Amy Winehouse died. :(

so sad :( just *TEARS* I'm still shocked no matter what. I was just thinking to her yesterday & tweeted her. I even listen to her songs yesterday.

RIP AMY....I LOVE U, my heart & prayers goes to your loved ones.



God bless your soul Amy! I felt your emotion & soul in your Music.
It is sad, R.I.P. Amy.

But I can't believe that this thread has gotten way more comments than the one about what happened in Norway.

It was heart-breaking seeing the stretcher being loaded into the private ambulance :cry: Hope Michael gave you the warmest welcome up there.
I was really shocked when I heard about this yesterday. It's kind of haunting...I honestly thought a while back she was getting better, and I was really sad to see the footage of the Belgrade concert. I guess I just kind of assumed that she would find her way back to health at some point, but I was always very worried.

Such a sad story, gone way too soon and such an amazing talent.

Rest in peace Amy.
I'm so sad she's gone, she's one of my very few favorite female singers. I love her voice and music so much!
i always hopped she would get her life together and make some more music with her amazing sad
Unlike most people here saying they aren't surprised, I was. I thought she was getting better or I at least assumed she would get her life back on track.

I'm going to wait until the cause of death is released before I comment any more on this. That's the respectful thing to do. For all we know right now, drugs might not even have a role in her death.

I was never a fan, but I'd always hoped she would get the help she needed. RIP Amy.
First and foremost-
RIP Amy deepest condolenes to your family, friends and fans........

And second-

The last I heard no one truly knows the cause of death yet right? And look, I am not stupid or naive to what the cause may, may be, but here's the thing, we don't know yet.....

Remember in the days after Michael died how many people in the media and what not said that Michael died of a drug overdose because he was an addict? And what did we as Michael fans say?? Don't jump to that conclusion, we don't know the whole story yet......and we were right....

Shouldn't we show the same respect for Amy
(or anyone else) and not jump to a
conclusion as to how she died????

the two cases cannot and should not be compaired. It is only normal for ppl to presume inregards to amy cause of her recent history.if she didnt od then im sure many on here will apologise.not that it changes what happened to the poor girl.the was no recent history of drug use in mjs life and no evidrnce that supported it.that was the media and ppl like oxmans doing.sadly not the case with amy.i hope shes found the peace she could not get in this no doubt the dealers move on to their next victim
I'm sure the paps have will have a field day speculating how she died.
The only thing she shares with MJ is the ruthless paps threshing them to their coffin's door.
RIP Amy.
Like Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse was an "Empath" for her generation.
(She was the psychic sponge of her generation, soaking up all the psychic and emotional static
that her generation gave off), such work is emotionally draining and extremely painful.
Take your rest, now, Amy in the arms of the Angels.
Tell Michael I said, hello.

Amy sings "Love is a Losing Game"
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Just Speechless....I saw this woman singing in a London pub before she was famous, and what a voice!

I'm just Speechless. The last album I bought, it's Back To Black. Just unbelievable to see this news.

And sadly I think she will be in a better place now.

Thanks for the good music Amy, the REAL MUSIC.

Really, its a tradgedy.. RIP
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Did anyone else hear the report on the CNN (I think) that there was screaming was heard where she was living? If that's true & no drugs found in her apartment - maybe she was worth more dead than alive.

I do hope she rests in peace. Too young to die.
I'm not shocked her life ended the way it did. It's still sad when someone so young dies. I watched her "Rehab" video for the first time today after so many people talked about it. All I can do is shake my head listening to her lyrics. "no no no"

R.I.P. Amy
The cause of death probably will be revealed within a few days once the autopsy is done & finalised.
I wasn't really surprised to hear about her death. She's been having issues with drugs and alcohol for the last couple years. 27 is way too young to be dying.

It's a sad situation, and quite frankly her death needs to be a wake up call for any other celebrity who has a hard time with drugs or alcohol. Lindsey Lohan comes to mind IMO.
Not sure if it was posted, but...

"You know how you either grow up in a Michael Jackson house or a Prince house?” says Winehouse, whose accent reveals her north London roots. “For me it was Michael Jackson. I could never decide whether I wanted to be Michael Jackson or marry him. I don’t care what people say about him now because he’s a fucking genius. That’s it – the end! He was robbed of his childhood, which is why he surrounds himself with children. When you’re around kids you can be a little kid yourself and pretend that life is magic and you don’t have to be one of those sweaty people going to work every day. I completely see what he’s doing."
— Amy Winehouse.
Not sure if it was posted, but...

"You know how you either grow up in a Michael Jackson house or a Prince house?” says Winehouse, whose accent reveals her north London roots. “For me it was Michael Jackson. I could never decide whether I wanted to be Michael Jackson or marry him. I don’t care what people say about him now because he’s a fucking genius. That’s it – the end! He was robbed of his childhood, which is why he surrounds himself with children. When you’re around kids you can be a little kid yourself and pretend that life is magic and you don’t have to be one of those sweaty people going to work every day. I completely see what he’s doing."
— Amy Winehouse.
I just watched this video below for the first time. I hadn't been following her career so I hadn't seen many of her live performances mainly b/c I had seen one years back and I just couldn't watch. The video below is one of her last performances and I can't believe they let her continue the performance. It convinces me that though she may have been determined to make her own decisions regarding drugs, alcohol, someone could have done something more to help her if they'd been forceful about it. Did anyone do an intervention? The record company should have done more to help her. How could they work with someone in that condition? Wasn't it like they are encouraging it?
^It's amazing how they let someone perform in that state. The audience is performing better.
In my honest opinion I truly believed it was Blake Fielder- Civil, her ex husband who ruined this talented girl by introducing her to drugs
I just watched this video below for the first time. I hadn't been following her career so I hadn't seen many of her live performances mainly b/c I had seen one years back and I just couldn't watch. The video below is one of her last performances and I can't believe they let her continue the performance. It convinces me that though she may have been determined to make her own decisions regarding drugs, alcohol, someone could have done something more to help her if they'd been forceful about it. Did anyone do an intervention? The record company should have done more to help her. How could they work with someone in that condition? Wasn't it like they are encouraging it?
wow that really is ashame..and I could they let that girl go on singing in that condition...the world is a messed up place that is for sure...RIP Amy, I hope you have finally found peace.
Amy Winehouse's Funeral Takes Place

6:36pm UK, Tuesday July 26, 2011
Mourners have attended the private funeral and cremation of Amy Winehouse in north London.

:: Sky News is screening a special programme, Amy Winehouse: Troubled Soul, at 8:30pm tonight.
The singer's family and boyfriend Reg Traviss were joined by her close friends for a service at Edgewarebury Cemetery.
She was then cremated at Golders Green Crematorium.
Her father, Mitch Winehouse, made a celebratory speech during the service in which he recounted personal anecdotes and highlighted her musical accomplishments.
He ended with the words: "Goodnight, my angel, sleep tight. Mummy and Daddy love you ever so much."
Amy's father, Mitch Winehouse, is comforted
The service finished with the congregation singing her favourite song, Carole King's hit So Far Away.
A spokesman for the family said: "Mitch told some great stories from childhood about how headstrong she was, and clearly the family and friends recognised the stories and laughed along.
"He stressed so many times she was happier now than she had ever been and he spoke about her boyfriend and paid tribute to a lot of people in her life."
According to Amy's wishes, she has been cremated at Golders Green Crematorium.
A mourner holds a picture of Amy Winehouse
Her ashes have been placed alongside her grandmother, Cynthia, who was a jazz singer and a great influence on Amy and her music.
Mark Ronson was among the famous faces in attendance. He looked forlorn as he arrived at the cemetery.
The DJ and producer worked with the singer on her award-winning Back To Black album.
Mark Ronson was among the mourners
In tribute to Winehouse, her friend Kelly Osbourne wore her hair in the style of the singer's trademark beehive.
Ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, was not allowed to attend after he was refused compassionate leave from jail.
He is currently serving a 32-month prison sentence in Armley near Leeds after being convicted of burglary and firearm offences.
Winehouse was found dead at her Camden hoe on Saturday.
Jewish tradition dictates the funeral should take place as soon as possible.
Kelly Osborne wore her hair in a beehive-style
An inquest was opened and adjourned until October 26 , and a post-mortem on her body has failed to reveal the cause of death.
Police are awaiting the results of toxicology tests which are expected to take up to four weeks.
Winehouse's family later held a gathering at Southgate Progressive Synagogue which marked the beginning of a two-day Shiva - a traditional period of mourning in the Jewish faith.
Prior to the funeral, Winehouse's goddaughter, Dionne Bromfield, paid tribute to her.
Writing on Twitter, the 15-year-old singer said: "I feel like a part of my Soul has departed with the beautiful Song Bird Amy...Please say a prayer...She loved everyone."
Meanwhile Adele said in a statement on her website: "Amy paved the way for artists like me and made people excited about British music.
"I don't think she ever realised just how brilliant she was and how important she is, but that just makes her even more charming.
"Although I'm incredibly sad about Amy passing, I'm also reminded of her immensely proud of her I am as well and grateful to be inspired by her."
Mitch Winehouse pays tribute to Amy: "Goodnight my angel, sleep tight"

Mitch Winehouse paid a final tribute to his daughter Amy Winehouse at her funeral today, telling her: "Goodnight my angel, sleep tight, mummy and daddy love you ever so much".


Mitch Winehouse, the father British singer Amy Winehouse, arrives at Golders Green Crematorium in London Photo: REUTERS/Luke MacGregor

2:49PM BST 26 Jul 2011

In his moving speech, the 60-year old paid tribute to Amy's sense of humour and 'fantastic recovery', telling stories from her childhood.

He said that she had been the happiest she had been for many years, and was looking forwards to a shared future with boyfriend Reg Traviss.

He said that he spoke to her minutes before he set off for New York - where he was when news of the 27-year-old's death broke - and that he spoke to her 'three times a day' while he was there.

At the end of the service, Amy's favourite song, 'So Far Away' by Carole King, was played and Mitch encouraged guests to sing along.

The first song Amy and Mitch sung together was another King hit 'You've Got A Friend'.

Family spokesman Chris Goodman said: "So Far Away was her favourite song. Mitch encouraged people to sing to it which they did.
"There were plenty of anecdotes. There were prayers, meditation, Mitch's eulogy and then more prayers.
"Mitch was funny, he told some jokes about her childhood and how headstrong she was.
"A lot of the family members recognised the stories and laughed along. Mitch stressed many times that she was happier now than she had been in many years. He spoke a lot about her fantastic recovery."
Asked if her boyfriend Reg Traviss had been mentioned in his words, he said: "Mitch paid tribute to a lot of people in her life. He said that she was very much looking forward to their future together."
Asked how Amy's mother Janis and older brother coped during the service, he went on: "There were a lot of tears. They were emotional. It was happy and it was sad."
The service, in both Hebrew and English, was lead by Rabbi Frank Hellner.
One guest, Alfie Ezekiel, who knows Mitch from their love of football, described his friend's eulogy as "very moving."
The 55-year old from Loughton, Essex, said: "Mitch gave a very good eulogy. He managed to get through it, he did very well considering.
"He said everything, but I don't want to go into detail. His last words were 'goodnight to my angel.
"The atmosphere was joyful, it celebrated her life and it was also moving.
"Mitch was trying to give a joyful account of Amy's life. He said she was very healthy and very satisfied and happy.
"Janis was fine. She didn't do a eulogy but she was mentioned in it and she was fine."
Another mourner, who did not want to be named, said: "It was a wonderful tribute to her life. Mitch spoke about things that Amy did, that she had a wonderful sense of humour."
Another friend, who paid tribute to the 'extraordinary' community who supported Amy, added: "It was very moving. It was full of details about her and the family's forbears. Mitch said she would be carried in people's hearts.
"He spoke to her minutes before he set off for America and they were in contact three times a day, always, while he was there.
"It is a complex situation. He is supported by this extraordinary community from north London who knew Amy from when she was born. There is this extraordinary soul that the community has."
Mr Goodman, who said the service has been attended by around 100 friends and family, explained that Amy's grandmother, who she had been very close to, was also cremated at Golders Green and this was why the family had made the decision to cremate her in the same place.
He said: "It is part of the family tradition to cremate them. There was no music apart from the hymns. It was a very traditional Jewish funeral.
"Mitch did deal with the events leading up to her death but I will deal with that later. He wants to set the record straight."
Friends and family were handed a card with a simple black and white picture of the singer, on the back of which were the details of a Shiva - a Jewish week-long mourning period- which will start later today.
when things like this happen,,,it shows me what a gift life really one minute completely gone the really does bend the mind at times. Her family are the ones left behind to pick up the shattered pieces, sad..just so sad.