Album Re-Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

PLEASE just shushhhhhh!!! have you been living under a rock recently? I think by now the average joe knows that MJ has released infinite number of greatest hits!!

Yes Mum.

And no I was not aware of the amount of greatest hits albums Mike has released :mello: (cough)

Read my post.. I said it could be released ALONGSIDE it.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

I definatley won't be buying this!
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK


Just because Sony's releasing this package doesn't mean it's going to push the new album back? What makes people think that?

This is simply a repackaging of The Essential set to coincide with the o2 shows

This is mostly targeted towards the CASUAL consumer, not the fanbase

BY now the casual customer has probabily has one of these crappy re-releases!! I seriosuly hope it doesn't sell well, so then SONY and Michael learn not to milk the sh!t out of his legendary songs!!
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

i really hate sony. i'm saddened that people blame mike. this is clearly sabotage on their part. on the part of the label. anybody else would be murdered, careerwise by this constant regurgitation. and sony knows it. fortunately, mike's music is too powerful not to overcome it. i still hope he gives us new music. if sony has so much confidence in mike's music that they keep setting records rereleasing his stuff and thinks the fans are dumb, just because they love his classics, then why don't they just have enough confidence to release new music with him??

i first saw this thread, and remembered that the many times i would see threads like this come up, i still felt good about MJ's music. but seeing this thread, i felt horrible, at first, cus it's my nature not to like constant regurgitation, no matter how great the music is. but, after a moment, i still love the music. but i truly despise sony. and there's no reason for me not to contiuously subscribe to the conspiracy theory againt mike. you just don't do this. it's not a good business move. no other artist has a label that does this that much. even they know they would kill their artist, careerwise, that way. i mean..i hope sony sees this post. i despise you, sony. i really do.

hey sony! haven't you seen these fan sites? haven't you seen the leaks of random mj material never heard before? havent you seen how the fans mostly love the leaks? mj could throw a dart at a song, randomly, and fans would like it. you know this, sony. so why don't you throw caution to the wind, and wrecklessly release whatever new music we have not heard before. don't worry. you'll make a profit. if you opened your eyes, you'd see that.
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Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

This is a Sony release not a Michael release....Sony just wants to cash in...
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

not another GH, how many GH do i have now, lets say about 10 or more.

i'll prob still buy it for my collection.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Well I ain't buying it!!

The last "greatest hits" I bought was The Essential, and Thriller 25 if you wanna count that.

I didn't buy King Of Pop and I am certainly not buying anymore unless it's new. LOL!!
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Let's keep in mind...Sony IS a business...

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

same essential picture and same essential tracklist lol. that was a waste
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Yes Mum.

And no I was not aware of the amount of greatest hits albums Mike has released :mello: (cough)

Read my post.. I said it could be released ALONGSIDE it.

Sorry... didn't mean to be rude!! but I'm really angry at Sony!
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

I said crappy song EDITS like earth song cut and past job.

Talk about sensitive, don't worry I wasn't dissing MJ, everything he does is great. *roll eyes*

Oh and people here have every right to express they don't want to see a new gh album. It's completely unecessary to have a go at negativity.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

I'd rather buy The Essential Janet Jackson.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Let's keep in mind...Sony IS a business...

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth

apparently, they don't think so. cus if they were, they'd make sure they did good business. mike's magic is saving their face, constantly.

they need to know, that if they're trying to destroy mike while making a profit, thinking that if he drops off the face of the earth, they have other artists they can go to, they're wrong. they'll only destroy themselves. it's called karma.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Sorry... didn't mean to be rude!! but I'm really angry at Sony!

No harm done. If they think that another repackaged album will sell then I guess they know what they are doing. But I would personally take this as good news, not bad.

For me personally, this has added to the possibilty of new material before the 02 shows. Why else would they release it, anyone from the general public going to see Mike at the 02 will buy the essential or king of pop or whatever.. why release a new one. But then again, people are stupid.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

:smilerolleyes: we dont need yet another greatest hits CD, duh :doh: what r these people on?
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

It's the exact same package as The Essential MJ by the looks of it. Seen as I already own Essential I won't be buying this. It would be a massive missed oportunity if MJ doesn't release new material with the O2 shows.

I suspect this has nothing to do with MJ though and it's just the record company trying to cash in AGAIN!
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

Well,since I don't have The Essential MJ,I think I will buy this compilation...but,still,I was hoping for something new....
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

This is veeeery simple... have more than one GH album? Don't buy it, no one's forcing you.

Sony is simply cashing in on the shows, it was to be expected.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK


Just because Sony's releasing this package doesn't mean it's going to push the new album back? What makes people think that?

This is simply a repackaging of The Essential set to coincide with the o2 shows

This is mostly targeted towards the CASUAL consumer, not the fanbase

Of course it will have some influence on when they will release the new album. It would be really stupid to release the new album right after another 'Greatest Hits' album. The album is not supposed to be only bought by his regular fanbase, but also by the, how you call it, casual consumers. The new album is supposed to increase his fanbase. If the ''casual'' consumer will buy his new Greatest Hits album, and his new personal album is released soon after, they might not want to spend money again on the new album. If they are gonna release the albums right after each other, there might be a chance the ''casual'' consumer might wanna go for the 'Greatest Hits' album, because those are songs they are all familiar with them and are sure they are gonna like it, which means there might be chance of more people downloading the album for free or something like that. Whatever people are going to do, releasing these two albums right after each other will affect the sales.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

wow, this thread grew like a vine! And all it is is just a re-package of The Essentials, lol! We're so hungry for new music it's insane!
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

What about the 30th ANN of Off The Wall????????? I was hoping for this before the new album.... ! ! ! Now we get this :S
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

What If MJ is in on this too? He owns the rights to his music.
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

wow, this thread grew like a vine! And all it is is just a re-package of The Essentials, lol! We're so hungry for new music it's insane!

I wonder If MJ knows that?
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

What If MJ is in on this too? He owns the rights to his music.

He is ON it, its a FACT! but fans would tend to ignore it!! without his agreement none of these songs could be released!! so its SONY and MJ both trying to capitalise on the situation!!
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK


Finaly a greatest hits album, It gets a little boring always hearing new material ;)
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

He is ON it, its a FACT! but fans would tend to ignore it!! without his agreement none of these songs could be released!! so its SONY and MJ both trying to capitalise on the situation!!

what about Raymone Bain? does she get 10% from the sales of this too?
Re: New Album Release: Michael Jackson The Hits 6 July 09 UK

He is ON it, its a FACT! but fans would tend to ignore it!! without his agreement none of these songs could be released!! so its SONY and MJ both trying to capitalise on the situation!!

Wouldn't new material bring in WAY more money? With the hype around the concerts Sony and MJ could make 10 times more sales/money then they ever would with a greatest hits.