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I thought of that this morning. :(

Last year it was happening on here it was horrible.

And now......... :no:

I know..its like that april fools joke has come true....and it makes u wanna shout that its not true. But u know deep down it is :(
Re: Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs Leaked

After the SIM topic from 2000 watts,this didn't get me.Hehehe.Nice try :)
Re: Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs Leaked

ha ha !!! i totally fell for it :) well done ! hehe
Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

This just in from my source at Sony. A new track titled Get a Life of Your Own, Losers has been added to the upcoming album, evidently cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley.

Michael was quoted as saying after numerous attempts to ditch Deepak and Smuley, he came up with the title as a subtle hint. Apparently, they didn't pick up on the message and asked to sing background vocals on the song as well. Michael being a compasionate person, allowed them to sing along, but also being clever, he left the microphones turned off while they recorded their tracks. Michael explained to the recording engineer, "I felt really bad, tricking them like that, but Jesus Christmas, they sucked!"

About Shmuley and Chopra's claim to have cowritten the song, Michael said, "Well, you know there is a line in the song that goes, "Please don't go" and Shmuley, you know, he says that to me all the time. It's a little embarrassing, really. So he thinks he wrote that. And another part is "I can't imagine my life without you" and Deepak is always telling me that. Honestly, I find it creepy.

My source at Sony describes the song as a combination of DS, TDCAU, Leave Me Alone and We've Had Enough.
Re: Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs Leaked

After searching online for about twenty minute, I scrolled down. Well done to the slowness of me. :laugh:
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

I don't like April Fools :(
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

Haha :p
Re: Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs Leaked

I don't think these April fools jokes are funny.. I mean, I'm all for jokes but this raises our hopes up because these unreleased tracks are the only new music we'll ever get from MJ.
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

lol, this one's funny )
Re: Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs Leaked

I'm not believing anything on this date ever.
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

Haha, " Get a Life of Your Own, Losers". Epic
Re: Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs Leaked

I'm going to hurt you!!! :)
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

ANOTHER April Fools?

Jeez, you guys on this board. :p haha.
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

Lol brilliant!!!!!!!
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

OMG this is the best untill now :lmao:
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

:lol: :toofunny: this is the best one today. I Won't be suprised if tmz picks it up thinking it's true. You know how they lurk around MJfansites I wish they would though, they are pathetic :hysterical:
Re: Out of the Vault: Previously unknown song cowritten by Deepak Chopra and Rabbi Shmuley

Funny!! ...
Re: Janet on Live with Regis and Kelly

Oooh, that's a hard punch!

Bet she has a big black eye now!
Re: Janet on Live with Regis and Kelly

Oooh, that's a hard punch!

Bet she has a big black eye now!
Re: Janet on Live with Regis and Kelly

OMG Janet!! Look at the woman's face!

hah :lol:
Re: Janet on Live with Regis and Kelly

OMG Janet!! Look at the woman's face!

hah :lol:
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