Amy Winehouse died. :(

I am sorry that so soon left Amy Us :( Everyday I listen to her song "Love Is A Losing Game" and so sad at heart : (
I'm heart broken. I was a huge fan. She was such a rare talent in an industry filled with music videos which consists of girls and bikinis and cars. A star amongst those who worship autotune.

I miss her already.
Should the music industry have tried to save Amy?

<CITE id=yui_3_3_0_1_1311715947184168 class="byline vcard">By NEKESA MUMBI MOODY - AP Music Writer | AP &#8211; <ABBR id=yui_3_3_0_1_1311715947184173 title=2011-07-26T20:06:56Z>1 hr 25 mins ago</ABBR></CITE>

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  • FILE - In this Oct. 25, 2007 file photo, British singer Amy Winehouse performs during &#8230;
  • FILE - In this Feb. 16, 2007 file photo, British singer Amy Winehouse poses for photographs &#8230;

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NEW YORK (AP) &#8212; Most entertainers prepare for a concert tour with rehearsals. For Amy Winehouse, it was rehab.
Just before her disastrous European tour last month, the infamously addicted singer entered a rehabilitation center on doctor's orders, ostensibly to ensure that she would be ready to perform. She left a week later, with her publicist announcing she was "raring to go."
She clearly wasn't. At the concert's kickoff June 18 in Belgrade, Serbia, Winehouse struggled to remember the words to her songs, stumbled around the stage and even tried to get one of her background singers to warble for her.
Her tour was soon canceled. A little over a month later, she was dead.
There's a long history, to be sure, of performers who wither away due to addiction while the world watches, but Winehouse's death Saturday at age 27 has rekindled questions about the role the music industry should play in helping stars kick self-destructive habits.
Why, for example, was Winehouse still being booked for concerts even though she was battling a devastating addiction? Could the entertainment community have done more to save one of its most gifted young artists?
Natalie Cole thinks so.
A former heroin addict herself, Cole was critical of the industry after Winehouse won five Grammys in 2008, including record and song of the year for "Rehab," the song where Winehouse rebuffed help for addiction.
Winehouse performed triumphantly during the Grammy telecast that year &#8212; but did so via satellite from London, in part because she couldn't get a visa to come to the United States, and also because she was in rehab at the time.
Her treatment facility gave her a brief reprieve so she could perform for a worldwide audience and receive her accolades.
Cole said the entire episode sent a bad message. "Her life was at stake. I mean, she was trying to get off heroin, which is probably one of the most difficult drugs to recover from," Cole said.
"I just don't get it. What more can we do other than everybody needs to grow up? Hollywood needs to grow up and stop glorifying this kind of behavior and thinking it's cute," she said.
Cole said Winehouse shouldn't have been trying to perform, given her condition. Winehouse had been in and out of rehab and battled a host of problems since her Grammy triumph, had not released another album and was performing only sporadically.
Pax Prentiss, founder of the Malibu, Calif.-based Passages treatment center, said it's often in an addicted performer's best interest to be working, rather than living an unstructured lifestyle without getting help.
"It keeps them busy. ... I don't think it's good to have idle time," said Prentiss, a former addict himself. "But in saying that, Amy was not ready to go back to work. ... She clearly was not ready for the stage, or for life in general."
Winehouse's management and record label did not respond to requests seeking comment for this story.
Prentiss said Winehouse's problem may have been that the underlying causes leading her to take drugs were not dealt with. But he added that he didn't think the music industry "should try and manage Amy's personal life."
Cole disagreed. She said the industry has a responsibility to step in and push an artist out of the spotlight until they get their personal act together.
"Somebody in that circle needs to be there to go, 'Uh uh, you're going to have to sit down and get some help,'" she said. She said she has seen past examples of a record label halting production of new albums until an artist gets clean.
"There's too many yes people around these artists. They're very easily influenced, they're very vulnerable," she said.
Neil Portnow, CEO and president of the Recording Academy, which puts on the Grammys, agreed that musicians who are battling drugs are sometimes given guidance from people who may not have their best interests at heart. But other times, he said, it's not that simple.
"Sometimes, that becomes a challenging decision to make," he said. "Do you say to an artist, 'Come off the road, don't make records, don't do endorsements, don't do anything on a business level because you have to deal with your health'?
"But at the same time, that will immediately cut off all income, not only to the artist but also to their representatives?"
Portnow added that those close to an artist sometimes don't know how to handle the situation, that sometimes it takes the artist to want to get better and do the work to achieve that. Yet the addiction may not let that happen, he said.
Clearly, Winehouse did try; despite her famous song, she attempted rehab several times.
Describing her own battle against addiction, Cole said she was at her worst when she was still performing. She said people in her camp "would be sitting back there with their fingers crossed, praying that I would get through a show.
"I even had a few people who no longer wanted to work with me, because they just didn't want to see me self-destruct," she said.
The Recording Academy's MusiCares assistance program is designed in part to help musicians battling such addictions, providing anonymous financial and other support. Portnow said there are also guides to help the people around an artist deal with such situations.
"The most basic premise is the welfare and well-being of a musical artist, or any artist, or any human for that matter, is paramount," he said.
Portnow said the academy thought Winehouse was getting the help she needed when they had her perform during the Grammys.
"Our understanding at the time was that she was cleared medically to perform," he said. "It was a performance of a lifetime for her, and it certainly appeared that she was in fine form to do that."
Cole said she wished Winehouse would have skipped the Grammys and other events and concentrated on getting clean. After years of abuse, Cole said, it took three members of her own business team to take her aside and threaten to quit working with her until she got help.
She remains grateful for that ultimatum.
"They cared. And that's all we have to do. We have to care," she said. "Somebody needed to care about that girl, and I don't know if she had that."
Winehouse's Bodyguards-- Posing with Amy's Ashes

7/26/2011 2:40 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
In one final bizarre photo op with Amy Winehouse, the singer's former bodyguards posed with a box containing Amy's ashes as they left the crematorium in London earlier today...a family rep confirms to TMZ.


The man in the center of the photo is Andrew Morris -- the bodyguard who found Winehouse's body and called for help.

Winehouse was cremated at the Golders Green Crematorium in North London ... following an emotional ceremony for close friends and family.


I find this picture so offensive for some reason, and I'm sure many others share my view. Just imagine if this had been Michael with his bodyguards posing like this with his ashes? How can they pose like that when they were with her just six days ago?

Like xthunderx2 said, deaths just makes you realize how fast things can happen, in Michael's own words ''here one day ..gone one night'' Life is taken for granted though it shouldn't be taken for granted.
I'm having tears in my eyes while reading about her funeral, she didn't deserve such an ending.
Winehouse's Bodyguards-- Posing with Amy's Ashes

7/26/2011 2:40 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
In one final bizarre photo op with Amy Winehouse, the singer's former bodyguards posed with a box containing Amy's ashes as they left the crematorium in London earlier today...a family rep confirms to TMZ.


The man in the center of the photo is Andrew Morris -- the bodyguard who found Winehouse's body and called for help.

Winehouse was cremated at the Golders Green Crematorium in North London ... following an emotional ceremony for close friends and family.


I find this picture so offensive for some reason, and I'm sure many others share my view. Just imagine if this had been Michael with his bodyguards posing like this with his ashes? How can they pose like that when they were with her just six days ago?

Like xthunderx2 said, deaths just makes you realize how fast things can happen, in Michael's own words ''here one day ..gone one night'' Life is taken for granted though it shouldn't be taken for granted.
I'm having tears in my eyes while reading about her funeral, she didn't deserve such an ending.
I have to agree with you,,,as much as I am trying not to be offended by this photo...I really is so must be hard for them to ..they were her body guards..sometimes I think that body guards do more than just protect people from the public..I think that they try and protect people from themselves. I have had such an empty feeling all day...for the past couple of days actualy..I was not a huge Amy fan but I am VERY familiar with her music...I actually thought she had a beautiful voice....i have a 17 year old daughter that is the Amy fan...the loss of this young soul is just tragic. I just keep telling myself that she is no longer struggling..she is peaceful now. :hug: to you Twinklee
Prince and Amy Winehouse - Love Is A Losing Game (Live) 2007 Indigo

Prince & Andy Allo Pays tribute to Amy Winehouse by covering her song "Love Is A Losing Game"

:angel: Amy

i do too think the pic with the bodyguards & amy's ashes are disrespectful, but i guess in their eyes they were showing their respect & love for amy
"Amy Winehouse could have died because she suddenly quit booze and drugs, a top doctor revelaed last night. The singer had been "clean" for three weeks, which might have sent her body into shock." - Daily Star.
I guess we won't really know how or why she died until the results come back. But, just so sad. :(
What do you think of people who could make a joke about Amy Winehouse (or anyone really) the day that they died? My sister did that when I posted the news announcement on my Facebook page. I didn't respond but I thought it was very insensitive and crass. I have a sense of humor just as much, if not more than anyone but only when it's appropriate. I wasn't a fan of Amy's but she was a human being and the dead deserve respect. At least wait until the body is cold to start making stupid jokes.
I think it is possible that even if you stop the drugs etc that damage could have been done to her body. I don't like the picture with the ashes. It's one thing if they didn't know their picture was taken but I find it a bit weird sorry. It's sad what happened to Amy because you hope they get better and can be happy.
Dont know if this was posted, it has nothing to do with her death, but is Amy singing Beat It in her personal style of course,

Dont know if this was posted, it has nothing to do with her death, but is Amy singing Beat It in her personal style of course,

thank you so much for posting this...I had not ever seen it before....what a great tribute they did. Maybe the two of them are in Heaven and Michael is teaching Amy how to moonwalk and ..she is giving him a tattoo..everything is possible in Heaven.
What do you think of people who could make a joke about Amy Winehouse (or anyone really) the day that they died? My sister did that when I posted the news announcement on my Facebook page. I didn't respond but I thought it was very insensitive and crass. I have a sense of humor just as much, if not more than anyone but only when it's appropriate. I wasn't a fan of Amy's but she was a human being and the dead deserve respect. At least wait until the body is cold to start making stupid jokes.

I think the ppl who are making jokes of amy & her death are being immature and it has to stop
I think the ppl who are making jokes of amy & her death are being immature and it has to stop
they do so because they take joy from kicking the helpless, they do so to boast their own egos, they aren't just immature but stupid.
"Amy Winehouse could have died because she suddenly quit booze and drugs, a top doctor revelaed last night. The singer had been "clean" for three weeks, which might have sent her body into shock." - Daily Star.

is that really possible for a body to react this way?? if yes, then it's truly horrible :(
I think the ppl who are making jokes of amy & her death are being immature and it has to stop

they do so because they take joy from kicking the helpless, they do so to boast their own egos, they aren't just immature but stupid.

Agreed...even though sadly it is my own sister doing this. I can't be surprised since she STILL thinks MJ is guilty and she still makes disgusting jokes about him even now. I defend him but she is ignorant and thinks she's being funny. What can you do...
The Christian Post > Fri, Jul. 29 2011 04:35 PM EDT
Amy Winehouse Death: Father Gives Out Star's Possessions to Fans

By Vincent Funaro | Christian Post Contributor
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Fans who have kept vigil outside of the north London home of the recently deceased singer Amy Winehouse have received some gifts from her family they will never forget; her clothes.


Mitch Winehouse, Amy&#8217;s father, made a trip to her apartment with her mother Janis and on and off boyfriend Reg Traviss Thursday. The star&#8217;s father removed some of her possessions and surprised the mourning fans by giving out some of his daughter&#8217;s clothes and accessories, according to The Sun.
&#8220;These are Amy&#8217;s T-Shirts. This is what she would have wanted-for her fans to have her clothes,&#8221; said Mitch Winehouse to the stunned crowd outside Amy&#8217;s home.
The fans received several of Amy&#8217;s tank tops, sunglasses and other trinkets.
&#8220;It feels amazing to have been given this. She was like an idol to me,&#8221; said Marcella Wright, a 17-year-old fan from Ireland who received a white top vest, to Aceshowbiz.
Brigitte Pividal, a 52-year-old supporter of Winehouse, left with a red top. &#8220;I have been coming here every day since she died and did not expect this. I will cherish it all my life,&#8221; she said.
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The family departed from the home taking a few of the late singer&#8217;s possessions with them including her signature ballet shoes, lyric books and guitars.
Upon his departure, Mitch Winehouse said, &#8220;Please keep listening to her music. God bless Amy Winehouse,&#8221; to the fans and hopped into a taxi.
Amy Winehouse was found dead on July 23, and the cause of her death is still unknown.
Her father has claimed that Winehouse quit drinking cold turkey. A family friend told The Sun that &#8220;Abstinence gave her body such a fright; they thought it was eventually the cause of her death.&#8221;
The true cause will not be found until results from further toxicology tests are released.

The man in the center of the photo is Andrew Morris -- the bodyguard who found Winehouse's body and called for help.

Winehouse was cremated at the Golders Green Crematorium in North London ... following an emotional ceremony for close friends and family.


I find this picture so offensive for some reason, and I'm sure many others share my view. Just imagine if this had been Michael with his bodyguards posing like this with his ashes? How can they pose like that when they were with her just six days ago?

Like xthunderx2 said, deaths just makes you realize how fast things can happen, in Michael's own words ''here one day ..gone one night'' Life is taken for granted though it shouldn't be taken for granted.
I'm having tears in my eyes while reading about her funeral, she didn't deserve such an ending.


This was unnecessary and disrespectful. Where were the parents of Amy at the time this picture was made? I was thinking about it....

But it's sad that even after her death, I still see a lot of useless comments and people making fun of her, calling her a drug addict and a lot of things.... :( Amy had a problem and I believe she was not able to get rid of it alone. I really hope all the people who were around her were greatly engaged to help her.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Sorry you guys I didn't come to this borad for a little longer than that
But R.I.P Amy Whinehouse I kown when you first came out with Rehab you was acting a little
Overborad but now you gone forever R.I.P sweet angel/good night my sweet angel!
Amy Winehouse's home robbed
Last updated 05:00 12/08/2011SharePrint Text Size Relevant offers
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The 27-year-old British singer was found dead at her home in Camden, London, last month. Since she passed away around 20 people have been into her property, among them family, friends, police and a security team.

Amy's father Mitch now apparently believes a number of unreleased recordings, notebooks filled with lyrics and personal letters have gone missing. A guitar Amy loved and songs she wrote for her eagerly-anticipated third album are also thought to have been taken, leaving her family incensed.

"This is such a sickening shock to the family. That someone would stoop so low. They can't get their heads around it," a source told British newspaper The Sun.

"Mitch is livid. The family, record label and management are months away from deciding what to do with any unreleased music. For that to be taken out of their hands is horrible."

Amy's home became a crime scene after she was found dead as it was unknown how she passed away.

Mitch has been asked to detail what is valuable in the property, a task Amy's partner Reg Traviss will help him with. Once that is completed the pair will know for sure what has gone missing. At the moment police have been informed that two books of lyrics cannot be found.

"Mitch is willing to give whoever has stolen the items a chance to do the right thing and put them back so it doesn't have to get messy," the insider added.

Mitch regularly visited Amy's home following her death. Fans built a makeshift shrine there, containing notes, CDs and pictures and he enjoyed looking at it. After going into her property on one occasion he came out with some of her clothes and handed them to fans.

The singer fought a long battle with alcohol and drug addiction, but her cause of death remains unknown until toxicology tests come back in the next few weeks. Mitch has insisted she quit alcohol three weeks before passing, with her family said to think that may have induced a fatal seizure or heart attack.

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Aww now thats so sad what they did to the late singer's home:no:
yeah I heard this too, it's just sad man. Seriously wherever you look leches are involved.
Wow :eek: .... This should not have happened. :( But the house was not sealed by the police? :unsure: It's so weird that so many people came and went freely from the house and took away things from Amy... depressing. :(
A rep for the Winehouse family released a statement saying, "Toxicology results returned to the Winehouse family by authorities have confirmed that there were no illegal substances in Amy's system at the time of her death."

The statement continues, "Results indicate that alcohol was present but it cannot be determined as yet if it played a role in her death."

"The family would like to thank the police and coroner for their continuing thorough investigations and for keeping them informed throughout the process. They await the outcome of the inquest in October."