BBC 'pulls Paul McCartney's Michael Jackson impersonation'

"Macca" is a common nickname for Paul in the music scene, it's not an insult, many of his collegues and fans call him that. It's not like Ja**o, which is stupid and insulting.

What is the difference there seriously? If J a c k o is insulting then why isn't Macca? doesnt make any sense at all. Can you explain the reasoning behind this? Also the media always refer to McCartney as Macca. I also think race has got nothing to do with the media calling MJ j a c k o, there is simply no argument or this, so stop playing the race card. (terrell)
What is the difference there seriously? If J a c k o is insulting then why isn't Macca? doesnt make any sense at all. Can you explain the reasoning behind this? Also the media always refer to McCartney as Macca. I also think race has got nothing to do with the media calling MJ j a c k o, there is simply no argument or this, so stop playing the race card. (terrell)

Macca doesn't infer that Paul McCartney is a insane, uppity negro who dared to take on the music industry and buy it up and in doing so insulted and enraged those who run it and the media at large who just loved a nice song and dance man who was supposed to stay in his box, J A C K O on the other hand means all I said above that's the stark difference.
What is the difference there seriously? If J a c k o is insulting then why isn't Macca? doesnt make any sense at all. Can you explain the reasoning behind this? Also the media always refer to McCartney as Macca. I also think race has got nothing to do with the media calling MJ j a c k o, there is simply no argument or this, so stop playing the race card. (terrell)
If the game is there the card will be played. If you do not want the card played, get rid of the dam game. I do think race plays a part in this. Soceity has certain presumption about blacks and other groups. I do not have time to explain it because it will take too long. I doubt you are black and know the experiences of this so you are not qualified to tell someone about it. Go back and even look when Michael was talking about tommy M and when Michael was in Harlem back in 2002 with Al Sharpton. Michael hit on the same thing. So if you have a problem with my comment, then you have a bigger problem with Michael. As for the word Macca, if that was use to offend Paul, I would say the same thing; however that is used to UPLIFT Paul and Paul has never be against the word; however Michael has and he has even spoke out on it (even the nasty Tom Sneddon use it to degrade Michael).
Macca doesn't infer that Paul McCartney is a insane, uppity negro who dared to take on the music industry and buy it up and in doing so insulted and enraged those who run it and the media at large who just loved a nice song and dance man who was supposed to stay in his box, J A C K O on the other hand means all I said above that's the stark difference.
EXACTLY. Paul owns alot of music and you do not see the media jumping on him about it. SO why Michael? I remember Bo Diddy talked about his music whom Paul owns when the comment about Michael owning the beatles. As Bo Diddy said, "well Paul owns mine and I would like mine back". Did Paul give it back to Bo? NO.
I think you will find in England that there is hardly any racism (apart from the ill educated people who are in the minority.) I presume its a lot different in America i.e. racism is still practised by a lot of people, probably why you have a different view point on this to myself. (Also i am not saying americans are ill educated, it's just that both countries have different cultural divides etc.!)
Let's switch this around here. If Paul had bought the rights to Michael's songs the media would be praising him and calling him a smart business man
The Bottom line is his name is Michael JACKSON which should be done anyway. Call him Michael Jackson and NOT J A C K O and we won't have this debates on what is what; however, if it continue, yes, the race card is going to be played (that is the way it looks) and many people are going to point out the bias and unfairness of black celebs compare to white celebs.
Let's switch this around here. If Paul had bought the rights to Michael's songs the media would be praising him and calling him a smart business man
Let me put a bug in your ear. Michael and the Jackson 5 wanted to get their music from motown. Barry did not want to sell it at the time. This was around the time the Jacksons left Motown (and the name Jackson 5 is owned by Barry GOrdy). Do you hear Michael hating on Barry? NO. And Barry Gordy was a father figure to Michael. To put it straight, THAT IS THE MUSIC BIZ. And believe me, I am sure if the Jacksons songs were to come able, I doubt Michael will be CHEAP an not go ahead a purchase their catalog if he has the money to get it. Understand now.
I think you will find in England that there is hardly any racism (apart from the ill educated people who are in the minority.) I presume its a lot different in America i.e. racism is still practised by a lot of people, probably why you have a different view point on this to myself. (Also i am not saying americans are ill educated, it's just that both countries have different cultural divides etc.!)
Well, I am American and I speak from experience and from what I see and Michael is called this mess out of racism here. There has been discussion about it some black talk shows here. I do not know why the British media named him this crap in the 80's (I still find them to be bias compare what they do to others. I am curious to know what is Amy Winehouse called in the British prss everytime they talk about her due to what is said about her?). Again, the name just need to be dropped.
What is the difference there seriously? If J a c k o is insulting then why isn't Macca? (terrell)

I guess it's because the media make it rhyme with wac*o. And that is nothing but insulting. By the way, to know if it is insulting or not... just picture yourself meeting Michael... Would you say : 'J*cko, I love you so much' ?:no:
Yes, I am going to be judgemental when I see one side being judge and not another. Sorry if that hurt your feelings but too bad. I would NOt say a word about any of these people if the media was FAIR. So do not come at me for point out the bias in the media. You are right, the paparazzi do follow her and guess what, they follow Michael too and in the meantime call him J A C KO when the pictures are posted. See what I mean. Yes, I beleive Britney is sick and going through something right now; but guess what, Michael has a skin diease and get told that he bleach his skin. Sorry, but if people are going to get pisss off at me or anyone saying this stuff about Brad, Britney, etc, then get pissed off when they talk about Michael and call him out of his name. That was my ONLY purposes for saying that about Angie and Brad (and yes she did STEAL a man, call it what you want it is still the same). If these people show Jackson the same respect, then you wont get a word out of me; however, if Jackson is disrespect, then I will point out the bias regardless if anyone likes it or not. End of story

My feelings aren't hurt because I couldn't care less about all these people.
It's not the other celebrities' fault that the media is "kinder" to them and not kind to Michael. One injustice doesn't make another injustice any fairer.
My feelings aren't hurt because I couldn't care less about all these people.
It's not the other celebrities' fault that the media is "kinder" to them and not kind to Michael. One injustice doesn't make another injustice any fairer.
True but that was not the point I was making. I was making the point that the media call Michael J A C K O because of what they say how he behaves and what is said about him; that is why I mentioned the other people who have certain IMAGES about themselves as well (if you really look a truth, they have actions far more than Michael) but do the media call them out of their name every time they talk about them? No. They want to call Michael out his name when he wears the mask YET they did not call Angie out of her name when she wore a blood value around her neck. This is what I am talking about. I do not think they should call anyone out of their name; however, if you are going to call one, call them all or NONE AT ALL (otherwise it is going to look racist and bias).
the problem sems to be that ppl dont know the origins of the nickanme so take it the wrong way. if its used in america as a way to insult mj then fine thats america but thats not how its used in the uk or what the nickname is about so im not sure how ppl can can come to the opinion that its insulting when the name on its own never has been to either mj or the millions of other jacksons that get called it
I guess it's because the media make it rhyme with wac*o. And that is nothing but insulting. By the way, to know if it is insulting or not... just picture yourself meeting Michael... Would you say : 'J*cko, I love you so much' ?:no:
Great point. But I am sure Michael would smile at KING OF POP. And like I said, Macca is used to praise Paul and Paul has NEVER complained about it. If Paul complains about it and say it offends him, I think it should be respected and Paul's feelings should be respected and people should stop calling him "macca".
Well, I am American and I speak from experience and from what I see and Michael is called this mess out of racism here. There has been discussion about it some black talk shows here. I do not know why the British media named him this crap in the 80's (I still find them to be bias compare what they do to others. I am curious to know what is Amy Winehouse called in the British prss everytime they talk about her due to what is said about her?). Again, the name just need to be dropped.

Nothing rhymes with Winehouse and you can't really shorten it to anything :p She does get a rough time with the press though.
the problem sems to be that ppl dont know the origins of the nickanme so take it the wrong way. if its used in america as a way to insult mj then fine thats america but thats not how its used in the uk or what the nickname is about so im not sure how ppl can can come to the opinion that its insulting when the name on its own never has been to either mj or the millions of other jacksons that get called it
Again, even Michael hates it so it does NOT matter what anyone else think. His name is Michael JACKSON and that is what they should call him, regardless if you are in the United States, Europe, Asian, Africa, Central America, etc. It is funny these media people will call him "self proclaim" KIng of Pop, something that makes him look good, but do not pause to call him J A C K O.
And like I said, Macca is used to praise Paul
no its not, anyone whos name begins with mac in the UK gets called macca by friends etc. it has no conatations one way or the other . like i said b4 it seems some dont understand the meanings of these nicknames because of culteral difference and that why theres all the issues as whether its ment as a negative or not
Again, even Michael hates it so it does NOT matter what anyone else think
yes we know mj hates it. but that doesnt have anything to do with what i was saying. i was pointing out the real meaning of the name
Nothing rhymes with Winehouse and you can't really shorten it to anything :p She does get a rough time with the press though.
There are names that rhymes with her name (Wino- to apply she is a person who over drinks-whick Amy does a great deal along with using drugs if she is going to be given a nickname based on her image. She even got a song about drinking). Again, I do not agree with calling anyone out of their name no matter what they may or may not be doing; however, if you going to call one, call all or none at all.
yes we know mj hates it. but that doesnt have anything to do with what i was saying. i was pointing out the real meaning of the name
I understand but that does not matter in the end. If it offends, it offends. that is just like the N word or the B word to a woman. Some people use the N word and the B word to mean something else;however, overall, those words offend some people no matter who uses it.
no its not, anyone whos name begins with mac in the UK gets called macca by friends etc. it has no conatations one way or the other . like i said b4 it seems some dont understand the meanings of these nicknames because of culteral difference and that why theres all the issues as whether its ment as a negative or not
then it is just best to call people what they were named and what they like; then you won't have these issues.
If the media start calling her Wino we all know where they got it from. Jokes, lol. :)
And that would be disrespectful to her but I doubt the media will it. they have not done it this far. Comics have joked and called her that name in the name of comedy; but NOT the media nor should they call her it.
If the game is there the card will be played. If you do not want the card played, get rid of the dam game. I do think race plays a part in this. Soceity has certain presumption about blacks and other groups. I do not have time to explain it because it will take too long. I doubt you are black and know the experiences of this so you are not qualified to tell someone about it. Go back and even look when Michael was talking about tommy M and when Michael was in Harlem back in 2002 with Al Sharpton. Michael hit on the same thing. So if you have a problem with my comment, then you have a bigger problem with Michael. As for the word Macca, if that was use to offend Paul, I would say the same thing; however that is used to UPLIFT Paul and Paul has never be against the word; however Michael has and he has even spoke out on it (even the nasty Tom Sneddon use it to degrade Michael).
Jerry Lee Lewis is white and is commonly nicknamed "The Killer" by the press, which he doesn't like. He was named that because one of his wives mysteriously died, and the name insinuates Jerry did it. And what about all the Elvis fat jokes and dying on the toilet jokes? The media makes fun of a lot of people. James Brown, Ike Turner, the Debarge family, & Flavor Flav have done all kinds of crazy stuff and has not been given names, so race has nothing to do with it.
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Jerry Lee Lewis is white and is commonly nicknamed "The Killer" by the press, which he doesn't like. He was named that because one of his wives mysteriously died, and the name insinuates Jerry did it. And what about all the Elvis fat jokes and dying on the toilet jokes? The media makes fun of a lot of people. James Brown, Ike Turner, the Debarge family, & Flavor Flav have done all kinds of crazy stuff and has not been given names, so race has nothing to do with it.
Wrong. Jerry Lee is barely talked about and I do not see any media calling him "The killer" in MAINSTREAM media everytime he is spoken about like they do with J A C K O. As for the others you are talking about, sorry but are no where near "name called" like Mike not even Elvis in MAINSTREAm. I could careless what tabloids say but when you get even so to be reliable news outlets like Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and other outlet calling you out of yiur name something is up. And I am sorry, Flavor Flav, Debarge Family, etc has not reached the success of Michael and some people have a problem when a black man reaches a certain level of success. My comment still stand that alot of this is race based. Again, if you are not black to know the sign, you can not speak on it. Like I said, even Michael said this in 2002. Enuf said.
Wrong. Jerry Lee is barely talked about and I do not see any media calling him "The killer" in MAINSTREAM media everytime he is spoken about like they do with J A C K O. As for the others you are talking about, sorry but are no where near "name called" like Mike not even Elvis in MAINSTREAm. I could careless what tabloids say but when you get even so to be reliable news outlets like Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and other outlet calling you out of yiur name something is up. And I am sorry, Flavor Flav, Debarge Family, etc has not reached the success of Michael and some people have a problem when a black man reaches a certain level of success. My comment still stand that alot of this is race based. Again, if you are not black to know the sign, you can not speak on it. Like I said, even Michael said this in 2002. Enuf said.
I am of color. I don't care for terms like black or African American. What's your point? What does any of this have to do with Paul McCartney? Sorry, not everything is a conspiracy against MJ.
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Terrell, let's all of us just squash it. We're not getting nowhere with this debate. It is what it is, let this thread die, SHEESH! :lol: