BBC 'pulls Paul McCartney's Michael Jackson impersonation'

I am of color. I don't care for terms like black or African American. What's your point? What does any of this have to do with Paul McCartney? Sorry, not everything is a conspiracy against MJ.
It does not matter if you like the terms black or AA or not, that is what it is for those to desire to call themself such. Period. So what is your point for say that? The name J A C K O came up in the topic and it was discussed. End of story. As for a conspiracy, who said anything about a conspiracy? I will and I will continue to say what I have say when it comes to calling Michael out of his name. I do not live denial and I do not live to please others in what I think about issues. Again, it is bias to call Michael J A C K O.
Terrell, let's all of us just squash it. We're not getting nowhere with this debate. It is what it is, let this thread die, SHEESH! :lol:
I know, I let is die (unless someone response to me). But again, it is over with.:clapping:
Wow :mellow: What a bitter, whiney, a-hole. MJ bought those songs fair and square. MJ has made alot of money off those...he had an oppurtinity and he took it. Too bad Paul was not as good a business man as Michael.
He is so bitter and it is annoying.
Also, if MJ has ignored his calls or letters. It is probably cause Paul acted bitter and rude about it I bet. Who wants to listen to that??

Like Michael said. Sorry Paul.. its sad and all... but it is business and it was a SMART move.

Good post, I agree with everything you have said.

Paul McCartney's impersonation of Michael is crap. He just sounds like Paul McCartney with a high pitched voice.

Although I feel sympathy for Paul, with Michael once a close friend buying The Beatles songs. I feel his speaking in public about it and his feelings about Michael is very low. This is a man who couldn't take it when John Lennon was talking very negatively (and I guess a lot of it true) about McCartney after The Beatles broke up. It's strange how Michael's good friends Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon (John Lennon's wife and son), don't speak badly about Michael in public, and still speak highly of him when asked.

I guess Paul McCartney isn't as sharp a business man as Michael in every sense of the word. Including personal finances, ie McCartnety's ex wife Heather Mills swindled McCartney out of £ millions from their marriage, and sold stories to the media during their high profile divorce. Debbie Rowie got a few $ million from Michael, yet he's legally kept her in her place by making an agreement where she can't talk to the media.
I dont think it was trans racial, it was high pitched tone of MJ, but, the fact that he (Mccartney) is always complaining is quite horrid, why? this ex-beatle has a LOT of money he does not need any more money, come on!, he is just trying to make MJ look like a thief or something, MJ has given through his life a lot of money and care, and attention to the ones in need, and graced ill kids with his presence, cause, at the time he did this stuff (appearing in hospital with his trademark cloth, the fedora, it might sound superfitial, but MJ was magical to the kids they felt better, he still magical but he isolate now, i guess he is too afraid cause of the media jokes and bad publicity, he should ignored them, but he doesnt, dont ask why cause i dont know) children adored him, now its different cause the media has made MJ a monster and kids dont believe in innocence anymore, only Michael changing the acctitud can change this, ignoring the bad comments and jokes cause they will always do it. Anyways the occult desire of every solo artist, in this case the ex beatle guy, is to be an historical FIGURE like MJ, I mean MJ trademarks are unique, his high pitched voice, the way he dresses, his music, his dance, his very way of talking and act are so personal, that some musicians are a little jealous, and that in the end is like a hide even to them, adoration about the artist they talk a little bad about, but i dont think he was talking bad( well a little) of Michael i think he just wants to talk about him
What's the point of this article?
So do I have to say "Poor Paul" or somethig?
I don't understand why he keeps talking about the songs he sold to Michael decades ago.
It does not matter if you like the terms black or AA or not, that is what it is for those to desire to call themself such. Period. So what is your point for say that? The name J A C K O came up in the topic and it was discussed. End of story. As for a conspiracy, who said anything about a conspiracy? I will and I will continue to say what I have say when it comes to calling Michael out of his name. I do not live denial and I do not live to please others in what I think about issues. Again, it is bias to call Michael J A C K O.

terrell i agree with everything you've posted on. There is no comparison of what has been done to Michael and his name with anyone else. All of the names presented as examples of those who have undergone same treatment don't even come close. No one else is referred to by a derogatory name that is a mainstream, recognizable, household brand, the way the media has done to Michael. The origins of the name were not kind either. They came originally from a UK tabloid. They did not turn the Whacko to rhyme with *****, as his name is not *****, but Jackson, as he himself has said. They changed his name Jackson to ***** so that it rhymed with Whacko, and the intention is clear. As for Paul being called Macca, that is something I have never even heard until this article came out. Even the Macca association with Paul is not widely recognizable, perhaps only to those who are his fans or who closely follow the music industry. If I'd heard the reference only without any prompt to Paul, I'd have assumed that it was a misspelling for Mecca, and not understood the context at all, wondering what it had to do with Mecca, and how come it was spelled wrong. ***** however needs no prompt. The media has done their branding job to the extent you could probably ask an elementary aged child who is *****, and they could probably answer you. It is very sad what has occurred, and the roots are prejudice for the reasons you've already gone into great detail about, so I will not rehash. Just wanted you to know your comments do not fall on deaf ears. I understand the mainstream public who are not fans to the extent of joining fan forums and following every Michael Jackson official public statement and so on being brainwashed by mainstream media where they get all their garbage they regard as news, but it is disconcerting when even the fans who do follow him closely, still fall prey and are not understanding what you are speaking on. I'm glad you spoke up.
terrell i agree with everything you've posted on. There is no comparison of what has been done to Michael and his name with anyone else. All of the names presented as examples of those who have undergone same treatment don't even come close. No one else is referred to by a derogatory name that is a mainstream, recognizable, household brand, the way the media has done to Michael. The origins of the name were not kind either. They came originally from a UK tabloid. They did not turn the Whacko to rhyme with *****, as his name is not *****, but Jackson, as he himself has said. They changed his name Jackson to ***** so that it rhymed with Whacko, and the intention is clear. As for Paul being called Macca, that is something I have never even heard until this article came out. Even the Macca association with Paul is not widely recognizable, perhaps only to those who are his fans or who closely follow the music industry. If I'd heard the reference only without any prompt to Paul, I'd have assumed that it was a misspelling for Mecca, and not understood the context at all, wondering what it had to do with Mecca, and how come it was spelled wrong. ***** however needs no prompt. The media has done their branding job to the extent you could probably ask an elementary aged child who is *****, and they could probably answer you. It is very sad what has occurred, and the roots are prejudice for the reasons you've already gone into great detail about, so I will not rehash. Just wanted you to know your comments do not fall on deaf ears. I understand the mainstream public who are not fans to the extent of joining fan forums and following every Michael Jackson official public statement and so on being brainwashed by mainstream media where they get all their garbage they regard as news, but it is disconcerting when even the fans who do follow him closely, still fall prey and are not understanding what you are speaking on. I'm glad you spoke up.

You spoke my mind. I agree with you.:clapping:
You spoke my mind. I agree with you.:clapping:

i do, too, because they made it 'legit', by using it in mainstream media JUST BECAUSE he hates it.
so, you can no longer tell the difference between a report and an editorial, wnen it comes to MJ. it's worth bellyaching over. eternal envy, on their part. he is the first to get this massive slam/slander treatment. they feel he won't sue them. anyone else would sue for all kinds of stuff if it were happening to them at this magnitude. they DO sue for a lot less, so it's obviously worth talking about. and it's been happening too long, so there is obviously a juvenile mentality, teaching our elementary age kids, while they are in school, being taught not to bully one another. and the media is the teacher. so it's detrimental.
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It's been 24 years of more since the purchase of that Catalog.I love both men but Paul has to get over it because he bid lower than Mike,I know some songs will comeback to him but not all,as long as Michael has poccession. Paul will have to continue shaking his little ass(As John refers to Elvis) and Sing the songs that made him famous while Mike makes his money for the use of the songs.It's across the board when it comes to any Beatle song that is published and The person and persons who are singing them. Whatever the comment,I don't think Paul would get that far without knowing someone will get wind of it and it gets back to Michael.
Paul's life is a mess since after Linda's death and Heather Golddiggin him and Now He's suppose to be datiing a women who is one of the heads of The NYC MTA.The Same MTA that is raising My Transit fare. Damn.I need a car bad. but He's dating her because she has alot of money but she could take him to the cleaners too.
Life is funny isn't it ?especially when you should have saved that money and got those songs yourself.I always believed that since you composed the songs and perforned them.You should own your work. It's ashame that there are people out there shafting Artist today just to make money off of them when they don't own their own work and they worked so hard trying to give out good music for the public to hear.And they get half the credit not full credit if they owned the songs outright.
mccartney sucks big time. hes so uncool and phoney.

He was cool in the 1960's, but I agree he's a phoney in that he's not as nice a person as he projects himself to be. The more he talks about Michael, the more I understand why John Lennon hated him for a number of years after The Beatles broke up.

omg thats foolish behavior.. but I kinda understand he's feelings though. But I dont really get how Michael could buy this in the first place? Poul must have said OK for it first because originally the songs was he's property was'nt it?

sorry if I ask an old question ^^

Originally the songs were the property of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, but that was in the very early 1960's when pop stars didn't know anything about the business side of music, where all the real money is made. Lennon & McCartney signed their publishing rights over to ATV without knowing what they were doing, and what music publishing was.

Michael bought ATV almost 20yrs after Lennon & McCartney signed their rights away, so by that time they The Beatles songs hadn't been belonged to Paul McCartney for years.

Paul McCartney never said to Michael it was OK, for him to buy The Beatles songs. Michael told McCartney he was going to buy his songs, and McCartney said he thought Michael was joking. So when Michael bought The Beatles songs, McCartney was taking completely by surprise.

Michael has said he bought the songs because he is a Beatles fan (as well documented from very early Jackson 5 interviews from as young as 11yrs old), and saw it as a good business move (which is has been). My guess is Paul McCartney wants to get far bigger royalties from ATV than he should get. And I guess from interviews McCartney has done about Michael Jackson and The Beatles songs, that this is the major Michael and Paul are no longer friends. The last time I'm aware Michael and Paul met was in 1989, at a Paul McCartney concert which is where Paul is supposed to have asked Michael for a pay rise. Michael is "rumored" (this is not a fact) to have agreed, then ignored McCartney's requests afterwords.