Anyone find religion scary ?

smoothcriminal12;3315562 said:
Some atheists are so full of themselves, and that's why they annoy me so much. I don't mean to be rude, but atheism does not rely on proof or evidence, it flat out denies a God, which is a religion in itself because they absolutely, 100% deny a God.

This is actually incorrect. In his book, <i>The God Delusion,</i> Richard Dawkins assesses the existence or lack thereof of a god based on a seven-point spectrum, called the spectrum of theistic probability.

Wikipedia quoting a passage from The God Delusion said:
Dawkins posits that "the existence of God is a scientific hypothesis like any other." He goes on to propose a continuous "spectrum of probabilities" between two extremes of opposite certainty, which can be represented by seven "milestones". Dawkins suggests definitive statements to summarize one's place along the spectrum of theistic probability. These "milestones" are:[2]
1. Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
2. Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. De facto theist. "I cannot know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
3. Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. Technically agnostic but leaning towards theism. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
4. Exactly 50 per cent. Completely impartial agnostic. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
5. Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. Technically agnostic but leaning towards atheism. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
6. Very low probability, but short of zero. De facto atheist. "I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung 'knows' there is one."
Dawkins argues that while there appear to be plenty of indiviudals that would place themselves as "1", no thinking atheist would consider themselves "7", as atheism arises from a lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind. Dawkins considers himself to be a '6.'

Thus, as you can see, atheism is based on probability through observation and rationality. The number of atheists who straightly deny the existence of a god (a.k.a. 7's on a scale) are probably just snotty teenagers who are saying these things to shock their über-Christian parents, and they probably don't even know who Richard Dawkins is, much less anything about science or probability.
I do not want to be rude but what Alma said is a classic example of what I find terrifying about religion, all that wait and see and one day this scary stuff will happen. And before anyone asks I do actually believe in God I just do not follow a set religion as they are man made and often abused. I do not think God would put his creations in hell for doing things wrong especially as he is supposed to love them and anyway that would mean people who have messed up early in life would not be given a fair deal if they decided to change their wicked ways so it would mean religion is theoretically saying you might as well stay being bad as God will burn you now whatever you do. I struggle with that and find it not right.
Couldn't have said it better either, thanks Ginvid..

And I have to say, that before I started going to church and confiding before a priest, I was just as scared. No, terrified. I had to practically be forced in a way to start doing that.. I used to just pray at home and have the mentality of many that I don't need to go to church to believe in God. It takes perseverence to cease feeling that way.. I honestly would feel scared and like I didn't belong in the respective church, and couldn't find peace there at all either. It took several years for me to find home in God and the church. I still have questions, and am asking them when I go confess my sins before the priest, and he is answering them as he can. I will also say that he told me that there are indeed clerical representatives that are not reliable, to be mild (am speaking as an example of the country I'm from), but that there are truly some of those that do have the gift of genuinely interceding to God and have His gift flowing in them. They are not perfect beings, and in my mind I'm noticing their flaws as human beings, but they do have a gift that just can't be ignored, they have a specific warmth and sincerity that can't be denied. They do.

We are asked to seek Him and be fearful of Him, but again, not in a crippling way. He only wants us to be less proud, less.. sinful and all that, I realize that those that don't believe in Him will continue to choose to not believe in Him.. But from my experience, it Is possible to believe in Him and go to church without having to be brainwashed. A good minister and knowledgeable person is indeed very important, because the way they are expressing themselves does matter. The one I go to is very knowledgeable, he knows about rock bands, about porn and other concrete things from reality, he is patient and likes informing people, he's not merely quoting from the Bible, not merely preaching, he likes to talk to you and you don't feel ashamed when you talk to him, you don't feel reprimanded. Afterwards, you are feeling relieved and renewed. I have felt it, and I know I wouldn't be here today if I hadn't gone various places and.. I just wouldn't, I was an emotional wreck for months, a complete shadow and zombie that only cared to sleep. Today, I don't want just that, His power is real. He wants the best, the absolute best for us, because He gave his only Son to die for humanity's countless sins, and He is continuing to suffer for us and continues to feel the pain when we're being mean and/or evil. That is how much He loves us. I don't think many people understand just who exactly He is.. How immeasurably grand and powerful and loving and righteous he is... And that this life we are living shouldn't become a mockery of morality, of ourselves, of the world, of life.. It's the gift we have gotten from Him, He is being very patient, or else this world would've exploded eons ago. He wants us to do our best for Him, because He is the Alfa and Omega, the pure perfection and wants us to carry Him in our hearts, so we can be little gods ourselves - not the ones that want to rule the world, but those who live with humility in their hearts, without having to be vegetables. He tells us we should be wise as serpents, afterall. But not at the expense of other people, not to ruin other people and the planet.

Understanding is.. it takes time, it won't just happen overnight. We are being tested. This is such crazy place we are living, more men than ever proclaiming themselves as God on earth, choosing to corrupt, pollute, destroy, end lives and all trace of God-likeness on here. It is working... We're being led astray without our knowledge, and instead of disliking and fearing the true evil of the world, we are hating on and feeling threatened and horrified by Him, who wants us only to find refuge in His goodness and reject that evil and do our best to reduce it from ourselves... Again... perseverence and just asking for His help to teach us how to believe in him.. Talking to Him and praying to find more answers. ... Look at this world... and how men themselves are doing the most irreversible damage ever, to their own self and especially to others, because of losing their souls.. I don't know what else I can say about this..
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I'm not sure if anybody noticed this but a while ago, The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released the results of a survey on religion. Americans, on avarage answered 16 questions right, so half, 50%... That's an "F"! America, one of the most religious countries on Earth failed it's exam on the subject of religion, that's pretty sad!

Now, atheists and agnostics got 21 questions right on average. Which is still pretty shitty, it's still 65% which is a "D" but hey, we passed the religion exam and we're not even effin religious.

The jews and and mormons averaged about 20 questions right which is still an "F", protestants averaged about 16 so obviously the protestants failed. Catholics got less than half of the question right, sorry catholics, might wanna work on that.

It's funny because I myself was raised as a catholic, I went to church, I went to catholic school which sucked big time. I think I was about 11 years old when our fat and creepy looking priest was telling us various disturbing things such as "Jesus is watching you masturbate" and other disturbing things even though we were freaking 11 years old for crying out loud. I personally found that period of my life very scary and troubling nontheless. Now, I did happen to read most of the bible. I can't say that I've read the bible from start to finish but I've read about 60% of it and I happen to know more than most of my former catholic friends who happen to be very religious and tend to bash and be against same-sex marriages, abortions and all of those issues.

But the really funny thing is when religions aren't even that familiar with their own teachings. For instance, 45% of catholics didn't know that when they take "holy communion" that is supposed to be the literal body and blood of Christ, the actual body and blood of Christ... transformed through the power of faith or some B.S. I can't remember. And more than half of protestants didn't know that Martin Luther was responsible for inspiring the Protestant Reformation... but protestants, don't feel bad, I didn't know that either but I'm not a protestant so I guess I had no vested interest in knowing that.

I think that the reason people are religious is because they don't know much about religion. It seems that the more knowlegde you have, the more likely you are to be atheist or agnostic. And we're just the "D" students. If you're getting an "F" in religion then chances are you're religious, but the second you're even up to the level of getting a "D" you're seeing through the B.S... so most of these people walking around claiming that the Bible is the literal word of God, guess what? They have no idea what's in the bible in the first place. They're totally ignorant of the book's content yet they're walking around talking about how it's the divinely inspired perfect word of an all mighty God. "It's the perfect word of God, the creator of the entire universe, the most important document in human history... I just haven't got around reading it yet, but I'm sure it's perfect, I'm sure it is! I believe it, in my bones I believe it!"

So the next time someone tells you that they believe every single word of the Bible, tell them: "Of course you do, you've never read it!" :)

Source of the survey:
I've read some posts here and I can see that this thread goes in all directions:

-atheism vs theism
-personal belief

etc, etc.

My two cents:

-None of the things you mentioned are incompatible as the whole makes the world what it is.

-Atheism absolutely doesn't arise from the lack of evidence as theism possesses more evidence than it lacks it. Atheism actually lacks more evidence than theism. So scientifically speaking, as nothing can be created out of nothing and as everything is being constantly transformed, atheism does not know the answer to the questions such as how come that we've come to existence (out of nothing and out of nowhere) and that we are actually conscious of our smallness (further than our eye can even ever see)?
There is a huge difference between reading and understanding. Anyone who does not see the message of love in the Bible does not understand it. I have seen many turn to Christianity after reading it from beginning to end. So your point is moot.

And how long you studied the Bible does not matter. You can read or "sutdy" something for many years and still not have an understanding of what the true message is. Isn't that what Jesus condemned the Pharisees for? They had studied the law for decades, yet they missed what was important. They still could not understand what was necessary for them to do.

Christians are always so sure they understand the Bible correctly and others don't. (Well, all 30000 Christian denominations are sure their interpretation of the Bible is the correct one and others isn't.) There are parts in the Bible where there is a message of love. But there are other parts where there is a message of hatred and intolerance.
-Atheism absolutely doesn't arise from the lack of evidence as theism possesses more evidence than it lacks it. Atheism actually lacks more evidence than theism. So scientifically speaking, as nothing can be created out of nothing and as everything is being constantly transformed, atheism does not know the answer to the questions such as how come that we've come to existence (out of nothing and out of nowhere) and that we are actually conscious of our smallness (further than our eye can even ever see)?

Just because we don't know the answer to something yet (for example what was before the Big Bang), doesn't mean the answer is "God did it". During history people always thought that if they didn't understand something that meant God had to do it. Then science developed and it turned out it had nothing to do with God.
i think religion gets blamed for a lot of things humanity has done. people have their own doctrines to suit their own needs, and sometimes are in a position of power. and using the word God, makes them think they can justify what they do. in the end, the real God shouldn't be blamed for man's inhumanity to man. i looked deep in my past, and remember that all the damage done to me, to try to scare me away from the idea of God, was done by men behind a pulpit, who put their own spin on doctrine, and used it to damage me, because they hated me. i think if we all look back, something a human being did or said, using the idea of divine authority, was what frightened us about the idea of religion altogether. perhaps someone in our place of worship took advantage of our vulnerability.

I dont think many of you understand my thread, Im scared of hell and what happens when we die, Im scared that i don't 100% truly belive in god cause although i'd say i do i really don't know if i genuinely belive in my heart that he's real. I'm scared about the horrible predictions in the bible......Most importantly that God could actually be evil, I mean who's to say he's no none of us know just like the devil he could be deceiving us. Ever wonder about that
Wow, the fear running through this thread is actually the only thing that scares me. I see no reason at all to be scared of God, nor do I think fear is ever helpful for anything. So I disagree with most of you I guess, as I don't think religion is scary at all, only some religious people are, like the ones who claim God's wrath is upon us. I heard a great sentence in church last sunday, spoken by a very wise rabbi: he said all interpretations of the scriptures (any religious texts) that imply hate, intolerance and fearfulness should be ignored as we do not have the time to dwell on those as they are the exact ingredients for this earth being in such a disrupted state. If an interpretation of religious words does not bring anything postitve and beautiful just disregard it. To many more dogmatic thinking people this may sound too easy, but I think it's the only way to derive pure wisdom from the sciptures and hopefully move forward as humanity.

I got Ginvid's message in the atheist thread, so I will refrain from calling people this and that for what they believe. But then I respectfully ask believers like you to do the same! For a start I'm not someone who is "siding with the evil" just because I don't share your beliefs. Nor I am ignorant and delusional.
I find religious extremism scary more than religion itself.
Why do we see God as the threat, and not the evil concuring us, the planet, we're bombarded daily with it, and many of us choose to blame this on God, not on the evil who creates and destroys creations, and has become the real ruler of this earth?

I'm personally not siding with the evil and I'm certainly NOT affraid of God. I mean, it's not like he actually exists, so why would I fear him?

Athiests are not blaiming God for anything since they don't belive in God in the first place. It's christians who start slamming their bibles going: "SEE? THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT ACCEPTING JESUS IN YOUR LIFE". The same christians did that when the Japan disaster happened, I personaly found that a bit... scary.

So to think that athiests are trying to make God look like an evil bastard is a bit silly. The Bible is making him look like that and christians are just there to say: "YES, the Bible doesn't lie!" which means that he's indeed the way the Bible describes him to be... that is if he does exist in the fist place which he probably doesn't (at least in my opinion).
There is a huge difference between reading and understanding. Anyone who does not see the message of love in the Bible does not understand it. I have seen many turn to Christianity after reading it from beginning to end. So your point is moot.

And how long you studied the Bible does not matter. You can read or "sutdy" something for many years and still not have an understanding of what the true message is. Isn't that what Jesus condemned the Pharisees for? They had studied the law for decades, yet they missed what was important. They still could not understand what was necessary for them to do.

Agreed 1000%! Great post!
OK, OK! It's enough of the personal attacks. I know religion gets people very heated beause it's almost impossible not to be passionate about it, but neither side can be allowed to down the beliefs and ideals of the other. I'm sorry, we just can't have it.

Thank you.
Religion does not scare me as I think all of them are a sham, however it is the people that are completely brainwashed by religion (people like Osama bin Laden and al-Qeada) that scares me.
Religion does not scare me as I think all of them are a sham, however it is the people that are completely brainwashed by religion (people like Osama bin Laden and al-Qeada) that scares me.

That's an ignorant view.........

Bin Laden isn't brainwashed..........

He's a clever person who has used the name of Islam, turned it upside down........and this to brainwash others to do his evil acts......

Extremism is not a religion..............
I find religious extremism scary more than religion itself.

I find politicians, bankers and the heads of the corporate world even more scary............

............because between then, they own the World........
That's an ignorant view.........

Bin Laden isn't brainwashed..........

He's a clever person who has used the name of Islam, turned it upside down........and this to brainwash others to do his evil acts......

Extremism is not a religion..............

He seriosuly thinks it's Allah's word that all Westeners like us should be killed, women should have no rights, etc. He is brainwashed and evil. He's only done the things he's done because of the wealthy family he has come from. al-Qaeda operate like they do because they believe they are pleasing Allah, thus they are brainwashed.
He seriosuly thinks it's Allah's word that all Westeners like us should be killed, women should have no rights, etc. He is brainwashed and evil. He's only done the things he's done because of the wealthy family he has come from. al-Qaeda operate like they do because they believe they are pleasing Allah, thus they are brainwashed.

and thus he is lost in his own delusions......

al-Qaeda do what they do just to get absolute power.........and they use the uneducated and the supremely stupid to do their dirty work...... that sense, they are no different from American or European governments

Brainwashing is what you get when you switch it on to the news channel and believe every world they say...........
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Before mentioning religion, here's your life:

-birth (brainwashing - programming)
-nursery (brainwashing - programming)
-kindergarten (brainwashing - programming - practicing)
-elementary school (brainwashing - programming - practicing)
-primary school (brainwashing - programming - practicing - working)
-secondary school (brainwashing - programming - practicing - working)
-university (brainwashing - programming - practicing - working - influencing)
-post-university (brainwashing - programming - practicing - working - influencing)

-in brief: sleeping, eating, nature call, multiplying over and over again

-where does your consciousness come from? where does it go? does it just come and go? what is the aim of living? paying your bills? buying a car? working? for whom? for what?

-seeing the complexity of a machine made by men, why would it be difficult to imagine that men themselves were made as well by a creator, as their complexity is far superior to the machines? In other words the probabilities that a simple device or a machine gets created on their own by coincidence under the laws of the nature are far more likely to happen than the human body extremely complex.

-why being scared of religion when it attempts to give an answer to the purpose of our life?
That's an ignorant view.........

Bin Laden isn't brainwashed..........

He's a clever person who has used the name of Islam, turned it upside down........and this to brainwash others to do his evil acts......

Extremism is not a religion..............

This is true and another thing I want to add to that is how people are very quick to label people who follow the same religion as these extremists (in this case Islam) and will insist that "they are all terrorists because that is what their religion teaches" etc. Not true at all. And it doesn't mean that just because Bin Laden claims to be a Muslim that it is fair for people to say that all Muslims are terrorists or that the Koran teaches violence as this is not true, but so often this is the judgement made which is a shame.

Bin Laden is not someone I would call religious. He is, like Krshna28 says extremely clever and knows how to use things like religion to brainwash people to do his dirt for him. Ever wonder why it is not Bin Laden sacrificing himself and killing others "for a place in heaven"? It's because he doesn't believe it himself! If he did, he'd be there in a shot. He twists interpretations of religion and pushes them onto gullible, and probably vulnerable people who he knows will do his work for him, but he is not doing it because that is what he believes God would want at all, otherwise he would do it himself.
-where does your consciousness come from?
Basically it comes from cerebrum (part of forebrain).

where does it go?
When the nervous system is damaged or people die, the connections created between nerve cells disappear (as the cells are not alive anymore) and therefore the memory/consciousness is erased.
Memory and consciousness are connections of nerve tracts in the nervous system. The connections are - to make it simple - chemical substances that are stored in neurons. The detailed plan of what these substances mean is memorized by nerve cells when we learn and experience the world.

does it just come and go?
A brain (as well as the rest of an organism) forms during embryogenesis and starts with three primary cerebral vesicles which later on further develop into a five-piece brain. It serves us during our lifetime (as it does all species) and when we die, it simply decomposes and slowly takes the form of chemical elements which, after being "confined" in our organisms for x amount of years, slowly return to the matter cycle(s).

what is the aim of living? paying your bills? buying a car? working? for whom? for what?

Well for me the aim of living my life is to live it to the fullest and make the most of it everyday. It's an amazing experience to live - you do it just once. I want to be happy and make an impact on the world, one way or another.

seeing the complexity of a machine made by men, why would it be difficult to imagine that men themselves were made as well by a creator, as their complexity is far superior to the machines?
Well biological life is something else, it wasn't just "created" by someone - it developed for billions of years. It's very interesting and you should definitely read about it. Starting with the endosymbiotic theory and delving into all biology, you'll learn everything about how human body was created and how it works.

In other words the probabilities that a simple device or a machine gets created on their own by coincidence under the laws of the nature are far more likely to happen than the human body extremely complex.

Simple devices or machines are creations of peoples imagination/creativity, not the laws of nature. These discoveries could happen because parts of our brain developed a little bit more than other animals': mammals have the largest and most well-developed cerebra among all species. In larger mammals, the cerebral cortex is folded into many gyri and sulci, which has allowed the cortex to expand in surface area without taking up much greater volume. This resulted in the neural networks of the cerebrum being able to facilitate complex behaviors such as social interactions, thought, judgement, learning, working memory, and in humans, craetive thinking, speech and language.

-why being scared of religion when it attempts to give an answer to the purpose of our life?
Honestly, I'm not scared of religion... but quite often it has a very negative effect on people, indoctrinating them and spreading xenophobia. It pains me to see so many people with entrenched beliefs in things made up by people thousands of years ago. The problem with religion is that people can not choose it (most of the time). Their parents impose a religious belief on them, robbing the kids of the freedom of choice, and while the children grow up, it becomes an integral part of their personality and character - pretty much like all things people learn at that age.
What a lot of people fail to see is that religion is indeed the creation of mankind - all gods are human like, fairy-tale like beings that differ from culture to culture to correspond with what this region's society was/is.
I've met very few religious people in my life who followed the good example and were simply very good people. When this is the result of a religious belief, then all is good. However, most believers (from my experience) are really narrow-minded people with very little reflection on the outside world and humanity.

Hope this helps and, at least to some extend, answers your questions.
AndreyZidane™;3318720 said:
I'm not sure if anybody noticed this but a while ago, The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released the results of a survey on religion. Americans, on avarage answered 16 questions right, so half, 50%... That's an "F"! America, one of the most religious countries on Earth failed it's exam on the subject of religion, that's pretty sad!

Now, atheists and agnostics got 21 questions right on average. Which is still pretty shitty, it's still 65% which is a "D" but hey, we passed the religion exam and we're not even effin religious.

The jews and and mormons averaged about 20 questions right which is still an "F", protestants averaged about 16 so obviously the protestants failed. Catholics got less than half of the question right, sorry catholics, might wanna work on that.

It's funny because I myself was raised as a catholic, I went to church, I went to catholic school which sucked big time. I think I was about 11 years old when our fat and creepy looking priest was telling us various disturbing things such as "Jesus is watching you masturbate" and other disturbing things even though we were freaking 11 years old for crying out loud. I personally found that period of my life very scary and troubling nontheless. Now, I did happen to read most of the bible. I can't say that I've read the bible from start to finish but I've read about 60% of it and I happen to know more than most of my former catholic friends who happen to be very religious and tend to bash and be against same-sex marriages, abortions and all of those issues.

But the really funny thing is when religions aren't even that familiar with their own teachings. For instance, 45% of catholics didn't know that when they take "holy communion" that is supposed to be the literal body and blood of Christ, the actual body and blood of Christ... transformed through the power of faith or some B.S. I can't remember. And more than half of protestants didn't know that Martin Luther was responsible for inspiring the Protestant Reformation... but protestants, don't feel bad, I didn't know that either but I'm not a protestant so I guess I had no vested interest in knowing that.

I think that the reason people are religious is because they don't know much about religion. It seems that the more knowlegde you have, the more likely you are to be atheist or agnostic. And we're just the "D" students. If you're getting an "F" in religion then chances are you're religious, but the second you're even up to the level of getting a "D" you're seeing through the B.S... so most of these people walking around claiming that the Bible is the literal word of God, guess what? They have no idea what's in the bible in the first place. They're totally ignorant of the book's content yet they're walking around talking about how it's the divinely inspired perfect word of an all mighty God. "It's the perfect word of God, the creator of the entire universe, the most important document in human history... I just haven't got around reading it yet, but I'm sure it's perfect, I'm sure it is! I believe it, in my bones I believe it!"

So the next time someone tells you that they believe every single word of the Bible, tell them: "Of course you do, you've never read it!" :)

Source of the survey:

most ppl say im a this that or the other when infact they arent. i think that mostly happens with christians. loads of ppl call themselves christians in the uk, yet no one goes to church and you can bet even more dont know the difference between catholics and protestants. other than one supports rangers the other be an athesit for the most part u have to educate yourself otherwise how do u come to the conclusion that there is no god. when ppl who call themselves religious or claim to have a religion its because its the way they were brought up. heck in the uk we have just filled in the 10 year census. my dads put himself down as a jew. well yeah both his parents are he had a barmitzmah etc but thats as far as it goes he eats bacon butties and prok pies and doesnt have a clue about what hes supposed to believe as a "jew" yet he classed himself as one on the census!
elusive moonwalker;3327121 said:
my dads put himself down as a jew. well yeah both his parents are he had a barmitzmah etc but thats as far as it goes he eats bacon butties and prok pies and doesnt have a clue about what hes supposed to believe as a "jew" yet he classed himself as one on the census!

You should learn a little Jewish history, I promise you its really fascinating. Being a Jew is not only about practicing know? I’m agnostic Jew. ;) Yes, there is such a thing, there are atheist Jews as well. I’m not sure if Einstein was an atheist or not, he didn’t practice Judaism all his life but he still considered himself as a Jew.. one doesn't have to contradict the other..
"As much as I feel myself to be a Jew, I stand aloof from the traditional religious rites." (Albert Einstein in a letter to the Jewish community of Berlin)
If your father’s parents are both Jews then he’s a Jew and that’s even according to the Jewish law (doesn't matter if he's secular) he definitely can consider himself as a Jew, if he wishes.

Another interesting quote from Einstein
"Actually it is a very difficult thing to even define a Jew. The closest that I can come to describing it is to ask you to visualize a snail. A snail that you see at the ocean consists of the body that is snuggled inside of the house which it always carries around with it. But let's picture what would happen if we lifted the shell off of the snail. Would we not still describe the unprotected body as a snail? In just the same way, a Jew who sheds his faith along the way, or who even picks up a different one, is still a Jew. "
and thus he is lost in his own delusions......

al-Qaeda do what they do just to get absolute power.........and they use the uneducated and the supremely stupid to do their dirty work...... that sense, they are no different from American or European governments

Brainwashing is what you get when you switch it on to the news channel and believe every world they say...........

What Bin Laden and other terrorist organizations use is political Islam, that is the difference
Ok I might be wrong on my views of religion with bin Laden, but I hope none of you can deny he deserves to be brutally tortured and killed.
Ok I might be wrong on my views of religion with bin Laden, but I hope none of you can deny he deserves to be brutally tortured and killed.

I agree, he deserves the most unbearable pain there is. He's a monster.
^ Wow cruelty galore. I wouldn't wish torture or death on anyone, Bin Laden included.