

:D :wub:
Honestly, from the perspective of 2009 it's difficult to understand what that whole 'she sleeps in a chamber' buzz was all about...
I mean, if anything I would think it's a cool stuff.
Like he's openminded and not afraid of experimenting...
I guess ppl in the 80ties were a different world, after all... (which shows in their haircuts :hysterical: )
Awwww :) What vile disease do I have? :mello:

well, i'm not sure yet you're just the opening line. it's a happy visit a physical exam and some bloodwork. i won't find out about your marlonphantism until a week later, which is not included in my essay :cheeky:


sorry it's incurable :mello:
well, i'm not sure yet you're just the opening line. it's a happy visit a physical exam and some bloodwork. i won't find out about your marlonphantism until a week later, which is not included in my essay :cheeky:


sorry it's incurable :mello:

Or maybe I could just have the occasional Marlonspasm? Or even better, the nocturnal variety?

