Amy Winehouse died. :(

Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Only just found out..actually shocked. I can't believe a company would sign her for a tour like that.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

ok who was trying to help Amy? her last performance where she was booed was obviously a sign she was not better. Who does rehab for a week? Did she have family or anyone in her camp trying to help her?
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

I saw her recent photos not long ago and she seemed healthier.i thought she was getting better...
It's such a shame. RIP Amy:(
Sophielo;3442315 said:
It's just so sad. Such a remarkable talent who has gone to soon. Here's hoping she's singing an awesome duet with Michael right now :(

Remember this?

Amy Winehouse ‘Contacted by Michael Jackson’s Spirit’Sunday July 26, 2009

Amy Winehouse has been told to sort out her life — by the late Michael Jackson.

The troubled singer regularly saw a clairvoyant to help her get straight during her eight months on the Caribbean isle of St Lucia.

And she claims she heard Michael telling her to clean up her act as there was work for her to do.

“She was seeing a trance channeller and says she heard Michael’s voice telling her if she didn’t sort herself out she’d lose everything,” a source told British newspaper The People.

Amy, 25, once said of the tragic King of Pop, “I could never decide whether I wanted to be Michael Jackson or marry him.

“I don’t care what people say because he’s a f*****g genius.”

Re: Amy Winehouse is dead

such a beautiful talented woman, very very sad. :( RIP Amy
Re: Amy Winehouse is dead

Its just aweful and tragic, such a talent, she was not ok, nobody cared, it was obvious this ending was her destiny.
Re: Amy Winehouse is dead

So sad to here this. Rest in Peace Amy. Such great talent gone to waste. :( Oh how i wished she had the will power to fight that battle to stop. :(
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Sad news, not really a fan but she had a few good songs. I think Rehab will shoot up the charts now, may she RIP 27 is way too young.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

I found out about this just a moment ago. I don't know why I was shocked. I suppose I was hoping someone could reach her. Still cause of death is not yet known.
Re: Amy Winehouse is dead

So sad. She brought soul back. I love her music - listening to it right now.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Incredibly sad and tragic but hardly surprising. May she rest in peace.
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Sooooooooooo young and had a brilliant career ahead. She came to Brazil, made a few concerts here.... but was much criticized, she was no longer the same. She had not been well. :(

I am sorry to say but the way she was going, would be certain death. She was a mess. I'm not really surprised by what happened. It is very sad... :( Surely the cause of death is drugs, but I was thinking... maybe she reached rock bottom and was angry with herself for not having the strength to overcome addiction, I do not know, but I also thought about suicide. :( Poor girl. Well, let's see.

My condolences to her family. :angel:
Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Amy was such a great talent and seemed like a nice person despite her personal issues.

I am deeply saddened to hear of her death. My thoughts are with her Family.

Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Just terrible sad news to hear. I was rooting for her to get better and show the world what she could do.
It could not have been easy knowing a part of the world was making fun of your every move.
Of course she had her problems but if you looked at what some people were saying, it was just way out of line.
I felt for her for some reason. She seemed to be a nice girl who got caught up with the wrong people and the pressure of fame.
I hope she can find some peace now, my thoughts are with her family and friends.

Edit: Just wanted to post this video of her getting the record of the year at the grammies.
I saw it earlier and it touched me to see her reaction. I don't think she realised what kind of a gift she had.

Re: Amy Winehouse is dead

Joe Jackson got one thing right. In the music world: "If you are worth more dead than alive you usually end up dead."
Amy Winehouse, I wish you could have stayed with us longer.
I shall miss you so....I loved the beauty of your soul.
May you find rest in the arms of the Angels. :angel:
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Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

Joe Jackson got one thing right. In the music world: "If you are worth more dead than alive you usually end up dead."
Amy Winehouse, I wish you could have stayed with us longer. I shall miss you so....
I loved the beauty of your soul.
May you find rest in the arms of the Angels. :angel:
Amy Winehouse sings in Heaven, now, and us, well,
"We go Back to Black". (you can skip the commerical)

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Re: Amy Whinehouse died. :(

this really is very sad...even though she had her problems...she was a very talented girl....i didnt care for some of her lyrics...but hey..thats my problem not hers...I thought she had a great voice. she is not suffering anymore...its the one's that are left behind that will now do all the hurting, RIP Amy..
Re: Amy Winehouse is dead

I remeber when she won that award and people were saying she didnt deserve to be honored for her talent becuase of her addiction. Regrdless of the problems she faced in her short time on this earth. She was remarkably talented and certainly deserved to be honored for her work. Its a sad day indeed :(

Amy is also MJfam
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Sad news was'nt a huge fan but my favourite song of hers was Back In Black, you will be missed Amy Winehouse