Akon says MJ will not sing live

scuse me ??

uhm ... what i have read of this thread so far is being going back and forth with negativity. I have not read the entire thread yet, maybe it gets positive a few pages past where i am ... that is great, if that is the case. and that is what i am asking for... positivity ;)
scuse me ??

uhm ... what i have read of this thread so far is being going back and forth with negativity. I have not read the entire thread yet, maybe it gets positive a few pages past where i am ... that is great, if that is the case. and that is what i am asking for... positivity ;)

So let me get this!!!!!!!!!! I don't like the fact that Michael Jackson lip syncs, so I'm not being positive ??? Is that what you are trying to say.
So let me get this!!!!!!!!!! I don't like the fact that Michael Jackson lip syncs, so I'm not being positive ??? Is that what you are trying to say.

Not what i said at all.

i think you are taking a general statement from me, as if it was one i directed solely at you and in a personal manner. I did not quote any of your posts and reply to them. My original post was made before i had even read any of your posts.

you have every right to not like mike lip synching
Enjoy ur self Enjoy ur self....hm hm hm

Trust me, there is no one on this forum who wants the best for Michael Jackson more than I do. I want Michael's comeback concert to be the best that it can possibly be. The entire world will be watching and waiting for see how successful he will be. And there will be TONS of people who will be eying every single move that he makes. They will tear him down if there is a chance given.

That is what I don't want. We all know that there are double standards for Michael Jackson. What other artist are allow to get away with, it is never the same for Michael. That is why I am so passionate about the issue of him lip syncing. Don't give these people the opportunity to tear you down Michael.:no:..
If you are talking about me, the artist that I like don't lip sync in concerts. I don't care what other artist do. We are talking about Michael Jackson. And if it is known that Michael Jackson at times lip sync in his concerts, then why are some of you so upset with Akon???

I am aware that there are sound effects and props that go into the staging of a concert. I aware that some music is pre-recorded, but the artist themselves in most cases are singing live.

I don't care about your excuses on why Michael Jackson would lip sync. I think it's wrong period for any artist to lip sync. Recorded music belongs on a CD, not in a live concert. That is cheating to me. It's false to have some engineer edit out your pre-recorded voice so it appears to be flawless.

And yes people are ready to tear Michael Jackson to shreads if he lip sync because that is not the performing Michael Jackson that people know.

My post wasn't to any particular person, if was for the masses.. I don't know who your favorite artists are but depending on the type of music they sing, I am sure some may have lip sync. My favorite female artist is SADE, and I wouldn't expect her to lip sync her shows because she doesn't have fast music that has a dancing routine to it. I like Whitney Houston but I have been to one of her shows and she used playback, and we all know she can blow, but there are times when an artist just can't keep up that routine night after night. Yes MJ will not be performing everynight, more like every other night or every 2-3 days depending on the week or month, but that constant singing will wear out his vocal cords. I hope he at least sings his ballads and maybe a few of the uptempo songs. Now for songs like JAM, DANGEROUS, SMOOTH CRIMINAL I wouldn't pitch a bitch if he didn't sing those live because he will also be dancing to those songs. Also we must remember that he must also damn near yell into the mic so that we will be able to hear him, because we all know the fans would drown him out.

I remember MJ lip syncing some of the songs during the Bad tour when he came to D.C. in '88, and I don't believe not a single person there complained BOO'd, or walked out. If my memory serves me correctly (I was 6yrs old when I went) MJ sung live during the Victory Tour, but Lord knows he struggled during some songs.Some ppl don't mind singers trying to sing live and dance at the same time, me personally I don't want to hear them breathing like a stalker into the mic while trying to "pop" their booties onstage. Rock bands can get away with singing (yelling in my opinion) into the mic because the guitars drown them out. I saw Timberlake when he had his first solo tour and he did a nice job, did he sing live the whole show, HECK NO, but I still felt as if I got my money's worth.

And yes people are ready to tear Michael Jackson to shreads if he lip sync because that is not the performing Michael Jackson that people know"
The MJ that people know is the one that can sing beautifully, but is a human being just like the rest of us, that can get tired, sick, and wear out his cords.
Ok I have a perfect scenario for you:
Say you have tix to go to the first show in August (don't know the date off hand), and you are all excited, u have flown in from wherever (the US like me), and U get to the O2 and the show has been postponed/canceled due to MJ not being able to sing BECAUSE HE SUNG LIVE EVERY SHOW SINCE JULY 13TH. Now his voice is shot to hell, his doctor tells him he needs to refrain from speaking for the next week or so.. You gonna tell me you wouldn't be pissed or would you say oh that's ok, I will not get mad because he sung all the songs live for every show and it's ok that my show got canceled.. Now if you are ok with that, then call me BOO-BOO 'DA FOOL.. CUZ ain't no way in hell I would be calm about the situation..

Like I said b4 MJ, I personally would be ok with MJ singing some songs live and lip syncing to others. I just need to seem him onstage, shaking his tailfeather and singing Lady In My Life/Heaven Can Wait/Stranger In Moscow.

LMAO@the person who said they would enjoy MJ reading the yellow pages.. dead..

I am going to enjoy the concert no matter what he does. I would even enjoy it more if I was the YANA girl.. I would kick my own ass if I fainted like those other YANA girls.. Wasted pick, they are suppose to keep their composure until they get back home, then faint.. Pamarella I don't know if you are going or not, but if I had an extra tix I would take you with me and I bet you would still enjoy the show even if he only sung one song live.

No need to jump down her throat, she is just expressing her opinion which is cool.. Make for a hearty debate..
Off The Wall medley.

haha no offence to Michael but you'd think for a tour that big if he was going to lip sync to those songs he would re-record the fake live vocals before the tour
i don't trust yahoo at all. after all they're the bunch that think Michael had cancer or sth. RIGGGHHHTTT
They will tear him down if there is a chance given.
they wwill do that regardless. if mj does and perfect show the front pages the next day will stay he was rubbish. its swings about roundabouts. maybe mj prefers to mime rather than sounding terrible because hes so out of breaath from dancing that he cant sing properly which is what some live performances sound like. so mime he gets critizied and sing live and not beable to do it properly and he will get attacked. u cant win.
i made the mistake of believing people coming on this forum and deciding for me what i see and hear when i see Michael Jackson. i might as well believe i can fly if ten people say i can do it if i walk off a cliff. and they keep repeating it.

for me, Michael always sings and dances. he was given the gift. that's what i see and hear,when i observe him. and i have ears. i have eyes. i'm even musically inclined.

to me, he sang and danced billie jean at motown 25. if i never heard another peson critique it, i would have never thought anything else.

MJ has been threatened all kinds of ways from sunday, for years. but someone's watching over him. they're better off not trying to carry out that threat.

MJ has survived what other artists haven't. he's still around, tho people thought he wouldn't be. he's gunna have a good career, continuously, no matter what people say. just because he has an innate ability, and others don't, they're jealousy can't change the fact that he can do it, and they can't. just because others can't sing and dance at the same time, it doesn't mean he can't.

either people are going to decide to go, or not go, based on what their minds think. he has sold out fifty concerts despite years of ruthless scrutiny. nuff said on that.
My post wasn't to any particular person, if was for the masses.. I don't know who your favorite artists are but depending on the type of music they sing, I am sure some may have lip sync. My favorite female artist is SADE, and I wouldn't expect her to lip sync her shows because she doesn't have fast music that has a dancing routine to it. I like Whitney Houston but I have been to one of her shows and she used playback, and we all know she can blow, but there are times when an artist just can't keep up that routine night after night. Yes MJ will not be performing everynight, more like every other night or every 2-3 days depending on the week or month, but that constant singing will wear out his vocal cords. I hope he at least sings his ballads and maybe a few of the uptempo songs. Now for songs like JAM, DANGEROUS, SMOOTH CRIMINAL I wouldn't pitch a bitch if he didn't sing those live because he will also be dancing to those songs. Also we must remember that he must also damn near yell into the mic so that we will be able to hear him, because we all know the fans would drown him out.

I remember MJ lip syncing some of the songs during the Bad tour when he came to D.C. in '88, and I don't believe not a single person there complained BOO'd, or walked out. If my memory serves me correctly (I was 6yrs old when I went) MJ sung live during the Victory Tour, but Lord knows he struggled during some songs.Some ppl don't mind singers trying to sing live and dance at the same time, me personally I don't want to hear them breathing like a stalker into the mic while trying to "pop" their booties onstage. Rock bands can get away with singing (yelling in my opinion) into the mic because the guitars drown them out. I saw Timberlake when he had his first solo tour and he did a nice job, did he sing live the whole show, HECK NO, but I still felt as if I got my money's worth.

"And yes people are ready to tear Michael Jackson to shreads if he lip sync because that is not the performing Michael Jackson that people know"
The MJ that people know is the one that can sing beautifully, but is a human being just like the rest of us, that can get tired, sick, and wear out his cords.
Ok I have a perfect scenario for you:
Say you have tix to go to the first show in August (don't know the date off hand), and you are all excited, u have flown in from wherever (the US like me), and U get to the O2 and the show has been postponed/canceled due to MJ not being able to sing BECAUSE HE SUNG LIVE EVERY SHOW SINCE JULY 13TH. Now his voice is shot to hell, his doctor tells him he needs to refrain from speaking for the next week or so.. You gonna tell me you wouldn't be pissed or would you say oh that's ok, I will not get mad because he sung all the songs live for every show and it's ok that my show got canceled.. Now if you are ok with that, then call me BOO-BOO 'DA FOOL.. CUZ ain't no way in hell I would be calm about the situation..

Like I said b4 MJ, I personally would be ok with MJ singing some songs live and lip syncing to others. I just need to seem him onstage, shaking his tailfeather and singing Lady In My Life/Heaven Can Wait/Stranger In Moscow.

LMAO@the person who said they would enjoy MJ reading the yellow pages.. dead..

I am going to enjoy the concert no matter what he does. I would even enjoy it more if I was the YANA girl.. I would kick my own ass if I fainted like those other YANA girls.. Wasted pick, they are suppose to keep their composure until they get back home, then faint.. Pamarella I don't know if you are going or not, but if I had an extra tix I would take you with me and I bet you would still enjoy the show even if he only sung one song live.

No need to jump down her throat, she is just expressing her opinion which is cool.. Make for a hearty debate..

The reason why people probably didn't complain, boo'd or walked out during the Bad concert is because they didn't know that he was LIP SYNCING, if in fact that is what he did. I was at the Bad concert and I don't remember him lip syncing. I remember the sound effects and props, but I don't remember any lip syncing.

And if you were 6 years old during the Victory tour, I was much older than you and I don't recall Michael Jackson struggling during that show.

It seems like that is a risk that an artist is taken especially if they didn't warn the audience that music or vocals will be pre- recorded. Anything technical can go wrong and then what? I remembered that happened to Ashly Simpson on Saturday Night live and she got blasted for doing that.

And if you are traveling from a far to see Michael Jackson perform and he cancels a show, that is a risk you are taken. Fans will be disapointed no matter what the reasons are. A cancellation of a show doesn't have to do with the health of Michael Jackson.

Can anyone tell me does it state on your concert ticket that portions of the show will be pre recorded? Keep in mind, different countries have different laws.
The reason why people probably didn't complain, boo'd or walked out during the Bad concert is because they didn't know that he was LIP SYNCING, if in fact that is what he did. I was at the Bad concert and I don't remember him lip syncing. I remember the sound effects and props, but I don't remember any lip syncing.

And if you were 6 years old during the Victory tour, I was much older than you and I don't recall Michael Jackson struggling during that show.

It seems like that is a risk that an artist is taken especially if they didn't warn the audience that music or vocals will be pre- recorded. Anything technical can go wrong and then what? I remembered that happened to Ashly Simpson on Saturday Night live and she got blasted for doing that.

And if you are traveling from a far to see Michael Jackson perform and he cancels a show, that is a risk you are taken. Fans will be disapointed no matter what the reasons are. A cancellation of a show doesn't have to do with the health of Michael Jackson.

Can anyone tell me does it state on your concert ticket that portions of the show will be pre recorded? Keep in mind, different countries have different laws.

Ashly got blasted bcuz she walked off stage, instead of being a trooper and just carrying on.. I believe every artist lip syncs on SNL..

When I say he struggled during the victory tour, I am talking about during some songs his voice was kinda raspy when trying to hit certain notes.. But you are correct, the show was still spectacular.

I am sure all of us that will be going to the shows would love MJ to sing every song live, but that just won't be possible.

Can anyone tell me does it state on your concert ticket that portions of the show will be pre recorded? Keep in mind, different countries have different laws.
I have never been to a concert where the tickets say that some songs may not be sung live..

*off topic*
Dear God,
Plz, plz, plz, let him agree to come tour the states whether he is solo or with his family...:angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:
Ashly got blasted bcuz she walked off stage, instead of being a trooper and just carrying on.. I believe every artist lip syncs on SNL..

When I say he struggled during the victory tour, I am talking about during some songs his voice was kinda raspy when trying to hit certain notes.. But you are correct, the show was still spectacular.

I am sure all of us that will be going to the shows would love MJ to sing every song live, but that just won't be possible.

Can anyone tell me does it state on your concert ticket that portions of the show will be pre recorded? Keep in mind, different countries have different laws.
I have never been to a concert where the tickets say that some songs may not be sung live..

*off topic*
Dear God,
Plz, plz, plz, let him agree to come tour the states whether he is solo or with his family...:angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:
Well I hope Michael has a successful tour and I think he will.

The only thing I just don't understand is why would a News or Tabloid article make a big deal about Michael Jackson not singing live if that is what some artist do at a concert. And why would some fans say that Akon was a liar and that he didn't know anything when in fact he has worked closely with Michael? Why were some fans so offended by what Akon said?:mello:
Well we all know the media picks on MJ just because he doesn't really get out there and fights back.. We all know Ms. Spears can't sing a lick, but they don't talk about her lip syncing ability.. If Akon really felt that way, then I don't think he should've said it to the press.. He wouldn't want anyone to speak on his behalf so then he shouldn't speak on MJ's behalf. I assume that is why ppl go so upset about the whole thing, Akon has been saying alot of things about MJ, yet only for sure thing with MJ and Akon is that he worked on HMH and on T-25.
The tabloids make a big deal about MJ going to the store, the news is having a hard time selling papers so they must do what they can to get ppl to pick up their circulation. I mean the stories about a woman having an alien's baby is so 1985 so they gotta think of new things. I find it hurtful that they choose to say he has cancer, I mean who in their right mind would want someone to have cancer so the can write about it. But it's easy banter because MJ goes to a skin specialist and the bag just happens to have the word cancer on it. So now they have a statement about him not singing live and they have managed to say that he won't sing live because of cancer or that he won't eat bcuz he wants to starve the cancer out of his body..
MJ won't ever win in the eyes of the tabloids.. Now that Michaelmania is back in full swing they gotta pick on him just like they did back in the 80s..

It's sad, but lets just wish MJ the best and ignore the tabloids and Akon until he has something to back up his statements with..
Well, if Akon really said it, his IQ is not bigger then my kitchen table's one
What was he thinking about when he was giving this interview? Does his still he's Michael's friend? Oh, I don't think so, He's nothing but a traitor. Silly clacker
Why were some fans so offended by what Akon said?

I can answer that one. Some fans do not want to admit that Mike lip syncs and are quick to jump on anyone that suggests it. Some fans may like to think that he doesnt pass gas or burp ... or that he does anything wrong Ever ... to some he is a super human, that can or should be capable of anything. That really is not fair to any of us, especially Michael. I think sometimes he tries to live up to these fans expectations ... and when he doesnt, it upsets him greatly. That is just my opinion though :)
I can answer that one. Some fans do not want to admit that Mike lip syncs and are quick to jump on anyone that suggests it. Some fans may like to think that he doesnt pass gas or burp ... or that he does anything wrong Ever ... to some he is a super human, that can or should be capable of anything. That really is not fair to any of us, especially Michael. I think sometimes he tries to live up to these fans expectations ... and when he doesnt, it upsets him greatly. That is just my opinion though :)

I don't think it's the real reason. To me it's only one thing: how can Akon still think he's Michael's friend when he tells the media things that are unallowed to tell in show business, things that are always kept in secret
Trust me, there is no one on this forum who wants the best for Michael Jackson more than I do. I want Michael's comeback concert to be the best that it can possibly be. The entire world will be watching and waiting for see how successful he will be. And there will be TONS of people who will be eying every single move that he makes. They will tear him down if there is a chance given.

That is what I don't want. We all know that there are double standards for Michael Jackson. What other artist are allow to get away with, it is never the same for Michael. That is why I am so passionate about the issue of him lip syncing. Don't give these people the opportunity to tear you down Michael.:no:..

First off...I was actually listening to "Enjoy your self" the J5 song at the time when i posted it. and had nothing to do with what we were talking about here...

Second, you cant really say that there is NOONE on this forum who wants the BEST for Michael More than u do? All fans want the BEST for Mike. Wat u said was very interesting, for a lack of a better word.

Third...This is a statement from Robbin Leach:

R&B singer Akon made British headlines, too, saying the King of Pop wouldn’t be singing live. Again, another exaggerated story, my insiders say. “Michael will perform, he will dance, he will sing,” I was told. “You can’t do all three at once live, so of course there will be some pre-recorded tracks. But the fans won’t have a second to be disappointed about what they will see and hear! Akon has promised to be in the front row of the July 16 premiere concert.
So again, If Michael Lip syncs then It would be on the appropriate part. We don't always get what we want now do we?:) Since Mike is gonna want perfection, He'll do what ever he can to MAke that happen.

Just let the Man Do his Tang. Really, we, complaining about it isnt gonna bring anything. He is The one who knows his limits, Not us. We're there to watch, NOT perform. So as long as he's there, we should be Greatful and Stop demanding things that we know isnt gonna change.

What Ever Happens, Am game. cuz I know Mike is Gonna Give his BEST!!! And as fans, Lets Have a little Faith, Dont you think? At least we could give him that...Right? Even if some dont believe he'll do Great, We as fans Should be supporting him. Right?
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What Akon said probably was taken out of context, we know how the media can do that with people.

Anyway MJ's camp and other insiders have said that Michael will be singing a good portion of the show live which is fantastic, but obviously he will have to lip-synch on the heavy dance numbers which to me is completely understandable :).
What Akon said probably was taken out of context, we know how the media can do that with people.

Anyway MJ's camp and other insiders have said that Michael will be singing a good portion of the show live which is fantastic, but obviously he will have to lip-synch on the heavy dance numbers which to me is completely understandable :).

Yup. Totally agree.
I don't have a problem with miming some fast song. I understand that and I can't imagine him standing on stage in front his dancers and singing Smooth Criminal. Some fans wants 100% live show but it's unrealistic in my opinion unless you want 2 hours with only slow songs or zero dancing, but can you imagine him sitting on the chair and singing Billie Jean?
The problem I have with Akon saying this is that he shouldn't be running to the media with his little 'exclusives' that he's probably got no clue about in the first place. I don't even care if what he says is true, if he's Michael's friend he should know the bad press Michael gets anyway and shouldn't be fuelling this sort of thing. If I was Michael's friend no way would I go shouting off like that, it's just having respect for someone. I hate the way people sell out on him all the time, Akon's proven himself to be no different which is a shame.
Well Britney Spears opening shows in the O2 arena got slaughtered by the british press. Her lip syncing was the main factor for the negative press.

Now we know Britney can't sing for shit, so no surprise there. But I don't think they will go easier on Mike if he lip syncs. I personally believe Michael will sing a lot of songs live. Not all but enough to please the fans. I think we will get a bit of everything. And I highly doubt Michael will mime the entire show, because he would be finished if he did, and MJ knows this.

Me personally, want the dancing more then anything else. But for Michaels reputation, I want him to sing his ass off on some songs that do not require to much dancing.

I would really really really like to hear SIM sung live.

And another thing. Does no one here read between the lines? Akon has not sold out on Michael. He is helping Michael. When he said Michael won't tour, he threw us off. Because everyone was listening to Akon. Then MJ says he will perform, and guess what. The hype exploded. Now Akon says MJ won't sing live. This is the same thing. He is throwing everyone off. And when MJ DOES sing live, the surprise will be even bigger.

This is PR. Don't jump to conclusions to soon saying Akon is selling MJ out. That is not wise, and Akon would be foolish to do so, because what they have worked on together isn't even out yet(except for Hold My Hand, but that does not count because the song was leaked) and Akon knows this.

Understand the music business people, and remember how marketing works.

Even the media are stupid enough to give Michael what he needs. The element of surprise. They say he is not fit to do the shows. Well guess the look on your faces when you see MJ perform.

Please, this is to easy.
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I"m thinking that the further along the shows are, the more songs will be mimed. He just has a habit of having voice issues over extended periods of time, but maybe with this schedule it'll be bettter.
I can answer that one. Some fans do not want to admit that Mike lip syncs and are quick to jump on anyone that suggests it. Some fans may like to think that he doesnt pass gas or burp ... or that he does anything wrong Ever ... to some he is a super human, that can or should be capable of anything. That really is not fair to any of us, especially Michael. I think sometimes he tries to live up to these fans expectations ... and when he doesnt, it upsets him greatly. That is just my opinion though :)

lol i just simply feel its not his place to say that and especially to a media outlet,he says he doesnt know what mike has planned cuz he hasnt spoken to him,but says he wont sing live. Contradiciton: if he hasnt spoken to you on plans of his show,why in the blue hell would you say he wont sing live lol