

will you come and say hi finally after reading us for last 2 months???
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:
geez some people have that dedication...

god she/he always leaves when I wave!!!!! ????

I know! its like they like playing "hide n hide" with us!
I'mma make a movie if I see ya touch my man:

'hide and hide' roffflllll Jessica u're right!

btw,I always call you Jessica cause I can't remember the sequence of numbers in your nick .. so in case you see me writing 8176 or 8107 or 8710 or 8017 or whatever, know that I mean you :lmao:!!!
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I'm just peachy!!
Chris didn't get any last night.
Michael had other plans.
As soon as I said good night to Michael like I always do, I fell asleep. :lmao:

Just as well:

Too busy tarin off that jacket and yanking off the shirt. Had to shred those pants and lost both his socks. Good thing he didn't have any underwear, they might have went the way of his socks. I sleep naked so it was all good. :evil:
Bwahahaha she said tom can't move in!!!dead@making a movieshe got a lil moonwalker facial....i swear we need to make a dictionary for the they know the meanings
Bwahahaha she said tom can't move in!!!dead@making a movieshe got a lil moonwalker facial....i swear we need to make a dictionary for the they know the meanings

Back off gurrlfriend it's my job!

... though you can help me if you feel like it
I will probably :dropdead: under all of that on 2000 pages like WHO does REMEMBER? (thetime)
Orie, I ain't laughin' fo real, his bitch ass ain't movin in.

She better make sure she got all those lil moonwalkers off her face. Heard they sell real well on e-bay. Top bid.


All set to film, jus waitin fo someone ta get stupid.

I bet Orie collected them off Callie's face after finishing the story & put in another jar on the shelf next to Gel. Betcha!
I see you BES!!!


BES i c u girl...

someones waiting for you, he's all hot and warm and Carmel goodness just waiting for his dirty Bes to come say hi :naughty:

lol, thankies girls! I usually have my computer on and appleheads on a tab, but i wasn't actually around, so it was showing me as still in the thread until i turned off my computer. i wasn't ignoring you guys ;) how could i ignore such epic gifts??? :party:
Stanie and London steal fro and fight
BES will cut ya if you even dare to steal little touch from DD... AND Come Together... AND bad... AND lots of other bad era stuff. HB is nibbling on the Thriller era perfect boyfriend ears :lmao: I have my smooth criminal ... Dangerous gurrls speak for yourselves even I am getting lost in their "we love everything but GITM/RRT/WII/BORW are our specials" lmao. Ah and we claim commercials too (chase, dreams etc) so... there isn't much left. ShamZ has love for HIStory Mike &she will cut ya if you touch Ghosts.
Then MYAS is coming in with her baby daddy following steps of Danielle's PERFECT MAN...
Poor Herstory is stealing little bits and pieces but don't take the smoky eyes, she is a master of that!
And not sure still about Tom. He was claiming something about BorW but Callie killed him :lmao:

Bruce sticks with Janet :D he's got this one easy :D


lmao@steal it quick... Limon and I will back you up... No one has claimed it, like she said everyone just drools over him.. I wld advise you to make a SIM siggy.. that way you have really staked you claim... once you start posting i will think of a story for you.. everyone gets a songplay... even the dudes.. Limon is very vain so all the song plays are about her, she just removes your name out of them... lmaoo....
Here is a run down of the HHTs (Horny Ho Toads) and the young ones are called Tadpoles.... I call everyone a heffa so don't take it personal..
London- being the sister that sends out invites to every event ex: babyshowers, gold pants showers, and opening of an envelope. She has a mouth like a vacuum and stay trying to steal my lil moonies but I got something for that Heffa.

- the sister that says what others are thinking, and lives by the motto "if the shoe fits", and lives in the '86-'92 era and refuses to go to another era.

- the sister that always wants to bring a razor blade to the parties, and 4ever getting into trouble and bringing us all in the fight with her.. Loves her kids but will surely lock them in their rooms if her "baby daddy" came on tv..

- um well she has a drinking problem but it's a family secret so we don't discuss it. But we all know to hide the "drank" when she comes in the room and only display Apple juice but we watch to see if she is going to spike the punch. Um I need to talk with the family about getting her in AA, but we gotta tell her it's a church function like Women's Day at the church, or otherwise she gonna go on the run.

- is the cousin that is kinda "uppity" but will put on her "Get It Girls and door knockers" and hit the clubs when around her ppl.. She loves her PERFECT BOYFRIEND-Thriller Era

- is the one we have to keep a leash on cuz she is always on the prowl, especially once she puts her "war paint" on her face (make up)... Um she just nasty and freaky

- always want to borrow stuff or have someone make her something, lol. And 4ever talking about I got you when I get paid.. But we all know she ain't giving u nothing back, chalk that up as a loss. Oh and she may need to join AA with Serenity. GITM is hers

- is the free spirit of the group, she is like Freddie from A Different World, we just let her do what she wants, if she post Peter Pan stuff, it's ok cuz that's her "Gold Pants".. She been putting 2gether a video since the beginning of time and we all just go along with her story. She gotta find her own niche and so no one bothers her.

- is like MYAS, you gotta watch her cuz someone say something to her and she will create a siggy on ya ass, and then u are like damn I have no comeback for that one. JAG loves her to death because of her photoshop abilities and so Sham calms her down by posting Gold Pants stuff.

Orie is normal util these MOFOs start trying to take my Lil Moonwalkers and gel, then I gotta cut a ho. Will pull out a shotgun if anyone comes near MJ during the Afro/Mini curl era '76-'82!!! Plz believe dat HO!!!!

Limon - is the cousin that we found on Maury, cuz she was trying to tell Jermaine that he is her baby daddy. It could be possible cuz her baby got black slicked, fried, dyed and laid to the side hair. She loves SC Mike so you will get the Polish beat down for trying to take him... And she is VAIN and we luv it..

Clara - is the cousin in Finland holding it down for the Nordic chicks that like the "Non Nordic" guys a.k.a. guys with dark skin. We refuse to let her give away her cookies, she gotta hold on to that like old ladies hold on to their purses. But she is a Horny Ho Toad so her cookies may crumble real soon.

These are the original HHTs.. I gotta add on to the group.. and put the males on here.. Bruce and Tom

Okay not to happy about not being an original! But never mind :unsure:

Orie loving the new stories!!

Hi apples are we all well????

:lol: You can have that huge ass afro all to your self! :p (I'm sorry Mike, nothing wrong with a little fro.. *cough*)
Is DD Mike up for grabs? If there's no available era left I can make do with his nipples :yes: :lol:

:assassin: 86-91 = MINE MINE MINE....i'm watching you and that chick who has some come together in her siggy....don't make me cut ya'll, i haven't in a while and fingers itching
@Cam, Oh wow I just saw your siggy...hmmm since you new I wn't choke's cute.... U need to make u a SIM siggy real quick *wondering if she can detect the fact I don't want her to have '82 Mike*......Oh btw I'm Orie...and I'm the on sane one in the group...

All done... for now :D :lol:
:assassin: 86-91 = MINE MINE MINE....i'm watching you and that chick who has some come together in her siggy....don't make me cut ya'll, i haven't in a while and fingers itching

Hey now, I just borrowed him for a little while, while you weren't looking... :D it was good... :p
whew, caught up....campari, u better keep those eyes and fingers on making of sim if you like this thing we call LIFE. i've killed off a couple hoes in this thread, just was kind enough to bring them back. *pets lims...i didn't mean it, just had to for a lil bit...kisses*

thanks for the gift myas :clapping:

here's one for youuuuuuu....and danielle, take a lick danielle, LICCCKKKK :)


Campari you were with us for such a short time...

she come in REALLLLY toeing the line, didn't she? i'm giving her a LITTLE pass, she knows not what she does, but ya'll giving AMPLE warning, my kindness only extends soooo far


my peeps got my back, you better be good, we have our eye on you.....lims is a badass, she around criminals all day...she eats punks for breakfast

now lick on these and you may live to see another day
whew, caught up....campari, u better keep those eyes and fingers on making of sim if you like this thing we call LIFE. i've killed off a couple hoes in this thread, just was kind enough to bring them back. *pets lims...i didn't mean it, just had to for a lil bit...kisses*

thanks for the gift myas :clapping:

here's one for youuuuuuu....and danielle, take a lick danielle, LICCCKKKK :)



PMSL! :icecream: Im a licking!!!

Its okay Bes i am happy to share
