Akon Lied About Criminal Past: The Smoking Gun

What 5 month thing are u talking about?

also, soso, i don't think anyone is judging akon, or saying they'll stop listening to his music, or that what he did was unforgivable, or saying he's a horrible person. But people are simply saying that what he did was wrong. It's like MJ dangling his kid over a balcony. The whole fan community and the world said THAT'S WRONG. But some people understand the circumstances MJ was in but that doesn't change the fact that it was wrong and not the smartest thing to do. But we aren't damning him or anything. The same goes for Akon.

Pointing out when someone's wrong for doing something isn't wrong. And I think some of the reasons stated earlier are valid. Especially when ur talking about "having the negative image" just for street cred.
Words like RIGHT and WRONG are judgemental and indeed subjective. What is right for one person is wrong for another, depending on social, cultural, ethnic, political and religious background. It depends on where you come from and how you were raised. I was raised to show tolerance and understanding to all people and to lift people up when they fall down. To treat all people as I would like to be treated, no matter who they are. I don't like it when people judge me according to their values, so I try not to do it to them.
Some people are so judgemental that I swear to God Jesus would have some very strong words for them if they were living in his time. I can see them with the stones in their hands getting ready to stone that prostitute that Jesus protected. I can see them ready to condemn Jesus, even for daring to dine with sinners. Yes, I can hear the languge Jesus would have used for them.
Back where I come from, we have a word for this type of people. We call them 'HOLY RIGHTEOUS'.
No pop-star is bigger than the music industry who hired them. If the music industry did not want Akon to behave the way he did, they would have told him so.

I would like to know which one of you, born in the ghetto, facing a life of poverty or living on the streets or doing menial jobs, would turn down an opportunity to be somebody or make some money show-casing your talent, would say no because the music industry want you to exaggerate something about yourself for pr purposes.

People need to stop the judging. We are not Akon and we were not in his shoes and we don't have to go face his maker when this is done. When we point one finger at Akon, remember there is one pointing back at us.

. The only people Jesus ever got angry with were Hypocrites, not the the liers or the thieves, but the hypocrites. i would rather be a lier than a hypocrite.

That's so over the top. Everyone is judgemental. Anyone who bit*ches about others being judgemental are themselves hypocrits. Akon should be more responsible with his fame, that's all I'm saying. It's a sad state of the world when it's actually deemed a good thing that you have a criminal record and to glorify it is just plain stupid.
When You have been turned down for a job because of the colour of your skin or lack of education, due to social class, then come back and tell me or anyone else in AKONs position that he should lie to get a job in the music industry. The music industry demands it. He would have been a bigger fool to turn it down.
People should have been happy that the man isn't a big criminal after all, instead here they are complaining about a lie. Yes, Pick the mote out of your eyes first. Until you know what it is to go without, you have no valid reason to be condemning AKON for a little white lie.
Of course, if he was hated before, then it makes it easy to comdemn him. I wonder what reason some have to be hating on him though. I am so glad to hear that he is going to be on MJ's new record.
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What do you know about my life Datsymay? It's awful presumtious of you to think I've never experienced those kinds of things. Just because I'm not black, right? But anyway, the subject isn't about me. If Akon was truly talented, he wouldn't have to glorify a criminal record to make a statement. The talent should speak for itself. Glorifying a criminal past is bad for the youth who look to Akon as a role modle and as a blue print for success. And there ARE children who do that. But if they follow Akon's absurd image, then more likely then not, they're going to end up in jail, not with a record contract. And why do you assume Akon would end up as a criminal if he didn't have a recording career? That's another assumption on your part.
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If Akon was truly talented, he wouldn't have to glorify a criminal record to make a statement. The talent should speak for itself.

in my opinion, Akon is talented enough, because i heard his song 'don't matter', before i heard his story. what people decide to do and not do, isn't necessarily a reflection of whether or not they are talented enough...
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Well I heard Smack that azz before i heard about this, and i still think that it's only contributing to the problem youth has now a days as far as "being bad"=cool.
in my opinion, Akon is talented enough, because i heard his song 'don't matter', before i heard his story. what people decide to do and not do, isn't necessarily a reflection of whether or not they are talented enough...
I often wonder why some people feel the need to put others down. I love AKON's voice. I can imaginge that Michael find the same thing I find in him too. he reminds me of home so much. I hope Michael helps to bring out the best in him. To think, I didn't even know this guy until others started disrespecting him, so I decided to listen to his songs. I love Mamma Africa.:D
in my opinion, Akon is talented enough, because i heard his song 'don't matter', before i heard his story. what people decide to do and not do, isn't necessarily a reflection of whether or not they are talented enough...

Well that's my point. I didn't say he wasn't talented, I said if he was talented, then he wouldn't HAVE to glorify a criminal record. He felt he had to, so he did. But if he's talented, like you say, he shouldn't have to.
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AKON is emplyed by the industry he works for. he doesn't operate in a vacuum. When The Jacksons signed up with Motown,Berry Gordy took over the PR and decided what they must say and do. This is how the industry works. What AKON did was approved by his record company, more than likel;y instructed by the record company. Akom would be out in a shot if he didn't do what they wanted. Even Michael Jackon couldn't do what he wanted to do when he was contracted by his record company. Akon's behavior is approved behavior, by his record compANY. IT IS DONE IN THE NAME OF PR. Put the blame where it belongs, with the record company.
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The Jackson Five were children when they signed to Motown. Akon is a grown man. If he cared about the consequences of his actions, and he thought his talent was enough to carry him, he could have said no. But obviously, that wasn't a priority. Nobody forced him to do anything. Thing is, I don't think he could have made it on talent alone, his image is 90% of his success factor, I would say, and I'm sure he knows it.
I am glad AKON was wise enough to sign the contract and tell his little white lie. Far less damaging than the one his president told that cost millions of lives. All that is damaged is his street cred. He is now world famous and a millionaire and have a fantastic chance of working with Michael Jackson. Much better than working in a burger shop or pushing drugs. Now he has the chance to turn his life around. I'm so glad he didn't allow bigotry and self righteousness cloud his judgement. he made a good decision. Not even god will be mad with him for that.
I think the big point is Akon knew better than that. He can do whatever he wants with his career but next time when you say things, make sure that you have proof or someone will find you out. It never fails. Bottom line.

LOL @ Nicole... sometimes it's best to let it go. ;)
I think the big point is Akon knew better than that. He can do whatever he wants with his career but next time when you say things, make sure that you have proof or someone will find you out. It never fails. Bottom line.

LOL @ Nicole... sometimes it's best to let it go. ;)

j5master i was referring to *whispers* the trial.......

and i don't think faking being hard and dangling a child is one and the same. one is an image issue that'slasted yrs and the other is a lapse in judgement that happened over seconds
oh...the trial seemed much longer than that lol

And again, i go back to my other post when i say that just because we found out MJ drinks and looks at porn does not mean that the childlike stuff, and being generous, and the lovey-dovey stuff isn't true or 'just an image'. Like i said, if all that was an image, I don't think MJ would have felt it was was worth it to 'keep up the act' after 1993. And besides there's many video and audio tapes that display BOTH sides of MJ, public and private, it's not like he was hiding it...and it's not like reading porn is something that everyone shouts out to the world so therefore mj should shout it out too :lol: People are not 2D. People have many sides to them and up playing the BETTER half of them selves is a lot more commendable than up playing the WORST side of themselves that DOESN'T EVEN EXIST :lol: ...just so people think it's cool to be gang banging and 'locked up'.

I was using the dangling said child example to illustrate why it's not wrong to point out when someone is wrong. And that when u point out someone is wrong, does not mean ur condemning them or saying u don't understand the situation, or saying that u are not capable of wrong doing urself.
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Like i said, if all that was an image, I don't think MJ would have felt it was was worth it to 'keep up the act' after 1993.

Yeah, if it was all image, then it'd be pretty stupid to keep it up after the first scandal, and certainly the second one. He's for real.

Has he ever exaggerated? Maybe. I don't really know, or really care.
I think the big point is Akon knew better than that. He can do whatever he wants with his career but next time when you say things, make sure that you have proof or someone will find you out. It never fails. Bottom line.

LOL @ Nicole... sometimes it's best to let it go. ;)
Akon did not lie about having a crimnal record. All he did was exaggerate it. Big deal. So many people sleep their way to the top of their profession, some bribe their way up there, some steal and borrow. How you gonna call out AKON for a little white lie I will never know. Should we check all the musicians and see how they got to where they are. MJ said the music industry is full of sharks and charlatans. Why did he say that?

Michael Jackson was at the top of his game when he was pressured to settle a molestation case because the record company wanted it settled. MJ later said he regreted it, cause it has come back to haunt him ever since. How many other unorthodox things MJ may have been obligated to do because of pressure from the industry, who knows.

Akon was just starting out. He had no POWER to affect the industry like MJ did. All he wanted was a record contract. So, they told him to exaggerate his criminal record, just like they told MJ to take 2 years off his age and say Diana Ross discovered them. Both were lies. But that is what they had to do for PR. I am so glad Joe signed that contract. Years later they corrected the lies. Akon can get over his white lie. He has made it out of the Ghetto.

Glady's Knight said that it 'AIN"T PRETTY' out there.
People lie, cheat, sleep with the boss (DIANA ROSS) Take drugs (ELVIS PRESLEY, BEATLES) have links with gangs (FRANK SINATRA) the list goes on.

If you have to look to popstars for your example of good living, then your looking in the wrong place so blame your momma. She should have taught you right from wrong. The music industry was never a place for high morals. Go to sunday school if you want a lesson in high morals.

All akon wants to do is make it in the music business. He has done pretty well so far. Now he is working with MJ. That is the ultimate for him, he can't get any better than that.
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Datsymay -- first of all I completely understand your argument and with such conviction you do speak the truth. and you also describe the music industry in light of what it actually IS, a dog eat dog world.

But, you seem to speak of Akon as if he has been a lonesome Black arrtist who has had to fight his way up to the top and sign a record deal. and, in your haste to justify akon's exaggerations you go onto insult Michael's plight within the recording industry as a black artist. Michael's career, diana ross' career, marvin gaye's career, glady's knight's career all began many many years before the akon's and the usher's came into the scene. when black artists literally did have to FIGHT to get anywhere. And, I mean at a time when a whole genre --Rap music wasn't a multi billion dollar business where proving oneself of talent was far more important than posing to have street credibility and an edge.

anyway, I don't even care about the subject at hand and I'm actually baffled as to why im still in this thread :lol: just that with Michael's introduction into the equation I thought I had some things to say!
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Datsymay -- first of all I completely understand your argument and with such conviction you do speak the truth. and you also describe the music industry in light of what it actually IS, a dog eat dog world.

But, you seem to speak of Akon as if he has been a lonesome Black arrtist who has had to fight his way up to the top and sign a record deal. and, in your haste to justify akon's exaggerations you go onto insult Michael's plight within the recording industry as a black artist. Michael's career, diana ross' career, marvin gaye's career, glady's knight's career all began many many years before the akon's and the usher's came into the scene. when black artists literally did have to FIGHT to get anywhere. when a whole genre --Rap music wasn't a multi billion dollar business where proving oneself of talent was far more important than posing to have street credibility and that edge.

anyway, I don't even care and I'm actually baffled as to why im still in this thread :lol: just that with Michael's introduction into the equation I thought I had some things to say!
I am so glad you understand what I am trying to say. I do not believe that the music industry is any better than it used to be, in fact I think it is getting worse.
Just recently many janet fans were complaining about Janet revealing her self in such tacky way in magazines, then all of a sudden we get janet complaining about how she hates having to do that. We have Al Sharpton ans Minister Farakhan complaing about what the industry is asking our young black artist to do. The trouble is, if you are poor and have no voice and wanting to make it in the industry, they will sign you up if they think they can sell you to the public. The industry have changed from what it used to be, but it was still dirty back then too. Berry Gordy wasn't innocent either. Joe Jackson hated some of his methods, but he went along with it cause he needed the contracts for his sons.
I am not a fan of Akon. If you go back to the Akon thread where he did that aweful act on that girl in Trinidad, I was mad with him. I still am, I think throwing that boy into the crowd was stupid and I hope he gets sued, but I can separate that from what is now happening. I am prepared to give him a chance and see how he grows. I hope he learns from his experience.:flowers:
It's just a stupid thing to glofiry a criminal past and exaggerate it. And it's an assumption that Akon's record lable forced him in to it. His whole image is based off of his criminal past, down to his fake name. A Kon. I think based on that Akon wanted to glorify it himself. Every record of his has some sort of mention of it. And it's just a stupid thing to do that with. Again, there are plenty of acts that get contracts without having to push their street cred. Everyone knows that the music industry is harsh and not easy to break in to, but that doesn't make pushing a criminal record a cool thing to do. Because it's not. Celebrities have influence, and if they're careless with it, then that's wrong. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you have to also. Whether Akon has a rap sheet or not isn't the issue, it's that he feels the need to make that a prominent part of who he is. If he had to use that to get where he is, then he shouldn't be where he is to begin with.
It's just a stupid thing to glofiry a criminal past and exaggerate it. And it's an assumption that Akon's record lable forced him in to it. His whole image is based off of his criminal past, down to his fake name. A Kon. I think based on that Akon wanted to glorify it himself. Every record of his has some sort of mention of it. And it's just a stupid thing to do that with. Again, there are plenty of acts that get contracts without having to push their street cred. Everyone knows that the music industry is harsh and not easy to break in to, but that doesn't make pushing a criminal record a cool thing to do. Because it's not. Celebrities have influence, and if they're careless with it, then that's wrong. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you have to also. Whether Akon has a rap sheet or not isn't the issue, it's that he feels the need to make that a prominent part of who he is. If he had to use that to get where he is, then he shouldn't be where he is to begin with.
If societies morals were high, Akon wouldn't have felt the need to exaggerate his criminal credendentials. What Akon did is a testiment to what society has become, devoid of morals. Children get street creds now if they act up in schools and get teased if they do their home work. It is a sickness of society.

Akon did what he did to survive. it is a jungle out there. Blame society, blame the government, blame the parents, blame the churches, blame the media and powers that be that allow these things to happen. Blame the music industry and the system. Akon is just a product of that system.

If you put the blame where it lies, then yes, I would agree with you, that that shouldn't have happened, but it did, cause of what we have become.
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Sure, it's a reflection of society, but Akon isn't doing anyone any good by being a sheep in that system, which is what he is. Nothing will ever change as long as people are selfish in that manner. Akon is being detrimental towards todays youth by promoting that image, and he should take some responsibility.
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Sure, it's a reflection of society, but Akon isn't doing anyone any good by being a sheep in that system, which is what he is. Nothing will ever change as long as people are selfish in that manner. Akon is being detrimental towards todays youth by promoting that image, and he should take some responsibility.
That is why we Need Michael jackson back there and why AKON needs to wortk with MJ. They respect MJ too much and they will do what he says. I believe this is what James Brown wanted MJ to do and I believe that is MJ's mission to clean up the indistry. We need to support MJ in working with these guys . MJ is at a beautiful place cause he is right in the middle of the industry where he can effect change. I believe Akon can and will change with MJ's support. We don't change people by condemning them, we change them by example.
That's true. You're more optomistic then I am on that front. What I say has no consequence, Akon isn't going to see it. I don't mind Michael working with him, it's his choice, even though I don't think he belongs anywhere near the same studio. If Michael could help him find a better way to be, that would be great and I hope he does. Because right now, Akon is painfully unaware of himself and his own actions effect on others.
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That's true. You're more optomistic then I am on that front. What I say has no consequence, Akon isn't going to see it. I don't mind Michael working with him, it's his choice, even though I don't think he belongs anywhere near the same studio. If Michael could help him find a better way to be, that would be great and I hope he does. Because right now, Akon is painfully unaware of himself and his own actions effect on others.
I believe in Michael. I believe that the industry needs him badly. I believe he is working with them already. I believe that those thugs out there whose music he owns anyway, will listen to him. They will change their ways and we will all be dancing to good music again, including Akon's. MJ is calling them right now and he will insist that they clean up their acts. Yes, I am very excited about that.
What's the big deal about this, remember these:
"I did not have sex with that woman"
"Read my lips... no new taxes"
"I am not a crook"
Milli Vanilli
^There ISN'T a big deal. But i'd be the first to say that what all of those people did that u mentioned was quite bogus, and thats what i'm doing here. lol
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