Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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ah you finally found your voice :ph34r:

y'know I didn't notice the black power fist until you said :lol: I figured she'd perform She Wolf, I didn't know she had another single so soon, I think I like SW better :unsure: I liked her outfit though :mello:

haha then maybe it's just me that is a bit worried she'll gone mess up and have some people start a raid against her :lol:

This is a catchy tune, but she sounds like shit performing it live :D

There you are! We were starting to worry if you'd passed out in visual ecstasy. :lol:

I thought the song was cool. My first time hearing it to be honest as I don't listen to very much radio. Kinda reminded me of the BEP.

Ohh - here's the official video for it :)

I love Shakira though, there's girl power there and she's been doing charity work since she was 18.
She started her first fund back then.
OMG this show is F**king BORING. It only HIGHLIGHTS why without MJ everything sucks. WOW. and is just me or is music today just horrible??? I'm trying not to hate, I really am... but WOW!
Haha, so true.
No one is smiling or enthusiatic at AMA's becuase Michael is gone :(
they all have that on thier minds just like us_ No one can compare
or create the excitement of Michael
I just don't understand current pop music. It's all the same. Kelly Clarkson has a good voice, but...there's nothing interesting or different about her. She has nothing to add to the genre. I just don't get it. (I feel so old, LoL...)
OMG! The crowd is so dead.... The AMA's are so boring!!!!!!!!
I think they are being respectful. I noticed that the audience there were calm in Janet's performace as well.

I think about that blowing away performance Michael did at the 1988 Grammy's, and recall the audience there being pretty dead until the end they gave him a standing ovation.
if that didn't get him, this will :angel:





BTW. I absolutely love that kelly clarkson song "Already Gone" :happy:
@ BruceWayne, thanks for the link!

No one is smiling or enthusiatic at AMA's becuase Michael is gone :(
they all have that on thier minds just like us_ No one can compare
or create the excitement of Michael

Yep! The magic is indeed gone. :(
Man they have alot of Adverts. I want to see Michael. Watch the audience come alive!!!!
Fav female pop/rock artist .... hoping for Beyonce, afraid we'll get gaga

Oh, it's Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift won over Beyonce and L. Gaga????

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