
night danielle :hug:


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :wub::wub::wub:

Thank you :)
^ okayyyy is that a man or woman??:bugeyed

it looks like a woman to me... i'm sure there's a logical explaination for the outfit, maybe some sort of convention??? not sure why she's on a washing machine tho:mello:
it looks like a woman to me... i'm sure there's a logical explaination for the outfit, maybe some sort of convention??? not sure why she's on a washing machine tho:mello:

Maybe IT is trying to be freaky......:bugeyed :naughty:
:lmao: wow... although on second look it looks not like a washing machine more like a cabinet. still freaky not in a good way lol :)

Actually IT is trying to get freaky wit mj!!! :bugeyed

Back home all safe :D Only exciting thing that happened on my car ride was limon teaching me (kinda sorta :fear:) to say hello in polish :D I'm still tryin....:mello:

I tweeted the whole time. my average speed was 10 mph at some parts :mello: so i drove with my knees while i was tweeting :lol:

*catches up*

-multiquote ahoy!- :nono:

it's Raquel and Shaniqua :coffee:


D'yknow what, I'd KILL to see drunk Adore :lmao:

oh i would too. i'd PAY to see that :mello:

ADORE MIGHT BE COMING?????????? HOLY :censored:


i always miss out on the fun :weeping: *hates living so far away from the other apples* :weeping:

And I just spent like £25 on Tootsie Rolls and Hershey's :lol: US has all the best Chocolate!

omg.....i could've gotten you all of that plus more for $40! more like....a whole 3lb box of candy! *trust me i've done that before* :lol: $25 for shipping then $15 worth or candy thats like....a lot of candy :lol: you need to let me hook you up with that next time ;) plus you'll get an appleheads discount :fear:

-end of multiquote-
*just watched SC in 3D*

holy :censored:

omg lims i am so insanely jealous of you right now :weeping:

that was so epic :wild: ..... i wet myself :fear: !!!!!!!!1
Describe a hobby or activity other than something in medicine, in which you have a keen interest. Why?




this essay is never going to get written :mello:
:lol: good i'm not the only dork here :D


you guys are insane it must almost be 6am :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed are you guys in school or do you work or neither?


Okay seriously is it wrong that i am more excited to see Michael first thing in the morning then i am to see Ashley ha ha!

I work adrian but at the minute not many hours so its all good :cheeky: Although in January i start my 40 hour weeks plus training in the evening :( not looking forward to that