
Okay seriously is it wrong that i am more excited to see Michael first thing in the morning then i am to see Ashley ha ha!

I work adrian but at the minute not many hours so its all good :cheeky: Although in January i start my 40 hour weeks plus training in the evening :( not looking forward to that

ooooo lucky enjoy the part time while you can :yes::yes::yes: i wish i had more of that!

lol and no it's not wrong :ninja: ;)

Or lets see this...................................


Oh YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!! ....I LOVE MY BREAKFAST TODAY! *PERFECT* for a monday morning, i 'll need something strong like this for not to get asleep at Biology class xD hahaha

Wow! Oh's wonderful! i love it!
Thank u!! ;)

Have a great day guys!! ;) LOVE YA ALL :D
Oh YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!! ....I LOVE MY BREAKFAST TODAY! *PERFECT* for a monday morning, i 'll need something strong like this for not to get asleep at Biology class xD hahaha

Wow! Oh's wonderful! i love it!
Thank u!! ;)

Have a great day guys!! ;) LOVE YA ALL :D

Awwww pleased u like! Enjoy ur breakfast ha ha! Best meal of the day or so though say! I would say looking at the pic the answer is oh yeah!!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Adore i never get the chance to go psycho on peoples asses cause no one ever wants this is it press conference mikey!!

However i am not like that so you *muffle* away i am just happy he is loved!! :)

omg phew :angel:

if that's what you think you should've seen me watching the live stream of MJ walking outta the hotel into the bus to the O2... :mello: bnd might remember me spazzing out on msn :mello:
oh i do adore.....oh boy do i....:mello: i would never forget that day on msn :mello:

everyone was like


"omfg was that mj!?!? :wild:!!!"

"yea it was!!! omggggggggg *screams* he was so fuckin hot in those 3 secondsssssssss *screams again*"

*adore posts a link of mj gettin in the van/truck/mobilehome/tralier/pimpmobile*

*we all look......everyone dies of mikegasms*


epic....epic day
omg phew :angel:

if that's what you think you should've seen me watching the live stream of MJ walking outta the hotel into the bus to the O2... :mello: bnd might remember me spazzing out on msn :mello:

Ha ha i know people still loved him but its like you post a picture of dangerous mike and everyone is like


You post a pic of TII press conference mike and nothing!! Thata why when u were like :mello::mello::mello: etc etc i was like WHAT???

Dont get me wrong i love that i dont have to share with all the hoes but a little love hear and there ha ha!

Oh and OMG at him getting of the bus i sware to god they had it on the screens in the 02 i nearlly pissed myself!!
nearly? if i was there im sure i would've wet myself....:mello: kinda like when i saw mj.....thank god for adult sized diapers :fear:
oh i do adore.....oh boy do i....:mello: i would never forget that day on msn :mello:

everyone was like


"omfg was that mj!?!? :wild:!!!"

"yea it was!!! omggggggggg *screams* he was so fuckin hot in those 3 secondsssssssss *screams again*"

*adore posts a link of mj gettin in the van/truck/mobilehome/tralier/pimpmobile*

*we all look......everyone dies of mikegasms*


epic....epic day

:hysterical::hysterical: Seriously what do u call that???
oh i do adore.....oh boy do i....:mello: i would never forget that day on msn :mello:

everyone was like


"omfg was that mj!?!? :wild:!!!"

"yea it was!!! omggggggggg *screams* he was so fuckin hot in those 3 secondsssssssss *screams again*"

*adore posts a link of mj gettin in the van/truck/mobilehome/tralier/pimpmobile*

*we all look......everyone dies of mikegasms*


epic....epic day

omg that's right I took a crap blurred screenshot! (after I was done marlonseizuring over the jacket) :give_heart: ahhhh good times

and I'm pretty sure it was a bus... just a bus (as much as i would like it to be a pimpmobile) :mello:
:lmao: any is fine danielle :D

oh i remember that so well....i was literally making a high pitched loud noise at my telly :rofl:

ah well im tired....time for bed fo realz this time :coffee: :sleeping:

Ha ha i know people still loved him but its like you post a picture of dangerous mike and everyone is like


You post a pic of TII press conference mike and nothing!! Thata why when u were like :mello::mello::mello: etc etc i was like WHAT???

Dont get me wrong i love that i dont have to share with all the hoes but a little love hear and there ha ha!

Oh and OMG at him getting of the bus i sware to god they had it on the screens in the 02 i nearlly pissed myself!!

ohh how one forgets the threats and nasty pictures that would get posted if anyone ever looked at baby daddy *coughtristacough*.. :lmao: maybe we all used to not commenting on older mikka :tease:

girl the man was smokin all his life. and im off to bed now... :sleeping:

and kane i vote for teh golden goodness as well for your siggy! :ninja:

just in time get in on the golden action



Oh man, I feel gold fever coming on :heat: I need some of that golden-wrapped cucumber :wild:

:waving: hi britt



And Mike Jr. says hello too :ninja:



WTF was that? :hysterical: Oh the shit you can find on YouTube...

oh i do adore.....oh boy do i....:mello: i would never forget that day on msn :mello:

everyone was like


"omfg was that mj!?!? :wild:!!!"

"yea it was!!! omggggggggg *screams* he was so fuckin hot in those 3 secondsssssssss *screams again*"

*adore posts a link of mj gettin in the van/truck/mobilehome/tralier/pimpmobile*

*we all look......everyone dies of mikegasms*


epic....epic day

Awww, I wasn't posting here yet :( God I'm still kicking myself for not coming here sooner :weeping:


Take ur pick brit!

I'll take the tie-dye pair :lmao:

Oh sweet Jesus this pic looks so hot! *takes those long sexy lucious fingers and.....and....

gives Mike a manicure* :lol::wild:
Shaniqua is UP, girrrrrrrrrlfriend :smack:

omg that's right I took a crap blurred screenshot! (after I was done marlonseizuring over the jacket) :give_heart: ahhhh good times

and I'm pretty sure it was a bus... just a bus (as much as i would like it to be a pimpmobile) :mello:

Marlon just phoned and told me he appreciates you using his name in a new word! How he reacted though, I can't put into words. Judging by how he sounded, making lots of grunting noises and heavy breathing, it must have looked something like this:


Omg this one is so much more Marlonseizure than the other one. Look at his spinny arms! :mello:
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