Anyone find religion scary ?

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Thank you very much! :flowers:

No problem
So, my opinion..

You're a christian? Cool.
You're an atheist? Fine.

Everyone can believe in whatever he wants. None of my business. It's simple for me. Although your belief may vary from mine, don't dare to call my belief ''brainwashed'', ''illogical'', ''stupid'', as it is insulting at first and totally none of your business why I choose to believe or not believe in something.

I'm christian myself.
There is a Big Difference between Religion & Spirituality. I was born & raised in the Catholic Church, but have been a non-active member since my teens (believe me that was a Very Longggg Time ago-haha) I believe there is a God & my Faith in Him has never waivered. It wasn't until 2005 when He saved me from abuse and addiction that I returned to Him. Today I have a Relationship with God, not a Religion. I Pray every day, I read my Bible as often as I can. But I do not Preach or look over shoulder fearful of sinning, we're human that's why Jesus died on the cross to give us a chance to ask for forgiveness & try to do better next time, NOT to be constantly Afraid we're going to Hell-GEEZ. It's really simple, I don't understand why people get SO defensive & angry. If you believe in God, Great-worship however is best for you. If you don't believe, that's up to you also-But Please don't condemn others for their belief systems, that's why we were created different. But Love is Love whether you're religious or not. It's how we treat each other & ourselves that will count in the end. It's my Personal Relationship with God that keeps me More in Touch with Him than I ever have before, so I Know how deeply Michael's Faith was as well. It's a Peaceful, Joyful life I have now & wouldn't change ANYTHING that brought me to this point in my journey.

Blessings to All

(p.s.- and there probably was No REASON that Michael separated himself from his church, other than he just didn't agree with all it's teachings & expectations from it's people anymore. It has Nothing to do with "being saved or not" - just like my inactivity in the Catholic Church was Not on purpose either, just my own decision & does Not 'speak pretty strongly' of how I feel. I still Believe in God, Pray to God, Meditate with God, b/c that's my choice, not for ANY other Reason.)

BOY, some of you guys REALLY need to RELAX & let God worry about what people do or don't do, b/c there's Nothing You can do about it anyway--it's called being "Powerless" accept it you'll be much more positive with yourself & others.

(I was just curious when I saw the topic, MAN did I get a surprise-haha)
Oh boy.

I find religion extremely scary. I especially find church/mass a little creepy. I was raised Catholic (Christian) from the moment I was born until now. I went to catholic school for 12 years (graduating in literally 3 days) and come from a devout Catholic family. However, I don't call myself Catholic. How does that work? Well I opened my eyes AND my mind. I was never that into religion anyway growing up. I just didn't understand it. By the time I got to high school, I was pretty sure I believed in nothing at all. I was too confused so I just kind of ignored it. Then, ironically, when Michael Jackson died I had this sort of spiritual awakening. I became very curious in the afterlife, not religion. I did a lot of research and completely steered away from religion. I believe there is life after death, I believe in a creator. But I don't believe in religion. Michael's death (as well as his life) had a lot of impact on me in that way. But that's all I will say about that. I don't believe in religion. I think it's just a bunch of whoopla so the churches of any religion can control you to live according to the way they want you to just so they can profit and make money. It's nothing more than business in my mind.

Not only that but it gives people a reason to be judgemental towards other people. "Oh you're gay? You're going to hell." Or to be hyprocritical. I've witnessed this kind of stuff everyday. Makes me so glad to not follow religion. No offense, though, to those who do follow a religion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs. If you believe in anything at all, I say good for you. We all need to believe in something, I believe. :flowers:
Oh boy.

I find religion extremely scary. I especially find church/mass a little creepy. I was raised Catholic (Christian) from the moment I was born until now. I went to catholic school for 12 years (graduating in literally 3 days) and come from a devout Catholic family. However, I don't call myself Catholic. How does that work? Well I opened my eyes AND my mind. I was never that into religion anyway growing up. I just didn't understand it. By the time I got to high school, I was pretty sure I believed in nothing at all. I was too confused so I just kind of ignored it. Then, ironically, when Michael Jackson died I had this sort of spiritual awakening. I became very curious in the afterlife, not religion. I did a lot of research and completely steered away from religion. I believe there is life after death, I believe in a creator. But I don't believe in religion. Michael's death (as well as his life) had a lot of impact on me in that way. But that's all I will say about that. I don't believe in religion. I think it's just a bunch of whoopla so the churches of any religion can control you to live according to the way they want you to just so they can profit and make money. It's nothing more than business in my mind.

Not only that but it gives people a reason to be judgemental towards other people. "Oh you're gay? You're going to hell." Or to be hyprocritical. I've witnessed this kind of stuff everyday. Makes me so glad to not follow religion. No offense, though, to those who do follow a religion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs. If you believe in anything at all, I say good for you. We all need to believe in something, I believe. :flowers:

I see your point, but normally true religion (as opposed to some sects) is supposed to be against hypocrisy, against exploiting faith in order to turn it into business, against prejudice, against being judgmental towards others and in favor of accepting each other as brothers and sisters based on our common ancestors, and also in favor of developing one's spirituality based on good deeds such as love, compassion, brotherhood, peace, acceptance, humility, generosity, etc.
I agree with most of the things you said her Courtney.
Oh boy.

I find religion extremely scary. I especially find church/mass a little creepy. I was raised Catholic (Christian) from the moment I was born until now. I went to catholic school for 12 years (graduating in literally 3 days) and come from a devout Catholic family. However, I don't call myself Catholic. How does that work? Well I opened my eyes AND my mind. I was never that into religion anyway growing up. I just didn't understand it. By the time I got to high school, I was pretty sure I believed in nothing at all. I was too confused so I just kind of ignored it. Then, ironically, when Michael Jackson died I had this sort of spiritual awakening. I became very curious in the afterlife, not religion. I did a lot of research and completely steered away from religion. I believe there is life after death, I believe in a creator. But I don't believe in religion. Michael's death (as well as his life) had a lot of impact on me in that way. But that's all I will say about that. I don't believe in religion. I think it's just a bunch of whoopla so the churches of any religion can control you to live according to the way they want you to just so they can profit and make money. It's nothing more than business in my mind.

Not only that but it gives people a reason to be judgemental towards other people. "Oh you're gay? You're going to hell." Or to be hyprocritical. I've witnessed this kind of stuff everyday. Makes me so glad to not follow religion. No offense, though, to those who do follow a religion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs. If you believe in anything at all, I say good for you. We all need to believe in something, I believe. :flowers:
It can be scary when there's fanaticism involved. Crimes committed in the name of religion is not rare, unfortunately. Religion should be used for peace, not for violence.
Without religion in my life, I don't think I would be alive today.

Without oxygen, food and water (among many other things as well) you wouldn't be alive today either.
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So, my opinion..

You're a christian? Cool.
You're an atheist? Fine.

Everyone can believe in whatever he wants. None of my business. It's simple for me. Although your belief may vary from mine, don't dare to call my belief ''brainwashed'', ''illogical'', ''stupid'', as it is insulting at first and totally none of your business why I choose to believe or not believe in something.

I'm christian myself.

The problem is that people don't respect anything anymore.....and it included the beliefs of others!!!

It can be scary how people-mostly men-interpret religion as it suits them.

And people have also gotta learn that religion is not plasticine. Another problem has been a few crooked "religious figures" who just want to leave their mark on the world.....and others who hide behind religion to cover up their secret evil deeds!!!!

Without oxygen, food and water (among many other things as well) you wouldn't be alive today either.

Your point is?????

Some people have been able to get over their grief of losing a loved one through their religious beliefs!!!! And others have defeated depression or addiction with the help of their beliefs!!!!

More importantly......every one in the natural World is completely individual......And everyone has their own personal beliefs.
I think religion should be abolished.
It to blame for all the evil in this world. Because of religion there are wars, hate, discrimination. It fools people. Religion is for weak people, who are desperate and helpless.
I don't understand how you can believe in something that doesn't exist. Religion is contrived in a time, where people were narrow-minded and let say less inteligent. How can you let someone tell you how you should live.
The only one you should belive is yourself. But that is the most difficult, thats why people choose to belive in some else. So when something bad happens they won't blame them self or they say "god had reason to do it". And that line proves me what i say above.
Its used as pretence for many things and always for false reasons.
i'm christ, but i'm irreligious. My family is also not religios. They do belive in god. but to me everyone who says they do, says this cause he thinks he has to, without meaning it. Only the extreme beliveble (crazy) peope meant it really. Today people are inteligent and see things more sober, to let something that was invented to control, to influence them. Still they think they must say "i belive there is a god", so they can feel they are good person.
I do belive if there is no religions, the world could be much better.
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^^ Excuse me but i find your post extremely offensive to religious people. Because of religion there is anything. Because of stupid and evil people who chose to interpret religion as they wish there are wars, hate, discrimination.If you chose not to believe, that is your right but you don't have the right to call people who believe
weak people, who are desperate and helpless

I do believe that if people let other people believe whatever they wanted and minded their own business, the world could be much better.
I think religion should be abolished.
It to blame for all the evil in this world. Because of religion there are wars, hate, discrimination. It fools people. Religion is for weak people, who are desperate and helpless.
I don't understand how you can believe in something that doesn't exist. Religion is contrived in a time, where people were narrow-minded and let say less inteligent. How can you let someone tell you how you should live.
The only one you should belive is yourself. But that is the most difficult, thats why people choose to belive in some else. So when something bad happens they won't blame them self or they say "god had reason to do it". And that line proves me what i say above.
Its used as pretence for many things and always for false reasons.
i'm christ, but i'm irreligious. My family is also not religios. They do belive in god. but to me everyone who says they do, says this cause he thinks he has to, without meaning it. Only the extreme beliveble (crazy) peope meant it really. Today people are inteligent and see things more sober, to let something that was invented to control, to influence them. Still they think they must say "i belive there is a god", so they can feel they are good person.
I do belive if there is no religions, the world could be much better.

Okay......lets get rid of religion then......

We'll still have Politicians, Corporations, Dictators and Fascism left to deal with........

Oh yeah the World really becomes a better place.........

I think the brainwashing media and political propaganda are more dangerous then religion............

Religion did not kill 1,000,000 innocent Iraqis in the last decade!!!!!

You really need to wake up and realise what the real problems are!!!!
Really , i should weak up?

do you have any idea how many religion has killed murdered?

in the past all these kings where controled by the church and "minister's of god" from any religion. wars been led.

todays politicans are no different. they are still conducted by their religion intentions.

Dictators, Fashism have been brought down.

But of course, as beliver you don't want to know the dark and negative side of religion in the past.

And today, islamism groupps planing attacks agains none islam people.

to me thats more then enough to bann all religions, so there won't be dividing at least in that.

of couse there will be still wars and killings, it's in our nature.
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Really , i should weak up?

do you have any idea how many religion has killed murdered?

in the past all these kings where controled by the church and "minister's of god" from any religion. wars been led.

todays politicans are no different. they are still conducted by their religion intentions.

Dictators, Fashism have been brought down.

But of course, as beliver you don't want to know the dark and negative side of religion in the past.

And today, islamism groupps planing attacks agains none islam people.

to me thats more then enough to bann all religions, so there won't be dividing at least in that.

of couse there will be still wars and killings, it's in our nature.

Political system has always been behind religions. Speaking of past and present many people have been using religion as a tool to gather and unite people against their political enemy.

In the past religion was imposed to people by the official power. To show you an example, when the Roman Emperor Constantin saw the cross in the sky, he all of sudden converted the population from pagan religions to the Christianity in the whole Roman Empire.

Religion itself isn't dangerous, it's just a personal belief.
People can turn religion in their selfish needs and use it against others. People can make religion look bad. They do bad in the name of religion. The religion itself isn't bad. They're just evil and selfish and transform however they find it beneficial. I don't remember Jesus for example saying you have to kill everyone in crusades. Crusades are just excuse in name of religion to enfetter and conquer. That's my opinion.
People can turn religion in their selfish needs and use it against others. People can make religion look bad. They do bad in the name of religion. The religion itself isn't bad. They're just evil and selfish and transform however they find it beneficial. I don't remember Jesus for example saying you have to kill everyone in crusades. Crusades are just excuse in name of religion to enfetter and conquer. That's my opinion.

Well even if you see the word "kill" in the religions, it should be taken with a grain of salt, because we don't actually know who really said what.

Example, according to Luke 19:27 Jesus said:

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."
Well even if you see the word "kill" in the religions, it should be taken with a grain of salt, because we don't actually know who really said what.

Example, according to Luke 19:27 Jesus said:

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."

Yes its easy to misinterpret the bible if you you dont have context. It is one verse out of context to the whole scripture of Luke Chapter 19. It is a parable a metaphore a story Jesus is telling.It a hard one to understand esp out of context.

This parable is one that is harder than most to understand. When he says "slay them before me" it is in the parable, The story he is telling about a king and his servants and not what he himself is commanding people to do. In this particular parable (The whole story) he is saying that people who are faithful and do God's work shall be rewarded, as in the two servants in the parable who made their owner rich, and those with little faith, who are afraid to trust that their lord will take care of them and do no work to help. They will not be rewarded. but Those that turn against him and become his enemy and do not trust him shall be slayed in eternity, because they are enemies of God's Kingdom. He also was not speaking of the present but the second coming .. the final judgement .. The end of the world as we know it.
Well even if you see the word "kill" in the religions, it should be taken with a grain of salt, because we don't actually know who really said what.

Example, according to Luke 19:27 Jesus said:

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."

Yes its easy to misinterpret bible if you dont have context. It is one verse out of context to the whole scripture of Luke Chapter 19. It is a parable a metaphore a story Jesus is telling.It a hard one to understand esp out of context.

This parable is one that is harder than most to understand. When he says "slay them before me" it is in the parable, The story he is telling about a king and his servants and not what he himself is commanding people to do. In this particular parable (The whole story) he is saying that people who are faithful and do God's work shall be rewarded, as in the two servants in the parable who made their king rich, and those with little faith, who are afraid to trust that their lord will take care of them and do no work to help. They will not be rewarded. but Those that turn against him and become his enemy and do not trust him shall be slayed in eternity, because they are enemies of God's Kingdom. He also was not speaking of the present but the second coming .. the final judgement .. The end of the world as we know it..

I know very well. I was just indicating that when you see such thing you have to take it with a grain of salt. Those who don't take it with a grain of salt end up waging wars because they take the sentences out of their context.

I also pointed out that we actually don't know if Jesus even said that. The Gospel reads according to Luke. Which means that Luke takes the entire responsibility of the content of the written text.
I know very well. I was just indicating that when you see such thing you have to take it with a grain of salt. Those who don't take it with a grain of salt end up waging wars because they take the sentences out of their context.

In the wrong hands biblical scripture can be dangerous .. and used as it was NOT intended. There are some hateful religious Zealots .. who use it to beat people down and make them fearful and more dangerous are those in power that use it out of context to control and defend thier wars.
I also pointed out that we actually don't know if Jesus even said that. The Gospel reads according to Luke. Which means that Luke takes the entire responsibility of the content of the written text
Its a matter of faith .. that the scriptures are true.
In the wrong hands biblical scripture can be dangerous .. and used as it was NOT intended. There are some hateful religious Zealots .. who use it to beat people down and make them fearful and more dangerous are those in power that use it out of context to control and defend thier wars...

That was my point.

Not to mention forced mass conversions by the political leaders in order to build an army of people with the sole aim of serving their political agenda. And when the religious scriptures don't fit their political agenda they add new interpretations in order to serve them best.
Also its a matter of faith .. that the scripture is true.

Of course that it is also a matter of faith. But, IMO, one should never be afraid of questioning the sources of the scriptures. Let's not forget that the sources that we're allowed to use are the ones that were decided in the past by the Emperors and governors. All the rest was burnt by the same political authorities. IMO, if we seek the truth we can find it. If the truth we find out corresponds to the faith we already have then we at least know we were not wrong. If we the truth is different, then something is wrong. I don't think we should be afraid of being wrong because that very fear turns us deaf, blind and emprisoned within an imposed credo by selected scriptutres.
I know very well. I was just indicating that when you see such thing you have to take it with a grain of salt. Those who don't take it with a grain of salt end up waging wars because they take the sentences out of their context.

Besides, there are hateful parts of the Bible those aren't metaphorical at all. Read the Old Testament! The genocides portrayed in it aren't metaphorical genocides. The Bible itself claims that God ordered people to carry out genocides, including the massacre of women and children! Actually once someone counted the murders in the Bible those were ordered or done by God and Satan respectively. Here is the result:


Religion has always been a way to control the masses, IMO.
Besides, there are hateful parts of the Bible those aren't metaphorical at all. Read the Old Testament! The genocides portrayed in it aren't metaphorical genocides. The Bible itself claims that God ordered people to carry out genocides, including the massacre of women and children! Actually once someone counted the murders in the Bible those were ordered or done by God and Satan respectively. Here is the result:


Religion has always been a way to control the masses, IMO.

What is dangerous is to blindly follow something out of the context and without trying to find out the common sense behind it.

If some things are true and some things are false, it is difficult for the individuals like you and me to know what was corrupted and what not. So we're left with common sense. Also, it doesn't mean that if some parts may have been corrupted that the entierty is false. It is up to us to replace the things into their context and try to understand all teh reasons behind.

What if the +2 000 000 people in the entire human history were as bad as Hitler? And what if the 10 people killed by Satan were as good as Gandhi?
Of course that it is also a matter of faith. But, IMO, one should never be afraid of questioning the sources of the scriptures. Let's not forget that the sources that we're allowed to use are the ones that were decided in the past by the Emperors and governors. All the rest was burnt by the same political authorities. IMO, if we seek the truth we can find it. If the truth we find out corresponds to the faith we already have then we at least know we were not wrong. If we the truth is different, then something is wrong. I don't think we should be afraid of being wrong because that very fear turns us deaf, blind and emprisoned within an imposed credo by selected scriptutres.

Yes we must always question and study and know the history. I believe it was tampered with by the church. . Although I have faith there is still much I question and some I disreguard. I love studying. I think there is more freedom than many see in Jesus words. But there is evil in this world . Some use God's word for their evil agenda saying God is on our side. That doesnt mean that God is on their side. The question to ask is are they on God side. IMO The ones you speak of are probably the ones that should be most leary of Jesus real meaning of Luke19:27 :)