Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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Seriously though, Shakira needs to stop performing that song live - I've not yet seen a good performance of that song.
And... all black cheerleaders, produced by Timbaland, Lil Wayne on the rap AND raised black fists in the background?!

I'd love to hear what the black people on this forum feel about this?
Do you think this all is OK, or is she starting to cross some line with her promotion for the urban community?

She looked good though :lol:

ah you finally found your voice :ph34r:

y'know I didn't notice the black power fist until you said :lol: I figured she'd perform She Wolf, I didn't know she had another single so soon, I think I like SW better :unsure: I liked her outfit though :mello:
I am only watching this show because Michael is nominated otherwise I wouldn't bother.

Seriously though, Shakira needs to stop performing that song live - I've not yet seen a good performance of that song.
And... all black cheerleaders, produced by Timbaland, Lil Wayne on the rap AND raised black fists in the background?!

I'd love to hear what the black people on this forum feel about this?
Do you think this all is OK, or is she starting to cross some line with her promotion for the urban community?

She looked good though :lol:

There you are! We were starting to worry if you'd passed out in visual ecstasy. :lol:

I thought the song was cool. My first time hearing it to be honest as I don't listen to very much radio. Kinda reminded me of the BEP.
goodness, I need a link again. So lame, all they want is our money! Well, they are not getting any money from me, so, we need more links!!!!
They need to HIRE a audience! they're not even smiling :mello:
GO AWAY KEITH, i want to see Michaelllllllllllllllllllll
man I would love to see Michael come on that stage and blow the place apart, the audience is DEAD, they would come alive if he came on :no:

OMG can you imagine. :(
We love you so much Michael. Ahh this is awful. :( He deserves more than anyone to be there.
There you are! We were starting to worry if you'd passed out in visual ecstasy. :lol:

if that didn't get him, this will :angel:

I am only watching this show because Michael is nominated otherwise I wouldn't bother.

Same here. But it's actually fairly fast-moving and I'm enjoying it so far (mainly because of you guys).

goodness, I need a link again. So lame, all they want is our money! Well, they are not getting any money from me, so, we need more links!!!! is still working for me? Maybe b/c not many in Ireland are using it.

Kelly Clarkson has a beautiful voice.
They need to HIRE a audience! they're not even smiling :mello:

I know, right. The audience is not fired up at all. Even when Janet tried to get them bouncing for Together Again, only the first few rows got into it. Maybe the fans up in the balcony are more into it, but the folks on the floor are snoozing it up.
i'll join you guys in chat... I miss michael :cry: please god let michael get his awards. take them to heaven for him :cry:
OMG this show is F**king BORING. It only HIGHLIGHTS why without MJ everything sucks. WOW. and is just me or is music today just horrible??? I'm trying not to hate, I really am... but WOW!
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