't overshadow Janet's :lol: You're obviously just baiting right now.

I have no problem with Janet playing second fiddle to Madonna. Madonna is a great talent and she's very successful. If Janet comes in second, what does that say about her? *whistles*

But as I stated before, it depends on the genre, Madonna is only known in pop and dance. Janet has revolutionized pop, dance, and R&B (where Madonna has no merit).
Ummm... She's not saying that Beyonce stopped Janet's career. She just said it was hypocritical to laugh at someone's career when the same could be said about Beyonce by delusional B fans. I like Jan better than Beyonce, kay?

I think babysilk05 has been pretty sensible with her comments. You on the other hand have been.... quite condecensing... and you often attack the person too. Stay with your music arguments and you'll be okay... You obviously know your music history. Try to educate than reprimand. Many of us weren't alive during Jan's heydays and we're bigger fans of Michael. Try to keep that in mind.

He/she has always had an attitude problem. Especially when it involves Janet. It says a lot. I think it's sad people can't have respectful, healthy discussions. People need to check their inflated egos at the door.

Madonna's career doesn't overshadow Janet's :lol: You're obviously just baiting right now.


Oh come on... are you serious? Really? This isn't about who you're a fan of. It's about common sense.
Now you know Madonna is talented lol...and that's no shade.
He/she has always had an attitude problem. Especially when it involves Janet. It says a lot. I think it's sad people can't have respectful, healthy discussions. People need to check their inflated egos at the door.

Oh Travis, you should really consider reading the whole thread before posting it could help a lot. ;)