Arnie Klein - "I will write a book for Michael and his children!"

Don't waste your money Arnie. No one believes you, and no one will buy your fictional book.
these people that keep coming out with books don't realize that only a handful of people care to read this bull crap anymore.. If there was a bio book from his children that would be a big seller.. Aside from that MAYBE one of his siblings or mother could make a high selling bio book of Michael...

People don't care to pay for the B.S. anymore!! he's gone and are not as "tabloid" driven as when he was living.. Now that people that would get into tabloids to see what "crazy thing jacko is up to now." know that MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON is not "up to" anything and is just STORIES.. no intrest even with most haters
The fan that love to hear gossip will by arnie book and call it "positive", what had this world come to when your doctor started to write book about you?
I third the motion
For God's sake, he's screwed up in the head, he's nothing but a traitor.
Here we go again with Arnie. He forgot the kids spent their young years with their father and know much about dad. They do not need Arnie to tell them anything--they know the true Michael Jackson.
Klein had sooo many patients over the yrs, yet only MJ get's a book of of this fool?! MJ was obviously his ATM machine! Sad. >=(
Klein had sooo many patients over the yrs, yet only MJ get's a book of of this fool?! MJ was obviously his ATM machine! Sad. >=(

^^You know I was thinking the same thing. Why is it always so easy for people to make Michael the scapegoat, or use and abuse him. It is time we join together to stop this--don't buy anything from these people.
What??? He couldn't find one of MJ's jackets...underwears ....or hairpiece to sell?
It never many more 'friends' or 'family' will we see writing books about 'the real Michael Jackson?'

Go to hell Klien and take all the other backstabbing, money leeching 'friends' with you!
So Arnie is basically writing a book where he is exposing himself? Good to know that there are people who actually know that they were part of Michael's downfall and his eventual death. After finishing his book, i hope he takes a walk in his local jails and spend some time there.

He should have listened to his friends. He must need money...:no:
Well, indeed. First, MJ is not here anymore for him to sell him his stupid, dangerous and false "treatments". Second, the guy said some time ago he was in bankrupcy. So... he managed to find a way to milk Michael again :doh:

Everybody wants to reveal the 'real' 'true' Michael. Everybody has a story to tell. The only story I am interested in is the one that Michael's children has to tell.

I agree.

It's so sad... I hadn't been for a long while in the forum and every single time I return I found about a new tell all book about some of MJ's "friends" or "families", with MJ's truth :doh:

LoL... MJ fans will be so busy reading... :smilerolleyes:
k i was trying to keep this a secret but i guess it has to come out now..... I also am writing a book for Michael and his children... The Title is Dead Beat friends, For the ones who cant live off their own money.

Its going to be about All of Michael's friends who without Michael can no longer survive. Such a shame...

btw note sarcasm fulled post ;)
Never ever in a million years would I ever buy a book written by this despicable man. Just shut up and go away!!
The problem is that people actually go out and buy these books.....................

............we must make a stand and refuse to buy such trash!!!
He can write a book but it's not for certain that it will be picked up. Let along sell - remember the bodyguards book still waiting on that one.
Klein does not have any secret info on Dr Murray or Michael Jackson business dealings with Sony AEG
or anyone. First of all he never met or spoke to Dr Murray and he wasnt given privey info on MJs business
deals- Everything Arnie writes is rehashed info from tabloids .. He has embelished and lied before so why
would fans trust him. Some fans are so nieve. Im so glad we have seasoned boards like MJJC and Maxjax
that have Fans who will speak up against those who will defile MJ Legacy with their CRAP. I always refer fans
to articles here so they can learn and see the other side of the coin. Klein doesnt give a crap about the truth
or MJ Legacy its all about him and making a dime $$$. and he will throw MJ or anyone under the bus to do it

I hope he gets sued for slander ..
Klein does not have any secret info on Dr Murray or Michael Jackson business dealings with Sony AEG
or anyone. First of all he never met or spoke to Dr Murray and he wasnt given privey info on MJs business
deals- Everything Arnie writes is rehashed info from tabloids .. He has embelished and lied before so why
would fans trust him. Some fans are so nieve. Im so glad we have seasoned boards like MJJC and Maxjax
that have Fans who will speak up against those who will defile MJ Legacy with their CRAP. I always refer fans
to articles here so they can learn and see the other side of the coin. Klein doesnt give a crap about the truth
or MJ Legacy its all about him and making a dime $$$. and he will throw MJ or anyone under the bus to do it
I hope he gets sued for slander ..

To add what I believed and was told to me by another fan is Kline has copy some blogs so he his taking his information from fan blogs too.
If Kline knew anything about Mj will he would have been busy trying to get his greedy paw on Mj estate.
He knew Mj was being drug and control and his slimy ass his just saying it.
He never try to help his patient/best friend?
Kline his a lie lie Kline pant is on fire.
To add what I believed and was told to me by another fan is Kline has copy some blogs so he his taking his information from fan blogs too.

What a slimeball :eek:
If this ever gets a publishing date and shops opt to sell it. It is up to the fans to be on the ball and ready to write reviews to encourage others not to buy it
Who want to buy a book from a looser, completly unknown, and when he's known from some people, he's a dealer, crazy asshole who just wants " blablablabla MJ blablablabla MJ ".

Nothing interesting.

Medias will ask him about all his stupid former accusations against Mike, and he will be like a moron in his answers.

This man is a joke, nobody, take him seriously even the worst tabloids. He's lost in his own world, hope he will be lost forever soon.