BBC 'pulls Paul McCartney's Michael Jackson impersonation'

OMG, I am so sorry Paul but I can't listen to you whine about these songs one more time! It only makes him look like a whiner, especially when you examine the facts. Michael paid a helluva a lot of money for that music, you didn't believe him when he told you to your face he was going to buy them, then when he did you want to act like you are some victim. This is his fault not Michael's. Michael is a smart business man, an honorable man, and you should of known that. So leave it alone! Seriously, and how mature is it that after all these years, you feel you need to impersonate mj in interviews in this high pitched voice, which in reality he doesn't have. It may be soft at times but really who cares. Did the high pitched voice tell you there was no way he was smart enough or serious enough to do what he said he would do. GROW UP PAUL MCCARTNEY!
*stands up & applauds dreamy*.....totally right on there!
What u just said is completey spot on!
I don't know what to think about this news story. And what the hell is a trans-racial impersonation supposed to mean. Because if it's just McCartney doing to stupid high pitched "Paul, I wanna buy your songs" impression he always does when asked about Michael. Then should Madonna's Rock'N'Roll Hall of Fame induction speech were he did a simular high pitched impersonation of Michael be deemed a transracial-impersonation and have been banned from BBC news footage.

Paul McCartney does go on about Michael's buy The Beatles's song, and his bitterness about it is plan boring. Michael buy those songs, wasn't the best thing for Michael to have done friendship wise so I understand McCartney finishing their friendship and not liking Michael anymore. But the fact is, Michael bought those Beatles songs fair and sqaure. And it wasn't Michael who got Lennon & McCartney to song over their publishing rights in the 1960's.

In many ways it's a compliement Paul McCartney is bitter about Michael, because the only other famous person McCartney has issues with in public is John Lennon who was a genius like Michael. Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if this story has been blown out of proportion, just like the Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand one was.
Who cares what Mecca fans think. Beleive me, his fans will find fault in MIchael no matter what. typical. If they want to blame Michael for the incident then jackson fans can cry racism. Why would a white man try to talk down a black man who brought the music fair and square? Paul own alot of black music that many R & B singer would like to have (Bo Didly was one). SO if a white man can get the music from black artist, so can a blacks man who brought the biggest white group music. I think even calling MIchael ""J***o is a form of bigory as well. Why do they need to disrepect a black man by calling him out of his name whereas they do not call whites out of their name.

What are talking about? You just said no one calls whites out of their name. Then why did you refer to Paul McCartney as "Mecca." (You can't even spell it right)
What's the big deal? They put it up for sale and Michael bought it!!

And yeah, Mike did tell him before buying it but Paul didn't take it seriously.
eh? this is a total none story as normal created by the bleepers at the daily mail. so the whole story revolves around mac doing a inpersonation of mj's voice and that suddenly becomes an issue. maybe im missing something but is that it? quiet news day as normal
macca. as anyone with a name that beings with mac gets called same as ***** and jackson and gibbo and gibson for eg. it means nothing
Got question here.
Is Michael the only Jackson that gets called Jack*? I dont know if the press or others use it to belittle him or they are just used to call him Jac**.
ppl dont want believe that Paul was an idiot cuz he is PAUL MAcCartney,THE BEATLE.OHHHHHH,MY GOD!!!!Everyone commit mistakes;also MJ,me,you...Paul is not diferent.

But in fact is Paul feels so bad cuz MJ brought his musics.Thats soooo simple.

Paul dont HATE Michael.I dont think so.But there is something wrong...Not see who dont wants.
Got question here.
Is Michael the only Jackson that gets called Jack*? I dont know if the press or others use it to belittle him or they are just used to call him Jac**.
it only used to belittle when w.a.c.k.o is put b4 it. any male that lives in the uk and others countries who's last name is jackson gets called *****. the same as anyone whos names begins with mac gets alled macca and anyone called gibson gets called gibbo. MJ is no different and it doesnt mean anything different when hes called that unless u put w.a.c.k.o b4 it. its totally normal. fans in other countries who dont use this term in their society dont understand that the name in its self is not insulting and when the media call him ***** in articles etc it is not ment as an insult unless w is put b4 just what any male with that name gets called.

mj is the only jackson that gets called it because janet is a female and that name is used as a male nickname. the other males in the famiy dont exctly get much paper space and when u see ***** in the press it means mj as hes the most famous of the family
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I get offended by the name Jack-0 because Michael has said himself that he dosen't like it.

''I'm not a Jack-0, I'm Jackson''
I find it funny how in that video clip Howard Stern of all people calls Michael Jackson an odd person. He must not listen to his own show.
I don't know what to think about this news story. And what the hell is a trans-racial impersonation supposed to mean. Because if it's just McCartney doing to stupid high pitched "Paul, I wanna buy your songs" impression he always does when asked about Michael. Then should Madonna's Rock'N'Roll Hall of Fame induction speech were he did a simular high pitched impersonation of Michael be deemed a transracial-impersonation and have been banned from BBC news footage.

Paul McCartney does go on about Michael's buy The Beatles's song, and his bitterness about it is plan boring. Michael buy those songs, wasn't the best thing for Michael to have done friendship wise so I understand McCartney finishing their friendship and not liking Michael anymore. But the fact is, Michael bought those Beatles songs fair and sqaure. And it wasn't Michael who got Lennon & McCartney to song over their publishing rights in the 1960's.

In many ways it's a compliement Paul McCartney is bitter about Michael, because the only other famous person McCartney has issues with in public is John Lennon who was a genius like Michael. Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if this story has been blown out of proportion, just like the Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand one was.

Well said.

Even if it is true, who the hec cares? Its nice BBC cares about the comments and took that into consideration but banding the entire interview? lol But shoot I could care less either way.

I dunno why Paul keeps b*tchin about the records. To me it shows more about him than Michael. Just LET IT GO its not changing anything no matter how many interviews you give talking about nothing. The same lame a$$ mess. Instead of whining...why don't you see what you can do about it instead of making excuses. Leave the old in the past... and for crying out loud talk about something NEW.

macca impersonation of MJ in a high pitched voice.

Thanks for posting.

See this mess right here is the kind of Bullish that pists me off. Not Paul, no no no... that wack a$$ racist Howard Stern. Lord give me strength, cannot stand that man and most of it is not about how he disrespects and bashes Michael. Stern talks some ignorant ish all the times on alot issues and about black people, some good ignorant ish That can get him kiled.
But unlike some folks, im saved.

He needs to keep his mouth shut and sit down some where. People like that have no home training or class. But see Howard Sterns a$$ness is way more out of line than all these other comments by celebs fans seem to trip about.
macca impersonation of MJ in a high pitched voice.

lol..notice how Stern(who seems to have negatively affected the financial status of the satellite radio company he now works for, cus they needed help from their rival after he entered) is careful not to let the beatles music play during the interview. we just see images. and while he calls MJ a scumbag for buying publishing, he seems impressed with Paul buying publishing.
That howard stern is a BITCH; he says "Oh i met/saw him once and he was the oddest human being i ever seen" and you would never ever see him again cause you are not good enough, he is jealous he is nothing but a wannabe rockstar, ugly man.
Besides what about the odd fact, whats the whole problem with it, i find the most amzing people in the world to be odd, plus they WANT to be odd, they want to be different than the others, Michael is clearly a remarkable person in Music history,why? well he has the greatest charisma in all music business, when people see him, even if they dont like him, is like OH! Its Michael Jackson! he is like magic, everyone will remeber him, and he does not has to be common, he is awesomely talented,he is obviously weird because of this, with a talent like that i sometimes wonder if he is from this planet. mccartney is an ex-beatle, and John was far more charismatic and talented.
With all the money this mccartney guy has, can NOT buy charisma, and he is boring and theres nothing worst than being burring. MJ has the greatest aura surrounding him, thats why he is so controvertial. I love Michael.
Sadly the BBC are only trying to save their sorry backsides after some of the idiots that have caused so many complaints. I would rather it was a supportive action for Michael but it is only about them.

McCartney is always whinning about something, I have sympathy for Heather Mills now, god knows what she had to put up with.
BBC Deny Pulling Paul McCartney's Michael Jackson Impression: Exclusive
by Jason Gregory
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Photo by: WENN

More The Beatles
Watch Paul McCartney #8211; Dance Tonight
The BBC has tonight (December 31st) denied pulling an interview in which Sir Paul McCartney apparently made “unsuitable” comments about Michael Jackson.

A BBC spokesman told Gigwise that only “the most relevant quotes” had been selected from a press conference last November “due to time constraints”.

Extracts from the interview with the former Beatle were broadcast solely on BBC radio, the spokesman added.

A report in today’s Daily Mail newspaper claimed the former Beatle had made a "trans-racial impression" of Jackson’s voice when asked a question about the singer.

The newspaper quoted a corporation source as saying the BBC had sent an internal memo to prevent Sir Paul’s impersonation from being broadcast.

BBC bosses were “deeply nervous, perhaps because of the Jonathan Ross-Russell Brand affair”, the source claimed.

However, speaking exclusively to Gigwise, a BBC spokesman said: “We are not aware of any memos deeming his comments unsuitable."

Sir Paul dueted with Jackson on the 1982 single 'The Girl Is Mine', but the pair fell out when Jackson bought the rights to part of the Beatles' music library.

As previously reported on Gigwise, Sir Paul dubbed Jackson “awfully good” during the press conference.
Sir Paul later said: "You know what doesn't feel very good, is going on tour and paying to sing all my songs. Every time I sing Hey Jude, I've got to pay someone."

Hahahaha! Fool.

For BBC tro deny that they pulled the interview just shows how the media truly is. Paul is a fool and needs to let it go regarding Mike owing the catalogue. He should just move on and call it a day. He should stop talking about a dude that do not care what he does. Mike is not thinking about this has been fool. Period. Mike is not caring what this has been fool is doing. I believed that he mocked MJ, it was racist and the BBC should confirmed the removal of the interview. All a bunch of fools.
Paul Maccartney is just a jeaouls man who can't stand the fact he does'nt have the charisma or the talent that mike has!

and beacause of that charisma & talent that mike has., it made mike make THE BIGGEST SELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIME!! And paul hates that with a passion..i bet he does.
"The pair became friendly, occasionally visiting one another. In one discussion, McCartney told Jackson about the millions of dollars he had made from music catalogs; he was earning approximately $40 million a year from other people's songs.[41]"

Paul McCartney should shut the fuck up.
I'm so sick of McCartney complaining about this. It is a fact that he could have bought that catalog but declined not to because of a spat he was having with Ono. It's HIS fault, not Michael's and it's about damn time he take some responsibility for it.
This sounds ridiculous. I've heard McCartney do that voice before and while it may not be flattering or anything, it's certainly not something I'd think would need to be censored.
That interracial or trans racial business they speak about maybe because Paul Mc Cartney who is a white man is doing an impression of Michael Jackson who is a black man and BBC probably felt nervous about the whole thing even though Mecca's done it a number of times before.

Paul Mc Cartney is just an insanely annoying person, quite sarcy and hateful...I doubt Michael gives a sh!te about it so Mc Cartney can whine all he wants but he sounds reflects poorly on him rathre than Michael.
Anyways ex-beatle guy, youre an old man, TAKE YOUR PILL OF THE DAY, you feel beter and maybe you wont be bitter anymore.