Anyone find religion scary ?

Yes we must always question and study and know the history. I believe it was tampered with by the church. . Although I have faith There is still much I question and some I disreguard. I love studying. I think there is more freedom than many see in Jesus words. But there is evil in this world . Some use God's word for their evil agenda saying God is on our side. That doesnt mean that God is on their side. The question to ask is are they on God side. .. The ones you speak of are probably the ones that should be most leary of Jesus real meaning of Luke19:27 :)

Sharing knowledge and having a dialogue is more constructive than emprison oneself within a credo with fear of questioning oneself. It would be as if the fear would equal the fear of being mistaken. But I always say to myself, if I don't fear to question my faith, then I am not afraid of discovering the truth.

A simple example, if I firmly believe that the Earth is flat and never question my belief, then I'll stay ignorant all my life. On the contrary, if I believe that the earth is round and question my belief, and end up discovering that the Earth is indeed round, then I have just confirmed that my belief was right. That's why I am never afraid to question my faith.

p.s. Qbee, shouldn't you be sleeping? :D
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I especially like the verse "Dont throw your pearls before swine" It's sometimes good to know when discussing scipture (pearls) with those who are only intent on tearing something to pieces without even trying to understanding what they are speaking of..

example: Dont share Michael Jackson's beautiful music or wisdom (pearls) with Diane Dimon (swine)
She will only tear him to pieces with no understanding of what she is speaking about.
What is dangerous is to blindly follow something out of the context and without trying to find out the common sense behind it.

If some things are true and some things are false, it is difficult for the individuals like you and me to know what was corrupted and what not. So we're left with common sense. Also, it doesn't mean that if some parts may have been corrupted that the entierty is false. It is up to us to replace the things into their context and try to understand all teh reasons behind.

What if the +2 000 000 people in the entire human history were as bad as Hitler? And what if the 10 people killed by Satan were as good as Gandhi?

Actually I have read the Bible several time since I grew up as a Christian (I am not any more). So I know a thing or two about the Bible. The 10 people killed by Satan were the people from Job's family. Even then Satan killed them because he and God made a bet about how long Job can be tortured until he curses God. So God wasn't totally innocent in those either.

In turn among the 2m+ people killed by God (or ordered to kill by God) were babies, children, whole nations. Surely, they were all as evil as Hitler... Especially the children. The "evilness" of those nations was only that they had a different religion.

Of course, I don't really believe this was all because of God or Satan, because I don't believe any of them exists. It's just people using religion for their own means and to manipulate the masses and to kill. In the Old Testament as well as throughout history.
p.s. Qbee, shouldn't you be sleeping? :D

LOL Just before you posted that I was goign to post, this place gives me the oddest sleeping habits .
Ive always been nocturnal though .. I worked the graveyard shift for many yr too - Its a hard to break that cycle
Actually I have read the Bible several time since I grew up as a Christian (I am not any more).

So I know a thing or two about the Bible. The 10 people killed by Satan were the people from Job's family. Even then Satan killed them because he and God made a bet about how long Job can be tortured until he curses God. So God wasn't totally innocent in those either.

In turn among the 2m+ people killed by God (or ordered to kill by God) were babies, children, whole nations. Surely, they were all as evil as Hitler... Especially the children. The "evilness" of those nations was only that they had a different religion.

Of course, I don't really believe this was all because of God or Satan, because I don't believe any of them exists. It's just people using religion for their own means and to manipulate the masses and to kill. In the Old Testament as well as throughout history.
You know I don't like defining myself as belonging to this or that group of religious people. I am highly spiritual and I firmly believe in God. I have read many scriptures including the Bible, Qur'an, Veda and other scriptures in order to make an opinion. I also had the chance to study sciences in high school before studying languages at the university. My major was chemistry, physics, biology and maths. I always try to measure and fit into the context before taking things for granted. I believe that behind each thing there is a reason. It is up to us to discover those reasons due ti the fact that there are many scriptures that have been lost, burnt or simply destroyed.

Well anyway, I am not gonna write a thesis now, I just wanted to tell you that I admire people like you who manage to resist the systematic brainwashing. Some are Jews because their parents are Jews. Some are Christians because their parents are Christians. Some are Muslims because their parents are Muslims. In the end, what is the merit of the people?

You, at least have found enough courage to resist and to question what you were receiving as religious teachings. You want to go for a quest for yourself by yourself, and in my opinion you have more merit for that because you try to understand by your reason and not by what you've been told to believe without any explanation.

However, never give up your quest. Don't stop looking. There is always something new to learn and don't fall into the same trap but on the opposite side of firmly believing that everything is made up. If there are traces, then something must have been there.
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^^ Indeed leaving a religion you were indoctrinated in takes courage. It's a lot of pain and inner torment as it happens. Just think about it: you were told all your life that if you question certain scriptures and beliefs then you go to hell to be tortured for eternity. And yet, when you know that the scriptures you are supposed to consider "holy" are contradictory, are evil and so on but you are not allowed to admit it even to yourself. It's a torture. And indeed it is a big step to break free from that prison of mind, to get rid of the fear and guilt you were indoctrinated in.

Science helped me a lot with that. When I started to read science books and realized how much of the Bible's claims are not true that was very helpful. Then I also read about church history, the history of the Bible and all - those things are also very revealing.

I don't stop looking but I doubt the answers are in bronze age books and religions.
^^ Indeed leaving a religion you were indoctrinated in takes courage. It's a lot of pain and inner torment as it happens. Just think about it: you were told all your life that if you question certain scriptures and beliefs then you go to hell to be tortured for eternity. And yet, when you know that the scriptures you are supposed to consider "holy" are contradictory, are evil and so on but you are not allowed to admit it even to yourself. It's a torture. And indeed it is a big step to break free from that prison of mind, to get rid of the fear and guilt you were indoctrinated in.

Science helped me a lot with that. When I started to read science books and realized how much of the Bible's claims are not true that was very helpful. Then I also read about church history, the history of the Bible and all - those things are also very revealing.

I don't stop looking but I doubt the answers are in bronze age books and religions.

And you are right not to stop looking. That's why I said, don't fall into a trap of doing completely the opposite. The most difficult thing is to find out the middle path. No extreme path is enlighting.
I do sometimes. I'm not religious person myself so some people that are TOO much into religion can be annoy me sometimes. I just can't understand them
I do sometimes. I'm not religious person myself so some people that are TOO much into religion can be annoy me sometimes. I just can't understand them

There are different sorts of people like for everything else. Some people are religious and show it off, some other are as religious but never talk about it as they consider it is private.
I don't find religion scary. But I find religious fanatics and fanatics against religion both scary, and exceedingly judgmental of things they have no understanding about. The fanatics on both sides can read, have knowledge but have no wisdom or understanding of spiritual things... Its just words to them.
I don't find religion scary. But I find religious fanatics and fanatics against religion both scary, and exceedingly judgmental of things they have no understanding about. The fanatics on both sides can read, have knowledge but have no wisdom or understanding of spiritual things... Its just words to them..


Best comment in the whole thread!!!!

It might be a good time to close this thread on a high!!!!
I'm afraid of religions, it is a way of mind control for me, I believe in God, yes, but I don't believe in a God who judges and send you to the hell or the heaven, I think your actions bring a consequence, cause and effect, karma or whatever its name is, God gave us what is enough to live good, it is our desicion if we make the wrong things