Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged].. Dark Knight Sequel Casting Rumors

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Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

B/c of Heath AND great writing. i have to hand it to them...really well written film.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

B/c of Heath AND great writing. i have to hand it to them...really well written film.

No I completely get you, it's definitely an all around really well written film with some of the best acting I've seen in quite some time. I wasn't down playing the writing in it, I just keep going on about Heath in it because of how amazing he's in it. Too me, a great actor can take even the shittiest line and come out with a kick ass performance and to me Heath was THAT good of an actor (watch ANY of his films and you'll see that). However, I will give the writers of this film props because it's deserved. This is proberly one of the best written Batman movies to come out in quite a while.

Heath Ledger = Brilliance

The Dark Knight = Brilliance

It's a win win!
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

Well I'm Seeing It This Weekend, And I Hope This Movie Lived Up To The Hyped & I'm Not Going To Be Disappointed.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

No I completely get you, it's definitely an all around really well written film with some of the best acting I've seen in quite some time. I wasn't down playing the writing in it, I just keep going on about Heath in it because of how amazing he's in it. Too me, a great actor can take even the shittiest line and come out with a kick ass performance and to me Heath was THAT good of an actor (watch ANY of his films and you'll see that). However, I will give the writers of this film props because it's deserved. This is proberly one of the best written Batman movies to come out in quite a while.

Heath Ledger = Brilliance

The Dark Knight = Brilliance

It's a win win!

i totally agree heath ledger kick's ass

and kicked ass in any other role he played a true talent that will be missed forever
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

What Heath did was, even though the writing was excellent, was he made what should have been an unsympathetic character sympathetic. Even though he was doing these horrible things and saying things which seemed to be coming from a totally warped perception, Heath made the Joker someone who you could actually understand and who you felt for. That takes great acting.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

What Heath did was, even though the writing was excellent, was he made what should have been an unsympathetic character sympathetic. Even though he was doing these horrible things and saying things which seemed to be coming from a totally warped perception, Heath made the Joker someone who you could actually understand and who you felt for. That takes great acting.

i totally agree heath was one in a million his talent sure showed in any role he did
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

I saw this tonight and it really lived u to the hype! I gotta see it again!!!!

This is the biggest opening I have seen for a movie in my work (I've worked in a cinema for 3 years) The film is only out here tomorrow and already shows have sold out for the weekend......this NEVER happens!!!

This may even break the record for highest grossing film ever!
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

No I completely get you, it's definitely an all around really well written film with some of the best acting I've seen in quite some time. I wasn't down playing the writing in it, I just keep going on about Heath in it because of how amazing he's in it. Too me, a great actor can take even the shittiest line and come out with a kick ass performance and to me Heath was THAT good of an actor (watch ANY of his films and you'll see that). However, I will give the writers of this film props because it's deserved. This is proberly one of the best written Batman movies to come out in quite a while.

Heath Ledger = Brilliance

The Dark Knight = Brilliance

It's a win win!

yep i got what you were saying. I was just sayin :p

I agree, basically :lol:
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

I saw it AGAIN for the 4th time. Tried to see it in IMAX but damn it, it was all sold out...DAMNNNNNN! LOL. I went to see it in the regular theatre and it was funny I got the best seat in the house and as I'm taking a couple pieces of popcorn in my mouth in walks a guy dressed as Batman...I almost choked. LOL! It was really funny. It was greatness. The first time I saw it a guy was dressed as the campy '60's I guess it all balances out. LOL! Not really, I would have prefered the Joker instead of the BAT. LOL!

Fav. Line from the Joker (even though I love all his lines...) still in this moment after seeing it for the 4th time (and there will be MORE people...hehehe) is:

"Madness, as you may know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push! **laughs**"
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

when i saw it opening night...ALL employees of the theater had the joker make up on. It was pretty cool lol
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

OMG seerees! That vid is AWEsome!

I love how "The dark knight" morphs in to "DANG" and then "he's no joke" lol

I know! It's really fun, isn't it? And somehow it really fits too. Weird :D.

I saw this tonight and it really lived u to the hype! I gotta see it again!!!!

This is the biggest opening I have seen for a movie in my work (I've worked in a cinema for 3 years) The film is only out here tomorrow and already shows have sold out for the weekend......this NEVER happens!!!

This may even break the record for highest grossing film ever!

I sure hope it does! It's a movie that's well deserving of that. Cuz even though it's part of the summer blockbusters, it's really just a good film when it comes down to it.

when i saw it opening night...ALL employees of the theater had the joker make up on. It was pretty cool lol

That's sooooo cool! What an awesome sight to behold, all these Joker-faced people everywhere :happy:. I wish the staff at our theater did that. That can add to an atmosphere & hype. The most I did was "Jokerize" my Fbook picture, wear my Batman shirt to the movie, and uh... take my big plushie Batman with me into the theater... :scratch::blush:. I was told that it was really childish but hey! At least I had something to clutch on to during the intense scenes, other than my friend's hand :cheeky:.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

Awesome film! Heath was amazing!
Such a talent he was and is sadly
missed. :clapping: The joker is
my fave character again along
with Hannibal Lector and The
Red Dragon :) I loved it!! :yes:
I want to see it again.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

yep the joker make up at the theater DEFINITELY added to the hype. It was preeettty cool. And some of them were even talking in raspy voices like batman :lol:
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

I saw it again last night and I went with someone who the whole time was saying "this sh*t is so unrealistic"... don't you just love that? lol

The movie even got better the second time I saw it! There were a lot of awkward moments where I'd think something is funny as hell and nobody else did.

... Like the whole "I don't wanna kill you. You complete me" or the "I just want my phonecall"... or when the Joker sarcastically says "six?" Nobody else found that too funny. LOL

That whole crazy scene when the Joker walked out of the hospital... goodness, I laughed and laughed, lol. It's so terrible, but it's kind of insane how Heath made the Joker so likeable.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

yes that hospital scene was my favorite part. too too funny.

I found the movie sooooo realistic cuz it was filmed at a place i live at LOL

And if you constantly remind urself 'this is a comic book, sooo not real' then of course it's not gonna be realistic. Maybe he/she just doesn't like comic book movies.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

I saw it AGAIN for the 4th time. Tried to see it in IMAX but damn it, it was all sold out...DAMNNNNNN! LOL. I went to see it in the regular theatre and it was funny I got the best seat in the house and as I'm taking a couple pieces of popcorn in my mouth in walks a guy dressed as Batman...I almost choked. LOL! It was really funny. It was greatness. The first time I saw it a guy was dressed as the campy '60's I guess it all balances out. LOL! Not really, I would have prefered the Joker instead of the BAT. LOL!

Fav. Line from the Joker (even though I love all his lines...) still in this moment after seeing it for the 4th time (and there will be MORE people...hehehe) is:

"Madness, as you may know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push! **laughs**"


Why So Seriou's
Batman Unmasked - The Psychology of the Dark Knight (TV Rip)


Delve into the world of Batman and the vigilante justice that he brought to the city of Gotham. Batman is a man who, after experiencing great tragedy, devotes his life to an ideal--but what happens when one man takes on the evil underworld alone? Examine why Batman is who he is--and explore how a boy scarred by tragedy becomes a symbol of hope to everyone else.


PW: ivan@rslinks
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Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

Just watched it at my Local (I knew I couldn't resist waiting)

I can't make a comparison to the first one until I see it again (on IMAX)

I would say that the Two-Face storyline should've been scrapped.
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Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

It has become the FASTEST MOVIE to reach over $200 million now..

Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

Today, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece that is on crack. The writer’s main point is that Batman, The Dark Knight himself, is George W. Bush and only by placing America’s current president in a mask and an ab-defining bodysuit can liberals and conservatives alike respect his neverending fight against the evils of our day. The intro actually compares the film’s bat symbol to a “W.” Is the Rupert Murdoch-owned paper this desperate for hits?
“There seems to me no question that the Batman film “The Dark Knight,” currently breaking every box office record in history, is at some level a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that has been shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war. Like W, Batman is vilified and despised for confronting terrorists in the only terms they understand. Like W, Batman sometimes has to push the boundaries of civil rights to deal with an emergency, certain that he will re-establish those boundaries when the emergency is past.”
In keeping with the WSJ’s batshit allegory, wouldn’t Osama bin Laden be locked up in Arkham (Guantanamo Bay?) by now? Yes, the film’s sonar scenes draw obvious comparisons to The Patriot Act—but also, Britain’s widespread Bluetooth spying that was just uncovered this week. Also, any significant other who ventures to the dark side and uses Web Watcher. Moreover, Batman’s obsession with throwing criminals behind bars (not killing them and their cousins), and the moral dissonance that results, is one of the character’s signature traits; see Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, which was released during the Reagan years, and confronted them accordingly. And I’m sorry, did Batman decide mid-film to forget about the Joker’s bombs and hop over to Metropolis and spend trillions of Gotham’s citizens’ money fighting criminal sects to no avail? The writer makes no point of examining any of this. Of course not. He’s too busy zig-zagging across Hollywood blockbusters using his dooshy moral compass…
“Why is it, indeed, that the conservative values that power our defense — values like morality, faith, self-sacrifice and the nobility of fighting for the right — only appear in fantasy or comic-inspired films like “300,” “Lord of the Rings,” “Narnia,” “Spiderman 3″ and now “The Dark Knight”?”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead and take Spider-Man 3. Big loss there. And why is it that this writer wishes to propose to the world that George W. Bush is a martyr—here we go—but can’t come out and say it without cloaking his limp, frightening declaration in a comic book adaptation that is the biggest film of the year, and one of the most popular ever?
“When heroes arise who take on those difficult duties themselves, it is tempting for the rest of us to turn our backs on them, to vilify them in order to protect our own appearance of righteousness. We prosecute and execrate the violent soldier or the cruel interrogator in order to parade ourselves as paragons of the peaceful values they preserve. As Gary Oldman’s Commissioner Gordon says [spoiler deleted, where Gordon says the title of the movie].”
If given the choice for a presidential candidate, Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne would probably vote for Bloomberg. And if George W. Bush is like any character in The Dark Knight, he’s that jarringly stupid, inept cop who spouts bad one-liners when shit hits the fan over and over. What was up with that guy? There is a big difference between a dumb cop in a movie or IRL and Dirty Harry. To crib from the mighty W: Is the Wall Street Journal drunk?
Here’s a link to the op-ed.
Discuss: Is Batman actually George W. Bush? Who knew? Is the WSJ correct?
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

It is great that a thread was made, i personally loved the movie and thought that the joker did steel the show.
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

OMG!!! I'm going tomorrow. They way you are all describing it is I will most likely see it again as well. I want to see it at the IMAX theatre too.

What do you guys think about Christian Bale's character in the movie? I think he is so daym cute! :)
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

my jaw is still rattling...let's just say im profoundly deaf yet even w/ my aidsoff and out of my ear i could still hear everything. it was so loud that i wasn't able to enjoy the movie and it was way too long....waaaaaaaaaay toooooooooooo looooooooooong!

but heath did steal the show
Re: Batman: The Dark Knight [All threads merged]

I wouldnt change a thing ;)