Arnie Klein - "I will write a book for Michael and his children!"


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
"I writing a book for Michael and his children. I was told not to write it by countless people including my dear friends David LaChapelle Carrie Fisher. All I can say even if no one reads this book in this generation I have to leave behind the truth . You won’t hear this from his family members in that they barely knew this wondrous human.

The music business is about greed and Michael was about melody. His body movements were about dance. In fact as Fred Astaire said to me,” Michael Jackson was dance, He defined body movement.” Well Michael wish we luck from high because I am about to expose the people whose greed killed you and pull down the walls they have built to shield their faces from the public who loved you!"

(yes, this is his real facebook)

Say no to drugs arnie.and go to hell in the process
He should have listened to his friends. He must need money...:no:

I do agree with him that his familiy barely knew him. I know it is really difficult for some people to accept this and I was one of them but after 6/25/09 everything changed for me.

Oh and Arnie, please go back to the rock you live under.
Well Michael wish we luck from high because I am about to expose the people whose greed killed you and pull down the walls they have built to shield their faces from the public who loved you!"
So Arnie is basically writing a book where he is exposing himself? Good to know that there are people who actually know that they were part of Michael's downfall and his eventual death. After finishing his book, i hope he takes a walk in his local jails and spend some time there.
Holy Crap.............
Now, I will be more surprised if anyone decide not to write a book.
This world is really crazy...................
are we really surprised??....Of course not. He keeps saying that he was a dear friend to Michael....his posts on his facebook have been crazy...who knows MAYBE he will write something with some truth to it....and for the record....I WILL NOT be buying his book.
Here we go again!!! Seriously, I'm gonna write a book! It seems anybody can these days! Does anybody wanna join me??
Is writing the book the only way that Klein is going to realize what he has done? I'm another fan joining the movement against buying the book.
Oh dear god no.
This guy is a moron. He is going to write a book that contradicts himself. I hope this "book" never sees the light of day and if by chance it does, keep it away from Michael's kids! Arnie is crazy.
I refuse to purchase any books written on Michael whether they are positive or not. The only one's I've given money to were the books written by the man himself.

Michael, it's not fair that you have to keep on rolling in your grave over this garbage. You deserve the peace and the justice.
Sampling the leftover and expired Demerol? I'll offer myself up and mail him a few pages of HIPAA rules and regulations.

Maybe a lawyer would like to file a complaint with the Department of Health & Human Services???
He can blab about his "friendship" all he wants, but he already spoke about the treatment of a deceased patient and supposed 'habits' of said patient.
Arnie thats really ok we dont need another halfassed book about Michael telling halfassed stories. Besides you are the one who said he was gay what thought in your head could you possibly have that will make us believe your lie filled book?
:puke: God, will this man ever stop?

Well Michael wish we luck from high because I am about to expose the people whose greed killed you and pull down the walls they have built to shield their faces from the public who loved you!"

Hypocrite. Funny he says this when he did exactly the same thing. Get a life and stop making Michael into a cash cow like everyone else. :angry:
My first reaction was, oh no. But i am daring him to write his tell all. It's all in MJ'S favor. The public will get an up close and personal view of what MJ was up against. let's see Diane Sawyer, cnn and all those who sprinted to interview him after MJ passed deal with the lies he told.
i went to his website and asked him to stop the madness. i really wish these so called friedns of his would stop this and stop using his name to get our attention. really who told him he was the one to fix everything. just go back in your office and do what you do best.

at the end of the day all i want to know is how he was in bed and what he whispered in girls ears when he was with them so i can fantasize like everybody else who was attracted to him the rest is garbage so keep i arnie cuz one thing is for sure , you dont know that.
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Yeah... the epidemic of writing books about Michael continues and seems to have no end. Who will be the next to announce who is writing a book? :unsure:

This thing of writing books is getting sick and out of control. :puke: It's scary... :fear: That's all for money... :perrin:

Poor Michael.... being used by everyone. :( *big sigh*