BBC 'pulls Paul McCartney's Michael Jackson impersonation'

I didn't know Mr Mccartney was a racist!

Paul McCartney maybe very bitter about Michael and even hate him. But I'm 100% sure Paul McCartney is no racist. He said in an interview with Michael Parkinson that one of the things he hates the most in the world is "racism".
He is one of the people who helped make Jimi Hendrix a huge superstar in the USA by setting him as a headline act at the Monteray Festival in 1967 which McCartney set up were Hendrix was still an unkown.

As someone has already pointed out, McCartney's idol is Little Richard. Also when asked which pop star he could be if he wasn't one, his answer was Jimi Hendrix. McCartney also recorded the anti racist song Ebony & Ivory with Stevie Wonder. And in 1968 McCartney wrote a song called Blackbird on The Beatles, White Album which was a tribute to Martin Luther-King and the Civil Rights movenment. McCartney also told Oprah Winfery in an interview that he once viewed Michael as a younger brother.

None of use have heard this "trans-racial impersination", and the BBC may have been over sensitive. I think the point is like it or not after 23yrs Paul McCartney is just going to have to accept that Michael Jackson owns the publishing rights to the majority of The Beatles songs. And that him talking about Michael in a negative light and impersonation Michael's voice will just backfire on him from now on. Just as it does when he tries to justify his legacy against John Lennon. Michael Jackson is untouchable, even by the likes of rock gods like Paul McCartney.
i think the bbc might of thought that the comment he made, might have sounded "trans racial" to them. That properly why they took that part off.
Paul is many things. Maybe he is bitter, angry, hateful or whatever.

But he sure isn't a racist! Da## I think he would be angry hearing people called him that!
I'm pretty sure the white guy who did a song with Stevie Wonder called "Ebony & Ivory" about racial harmony is not a racist.
Dude ain't racist but I don't think no one would deny he still bitter. The BBC is still squirming over the Jonathan Peters and Russell Brand thing so maybe they feared lawsuits and damnation, I don't know. But Paul is not racist.
How on earth can they get a lawsuit because Paul talks in a high-pitched MJ voice? It just seems like censorship to the extreme.
How on earth can they get a lawsuit because Paul talks in a high-pitched MJ voice? It just seems like censorship to the extreme.

if the BBC has accumulative stuff, it can all add up, so that one more infraction can get them a lawsuit, just because of the quantity of complaints...that can be true for anybody.
Then NBC, CBS, Fox and pretty much any network that has any comedy or late-night shows should be off the air by now.
^^ Exactly. It's crazy. The article sounds more like an attack of the BBC then it does Michael since the BBC themselves DENIED pulling such a thing.

A rumor of any story good or bad is STILL a rumor, people, don't get your hopes up.
What does Trans-Racial have to do with a person's voice or it's tone? Talking soft or high pitched is offensive to people?
it was only meant to be offensive to Michael - Paul mocking him. apparently the whole story is a farce anyway. not sure how it attacks BBC or was meant to, but if it were true, i've already expressed my thoughts on it.
Michael probably made money from this article or radio appearance no doubt they played McCartney's music Michael owns...BITCH! Pay up!
I dont think it was trans racial, it was high pitched tone of MJ, but, the fact that he (Mccartney) is always complaining is quite horrid, why? this ex-beatle has a LOT of money he does not need any more money, come on!, he is just trying to make MJ look like a thief or something, MJ has given through his life a lot of money and care, and attention to the ones in need, and graced ill kids with his presence, cause, at the time he did this stuff (appearing in hospital with his trademark cloth, the fedora, it might sound superfitial, but MJ was magical to the kids they felt better, he still magical but he isolate now, i guess he is too afraid cause of the media jokes and bad publicity, he should ignored them, but he doesnt, dont ask why cause i dont know) children adored him, now its different cause the media has made MJ a monster and kids dont believe in innocence anymore, only Michael changing the acctitud can change this, ignoring the bad comments and jokes cause they will always do it. Anyways the occult desire of every solo artist, in this case the ex beatle guy, is to be an historical FIGURE like MJ, I mean MJ trademarks are unique, his high pitched voice, the way he dresses, his music, his dance, his very way of talking and act are so personal, that some musicians are a little jealous, and that in the end is like a hide even to them, adoration about the artist they talk a little bad about.
Then NBC, CBS, Fox and pretty much any network that has any comedy or late-night shows should be off the air by now.

well..we're talking about the BBC right now. america seems a little looser. besides..remember people tried to sue mtv for the 'Janet Jackson incident?' and several american radio talk show hosts have lost jobs over the past year for racial comments.
Michael probably made money from this article or radio appearance no doubt they played McCartney's music Michael owns...BITCH! Pay up!

actually, i stated in an earlier post that they were careful NOT to play the music. instead, they showed images of the beatles playing music, and there was no sound. they surely took that into consideration. of course, in their attempt to cut off MJ, they cut off Paul too, cus he would've been paid if they turned the sound up. so, you see..if they go after MJ, they hurt Paul in the process.
OK, that is fair. I am trying to figure out who they are afraid would be offended is all. 'trans-racial' meaning people that have crossed racial lines? I don't get the definition. The way I interpret the trans racial comment, that is offensive.
i think the situation is done. the BBC did what they did. i don't know why we're even continuing pursuing it. after awhile they'll start to think they can't win either way. damned if they do, damned if they don't.
i think the thread was done with until I read it. My fault for pulling it back to the top of the heap I think.
I haven't read all of this thread, but I will say that Paul is just angry and bitter that Michael is now making money off of his music. Seriously, Paul had his chance to get the rights but was too much of a pinch penny to care enough. It wasn't until Michael started making money off of his "investment" that Paul started to have an issue with it. Why? Because it wasn't he who was getting the cash. If he gave that much of a damn about it, if the music mattered THAT MUCH why not out bid Michael? Or if say he didn't have the cash at the time (which is total crap...he had the cash) why not go in with Yoko for it and insure that the music would stay within the "family" in a manner of speaking? I guess it didn't matter THAT MUCH. Paul's just REALLY bitter, not racist. Paul needs to get over himself and realize he was the one who made the "mistake" NOT MICHAEL. **rolls eyes** In the end it all comes down to the "all-mighty dollar", and that's what Paul's issue really is all about. And the fact that he feels the need to be immature about it and make it into a personal matter shows how much class this man really has. Michael didn't make it personal, Paul did. And Paul needs to take a serious chill pill. And he can put that in his pipe and smoke it!
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Well said!! Let's move along. Michael outbid Paul, simple as that (I think). lol
I haven't read all of this thread, but I will say that Paul is just angry and bitter that Michael is now making money off of his music. Seriously, Paul had his chance to get the rights but was too much of a pinch penny to care enough. It wasn't until Michael started making money off of his "investment" that Paul started to have an issue with it. Why? Because it wasn't he who was getting the cash. If he gave that much of a damn about it, if the music mattered THAT MUCH why not out bid Michael? Or if say he didn't have the cash at the time (which is total crap...he had the cash) why not go in with Yoko for it and insure that the music would stay within the "family" in a manner of speaking? I guess it didn't matter THAT MUCH. Paul's just REALLY bitter, not racist. Paul needs to get over himself and realize he was the one who made the "mistake" NOT MICHAEL. **rolls eyes** In the end it all comes down to the "all-mighty dollar", and that's what Paul's issue really is all about. And the fact that he feels the need to be immature about it and make it into a personal matter shows how much class this man really has. Michael didn't make it personal, Paul did. And Paul needs to take a serious chill pill. And he can put that in his pipe and smoke it!

I didn't read the thread either, but what you wrote is close to what I would think, though with less of the nicely put words and more of the negative ones.:D

So, I'll just let that stand.:D
What are talking about? You just said no one calls whites out of their name. Then why did you refer to Paul McCartney as "Mecca." (You can't even spell it right)
LOOk, I said what I said and I STAND by what I said (and lets not get on spelling, heck many people misspell on this board. So lets not go there). I still say whites do not get call out of their name like blacks in MAIN STREAM MEDIA. Look at Brad and Angie Jolie. This woman took a man from another woman, having babies out of wedlock, and people act like she is mother Theresa because she give to charity (and lets not get into her actions when she was married to Billy Bob). How many charities MIchael have given to in his lifetime? Many and yet Mike get called everything but a child of god. Look at Ozzy Osborne, Britney SPears, etc and all the problems they have done in their lives (proven to be FACT, not rumors like many of Michael's problems), do any of these celebs get called out thier name by mainsterm or the British media every time they talk about Ozzy or Britney? Hell no. I, like many others, are sick and tired of this kind of mess and when it is stated by someone, some people want to act as if blacks are making a big deal out of it. Please, if you do not want people commenting on this bias reporting, then DO NOT DO IT. End of story. His name is Michael JACKSON, not J A C K O.
why not go in with Yoko for it and insure that the music would stay within the "family" in a manner of speaking?
Actually he did, but Yoko wasn't interested. At any rate Paul & George Harrison never really got along with Yoko well. Paul owns a lot of songs himself including a lot of Broadway show tunes, Buddy Holly, & jazz songs among others. I think he owns the song "Happy Birthday To You". A person could live off of that song alone. That is how he got Mike interested in music publishing.
LOOk, I said what I said and I STAND by what I said (and lets not get on spelling, heck many people misspell on this board. So lets not go there). I still say whites do not get call out of their name like blacks in MAIN STREAM MEDIA. Look at Brad and Angie Jolie. This woman took a man from another woman, having babies out of wedlock, and people act like she is mother Theresa because she give to charity (and lets not get into her actions when she was married to Billy Bob). How many charities MIchael have given to in his lifetime? Many and yet Mike get called everything but a child of god. Look at Ozzy Osborne, Britney SPears, etc and all the problems they have done in their lives (proven to be FACT, not rumors like many of Michael's problems), do any of these celebs get called out thier name by mainsterm or the British media every time they talk about Ozzy or Britney? Hell no. I, like many others, are sick and tired of this kind of mess and when it is stated by someone, some people want to act as if blacks are making a big deal out of it. Please, if you do not want people commenting on this bias reporting, then DO NOT DO IT. End of story. His name is Michael JACKSON, not J A C K O.

Look, I don't appreciate the Jolie/Pitt-hype at all but I think you are very judgemental here. Brad and Angelina get their media bashing all the time, also the name "Brangelina", it's stupid. And not to defend her, but she hasn't "taken a man from another women", there are always two involved when something like that happened and Brad isn't a saint either. STILL I think what they are doing is great and has to be admired, because no one is without sin and mistake on this planet. It's funny you're mentioning Britney as an example, because from all the celebrities I know she has gotten the most flac in recent months, the media has been horrible to her. Not to defend her and her actions, but the girl is sick and needs help not a gazillion paparazzi following her every move. I think it's annoying that MJ fans often tend to use double standards when it comes to issues like that. Yes, we all want justice for MJ, but that doesn't mean you have to put down or point your finger at other celebrities.
What are talking about? You just said no one calls whites out of their name. Then why did you refer to Paul McCartney as "Mecca." (You can't even spell it right)

"Macca" is a common nickname for Paul in the music scene, it's not an insult, many of his collegues and fans call him that. It's not like Ja**o, which is stupid and insulting.
actually, i think Mike did Paul a favor. first of all he did say he would buy Paul's music, to his face. the fact that some people don't take MJ seriously when he says something, is something MJ can't do anything about. secondly, in that interview with Howard Stern, Paul repeatedly reminds me that he doesn't know anything abuot business. he admitted that his accountant handles all that, and he didn't want to go into talking about it. Michael, businesswise will take care of Paul's music, better than Paul would. MJ arranged it so that Paul would still get paid. that's the law, anyway.
and no one...but no one, would ever do the kind thing that MJ did, by arranging that the songs would be well taken care of..and any mileage that they could obtained, would be had. it benefits Paul, tremendously. paying a fee so i could stay rich, isn't such a bad thing. i would love for MJ to do me that favor, if i didn't believe in my own compositions as much as MJ did. but then, i'm not Paul, so i can't be in his shoes.

macca impersonation of MJ in a high pitched voice.

Wow :mellow: What a bitter, whiney, a-hole. MJ bought those songs fair and square. MJ has made alot of money off those...he had an oppurtinity and he took it. Too bad Paul was not as good a business man as Michael.
He is so bitter and it is annoying.
Also, if MJ has ignored his calls or letters. It is probably cause Paul acted bitter and rude about it I bet. Who wants to listen to that??

Like Michael said. Sorry Paul.. its sad and all... but it is business and it was a SMART move.
Look, I don't appreciate the Jolie/Pitt-hype at all but I think you are very judgemental here. Brad and Angelina get their media bashing all the time, also the name "Brangelina", it's stupid. And not to defend her, but she hasn't "taken a man from another women", there are always two involved when something like that happened and Brad isn't a saint either. STILL I think what they are doing is great and has to be admired, because no one is without sin and mistake on this planet. It's funny you're mentioning Britney as an example, because from all the celebrities I know she has gotten the most flac in recent months, the media has been horrible to her. Not to defend her and her actions, but the girl is sick and needs help not a gazillion paparazzi following her every move. I think it's annoying that MJ fans often tend to use double standards when it comes to issues like that. Yes, we all want justice for MJ, but that doesn't mean you have to put down or point your finger at other celebrities.
Yes, I am going to be judgemental when I see one side being judge and not another. Sorry if that hurt your feelings but too bad. I would NOt say a word about any of these people if the media was FAIR. So do not come at me for point out the bias in the media. You are right, the paparazzi do follow her and guess what, they follow Michael too and in the meantime call him J A C KO when the pictures are posted. See what I mean. Yes, I beleive Britney is sick and going through something right now; but guess what, Michael has a skin diease and get told that he bleach his skin. Sorry, but if people are going to get pisss off at me or anyone saying this stuff about Brad, Britney, etc, then get pissed off when they talk about Michael and call him out of his name. That was my ONLY purposes for saying that about Angie and Brad (and yes she did STEAL a man, call it what you want it is still the same). If these people show Jackson the same respect, then you wont get a word out of me; however, if Jackson is disrespect, then I will point out the bias regardless if anyone likes it or not. End of story
"Macca" is a common nickname for Paul in the music scene, it's not an insult, many of his collegues and fans call him that. It's not like Ja**o, which is stupid and insulting.
Exactly. Paul is called that to UPLift him; whearas Michael is called J A C K O to put him down and make fun of him. ALso, PAUL loves him name; whereas MIchael HATES the word J A C K O.