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:wtf: :no: Way to ruin it man :weeping: April fools is not over yet :nono: :pth:

:sad: :sad: :sad: :weeping:
Re: OMG! Michael dueted with ELVIS as a child!!

Of course my thread about Michael and Elvis duet was April Fools.. It's just funny someone started to explain why it's not true. :lol:
Why would Elvis have heard of Michael or the Bee Gees in 1968? The Bee Gees were a cult group then and the J5 was on Steeltown, which was only distributed in Gary. Also Elvis wasn't allowed to sing songs unless Colonel Parker got the songwriters to give the publishing to him.

The title of the song (I Started A Joke) on 1st April should have said something. :)

Someone said 99% of my posts are b.s. That's exaggerating. :lol: The correct number must be more like 98,99 %. (that's april fools of course)
Remember last april's fools day? I totally forgot what date it was...I sat behind my computer with freaking ketchup poured over my teeth, I was about to pour ketchup over my whole head and hair ready to take my zombie pic...untill I remembered what day it was...thank you MJJC for making my mom think I turned psycho. :p

For the new members, last year MJJC set up a joke in which they pretended Michael was holding auditions for back up dancers for This Is It, you had to fill in this form and add a zombie pic of yourself. I know it sounds crazy, but they photoshopped this whole application form which matched and set up this website if I remember looked so damn real, it was even posted on other fansites, because it looked so real. I guess so many of us freaked out when we read it, that we all forgot which day it was. XDDD

Now that I'm telling the story, it just sounds so stupid. If someone would have told me this, I would have been like 'omfg, how can you fall for that? That's stupid..", but it looked really real... I'll see if I can find a picture of it! :p
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Ah this thread was ruined by the mods,

Yeah I "F"ed up earlier trying to merge another topic to this it backwards.

Still trying to get the hang of this job. Maybe another mod merged something else too...not sure, but I plead guilty to screwing it up originally.

Guess that's the joke on me. :doh:
^ It was still a good laugh! I can't wait until next April. :D
Yeah I "F"ed up earlier trying to merge another topic to this it backwards.

Still trying to get the hang of this job. Maybe another mod merged something else too...not sure, but I plead guilty to screwing it up originally.

Guess that's the joke on me. :doh:

Ha Ha no problem, good luck with the new job.
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