Akon Lied About Criminal Past: The Smoking Gun

The guy is a flip-flopper. He called Michael (and Prince, I believe) "fruity" but as soon as Michael got in trouble, he's all supporting his innocence. :rolleyes: I call him something as an habitual flip-flopper.

And this isn't even about Michael...then again, they're "supposedly working on something" so he should be brought up. :lol:

On the real. He's not someone whose support I would take seriously, not when he said something along the lines of Michael's "sissified personality doing great harm to American's youth.". I guess if you aren't talking hate and being thugish, your a sissy. Michael used the NOI bodygaurds for the trial, that's all I know of and they were gone once Mez stepped in. I think that was just another case of people getting in Michael ear and convincing him of something being good for him. Farakhan hasn't been a freind to Michael and I think he was just using him for his own gain, trying to make him an example of how the white man is conspiring against the black man.
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Or was. :lol: He only used them for the trial for protection yet people were thinking he was anti-Semitic automatically like what?

And Dat, you rather believe in a lie about a crime? LOL He didn't hurt nobody but himself. It ain't like he was lying about his age (which he did), and that's perfectly alright, fine keep your age from everybody else. But don't lie about being convicted of doing something that's criminally illegal. :lol: You know what I'm saying? LOL
Why not, If it gets him his contract. Who is he hurting by this. Nobody was upset when they thought he had done the crime. Why get upset now you know he hadn't? I thought people would want to breathe a sigh of relief that he wasn't a criminal afterall, but no, people are throwing their hands up in the air in horror, because he isn't a crimnal:lol:
This reminds me off all those haters who wanted MJ to be convicted for inappropriate behaviour and how they were so disappointed when he was found not guilty. You would think they woud be happy, but they weren't.
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Or was. :lol: He only used them for the trial for protection yet people were thinking he was anti-Semitic automatically like what?
Well there were a lot of protests about They Don't Care About Us from Jewish groups. Even Steven Spielberg called Mike about it, after that on future pressings of the History album the offensive words were bleeped out. But I think Farrakhan is friendly with Mike now. He's changed a bit in his old age, lol.
Well that's just typical over-sensitivity coming from jewish groups. And I can say that because I'm jewish. Farakahn's support should be taken with a grain of salt.
Well there were a lot of protests about They Don't Care About Us from Jewish groups. Even Steven Spielberg called Mike about it, after that on future pressings of the History album the offensive words were bleeped out. But I think Farrakhan is friendly with Mike now. He's changed a bit in his old age, lol.

Well I think people get mellowed with age anyway and maybe he really had a talk with Mike, that I can believe which is why he's suddenly one of his friends now, lol. That I can understand. And yeah that whole controversy with Michael and "They Don't Care About Us" was crazy so I can see why they'd get pissed off, lol. :yes:
Anyway, ain't we talking about him:


"Unlocked Up"? :lol:
Well if people would have just looked at the context in which those lyrics were placed, they wouldn't have tripped, lol. Maybe Farakhan is freindly with Michael, though I doubt you can call them friends, and that's one friend Michael really doesn't need.
Let me go ahead and sing my song:

(In my best Akon voice):
"Well I guess y'all done find me out
I done lied about doing time
I hope I can still work with Mike
And that he wouldn't turn on me
Because I said I was a thug
But I'm nothing but a slug
So I got a girl a baby tot while I was supposedly in the rot
But I wasn't locked up
They just let me out
They just let me out
I said I wasn't locked up
They just let me out
Yeah, they just let me out..."

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Anyway, ain't we talking about him:


"Unlocked Up"? :lol:

it's cool how all his songs begin. i don't think i really noticed his signature intro until 'don't matter'. hearing that prison gate clang shut, and then hearing that ballad begin, sent chills through my spine. that's just the way it is..lol.
Let me go ahead and sing my song:

(In my best Akon voice):
"Well I guess y'all done find me out
I done lied about doing time
I hope I can still work with Mike
And that he wouldn't turn on me
Because I said I was a thug
But I'm nothing but a slug
So I got a girl a baby tot while I was supposedly in the rot
But I wasn't locked up
They just let me out
They just let me out
I said I wasn't locked up
They just let me out
Yeah, they just let me out..."


He's a dork.
it's cool how all his songs begin. i don't think i really noticed his signature intro until 'don't matter'. hearing that prison gate clang shut, and then hearing that ballad begin, sent chills through my spine. that's just the way it is..lol.

What you mean with the jail cell doors closing and him whispering "Convict"? :lol:
woooooooooooooooow....he's selling an image and as fans of the biggest IMAGE MAKER in the biz...i'd reckon y'all would get it. he's selling something, a persona, and when he's out of the public eye he's himself...

but then again, some mj fans think the dude actually sits in trees and dreams of rainbows and butterflies....yeesh
what akon did was wrong. Period lol

Akon is now looking stuuuuuuuuupppid cuz of it :lol:
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er..no sosodef. how is that a valid analogy for what has happened to akon...might be part of what Michael does ...but what evidence do you have to make such a blanket statement about how MJ fans have been fooled by MJs image. I mean aren't we the ones who saw adult porn mags etc in neverland (trial)..he may have written heal the world on top of the giving tree and it may just have been true.
1. What does MJ have to do with the thread? MJ can work with whoever he wants to work with. I mean, MJ maybe had no clue that Akon was a big time liar. he just judged him as a musician. Hopefully, that is not a lie either.

My second point: I really believed that Akon was in jail for three years for grand theft auto. It now all seems to be a lie. What I cannot understand is why lie on something like that? I mean, he is technically a felon, but he could have told people that he stayed in jail for a few months. To lie to the public is not right. There is not point of doing that.

As for some people saying it is the business - riiiight and I am a rapper. LOL. Look, a white lie, like Prince playing 27 instruments (I thought that was true) when he really played a few, MJ lying about his age, etc. is not that serious. I mean, it is not like Prince or MJ lost any credibility. Their music speaks for itself. Akon, on the other hand, can't really sing and his talent is there but not as good as other talented people. If he needed street cred to sells records, he could have told the truth and people would have taken it seriously. He should use his talents to sell his music. It is really sad that Akon had to lie to people in order to get street cred. It is pathetic.

Now, someone bought up a interesting point regarding Akon's false image and MJ's false image: two different things. Even though I did mentiuoned that this thread had nothing to do with MJ, I am just going to add Mike in this:

Mike had to fake an image for the sake of being different. I guess he did not want to be like every other R&B/pop singer that sang about love, women, life and the struggle. So, the image came to creation and it work. It seemed like everyone (including me) fell for it. Now, it depends on you if you started to think that maybe MJ's image was more of a pipe dream than the real thing. (One day, I am going to make a thread about this. None of you better not take my idea. LOL.) However, how MJ did it was like this - Mike truly believe in healing the world so he sang about that. I do not see how MJ fake that part up. MJ wanted people to focus on the MUSIC and not his PERSONAL LIFE. That is why the image was created. It was genius and it put money in the bank. With Akon, this guy had the whole world (anyone who cared) thinking that he did the crime, spent three years in jail and decided to sing about his struggle in his music. The issue is that he wanted people to focus on the MUSIC and the PERSONA. He knows that no one would ever think that he would have to lie about his days being in jail and that people would focus on the glolification (sp) of his criminal image and that the fact that he is basically a liar. Also, let me add that not ALL fans still believe in that image that MJ was rocking years ago.

BTW, can anyone answer this for me - we all know that Akon is like 37 years old. (Even though, to me, he looks like he is 21 years old! LOL. He just look youngt o me for some reason.) How many children does he have? I saw a recent picture of him at the KCA (Kids Choice Awards) a few weeks ago and I saw him with all of these children. I was like, "wtf?" LOL. And I heard he is married or have multiple wives. WTF is up with that stuff? Just curious.
er..no sosodef. how is that a valid analogy for what has happened to akon...might be part of what Michael does ...but what evidence do you have to make such a blanket statement about how MJ fans have been fooled by MJs image. I mean aren't we the ones who saw adult porn mags etc in neverland (trial)..he may have written heal the world on top of the giving tree and it may just have been true.

Right, it's not like MJ was keeping deep dark secrets from us. Peeps act like the whole world goes around reading porn magazines on buses or something :lol: If MJ gets violent sometimes would not mean that it's IMPOSSIBLE for him to genuinely want world peace or something :lol:

But i guarantee that MJ wasn't doin something like drug dealin while he was doing the Dancin' Machine thang back in the 70's :lol:

I'm sorry i'm taking this off topic. But yeah, MJ being child-like and peaceful is more likely to be real than not. Cuz that one part of his personality has caused him so much strife for it NOT to be true.

People are not 2d. MJ totally ain't a saint, but he's not an alcoholic, drug dealin, pimp either :lol: That's how people act like when people say that MJ has made up the 'image' of being childlike, kind, and generous. Geeeez.
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I don't have a problem with Akon having an image. I just think the image he's trying to portray is lame and it's destructive to kids who may look up to him. I don't understand wanting to create an image of being a convict as though that's a good thing. It just shows what's wrong with the world. Oh well. Meanwhile, Michael gets lambasted for portraying a peace loving, good willed image to the world, which is a part of who he is, it may not be all of who he is but it is a part, just like Akon's thug image is a part of who he is. That's just not something one should glorify. I see nothing wrong with Michael glorifying the child-like part of who he is. At least he's responsible with his fame.
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Right, it's not like MJ was keeping deep dark secrets from us. Peeps act like the whole world goes around reading porn magazines on buses or something :lol: If MJ gets violent sometimes would not mean that it's IMPOSSIBLE for him to genuinely want world peace or something :lol:

But i guarantee that MJ wasn't doin something like drug dealin while he was doing the Dancin' Machine thang back in the 70's :lol:

I'm sorry i'm taking this off topic. But yeah, MJ being child-like and peaceful is more likely to be real than not. Cuz that one part of his personality has caused him so much strife for it NOT to be true.

People are not 2d. MJ totally ain't a saint, but he's not an alcoholic, drug dealin, pimp either :lol: That's how people act like when people say that MJ has made up the 'image' of being childlike, kind, and generous. Geeeez.
Exactly. LOL
No, I was just saying what I know, and as far as I know Chris Tucker stood up in MJ's favor during the trial, possibly harming his career as far as image is concerned, so it shows that he respects mike and is a good friend, and he has no criminal past as far as I know of apart from being taken over on the road for speeding which ain't htat serious as far as I am concerned.
Some people are so judgemental that I swear to God Jesus would have some very strong words for them if they were living in his time. I can see them with the stones in their hands getting ready to stone that prostitute that Jesus protected. I can see them ready to condemn Jesus, even for daring to dine with sinners. Yes, I can hear the languge Jesus would have used for them.
Back where I come from, we have a word for this type of people. We call them 'HOLY RIGHTEOUS'.
No pop-star is bigger than the music industry who hired them. If the music industry did not want Akon to behave the way he did, they would have told him so.

I would like to know which one of you, born in the ghetto, facing a life of poverty or living on the streets or doing menial jobs, would turn down an opportunity to be somebody or make some money show-casing your talent, would say no because the music industry want you to exaggerate something about yourself for pr purposes.

People need to stop the judging. We are not Akon and we were not in his shoes and we don't have to go face his maker when this is done. When we point one finger at Akon, remember there is one pointing back at us.

. The only people Jesus ever got angry with were Hypocrites, not the the liers or the thieves, but the hypocrites. i would rather be a lier than a hypocrite.
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It always amazes me how any Michael Jackson fans are quick to judge and mock other celebrity when they are facing issues yet we get upset when the haters do exactly the same to Michael. Where is the dignity in that.
what he did was wrong? puhleaaaaaaaaaaase.....like loose change didn't build an image off of being shot nine times and refusing to die.

and mj didn't HAVE to create an image and he didn't do it b/c he was different....what does HE have to do with THIS thread...hmmmmm.....well since people think it's so absurd for him to be working w/ a'kon' i figured it'd make sense to bring up that mj has the biggest image in thebiz....

or did the stuff mentioned duringthe unmentionable 5 1/2 month long event that caused fans to go into sporadic stroke/freak out modes not suprise a majority of people?

i'll just moonwalk out of this thread and listen to 'i am not my hair' and giggle....

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